Did you feel comfortable with you homosexuality/bisexuality

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02 Dec 2014, 11:28 pm

I'm not, i think i feel it's sin

I'm from Poland, Europe I still feel bad that I'm homosexual but that way I'm born that like mans :-(
I wonder does there any chat for gay aspies i would like to meet online some 18-26 smart gay nerdy aspie i i like smart people in general woman's too you may call pervet but I find something sexually attractive in both man and woman (I'm unfortunately bisexual inclined toward males:-( )


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19 Jan 2015, 5:12 pm

pawelk1986 wrote:
I'm not, i think i feel it's sin

I'm from Poland, Europe I still feel bad that I'm homosexual but that way I'm born that like mans :-(
I wonder does there any chat for gay aspies i would like to meet online some 18-26 smart gay nerdy aspie i i like smart people in general woman's too you may call pervet but I find something sexually attractive in both man and woman (I'm unfortunately bisexual inclined toward males:-( )

I am comfortable with my sexuality. How come you feel its a sin? It's perfectly natural to have a sexual attraction to someone of any gender [obviously those around the age of consent]. No need to feel guilty. On here there is always someone to talk to about that stuff.


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25 Jan 2015, 10:16 pm

I didn't used to be totally comfortable with it in the past. But now I am very very comfortable with it and have stopped caring what other people might think about it. I credit my closest friend for his positive influence over the last few years about all of this stuff since he's so "comfortably out" in all areas of his life with his "I'm gay, so what?" attitude. 8)

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26 Jan 2015, 3:53 am

I never really gave a whole lot of thought to it. I didn't start thinking about my sexuality until I was about 16 or 17, and even then I was mostly confused about what I did and didn't like. Even though I had virtually no exposure to homosexuality in the small town I grew up in, I was already kind of an oddball so I never felt any pressure to be or appear straight. I felt just fine about being attracted to males, and I felt comfortable immersing myself into LGBT culture (largely just LGBT comics and gay punk bands). Even though I'm more of a panromantic asexual, I guess I feel perfectly comfortable with the gay aspects of my identity.

As far as it being a "sin", well, everyone has their own perspective of what their personal spiritual belief entails. As one who studies/adheres to progressive Christian theology, I don't find being gay incompatible with a contemporary Christian lifestyle at all, and I even work with a couple of affirming churches who involve themselves in LGBT events and outreach programs.


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26 Jan 2015, 5:22 am

I am very comfortable with my sexuality although I'm not really "actively gay". I don't really go to gay scenes or have a circle of gay friends. But that's due to my autism. Regardless of sexuality, people don't like an awkward guy like me. If I were straight, I would still find it difficult to make friends or to go to bars etc.

I am lucky in that I've never felt uncomfortable with being gay. I was always attracted to men even as a kid and just naturally grew up to be gay. I never even had to "accept" my sexuality. I go as far as saying that being gay is one of the things that I like about myself. I even feel superior (false sense of superiority) to be gay.

I hate gender roles (sexism) and I try to avoid traditional male roles. Not that I like traditional female roles. It's a separate issue from sexuality but that attitude might make people think that I'm not very "manly". Equality is more important for me than being "manly". To me, a man trying to show how "manly" he is is just an idiot.

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26 Jan 2015, 8:02 pm

jk1 wrote:
am lucky in that I've never felt uncomfortable with being gay. I was always attracted to men even as a kid and just naturally grew up to be gay. I never even had to "accept" my sexuality. I go as far as saying that being gay is one of the things that I like about myself. I even feel superior (false sense of superiority) to be gay.

I think it is great that you never felt at all uncomfortable about your attractions to men. Society has so many warped ideas that can make us miserable if we listen to them instead of our own inner truth.


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26 Jan 2015, 8:10 pm

Oh, and to the OP: I'm a baptized Roman Catholic (although not very religious) & God Father to a few children.

IMO, The Church got it wrong when it comes to homosexuality. People basically fear what they don't understand. That and it was a way for religious leaders to unite people with a sense of community all hating on the same thing. Further, it was a way to make people feel "clean & pure" if they weren't sinning. etc. On and on. There are many factors that likely influenced Christian religions historical intolerance of LGBT people, but IMO it (homosexuality) is entirely natural. We can see the evidence of this all around us since homosexuality has been observed in over 1500 animal species - and there's nothing more natural than nature.

People are learning and coming around to all of this now - even the Catholic Church what with the new Pope's recent pro-tolerance & acceptance of LGBT people speech. IMO it's largely political because a lot of people are pro gay rights these days and The Church doesn't want to alienate their pro-lgbt congregation members… but they may also actually be learning & evolving with the times, too.

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22 Feb 2015, 1:32 am

pretty comfortable but I lean more towards straight, and I'm not even interested in sex or dating so its ultimately pretty irrelevant.


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22 Feb 2015, 2:35 am

Growing up in predominantly black and urban neighborhoods, I was already a target for bullying due to my oddball behavior and mannerisms, so letting on that I was gay was pretty much out of the question. The last thing I needed was a "legitimate" (Read: BS) reason to be picked on even more. Once I did come out (at 16), surprisingly enough, nobody gave that much of a s**t about it. I still caught a few jokes here and there, but it wasn't anything that was actually bad. As time went on, I gave less and less of a s**t about my sexuality. It doesn't define me as a person, so there wasn't any reason to walk around like a giant rainbow-colored beacon. Which is pretty uncharacteristic of me in general. Hell, I came out to my grandmother back in December after going through some pretty intense heartbreak. My grandmother was born in 1929 and identifies herself as Christian; however, she never once put that into the conversation when I told her. She loves and respects me enough as a person to accept her grandson for who he is. So if a vast generational gap like that can have next to no effect on our relationship, there's no reason for me to ever be uncomfortable with my sexual orientation.

Point is, you only have one body and one life. If you spend your entire life feeling like your sexual orientation is a grave sin or an abomination because of SOMEONE ELSE'S -opinion- (operative word) you'll never be happy or even comfortable in your own skin. You have to ask yourself: Do I believe it's sinful because of my own beliefs? or Do I believe it's sinful because of what has been preached to me by countless others that more often than not, can't even relate to how I feel?

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24 Jun 2017, 11:43 pm

pawelk1986 wrote:
I'm not, i think i feel it's sin

I'm from Poland, Europe I still feel bad that I'm homosexual but that way I'm born that like mans :-(
I wonder does there any chat for gay aspies i would like to meet online some 18-26 smart gay nerdy aspie i i like smart people in general woman's too you may call pervet but I find something sexually attractive in both man and woman (I'm unfortunately bisexual inclined toward males:-( )

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25 Jun 2017, 1:35 am

This is a sight for people with real problems not this gay recruitment bull. It's wrong. No one feels naturals homosexual. You only make it worse by indulging.

Um, this is a "real problem" for many people. Am I understanding your post aright? Because you do understand people can be discriminated against, excluded, lose their families, or be attacked and even killed all because of this issue, right? Or see this as such a problem that it leads to suicide?
As far as I can interpret their post, the person you're responding to is just looking for some contacts, perhaps so they won't feel like their sexuality is some kind of sin.
What do you mean "No one feels naturals homosexual'? Do you mean no one feels like this is normal, themselves?
Because I do :twisted: Being bisexual feels completely natural to me. "Indulging" myself as a bisexual person makes nothing "worse" from my perspective.

Alexithymia - 147 points.

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29 Jun 2017, 6:47 pm

I'm comfortable with my bisexuality (with a strong preference for women), but I wasn't always. When I was around 5 or 6 I had a pretend wedding with my best friend and we did it in front of our respective mom's. They freaked out, saying that girls can't kiss and marry girls, that it is wrong. That was my first experience with anyone telling me that my natural impulses towards women was wrong, and it messed me up a bit. I'm still not out to my parents, in part because they still make a lot of biphobic comments and I'm just not ready to open that can of worms. Aside from them, my friends know, as does my sister, brother-in-law and my boyfriend. My discomfort has always been from external issues, and on the inside I've never felt that it was bad, wrong, or a sin, as it's how I've always been and it seems that that's how I was born. It feels natural.