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25 Nov 2017, 6:00 pm

Enceladus wrote:
Nope no meaning, unless you make it meaningful.

Some solutions to your problem:

1. Seek out other people in groups and meetups with similar problems to you. It may be easier for you to be in the company of those kinds of people, that also includes people on the autism spectrum. Go on Facebook or google to search for groups in you're area. If you don't find anyone maybe you can move to another place with more opportunities and activity?

2. Buy yourself a Virtual Reality headset to meet people online. I do that. It's a good place to practice being social and finding people similar to you. VR is good because you can see, hear and speak as well as touch stuff, you can't do all those things in a chat ;) You feel as if you're in another world with VR and people being actually there with you. The VR headsets with the most social applications are Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Windows Mixed Reality headsets. I can recommend VR Chat and Rec Room as places to meet new people and practice being social :) The cheapest offer right now is the Oculus Rift at $349. But you'll need a very powerful computer and that can be expensive. Don't buy cheap VR, it's not worth it and not the same as the high end stuff.

Wouldn't it be cheaper to just socialise in real life?

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25 Nov 2017, 6:05 pm

RetroGamer87 wrote:
Wouldn't it be cheaper to just socialise in real life?

Of course, but it's an alternative. Also VR gives you some extra options that could make it easier
practice being social. You're anonymous, can mute or block people or just quickly leave if it becomes to intense or make yourself a new avatar that people don't recognise if you fail and feel embarrassed. You can't do that in real life ;)

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25 Nov 2017, 6:34 pm

I'm a cheerful nihilist. If life has no meaning, then that's liberating as you get to choose your own.

Diagnosed with Autism on 1st August 2018, at the age of 47 (almost 48).


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25 Nov 2017, 7:22 pm

caffeinekid wrote:
I'm a cheerful nihilist. If life has no meaning, then that's liberating as you get to choose your own.

I like that youtube channel

ever changing evolving and growing
I am pieplup i have level 3 autism and a number of severe mental illnesses. I am rarely active on here anymore.
I run a discord for moderate-severely autistic people if anyone would like to join. You can also contact me on discord @Pieplup or by email at [email protected]


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26 Nov 2017, 9:00 am


Some extroverts appear to be constantly talking. To someone else, on the phone

It's like they can't have a thought or emotion without announcement


That doesn't sound, to me like their lives have meaning or purpose, just because they socialize a lot

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26 Nov 2017, 10:52 am

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:

Some extroverts appear to be constantly talking. To someone else, on the phone

It's like they can't have a thought or emotion without announcement


That doesn't sound, to me like their lives have meaning or purpose, just because they socialize a lot

Not sure I understand what your point was? It's easier to give a clear answer when I get a question :)

Yes extroverts get energy from being with people, introverts get drained in social situations and have to spend time alone to recharge. In between there's the ambiverts, thought there's a spectrum. But we're all social animals to some degree we need other people to feel ok.

I'm an introvert. I can spend weeks alone without feeling any need for people, though if I go to long without socialising I will begin to feel strange, or rather I'll feel a need to meet people. The more time I spend alone the weaker my social skills become, it's like a muscle I have to maintain from from getting weaker. I think OP (foxant) describes this situation very clearly. And that is why I recommended some social situations and tools that might ease the burden of being social for people who struggle in social situations.

Being social might give some degree of meaning to ones life, for others to a lesser degree and maybe some no meaning at all. We're all different. We have to make life meaningful, to go look for the meaning, whatever that might be.

But I'm just speculating. I don't have the fact's, I believe no one does that. Maybe we get some impressions if we look at it more scientifically, maybe with statistics or surveys asking people about the meaning of life.

Though I think Monty Python did a pretty good job explaining it all in their movie "The Meaning of Life" in their own absurd way.

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26 Nov 2017, 10:54 am

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:

Some extroverts appear to be constantly talking. To someone else, on the phone

It's like they can't have a thought or emotion without announcement


That doesn't sound, to me like their lives have meaning or purpose, just because they socialize a lot

Not sure I understand what your point was? It's easier to give a clear answer when I get a question :)

Yes extroverts get energy from being with people, introverts get drained in social situations and have to spend time alone to recharge. In between there's the ambiverts, thought there's a spectrum. But we're all social animals to some degree we need other people to feel ok.

I'm an introvert. I can spend weeks alone without feeling any need for people, though if I go to long without socialising I will begin to feel strange, or rather I'll feel a need to meet people. The more time I spend alone the weaker my social skills become, it's like a muscle I have to maintain from from getting weaker. I think OP (foxant) describes this situation very clearly. And that is why I recommended some social situations and tools that might ease the burden of being social for people who struggle in social situations.

Being social might give some degree of meaning to ones life, for others to a lesser degree and maybe some no meaning at all. We're all different. We have to make life meaningful, to go look for the meaning, whatever that might be.

But I'm just speculating. I don't have the fact's, I believe no one does that. Maybe we can get some answers if we look at it more scientifically, maybe with statistics or surveys asking people about the meaning of life.

Though I think Monty Python did a pretty good job explaining it all in their movie "The Meaning of Life" in their own absurd way.


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26 Nov 2017, 4:27 pm

The band Disturbed believes the meaning of life is sex :arrow:

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~King Of The Hill

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01 Dec 2017, 5:11 pm

I spent most of my 20s feeling that kinda way. I did keep it from my folks though because they would be worried.


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01 Dec 2017, 10:53 pm

What gives "life" meaning?

Work? Only have had jobs like Cashier, burger flipper

Religion? "The opiate of the masses"

Good cause? Maybe. But do not feel it. Child labor, pollution, animal rights, et cetera

Hobbies? Do not like many things. Not good at anything


Relationships? Keep getting dumped

But, whatever

Meaning or no meaning, "life" goes on

Hitler's life had meaning


A homophobic precious lil "person" had the nerve to tell me "the meaning of life is helping people!"

"Helping people"? (Rolls eyes)

He had a "holier than thou" attitude, like he has never done anything wrong before in his entire precious lil life

"Helping people"? Mussolini was helping Hitler



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20 Dec 2017, 6:16 pm

No. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

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21 Dec 2017, 9:29 am

Silver Proteus

That is a good point

Hitler's life had :cry: meaning :roll:

That was not necessarily a good thing

Some meanings are good and some are bad

It's like :mrgreen: does everyone's life have a different meaning, or does everyone's life have the same meaning?

One homophobe had the nerve to tell me that "the meaning of life is :heart: :cry: :cry: helping people" :cry: :cry:

He sounded like he believed he was awesome, innocent, etc


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28 Dec 2017, 12:35 pm

Not really, no one is special and we're all solipsists at the end of the day. Atheism is heartlessly crude and sincere, and Communism had the right idea.

Basically no lives matter. At all.


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20 Jan 2018, 4:43 pm

Why does life have to have a meaning? Sure, I can find a sense of meaning in my life but that doesn’t mean I’m preordained to life that way or that there is some objective purpose to life.

Personally, I don’t want my life to have meaning. Or at least I don’t want something or someone else deciding that for me. I don’t think there is a God and even if there was I don’t think they or the universe or whatever has the right to have any plans for me. I have a finite amount of time when I get to experience consciousness and that time belongs only to me.

I guess in a strange way that is my purpose in life.


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20 Jan 2018, 8:56 pm

27 is hardly old. Really. You're still very young.

My best advice: If you don't like where you're at, try to change it. What's the worst that could happen? You end up where you already are? What's the difference then, in coming back vs never having left? At least you've tried, if you give it your best shot.

"So much of what she'd thought was truth before was merely tricks. No more than clever ways of speaking to the world. They were a bargaining. A plea. A call. A cry."

I am a Bookwyrm.


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02 Feb 2018, 9:35 pm

seriously my "life" has no meaning. doubt it ever had a meaning.

and i do not help anyone. with the exception of random, trivial "help". and i do not help myself either. but whatever. at least i do not discriminate on the basis of wrong nationality, race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, fat, income, or any other Equal Employment Opportunity Commission status. in that i "help" everyone an equal amount. and that amount is zero. that includes myself. a former psychologist had the nerve to tell me that my failure to comb my hair and iron my pants showed that "you don't care about yourself". see? i am selfless.

i. am. selfless.

Ayn Rand, "The Fountainhead".

the jobs that i had, were all minimum wage. and meaningless. like flipping burgers, typing numbers A-Z. jobs any old monkey could do. the current counselor told me, that when i was flipping burgers, i was "helping people eat". that made it sound like a Peace Corps volunteer. "help" 3000 "people" eat. for two years. 2000 calories per day, per client. and none of them dropped dead. otherwise they all would have dropped dead. and dropping dead is always a bad thing. seriously. if i did not work there, someone else would have worked there. if nobody else worked there, customers would've eaten something else. if customers did not eat something else they would have lost a couple pounds. so what? nothing drastic good or bad, happened.

in the past, i worked at volunteer jobs. however, more often than not, someone had the nerve to get all angry at me. enraged. they were so angry, they acted like they wanted to exterminate me.

there are no hobbies that i am good at. there are no hobbies that i enjoy.

ain't got no precious lil "friends". in the past, had several of them. but they all dumped me. and it was brief. and it was not an equal status relationship.

good causes: animal rights, environment, etc. the solar system contains plenty of good causes. (Fine). but when i try to volunteer and someone gives me the third degree, they/it scare me away. yes, i know i am missing the big picture and i am a coward. however, sometimes the cowardly method is more functional.

things are not going to get better in those ways.

and the older i get, the weirder i become, socially and emotionally.


little coyote kat

in some situations, your statement is correct.

in some situations, your statement does not exactly quite apply. for example, when i took a "try" at making precious lil "friends". in the distant past. not only did i fail, but they got angry and took out revenge on me. (they might have been correct. however, right or wrong, that's not the point.)

when i took a "try" at structural engineering. fourth undergrad year. flunked out. wasted $$$$$, four years, calories. cried a lot. gorged a lot. personal opportunity costs. time that otherwise could have gotten wasted loitering and panhandling. something more enjoyable. or at least, something not as emotionally disturbing.