I have so many questions about my ASD diagnosis

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Joined: 10 Jun 2019
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20 Sep 2020, 11:35 pm

I was wondering if you can have a developmental disorder without need for a diagnosis anymore, as long as you have old medical and school histories that stated that you had some form of developmental delay, even if you decided for yourself that you don't need that diagnosis anymore.

I used to have low IQ, server communication delays, lack of social skills, speech delay, severe case of Prosopagnosia, psychosis, sensory issues and self-injury behaviors from my early childhood.

I used to have a speech therapist to improve my speech, now I don't need that help anymore.

So my question is, why do I need a diagnosis for speech delay, if I don't need a speech therapist anymore?

I used severe communication delays, lack of social skills, speech delay, severe case of Prosopagnosia, psychosis, sensory issues and self-injury behaviors from my early childhood and I improved a lot by receiving therapy.

Since I have social skills and my symptoms of ASD got improved, what is the point of Autism diagnosis?

If I decide that I no longer need help with some of my symptoms of ASD, can I get a second opinion to remove my ASD diagnosis and get another diagnosis for something that I need help now?

The only thing that I need help with is my restricted interests, sensory issues and learning disorders.

I don't need help with social skills anymore compared to my childhood.

Because I feel like I am using the services that I don’t need now compare to my childhood and I feel like I am using the services that people with severe to profound Autism need the most.