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Your memories are from
a bird's eye perspective. 39%  39%  [ 9 ]
an experiencial perspective. 61%  61%  [ 14 ]
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02 Jun 2013, 4:15 pm

Remember something. For example, walking down the street. Do you remember it as you experienced it? Do you visualize the trees moving past? The wind in your face or the feel of your pants on your legs? Or do you visualize the memory from a bird's eye perspective, like you are looking down from the sky.
Perhaps aspies remember past events from a bird's eye perspective?. I do!

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02 Jun 2013, 5:01 pm



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02 Jun 2013, 5:08 pm

Most of my memories have both third-person and first-person at same time, third person in left field of view of mind's eye, first-person in right. Third-person can be from any perspective. My favorite one is surveillance camera's eye view. The right side shows the tiny details, and the left side is more big picture. My mind's eye is like this when I am recalling a memory or visualizing things. While driving, I keep track of the road with my right side, and the left side thinks in pictures in my head. It's hard to switch the two and impossible to sustain the switch for more than a few seconds.

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02 Jun 2013, 5:11 pm

I didn't vote because it's a bit of both, actually. I normally see things experientally but not necessarily super vivid like picturing the wind through my hair. But I'd say I have a predominantly experiential memory. However I have a few memories, such as a date with a guy I liked and kissing another guy (on different occasions of course), and hanging out in my first year residence, where it sometimes comes to mind from an outsiders perspective, not "from above" like a bird's eye but my mental image is kind of like if I was on TV and seeing me from an outsider's perspective at different "angles" etc.


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02 Jun 2013, 5:47 pm

sometimes lying in bed at night, remembering my favorite places, it's almost like I'm flying :D


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02 Jun 2013, 6:25 pm

I can't figure out which one is more predominate for me. I know they both happen but I've been trying to figure out which is the norm or if there is a pattern. First I thought it depends on whether or not the memory actually happened and how long ago it was. I have a false memory from over a decade ago that is in third person. All my recent memories are in first person. Then I realized I have another false memory from a long time ago which is in first person so I guess my first thought was wrong. I can't find a pattern in them. I think first person memories are more common for me though.


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02 Jun 2013, 6:32 pm

btbnnyr wrote:
Most of my memories have both third-person and first-person at same time, third person in left field of view of mind's eye, first-person in right. Third-person can be from any perspective. My favorite one is surveillance camera's eye view. The right side shows the tiny details, and the left side is more big picture. My mind's eye is like this when I am recalling a memory or visualizing things. While driving, I keep track of the road with my right side, and the left side thinks in pictures in my head. It's hard to switch the two and impossible to sustain the switch for more than a few seconds.
Yes, this. I'm glad somebody else replied "I see it both ways", because it kind of confused me at first trying to figure out which way I see things. I think I remember things in three dimensions and can just switch to whichever perspective I want. The experiential perspective has a time axis; the bird's-eye one tends to be a static image with all of the event's duration visible "at once", kind of like a map with a path on it, but with more than just visual data in it. Though, it's technically not bird's eye, as I don't see it from above; I don't really have a perspective on it... it just feels like an object or a shape with my position marked on/in it.

That probably made no sense, but whatever! :lol:

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02 Jun 2013, 6:46 pm

wittgenstein wrote:
Remember something. For example, walking down the street. Do you remember it as you experienced it? Do you visualize the trees moving past? The wind in your face or the feel of your pants on your legs? Or do you visualize the memory from a bird's eye perspective, like you are looking down from the sky.
Perhaps aspies remember past events from a bird's eye perspective?. I do!

When you are looking down, can you see the urine trails from mice glinting in the sun?


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02 Jun 2013, 7:20 pm

If I am recalling something I did, a memory it is experiential, I re-see it as I first saw it.
If I am planning out something and using recalled memories (such as a driving route) it is a third person bird's eye perspective.

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02 Jun 2013, 8:52 pm

I remember everything in the third person although not from above . It is as though I am watching things from the left of where I am in the memory .

Also I always dream in the third person .


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02 Jun 2013, 10:29 pm

Usually a birds eye perspective for me unless I'm actually visualizing doing something.

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03 Jun 2013, 8:59 am

I usually remember memories as someone else watching myself, but then that makes me think about how I'm constructing half of the memory if I'm viewing myself. Whenever I do think that I make myself switch into viewing my memory from my perspective.

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03 Jun 2013, 9:29 am

I voted 'bird eye', but it's more like my memory are a third-person video game. My vantage point is behind my own shoulder.

In rare cases I will have experiential memory, but it tends to be a lot more fragmented.

I have one memory that is truly 'bird's eye view', but I was dissociating at the time. (The one and only abuse memory that I haven't fully repressed.)


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03 Jun 2013, 9:47 am

Experiential memory.

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