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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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26 Dec 2006, 4:50 pm

not partially, legally, or needs hearing aids, i mean straight up silence....

Pileated woodpecker
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26 Dec 2006, 9:34 pm



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26 Dec 2006, 10:03 pm

Only partially.


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26 Dec 2006, 10:09 pm

I would think it would be VERY hard to diagnose a person as having AS if they are deaf. The deafness WOULD slow down language acquisition, and other things.

Of course, there isn't any reason why anyone else couldn't be deaf, etc...

Why are you asking? Oh yeah, I can't hear anything right now except for the fan on my computer, my typing, maybe a little tinnitis and, if I listen REAL hard, the little head slidding on the hard diskdrive. I can't hear you, or anyone else typing. 8-(



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27 Dec 2006, 12:52 am

Don't really think deaf come's into As " As they is a load of variables that course deafness - not bumped into anyone who I think you mean as not able to hear at all no matter what option's you go down? Do you also mean people that can not talk either?

Would not put it past someone been like this having As - probably not been researched much...

not partially, legally, or needs hearing aids, i mean straight up silence....

This is confusing me like as what is left if not partially, legally or need's hearing aids, I mean straight up Silence so only thing I can think of is

Deaf and also can't speak but with help you can...

Q: What is the prevalence (commonness) of hearing loss in children?

Hearing loss occurs in approximately 12,000 children each year (3 of every 1,000). According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), about 28 million people in the U.S. have some degree of reduced hearing sensitivity.


Q: What are some medical conditions that are linked to the chance of hearing loss in infants and young children?

Approximately 3 in 1,000 babies are born with some degree of hearing loss. The cause of hearing loss can be broken down into the following categories:


Genetic cause – 33% of children with hearing loss

Non-genetic cause – 33% of children with hearing loss

Unknown cause – 33% of children with hearing loss (probably half of these are genetic and half are non-genetic)

Genetic cause has to do with the baby’s genes. Genes are in the cells of a person’s body and contain instructions that tell the cells of the person’s body how to grow and work. For example, the instructions in genes control what color a person’s eyes will be and how tall a person will be. There is more than one way that genes can cause hearing loss. In fact, scientists know that there may be as many as 400 different genetic causes of hearing loss.



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27 Dec 2006, 6:09 am


Partially means they have less than normal hearing.

Legally means their hearing loss is enough to be considered deaf under he law. They can possibly be legally deaf and not deaf at all. Most people it seems, for example, are legally blind without correction.

Needing a hearing aid may indicate total deafness, but they can still get by with a hearing aid. A Cochlear implant is perhaps the most extreme example.

Straight up means FULLY deaf and either not having, or being able to use a hearing aid.



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27 Dec 2006, 12:01 pm

You guys are missing the point that a person could have AS and then later go deaf. Some people do go totally deaf sometime after birth so its not impossible. There are some medications that have rendered people deaf as can several illnesses and probably head injuries as well.

If a person is deaf hearing aids won't help them. If they don't have working nerve cells the aids offer no help. Also the longer one goes unaided the less likely the HAs will help them because the brain can "forget" what certain sounds mean.

For the record I have hearing aids, but can hear some things without the HAs. I often leave the HAs out to get some peace in hectic places.


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27 Dec 2006, 12:22 pm

Ticker wrote:
You guys are missing the point that a person could have AS and then later go deaf. Some people do go totally deaf sometime after birth so its not impossible. There are some medications that have rendered people deaf as can several illnesses and probably head injuries as well.

If a person is deaf hearing aids won't help them. If they don't have working nerve cells the aids offer no help. Also the longer one goes unaided the less likely the HAs will help them because the brain can "forget" what certain sounds mean.

For the record I have hearing aids, but can hear some things without the HAs. I often leave the HAs out to get some peace in hectic places.

That point wasn't lost on me. It just didn't seem relevant. After all, if you lost it past 2, and thus could get a good reasonable assessment of AS, it was probably due to something other than AS or a comorbid. So what would be the point of the question. There are LOTS of ways to lose hearing. Loud noise, infection, alopecia, nerve/brain disorders, fluid disorders. pressure related damage, damage by foriegn objects can ALL cause profound or total deafness.

BTW I AM sorry to hear about your problem, but at least it happened AFTER you acquired the basics, and it sounds like the HAs are helping. That's nice. And HEY, I wish I had a volume control sometimes. 8-( Many are not nearly that lucky. I'm just trying to console, not belittle.

Presto is the one that recently asserted that the average AS person is probably very open to incest. Several even called presto a troll because of it. I doubt the reason behind the question was decent.



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27 Dec 2006, 3:06 pm


I didn't know about Presto. I haven't been on the boards in a long while between being ill and working overtime. I just figured that Presto was asking because maybe he just so happened to be deaf and have AS and was looking for someone to talk to about life as a deaf person. Deafs have a completely different life than those that can be helped by hearing aids. Actually its kind of nice to be able to remove my HAs and quiet things down. Is especially effective when at Walmart or dining alone.

I have 3 deaf neighbors and we are totally different. They are scamming the govt for subsidies and free hearing dogs. The evil dogs terrorize the neighborhood because they run loose and these people are terribly loud. One guy for sure isn't completely deaf though he claims to be because we have talked and he screams at a volume of 20 at his dogs from the balcony after midnight.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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28 Dec 2006, 2:45 pm

lots of talking when i asked a yes or no question


at least this topic is going over better than my incest one

im setting up a website call the american association of the voluntarily deaf

if anyone wants to ram a pencil into their ears or something and join up, let me know.

other than that deaf people think more, i like deaf folk

i just meant people that were incapable of hearing outside noises, thats what deaf means.


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28 Dec 2006, 3:05 pm

Wonders why presto has not been banned for talking about the "incest", as for the pencil ramming come here and ill help you ram it in, also help you with micro brain surgery to correct your problem...

Probably think more as your voice is not echoing in their ear...

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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28 Dec 2006, 3:17 pm

ill speak my mind, if you dont like it, dont respond. its just that simple


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28 Dec 2006, 3:40 pm

I am partially deaf, although I can hear a little bit in my deaf ear.

If great minds think alike, does that mean that stupid minds think differently?

Pileated woodpecker
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14 Jan 2007, 3:09 am

i am profoundly deaf but i wear hearing aids. my deafness is progressive. been deaf since i was 12.