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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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22 Jun 2016, 4:38 pm

Autismwarriormama is a youtube channel dedicated to exposing reality of survere autism with self-injurious behaviours (SIBs) and her amazing intelegent adult son with survere autism. he has suffer SIBs since he was a baby and was dignosed with autism at age of 13 months.


"Seeing Severe Autism: The Other Side of Savant"

the life and reality of autism that ND-Commers never talk or think about and laugh at while 'meltdown' at A$ article simply by crying and facepalming themselves in ridicolos upset.

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22 Jun 2016, 8:15 pm

I have a had a few meltdowns but I am more of a shutdown autistic. I have no reason to downplay or to laugh at things that have certain similarities to my experieces. While I do not blindly agree with everything Neurodiversity advocates I agree with a lot of things they write about. How do I fit in to your narrative of a myopic, elititist, mocking ND supporters?

I have watched plenty of videos from parents of severe autistics who view autism in many different ways. One common refrain is I wish I knew what he or she is thinking and feeling. Instead of spending most of the research money and causes and cures I wish organizations like Autism Speaks would prioritize finding ways for autistics and ND's to communicate with each other. We have done it with glasses and hearing implants. These devices do not cure visual and hearing impairments, they help the impaired communicate.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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23 Jun 2016, 9:46 am

ASPartOfMe wrote:
I have a had a few meltdowns but I am more of a shutdown autistic. I have no reason to downplay or to laugh at things that have certain similarities to my experieces. While I do not blindly agree with everything Neurodiversity advocates I agree with a lot of things they write about. How do I fit in to your narrative of a myopic, elititist, mocking ND supporters?

I have watched plenty of videos from parents of severe autistics who view autism in many different ways. One common refrain is I wish I knew what he or she is thinking and feeling. Instead of spending most of the research money and causes and cures I wish organizations like Autism Speaks would prioritize finding ways for autistics and ND's to communicate with each other. We have done it with glasses and hearing implants. These devices do not cure visual and hearing impairments, they help the impaired communicate.

I don't agree with you very often, but this time I do. Very much.

I'm among the most mildly affected and I, too, wish for a cure. Acceptance and understanding would be nice, but given human nature and human pathology, it's not going to happen. If even the people who love me can't accept me as I am without the NT-analog mask, strangers won't ever make the effort.

But a cure is going to be a long time in coming, and it's going to be not one treatment but many as there seem to be about a hundred subtypes of autism. Mine will be among the last to be curable, because while painful, it's among the least disabling and the least visible, and not taken seriously (until someone does something stupid and I again become a monster people fear).

Assistive technologies and medications that help with some of the core symptoms (without side effects that are worse than the disease) would benefit a lot of people. They would improve the quality of life for a lot of people. And they're much lower-hanging fruit than an elusive cure for a condition that we've already traced back to nearly 100 inherited/de novo, dominant/recessive, in other words extremely diverse alterations in genetic code.

"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"


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28 Jul 2016, 12:14 pm

I'm a neurodiversity advocate, but I'm not against a cure. However, it has to be the choice of the person with autism, not forced by parents, schools, or societal pressures. I don't think we as a society are at that point yet, and we should focus on learning more about how autism actually works and how to help those currently living with it instead of just learning what causes it and how to get rid of it.


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29 Jul 2016, 6:31 am

rats_and_cats wrote:
I'm a neurodiversity advocate, but I'm not against a cure. However, it has to be the choice of the person with autism, not forced by parents, schools, or societal pressures. I don't think we as a society are at that point yet, and we should focus on learning more about how autism actually works and how to help those currently living with it instead of just learning what causes it and how to get rid of it.
The question is how someone low-functioning can consent to said treatment?

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29 Jul 2016, 3:45 pm

That's why I said we need to be more knowledgeable about autism and have a way for everyone to communicate before we focus on a cure. But I'm an idealist and that will never happen.


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29 Jul 2016, 8:10 pm

I think people at the most extreme end of the autism, mental retardation, and other neurological dysfunction spectrum are not representative of autism, or how to deal with autism that affects a much larger, more diverse population.

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