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11 Jan 2007, 11:35 pm

I was not attached to my parents, but I was over-attached to my paternal grandmother (being attached is a good thing, though, remember). My son is way, way over-attached to me. He doesn't want to be away from me for even a couple hours.


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11 Jan 2007, 11:39 pm

Given how my parents react to my behavior, I could never be attached to them at all.

I'm home.


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11 Jan 2007, 11:41 pm

I am overly attached to my mother and grandmother... Never really had a father figure to get attached to. :\


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11 Jan 2007, 11:57 pm

MAN am I lucky, emotionally, that my brain works as it does now. It used to be like everything was DEAD CENTER STAGE all the time! Everything I knew was just THERE. NOW it is like that part of my brain just shrunk, and everything is archived.

Like when I landed in europe and I struggled with the local language for a few minutes and then started talking almost like a native. It is kind of wierd, but I have heard others explain the same sort of thing.

Heck, a person could ask me a question about something that happened last week, and I have NO idea what they are talking about, yet a few seconds later I can talk about it like it just happened and in remarkable detail.

This worked well with my parents because I didn't always view them within the context of the entire relationship. Unfortunately, my father and step mother acted in such a way recently that I can't ever have sympathy, etc... for them ever again. My mother may end up doing the same.

So I am glad I have no such attachments. Emotionally or financially.



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12 Jan 2007, 12:45 am

Ganurath wrote:
Given how my parents react to my behavior, I could never be attached to them at all.

I'm going to agree with you. Since I was treated like the pariah of the family for most of my life, my attachment is based mainly on history (living with these people all my life), rather than the warm family feelings you're "supposed" to have.


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12 Jan 2007, 1:01 am

That's one of the reasons that I've moved out, because they're not always going to be there, and I'm against Group Homes. There are no tears involved on my part. It's just that my Cockney Spirit is so strong, that I thrive on more human contact than even most NTs. It can be a real pain, sometimes, but I'm dealing with that.


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12 Jan 2007, 3:04 am

Yes, if not for them I'd probably be pretty screwed by now. Right now I'm fully dependent upon them, and haven't really learned much as far as life responsiblities go. There's no way I could be out on my own at this point. I hope that I will eventually become independent though, and be able to feel secure. I think I'd still feel mostly attatched to my parents even if I manage independence.

I feel mostly emotionally close to my mom. I don't know what I'd do without her. She's the only one who really understands me. I can't bear to think of what would happen if she was no longer around. I see feeling attatched to her as a good thing though. She's been good to me and I'm grateful of that because I know things could be worse.

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12 Jan 2007, 4:11 am

No, not attached. Dependent though, somewhat. I tell them that when I am financially independant I'll move far away from them, only I'm not so sure they know I am not joking.
I don't even like my parents. She is overly social and my dad an ass.


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12 Jan 2007, 4:48 am


was glad to move out for college. tehy weren't. heh. I don't care.

though I do miss home. good food, my own room, mother who does laundry. and food. did i mention food? and a nearby theater.

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12 Jan 2007, 5:39 am

I am close to my mother and grandmother. Don't know if I would call it overattachment but my relationship with them is alot better than pretty much anyone else in my life. My dad has always been there and I love him but he's just not, don't know how to say this, a personable guy?


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12 Jan 2007, 6:24 am

It's less that i am overly attached, more that i am dependent, there are things i would be unable to do without my mother, like going to the doctor. It's not that i am unable to survive without my mother, if i had to i would probably manage, it's just that some things are such a struggle and are done so badly they weren't worth doing.

If there is anyone i am over attached to, it is the cat and dog. When we went on holiday the cat was left with my Grandparents, before we had returned from the holiday i asked my mother, repeatedly on everyday till we collected her, when we were going to get the cat that as soon as i started speaking she would walk away as she was sick of answering the same question.


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12 Jan 2007, 10:18 am

They tried to tell me I was over-attached to my parents, but I didn't feel my attachment was unhealthy. Their ideas were based on the fact that I cared what my family thought of me and didn't want to disgrace them in any way. Plus, my opinion was that I was in college to study, not to drink, get stupid and flunk out.


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12 Jan 2007, 12:18 pm

You sound EXACTLY like me.

Maybe it's because I'm an only child and my mum is a lone parent, but I am incredibly attatched to her. It's good in a way, we have a very solid relationship and I can go to her about anything, but, on the other hand, I'm 18 and need to start learning how to be independant and I can't! I would cry if I had to stay away from her over night, or didn't see her for a few days too.

I'm worried how this is oging to affect my life. How am I supposed to find my own place if I can't even sleep over at someone's house without crying for her (luckily, I got to college and will go to university in my own city, so I can come home every night).

What worries me more is that i'm completely dependant on her but she's a very heavy smoker. She's 53 and is already on 3 tablets just to keep her blood pressure stable. She smokes over 60 cigarettes a day and just will not quit no matter what I do. I cry I beg, I support her, I yell, I've tried everything. She won't quit! I can't sleep at night because I worry about it. If she dies I honestly don't think I could survive alone, as pathetic as this all sounds.


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12 Jan 2007, 12:21 pm

I am definitely not over-attached to my parents. When I was younger I used to be somewhat attached, but now not at all.


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12 Jan 2007, 2:04 pm



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12 Jan 2007, 8:40 pm

yes what?