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12 Nov 2013, 3:39 pm

Those of you who get depression or have had depression before, have you ever felt very indecisive of what you want to do with your life? I feel like it a lot, to the point where I can't even talk to people about it without feeling like a very unsatisfied person.

Like I don't want to live with my family but I don't want to live entirely on my own either.

And I don't know where I want to work because there will always be something that makes me feel stressed or anxious at work whatever the job may be, as all jobs require some sort of rules or pressure. But I don't want to not work and live on benefits because I would be called lazy and I'd feel guilty.

And also I want to go out and socialise and even dress up, but at the same time I clam up and don't want to go out, I think of just staying indoors and doing bits what I want to do. But then when I don't go out when I had the chance, I feel guilty for the people who invited me, and for myself, like I'm letting myself down and feeding my isolation.

Is this part of depression? Not really knowing what you want to do?



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12 Nov 2013, 3:41 pm

It's Apathy: Not caring.

A common component of depression.

I'd try to cheer you up, but I'm not good at helping sad people.

Here is a bunny :albino:


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12 Nov 2013, 5:19 pm

I definitely think that sense of indecisiveness/apathy/not knowing what you want to do can be a big part of depression for some people. Most of the major meltdowns I've had when I've been depressed have started with the feeling that I'm doing nothing and wasting my life and spiraled from there, but then if someone asks what I want to do, I get frustrated and overwhelmed trying to figure it out and listing reasons I can't do, or don't really want to do, what I think I want to do (including the specific examples you listed). I also waste a lot of time, especially when I'm depressed, not doing things I want to do because I feel guilty or anxious about things I think I "should" be doing (though when I start doing those things, I feel like I should be doing something else). So I definitely think you're making sense. I'm sorry you're feeling that way; it's not a fun place to be.


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13 Nov 2013, 1:07 am

Get outside during the day as much as possible even if its alone if you are in the norther hemisphere get lots of bright light as it might be being brought on by the shortened season leading into winter. Be active, eat well see a Dr. if you start feeling deeply depressed for more than a couple weeks.

He didn't say what I think he did, did he?
I'm not sure I didn't understand any of it.


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13 Nov 2013, 10:30 am

johnny77 wrote:
Get outside during the day as much as possible even if its alone if you are in the norther hemisphere get lots of bright light as it might be being brought on by the shortened season leading into winter. Be active, eat well see a Dr. if you start feeling deeply depressed for more than a couple weeks.

I do get my bus (which I absolutely love getting) on my days off, either to see a friend or to just go by myself just for an hour and get the next bus home in time for lunch. It does me good every time, and gives me confidence in being out in public, since I used to be so obsessively paranoid about people looking at me funny. I'm still self-conscious about that now but I believe I am not as bad as I used to be. Now I think it is turning the opposite; ''I am self-conscious because I smile to people and they turn away'' :lol: .

Anyway I am going to see the doctor but I really don't want to go on anti-depressants. I seem to have an obsessive phobia of taking meds what I'm not sure about because of the side effects stories I hear so much about. Once I saw an Aspie girl's blog on the internet saying about starting off with anti-anxiety meds (whatever they were called), but having to have a few other meds for the side effects they gave her, and now she has digestion problems and insomnia what she never had before she went on meds. I am a good sleeper and also my digestive system is very healthy (diarrhoea and constipation just happens occasionally but otherwise I am always generally normal with passing stools), and also my immune system is very healthy too. And I always worry that if I go on meds I might start doing things I have never done before, like wetting the bed or something.



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13 Nov 2013, 4:53 pm

Nope. My answer to everything when depressed is 'well there's no way I can do that now.'
When I have a low level of depression (low grade - LGD) I usually get angry and that's my motivator. Kind of like, 'I'm doing whatever the f**k I want and nobody can stop me.' I dunno. It's hard to explain. Sometimes I just stop caring about people or the consequences of my actions that I'll just do whatever I like.

I've never heard of anyone becoming a bed wetter from anti-depressants. The good thing about anti-depressants is they stop obsessive thinking and anxiety too. Sometimes people need them along with treatment to get better. If my doctor actually cared about me enough to prescribe them to me they could actually save my life.

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25 Nov 2013, 12:49 am

Hope you get feeling better as for side effects even holistic approach to a problem will have side effects if there just a bit of nuance it might be whats need to keep the drugs short term but I'd say try the natural methods if they dont work for you then the drugs.

He didn't say what I think he did, did he?
I'm not sure I didn't understand any of it.


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26 Nov 2013, 2:59 am

Asperger96 wrote:
It's Apathy: Not caring.

A common component of depression.

I'd try to cheer you up, but I'm not good at helping sad people.

Here is a bunny :albino:

Nice bunny.

If someone is depressed, it's near-impossible to cheer them up.

It helps just to be there with them, so they're not alone.


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27 Nov 2013, 7:53 am

Joe90 wrote:
Those of you who get depression or have had depression before, have you ever felt very indecisive of what you want to do with your life? I feel like it a lot, to the point where I can't even talk to people about it without feeling like a very unsatisfied person.

Like I don't want to live with my family but I don't want to live entirely on my own either.

And I don't know where I want to work because there will always be something that makes me feel stressed or anxious at work whatever the job may be, as all jobs require some sort of rules or pressure. But I don't want to not work and live on benefits because I would be called lazy and I'd feel guilty.

And also I want to go out and socialise and even dress up, but at the same time I clam up and don't want to go out, I think of just staying indoors and doing bits what I want to do. But then when I don't go out when I had the chance, I feel guilty for the people who invited me, and for myself, like I'm letting myself down and feeding my isolation.

Is this part of depression? Not really knowing what you want to do?

Hi Joe90,
there is a LOT going on here,
firstly, your Aspergers part of your self doesn't want anything to do with other people
theyr'e crazy and unpredictable and how are we supposed to muggle through that?

Finally, Depression!
Talking about it is really brave
You are really brave
I never talked about it until I was on WP
[quote="Joe90"]Like I don't want to live with my family but I don't want to live entirely on my own either.

And I don't know where I want to work because there will always be something that makes me feel stressed or anxious at work whatever the job may be, as all jobs require some sort of rules or pressure. But I don't want to not work and live on benefits because I would be called lazy and I'd feel guilty.

And also I want to go out and socialise and even dress up, but at the same time I clam up and don't want to go out, I think of just staying indoors and doing bits what I want to do. But then when I don't go out when I had the chance, I feel guilty for the people who invited me, and for myself, like I'm letting myself down and feeding my isolation./[quote]

Every Aspy feels like this!
Neurotypicals feel like this!
Friends who haven't met for a hundred years
rush together and embrace and spit out apologies
and yearn for forgiveness
they could not give a s**t about

Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some kind of battle