Considered acceptable to target those with Asperger's/Autism

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10 Aug 2012, 3:03 am

Does anybody else get the impression that many base people find it perfectly acceptable to mock, ridicule and exacerbate those with ASD? From the ridiculously high rate of being a target of bullying (do you believe this is done mostly due to knowing one has ASD, or just because they are easier targets in general?) to media like South Park mocking Asperger's? I recently had a run in with a douchebag who, while ganging up on me with two other morons that typically cause problems, accused me of having autistic meltdowns...while engaging in typical behavior to cause them in the first place. Is it just me jumping to conclusions, or does it seem like, out of all the abnormal states/disorders etc. that ASD is by far the least tolerated/protected? Is a possible cause of it the inability of NTs to cope with the fact that we do not allow shallow emotions to govern our entire behavior, and our tendency towards high intelligence, and simple envy? Or is it really as simple as some people being worthless jackals and unscrupulously seeking out those they perceive to be the socially weak?


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10 Aug 2012, 3:14 am

We are easy targets for the world's sociopaths, but we're not the only ones in that group. There are an awful lot of reasons why somebody might be targeted by a bully, and ASDs are only one of many. If you're fat, if you're poor, if you seem nerdy; if you're anything but straight, if you're even slightly crazy or eccentric--you might as well paint a target on your back. Seeming intelligent can do it; so can seeming unintelligent.

I don't think they pick on us for any particular reason. I don't think they consciously think over it; I don't think they're following something they saw on TV. I think they're just out there looking for targets, and we happen to look like people they could get away with abusing.

They'll take any excuse, really. If they couldn't find an Aspie, they'd pick on the fat kid; if they couldn't find a fat kid, they'd pick on some random normal-sized kid because he has acne; if everybody had clear skin, they'd pick on somebody because they heard he once wet the bed when he was seven. When they can't find obvious victims, these people will just create their own.

An Aspie who gets bullied isn't to blame for anything more than existing in the same space as a bully who happens to glance his way. It's the bully who decides to do what he does, and it's the bully who is responsible for it. There's no "why" other than "This person is a reprehensible individual who is behaving in a dickish fashion to people who don't remotely deserve it."

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10 Aug 2012, 3:21 am

Everybody wants power. But not everybody is brave enough to challenge mighty opponents to acquire power. So they take the easier route: pick on those who are too powerless to react. It is all about power.


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10 Aug 2012, 3:22 am

I live on a commune, an "intentional community." Supposedly, here, "diversity" is "celebrated." Contradiction. The diversity is intentional. So it's civic eugenics.

Other than me, and I had a difficult time getting in, the few Aspie applicants for membership have been rejected. And ridiculed in less than new age language.

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10 Aug 2012, 4:16 am

Yes. We are considered ret*ds, and it's okay to bully ret*ds. After all they are ret*d.


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10 Aug 2012, 6:24 am

We think in a different way and probably its uncomfortable for them. It doesn't fit in with their way of thinking and therefore we should be bullied. People are jerks......

Blue Jay
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10 Aug 2012, 6:47 am

nrau wrote:
Yes. We are considered ret*ds, and it's okay to bully ret*ds. After all they are ret*d.

That's actually part of my issue. I don't think it's considered acceptable in any walk of life to even poke fun at somebody who is legitimately ret*d. Yet it's perfectly A-ok to have open season on ASD.

Snowy Owl
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10 Aug 2012, 7:32 am

I really don't think that the general population undstands Asperger's Syndrome.


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10 Aug 2012, 7:59 am

South Park mocks everything. No need to feel special there.

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10 Aug 2012, 8:19 am

Ganondox wrote:
South Park mocks everything. No need to feel special there.

Don't forget 4chan


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10 Aug 2012, 9:24 am

Humans evolved from monkeys, which are a pack animal. Pack animals have a biological drive to obstetrics the animals who don't conform to the pack behavior because it threatens the cohesion and survival of the pack.


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10 Aug 2012, 1:32 pm

We're weird, they don't understand us, we seem a bit insane, therefore we're threatening. Really to be expected, and how many of us are frightened of NTs because we can't understand them, and how many sometimes let that fear trigger them to lash out preemptively? Coming from the majority, probably some kind of instinct to get the unpredictable and possibly sick individual out of the herd (whether or not it's actually sick or dangerous).


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10 Aug 2012, 1:38 pm

I've noticed it's socially unacceptable to mock people who are obviously disabled but it's perfectly socially acceptable to mock people who have invisible disabilities and appear normal.

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10 Aug 2012, 1:40 pm

The South Park episode doesn't worry me. South Park kind of make fun about everything; they make fun of celebrities, cultures, religeon, old people, and lots of other different things. But it's people's behaviour towards me is what upsets me. Most people don't even know I have anything wrong but they still think it's right to make me feel uncomfortable, probably because they know I'm shy or stupid.

Also people don't seem to care about hurting my feelings. Like once when I phoned up a friend (when I was about 15), and because it was only a friendship when SHE wanted it to be (story of my life), I heard her mutter, ''ohh, what's she want?!'' quite loudly near the phone as though she had no consideration to how I feel.

It like people are allowed to break social rules with Aspies, but Aspies aren't allowed to break any social rules to anybody of any kind (check my thread I made a few months ago. NTs always win against me).



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10 Aug 2012, 2:59 pm

benr3600 wrote:
nrau wrote:
Yes. We are considered ret*ds, and it's okay to bully ret*ds. After all they are ret*d.

That's actually part of my issue. I don't think it's considered acceptable in any walk of life to even poke fun at somebody who is legitimately ret*d. Yet it's perfectly A-ok to have open season on ASD.
Of course it isn't. But they do it anyway. Or, just as bad, they baby-talk to them and treat them like they're about three years old just because they have an intellectual disability. People don't seem to understand how much it hurts to be patronized like that. It's like they think, "Oh, I'm a wonderful person for talking to this ret*d guy at all!" And you can just smell the hypocrisy a mile away. If they'd just forget about the person's disability, talk to them like regular, and explain things if they needed it, there wouldn't be a problem.

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10 Aug 2012, 5:14 pm

I agree i think it is because we are easy targets and seem weak to them and people are just mean. :(