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06 Oct 2013, 12:22 pm

Roadkill1953 wrote:
I am conservative, pro tea party, probably could be considered a libertarian, not many here though.

Around 1948 the house committee of un American activities put out a booklet titled "1001 ways to tell a communist" maby 101 ways, I forget,

It predicts how the party's would be infiltrated, and people "conditioned". It basically predicted the last 30 to 40 years, not sure where to get a copy, found mine at a yard sale.

Knowing people from ussr and nations with socialized health care, Canada, England, socialism and socialized health may be the last thing a person with a disability would want, most said you only get what's absolutely necessary to keep you alive, if it is cheaper to amputate then save your leg, etc, off it goes, if you are not considered productive, disabled, or too old, or not essential, you may not get treated for cancer, etc, if it is more cost effective to let you die, if it is cheaper to put you in an institution then medicate, or provide an assistant, off you go. An Englishman told me what he does, what country to go to for what, all I remember now is that I think he said Germany had the best dentists in the world, I think he said you get put on waiting lists for medical conditions, sometimes people die before getting treated, if he has the money he goes where the best dr he can afford is, no insurance coverage for that.

There are many ideals of socialism that attract people, but looking at history and talking to people who lived it, you don't want it, you only get what is needed to live, may not have job choices, if you don't do your job, you go to prison, only get a car if gov feels you need it, may need permits to travel, paid according to needs, janitor may get higher pay then dr, if he has more kids then the dr. Poor quality, if you don't like your job you may do absolute minimum needed,

Basically socialists feel, people are not capable of running their own lives and mist be directed or guided their whole life,

Conservative or libertarian, it's your life, go live it, if you need help, ask and if possible, we will do what we can

Very well said. People are self-serving and greedy by nature. The way to get people to work hard and productively is to understand this. In free-market capitalism, people will put the work and voluntarily take on the more demanding job because they come with a reward of higher pay. You consequently get a far better quality of service in a capitalist society, because if your business doesn't serve its customers, someone else will come along and take your customers, and all the profits that come with them. To illustrate, look at the cars that are produced in communist countries i.e. Lada, Yugo, FSO. All cheap, poorly built and unreliable. That's what you get when a government just assigns people to jobs in a car factory (it may not work quite like this but you get the point.

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09 Oct 2013, 9:25 am

Most people with Autism wouldn't survive in the extreme social darwinist society of the libertarian ideal..........


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17 Oct 2013, 9:34 pm

Geekonychus wrote:
Most people with Autism wouldn't survive in the extreme social darwinist society of the libertarian ideal..........

Most people with Autism who are against libertarianism don't understand the libertarian ideal.

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Pileated woodpecker
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07 Nov 2013, 1:08 pm

So many generalizations going on here - a negative point of view toward Libertarians and Asperger people; very shallow indeed, and an attempt at making Aspergers into a political phenomenon. I resent this and reject such careless stereotyping. This is the kind of stuff we expect from dumb NTs who know nothing about Aspergers.


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08 Nov 2013, 5:40 pm

^^ I agree. Autism is a neurological condition, not a philosophy nor a political ideology.

On the other hand, as a opinion of a human being, I do not like libertarianism. But I'm not an expert on this topic and I don't want to discuss anything.

Pileated woodpecker
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08 Nov 2013, 7:13 pm

I think people are confusing Libertarian and Egalitarian. There is plenty of info on the net about both.


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09 Nov 2013, 2:57 pm

The problem with Libertarianism is that it also relies on everyone having the Asperger overdeveloped sense of morality and fairness, and also the Asperger tendency to observe the rules as a guideline for behavior rather than tools to be exploited.

It is, in short, unworkable in an NT-dominated society.

Libertarianism gave us the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, the textile wars, the mine wars, and the Plains wars.

It's a nice idea, but as it relies on human goodness to sustain any degree of humanity in society, it is simply not viable.

"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"

Tufted Titmouse
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11 Nov 2013, 1:59 pm

I see myself as some where between a 21st century, “Socialism from the ground up”, Socialism and anarcho-syndicalism. (I would love to see a society where those are the 2 parties.) Maybe there has to be an authority, but it is us.

It is a myth that Aspies lack empathy. That is not true. We are capable of developing a logical empathy. My logical empathy has become militant.

We can be happily moral while observing the Corporation.

I also dispute the idea that we need regulation, and order. We don't. We need stability and sustainability. The Corporation is not providing either one.

Right-wing libertarians seem to believe that the definition of freedom is the power to steal freedom from others. (The disabled go first.)

They also seem to believe that it doesn't matter what happens to society, because they will be able to buy their freedom. How would it work if freedom were a commodity? (Actually, we have already crossed line.)

The Goverenment is not the core of our problem.
The Corporation is stealing our freedom. The government is owned by the Corporation. If you want small government eliminate the true entitlement of corporate welfare.

Think about where you read the definition of Socialism that you consider to be true. It was produced by the oligarchy. The oligarchy has a reason to lie to us. They have to keep use afraid of something else so we don't notice what they do.

Stalinism is not Socialism.
North Korea is not Socialist. These systems are state capitalist where the common people still have no power in self-determination. N. Korea is a military dictatorship.

Remember the people that told you what life is like in a country they said was socialist had never been there. Propaganda from the opposition is also invalid.

Human Nature
We really don't know if people are greedy by nature. That is what the capitalist told us.

For those would talk about the right to private property. Nobody wants your trailer and your pick-up.
There is a debate between the difference between private property and personal property.

Fox news is accidentally right about one point. Public assistance has failed. It failed because of Corporate sabotage. They are trying to create 47% unemployment so salaries will collapse. This will cause the economy to collapse.

We need a system of public assistance that allows people the dignity of production, and self determination.

Germany allows people on unemployment to work in public service.
Italy allows people who form groups to use unemployment funds to create worker-owned collectives.

Socialism is democracy, Socialism is the power of self-determination and freedom.


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29 Mar 2014, 8:02 pm

Where is my choice born to a junkie who is in part to blame for my co borbids , fry your brain if you wish , don't become a burden to society or pop out a child .

I love the nanny state the state needs to protect those that can't protect themselves , these people are for more numerous than you imagine .

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29 Mar 2014, 8:11 pm

Ganondox wrote:
You know what, f**k you. I hate libertarianism.

Agreed they like to quote Switzerland as some sort of model , well those "low taxes" are for the mega rich the average Joe especially so after paying the hidden obliged to pay hidden tax ie private health care and the tax gap narrows compared to most countries

Also your not allowed to mow on a Sunday enough said ...

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob


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01 Apr 2014, 5:47 pm

Libertarianism is the philosophy of individualism carried to the absolute extreme. Yuk. If Libertarians gained political power, ASD people would be fighting lemmings for access to the top of the cliff.


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01 Apr 2014, 6:38 pm

Libertarians make me want to grab the brige of my nose, furrow my brow and slowly shake my head back and forth.

Newsflash, for those of you who adhere to this philosophy:
There are places in the world where you can live pretty much as free as you want.

They're not nice places to live imho, but hey, if you don't like a nice civilized country with infrastructure, firemen, indoor plumbing, clean water, public education, phone lines, electricity, geosynchronous sattelites and protection from the worst depredations and exploitations of the ultra-greedy, you're free to go live in one of those places.

As I understand it, a Libertarian government is basically little more than a protection racket, because it doesn't do anything for its citizen but theoretically protect them from direct physical threats and enforce criminal law.
Sure, government has always been a bit of a racket, but without all those other agencies and functions that the Libertarians disdain, we wouldn't be a country, we'd just be people paying protection money to the same group of extortionists.


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01 Apr 2014, 6:55 pm

Here here to that.

I knew someone with extreme libertarian views. He was a very successful lawyer, very arrogant and contemptuous of anyone (which meant everyone) whom he considered a lesser being than himself. Unfortunately for him, he broke his neck, became a quadriplegic, and discovered that interdependence is an important organsing principle in a pro-human society.

Sadly, he then turned his enormous capacity for contempt on himself.


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01 Apr 2014, 8:13 pm

I got the impression that the popularity of libertarianism with aspies is due to black and white morality. Libertarians got the tendency to see the government as entirelly "black".

Pileated woodpecker
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01 Apr 2014, 8:38 pm

I think a lot of posters need 1. A dictionary. 2. A text on political philosophy 3. A text on the history of world government. 4. A text on American history.....get my drift?


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01 Apr 2014, 9:49 pm

Tollorin wrote:
I got the impression that the popularity of libertarianism with aspies is due to black and white morality. Libertarians got the tendency to see the government as entirelly "black".

agreed I can respect them for that , like you have centre right governments who are meant to be pro market low taxing , though if you look over the long term their about the same as level as the centre "left", their spending allocations differ slightly .

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob