Anyone else think others listening to loud music is rude!?

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15 Nov 2009, 11:05 am

I mean, when they insist on listening to it so it reverberates throughout the house, without anyone else's consent. here i am trying to watch a movie, and my stupid mom is listening to it so i cant concentrate because its booming. i never do that to anyone. i listen to my music quietly, and if someone wants it off, i turn it off. it's only acceptable if like, everyone wants to listen to it loudly.


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15 Nov 2009, 11:07 am

Yes, she needs some headphones.

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Sea Gull
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15 Nov 2009, 11:48 am

Yeh loud music really annoys me when I'm trying to concentrate on something. I think alot of people can ignore it but I can't, I give the music as much attention as what I'm trying to concentrate on which can't be helped.



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15 Nov 2009, 11:54 am

Yeah, especially hate it when at a stoplight and some dumbass can be heard approaching with that bass-heavy music (typically rap) that makes ones ears bleed. I need to get one of those bumper stickers that says, "If i wanted to listen to the CRAP coming from your car, I'd be sitting in there with you!" On the up side, if you become a doctor of audiology, you're going to make a killing on the 80s and 90s generation kids. :lol:

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15 Nov 2009, 12:12 pm

Yes, i do. As a matter of fact, my brother's room use to be next to mine and i'd complain all the time to my mom about the music being so loud i couldn't hear tv. She never did do anything about it. Until i moved out. She made my room into her office and guess what? Loud music!

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15 Nov 2009, 12:14 pm

Yes I do think it's rude, particularly if the music is not your taste, you are trying to do something quietly or you are just not in the mood. I hate it when I get on the bus and there is someone, usually a teenager, playing their MP3's or iPhones on full blast so you have to listen to their crappy music. I just find that to be really inconsiderate.

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15 Nov 2009, 12:41 pm

Yes. I don't mind hearing loud music much (I mean, it'd have to be something exceptionally bad to annoy me) but it is certainly rude to play music over-loud when there are other people around.

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15 Nov 2009, 12:44 pm

I find it particularily annoying when people listen to music on their cell phones on full blast in public places. That's why headphones were invented, people.


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15 Nov 2009, 12:56 pm

My sister used to do that, when the two of us were still living at home. It got on my nerves. I also hate it when kids listen to rap in their cars, full blast. I'm too much into the past century to deal with that nonsense.

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15 Nov 2009, 1:12 pm

I think other people don't realise that the music is too loud, it's normal for them. It was the same with me, when I still lived with my parents. Everyone from my family listened to the music and TV too loud, but they told me, it's normal, and if they would turn it down, they wouldn't hear anything, and the problem is with me not with them. Maybe that's the point - we are more sensible. I always thought it was rude from them, but since I know why I hear so sharp, I try to keep in mind that other people are not like me. Maybe you can ask your mom to turn it down and explain her what you feel?


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15 Nov 2009, 1:13 pm

Never had that problem, but to each their own.

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15 Nov 2009, 1:27 pm

I live alone so I don't have to put up with it anymore, but my brother was an obsessive electric guitar player and tended to play music very loudly. I also lived in a university hall of residence and the YMCA. When you stay in places like that, you have to expect a certain amount of loud music.


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15 Nov 2009, 1:45 pm

Yeah I believe that when they do that its obnoxious especially when I go driving and they have their bass up to high.

Man it pisses me off!

15 Nov 2009, 6:20 pm

I find it so obnoxious people play their music loud. I heard it's illegal to play the music really loud in your car and if it can be heard a certain feet away, you can get a ticket for it. That's the way it is here in Oregon.
I never understood how can teens do that or young people. That bass bothers me and sometimes it's a torture. But thank god I am not dealing with it long because they drive away.
I have to deal with a neighbor who plays his music loud and I do good ignoring it. Thank god he doesn't play it loud all the time. He never answers his door when I knock on it. Either he is ignoring it or he can't hear it.


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15 Nov 2009, 6:44 pm

Spazzergasm wrote:
I mean, when they insist on listening to it so it reverberates throughout the house, without anyone else's consent. here i am trying to watch a movie, and my stupid mom is listening to it so i cant concentrate because its booming. i never do that to anyone. i listen to my music quietly, and if someone wants it off, i turn it off. it's only acceptable if like, everyone wants to listen to it loudly.

Oh, goodness yes!! When I was in the Air Force, many years ago, I lived in the dorms. That was a time when the bigger your speakers were, the manlier you were. (I'm female, but most of the building was male.) People would turn up their music so it could be heard all down the hallway. Then someone else would turn up their own music to drown out the first one. If you complained about it, even nicely, people would just say, "Well why don't you just turn up your own music?" Or they'd say, "Why are you complaining? It's only eight o'clock. You don't work grave yard shift do you? So shut up."

One year while I was there, my next door neighbor, who shared an adjoining bathroom with me, would get home from work every day, play a Whitney Houston song over and over really loud. She would sing along:

"Let the children's laaaaaaaauuuugggghhhttteer......remind us how we uuuuuuuusssseedd to beeee!! !! !"

I very nicely asked her to turn it down, and all of her friends kind of ganged up on me, "What? You don't like Whitney Houston!? How can you not like Whitney Houston?"


Ugh! So loud, all the time. 8O


Later, I moved to another base, where the dormitory walls were made of drywall/plaster/whatever instead of cinderblock. Someone was playing his music so loud that he couldn't hear me banging on the door, so I kicked the wall as hard as I could with my heal, hoping it would make a sound that he could hear. My foot went straight into the wall. He still couldn't hear me. :roll:


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15 Nov 2009, 8:59 pm

he still couldn't hear u break a hole in his wall??

I do think playing your music mega loud is rude.
like when u are on the train and someone with an ipod next to you has their Ipod on so loud the whole carriage can hear it.
They are going to cause hearing loss to themselves doing that.

From what I have noticed it is not just teens that play music loud, I have seen people in their 40's doing it,
people in their 20's-30's driving cars with music blaring out of it.