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Tufted Titmouse
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23 May 2015, 3:47 am

Interested to see this thread! Going to read all the posts at some point... I was unofficially diagnosed with AS in 2011, it has been on my medical record ever since but I am now awaiting an official assessment to confirm. I was diagnosed with Bi-polar Disorder II in 2013. I don't believe I have Bi-polar Disorder. It is a long, complicated story. I am glad there is a dedicated thread for this combination.


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27 Jun 2015, 7:38 am

Skibz888 wrote:
Feeling a tinge of depression but not enough to worry me. I've been doing relatively well for the last week or so, mood-wise.

Likewise, I'll also express gladness over the existence of this thread.

I was depressed yesterday. Strange. I was just taken over by my thoughts, I had no hope left and then today I'm just tired but in a normal-ish mood.

Crazypandalady wrote:
Hi people,

I have bipolar type 1. It's so hard to find info on bipolar and Aspie together. Some of the things I thought were bipolar are Aspie traits. I am a mental health advocate.


Anyone in Sydney Australia needing information and referral PM me anytime.

Hi. I'm in Sydney. I'd ask for a referral but every one I get ends up being for a doctor that is so expensive. I'm worried about spending all that money and not being believed.

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27 Jun 2015, 7:50 am

Well, the government is forcing me to find a job despite being on disability, and still without no diagnosis or treatment.

I kind of think well I'll go along with it and maybe if some people saw my symptoms they will actually believe and I'll get that diagnosis.

Problem is I will have to be put into a situation that will make me so stressed out I may break down. I need to stop being so scared of having a panic attack and just see what happens. That's how desperate I am for treatment, to put myself in the worst possible situation so I end up doing something that may be potentially harmful to me.

I have another sister living with me and my sister now and she is such a skeptic she doesn't think I can ever be hyper - my code word for 'manic' so I've barely brought up my mood disorder symptoms with her.

Not sure how many years I can leave without any treatment. Oh and my anti-anxiety meds are hardly working anymore.

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12 Jul 2015, 6:18 am

I feel a manic episode coming on. Not much I can do about it. Guess I shouldn't have had those 4 beers.

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04 Sep 2015, 7:54 pm

I have been diagnosed with autism at ten years old and have had bipolar showing its ugly face in my mid teens. I never did get treatment back then because my mother thought I was just being a dramatic hypochondriac: that was up until April of this year when I got let go in my last job due to bipolar symptoms getting progressively worse (didn't help that I was getting exploited at work, but that's another story).

Anyways I am very worried because I have tried suicide once already three years ago and am finding I go through fleeting thoughts of trying again. By fleeting I mean that I'll be performing at my highest peak one minute and then a minute later I'm starting to think of lethal methods to put myself down.

Last time I went to the hospital over reoccurring episode I was locked up for two weeks- the entire process made me feel humiliated and dehumanized.

Is there any hope?


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10 Sep 2015, 2:51 am








Sorry had to shout , hopefully it helps some one , doctors certainly didn't , good luck.

Theirs a subset of America, adult males who are forgoing ambition ,sex , money ,love ,adventure to sit in a darkened rooms mastering video games - Suicide Bob

Pileated woodpecker
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11 Sep 2015, 12:42 pm

Bellator wrote:
I have been diagnosed with autism at ten years old and have had bipolar showing its ugly face in my mid teens. I never did get treatment back then because my mother thought I was just being a dramatic hypochondriac: that was up until April of this year when I got let go in my last job due to bipolar symptoms getting progressively worse (didn't help that I was getting exploited at work, but that's another story).

Anyways I am very worried because I have tried suicide once already three years ago and am finding I go through fleeting thoughts of trying again. By fleeting I mean that I'll be performing at my highest peak one minute and then a minute later I'm starting to think of lethal methods to put myself down.

Last time I went to the hospital over reoccurring episode I was locked up for two weeks- the entire process made me feel humiliated and dehumanized.

Is there any hope?

I would try b12 shots (hydroxocobalamin). They greatly helped stabilized my moods. Sometimes I still have ups and downs but they are very miniscule and something that only I can notice- so no one can accuse me of being bipolar. IF you don't have access to the injections you can also buy the lozenges online. I recommend methylcobalamin for the lozenges. Let me know if this helps! Also, try to cut out gluten and sugar. I noticed after eating these things that I would become super emotional and hysterical.

Pileated woodpecker
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11 Sep 2015, 12:44 pm

I am an HFA and bipolar.

There, I said it. It feels good to say it. I am not ashamed.

Pileated woodpecker
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11 Sep 2015, 12:56 pm

pensieve wrote:
Well, the government is forcing me to find a job despite being on disability, and still without no diagnosis or treatment.

I kind of think well I'll go along with it and maybe if some people saw my symptoms they will actually believe and I'll get that diagnosis.

Problem is I will have to be put into a situation that will make me so stressed out I may break down. I need to stop being so scared of having a panic attack and just see what happens. That's how desperate I am for treatment, to put myself in the worst possible situation so I end up doing something that may be potentially harmful to me.

I have another sister living with me and my sister now and she is such a skeptic she doesn't think I can ever be hyper - my code word for 'manic' so I've barely brought up my mood disorder symptoms with her.

Not sure how many years I can leave without any treatment. Oh and my anti-anxiety meds are hardly working anymore.

Have you tried b12 shots (hydroxocobalamin)? That's the only thing that worked for me. No amount of drugs or "treatment" from doctors would help me. I also cut all SUGAR and GLUTEN out of my diet because I noticed that after I ate those things that I would become horribly manic. Beer is absolutely horrible because it made out of wheat. These are some pretty drastic life changes to make, but it sounds like you are desperate for a solution and willing to try anything else. I would definitely recommend starting there and trying to live a healthier lifestyle. If you need any help or suggestions, feel free to PM me.


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21 Sep 2015, 9:03 pm

I haven't got a solid diagnosis of bipolars, but I could ask for an assessment, they say they only keep a record of AS for 10 years after diagnosis and it gets erased, well it has been over 15 years so a clinical psychologist would probably the best bet. Depends how understanding the GP will be. I certainly show most of the symptoms of Bipolar but i'm not one to self-diagnose.

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10 Oct 2015, 9:03 am

Several doctors have suggested that I may also have Bipolar 2. I had a misdiagnosis of ADHD prior to the testing & official aspergers diagnosis. I made the mistake of taking Vivanse & later Zenzedi. These amphetamines plunged me into full blown bipolar that landed me in inpatient rehab. Now that I am off those meds there are still mood swings.
The swings make it difficult for me to know how many responsibilities to take on. When I am on the high, I truly will believe that I can do so much. Then when I crash, it is such a disaster & I feel like a failure. My diagnosis is very recent so I am still adjusting, trying to figure out the right balance for my life. The addition of Bipolar 2 definitely complicates things. Please share if you have found any coping strategies that have helped you.

Emu Egg
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11 Dec 2015, 9:37 pm

Hi Everyone! I'm new here, but i've been trying to get my bipolar condition under control for almost 10 years. I went through years of self-medicating on drugs to anti-depressants and finally I have found good combination that even enables me to want to interact with new people, even with Aspergers. I look forward to meeting yall! I'm a 22 yr old graduate student.

Sea Gull
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01 Jun 2016, 2:08 pm

Hello, i don't have aspergers or bipolar disorder but my big bro chris has both and often he gets EXTREMELY violent where he breaks furniture, smashes windows says bad words, screams roars and hits and attacks my family members. usually he's happy but it happens...

when this happens and he has a bipolar asperger meltdown he is sent to a mental hospital known as Circles of Care for a few days :cry:

i can't qoute anything he says here, he says f word and bad words :( :cry:

penis f*****g ashole dick


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19 Sep 2016, 9:39 am

The beauty of having ASD with Bipolar is like having front row seats to your own destruction. Not being able to do jack about it, but still intently watching it crumble around you.

Being lost one day, to not caring the next. Depression serving as the reminder to your own logic. With mania offering ignorance from it.

The only thing stopping me from killing myself is the vain hope of living the way i want to at some point.

Emu Egg
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01 Oct 2016, 1:34 am

I don't have much to say, as I'm rather drained, frankly exhausted, but I'll check in.

Blue Jay
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08 Oct 2016, 5:29 pm

How does one go about life when you consistently go through extreme mood swings and then you find you have to explain why you gave a speech about how horrible humanity is and how much life sucks. I often find myself wishing I was "normal", well normal enough to get by easier. I never even know how to articulate this roller coaster of moods. :( I sometimes wish I could hide far away from everyone. :?

Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise" - Thomas Gray