Has anyone here ever changed how they think? Or seemed to?

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17 Dec 2012, 4:20 pm

What I mean is: I have noticed that my way of thinking has seemed to change quite a bit- though maybe it's only my perception of myself?
I think more in pictures or movies than before, and it's getting harder (even painful!) to think verbally! I just wondered if anyone else here has experienced anything similar to this happening to them? :?

An Asperger's man who has Autism Spectrum Disorder level 1- mild, with a sprinkling of Synesthesia. :-)


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17 Dec 2012, 4:54 pm

I'm really great at interpreting numbers--it took decades before I realized why folks had to graph numbers to make sense of them!

I think I'm better at switching modes of thinking, now that I know more.


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17 Dec 2012, 4:58 pm

I find I am starting to think in terms of feelings at points. Or in other words, I am finding that I am starting to learn how to ignore my thoughts and understand my feelings. It's difficult. Sometimes the feelings are too intense and out of control.

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17 Dec 2012, 4:59 pm

I think in pictures - if a person asked me to build this or that my head turns downward and to the right and within seconds a picture forms and all I have to do is bring it in to a matter form. I work with mental pictures a lot knowing that a single picture "worth a thousand words" can help me in lots of ways. If the picture sinks deep down it changes your understanding of the thing. I can't understand things in words much and knowing that I look a picture that represents what the words are trying to say then I understand it clearly. or more clearly anyway


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19 Dec 2012, 5:54 am

yes....that is why i started doing drugs...to change how i think....

i often regret it....i probably would have posessed savant possibilities but now it's a very muddled picture thanks to the constant drug useage.

but i suppose there are other ways...i was young....didn't think about what i was doing....now just a lifestyle that comes and goes.


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19 Dec 2012, 10:40 am

I used to believe in my own irrational thoughts. Like I used to get angry when people said that people at 16 were adults. I was like ''no, you're not an adult 'til you're 18, and even then you've still got a bit more maturing to do.'' Now I don't care what people call people of 16 or 17 or 18 or whatever. Sometimes people don't always mean what they say (another thing I have also learnt). Some people call 18-year-olds or even 21-year-olds kids, but they don't mean kids as in dependant children. They just mean youngsters what are either acting like kids or are just so young that they seem like kids to people much older than them. Sometimes meanings of words can depend on the context. There is not always a logically precise meaning for everything.

Anyway, that's how I look at things now, but I didn't used to when I was younger.



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19 Dec 2012, 2:12 pm

ALL. THE. TIME. Every few years I have found that I'm a different person. New rules, new ways of letting things go, of setting goals, of emotional guideposts. I've been a ritalin zombie, a drunk, a free-thinker, a right wing conformist and a left-wing liberal. I've known poverty and plush, partied with wealthy and drunk with the homeless. Lived sober seven years now, married a BORING family and gone from spontaneity to rigid routine. I'm so good at reprogramming myself I should probably write a manual.

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19 Dec 2012, 2:49 pm

As a matter of habit, I have to change my thought state. I approach things from an almost totally robotic like analytic logical nature. Anything that I can apply logic to, no matter what it is, I do out of pure habit. What gets lost here is when irrational things are not necessarily logical, nor have that lean. Then my thought view must be changed to process it correctly.

The probably here is that rather than being objective, it forces me to be subjective to the point in case. Then most times I can see whatever it is thats at the point of the issue.

How I REACT to it , now thats a different story entirely. :)

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19 Dec 2012, 3:46 pm

When this happens, it is a sign for me to do more math. Math problems work for me to turn the verbalizer back on. Reading more science also seems to work.


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19 Dec 2012, 4:41 pm

I used to think in pictures and I could visualize things so easily. As I've grown older it's become harder and harder to hold pictures in my head. Now I'm more of a verbal thinker.

I used to think in a more simplified and irrational way. After reading something I wrote in grade 9 I felt some embarrassment even though nobody else was reading it. I wrote to myself that the rich kids were going to get all the University spots. I told myself the system is rigged and I needed to be perfect to compete with the rich kids that had unfair advantages.

I was an oversimplified religious fanatic. I was always wondering when the apocolypse would occur and I always thought that it could be tomorrow. I was so absorbed by ideas about the anti-christ, the rapture, the final battle, and other things. I was obsessed but I was also a goodie two shoes.

Now I'm not a goodie two shoes. I've adopted a bit of an anarchist philosophy and I am not the hardcore Christian I was. I realize how rigid my religous thinking was and I'm starting to think in other ways. Now I'm more open to things that I used to consider taboo. I would seriously consider practicing a form of satanism when before I would've been too afraid and uncomfortable.

I am a lot less rigid, fanatical, and oversimplified than I used to be. I'm a lot more grounded and realistic. My thinking has changed. I'm not a visual thinker anymore. I'm more verbal. My own values and philosophies have also changed dramatically. It's like I've done a complete 180 in the past year and a half.

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19 Dec 2012, 4:51 pm

Over the years as I've gotten older I've defintly have eased up on my routines, Being late to anything or have someone be late for like an appointment still irks the hell out of me but I'm shure soon that will also pass.
My obsessions really have changed all too much and the same 3,4,5 different things have my attention at anyone time


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19 Dec 2012, 11:30 pm

I used to be very spiritual as a teenager. I am now very analytical.

Living with one neurodevelopmental disability which has earned me a few diagnosis'


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24 Dec 2012, 1:26 am

:D I definitely got several interesting replies! Maybe as you grow older, your thinking really can "change to another gear", so to speak.

Thanks for all your replies. As I said "interesting!".

An Asperger's man who has Autism Spectrum Disorder level 1- mild, with a sprinkling of Synesthesia. :-)