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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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22 May 2011, 10:04 pm

I made a thread about this earlier and it did not go anywhere so I am making a new one and I was wondering do you make any sort of fanficiton? Or fanfiction like crossovers or create you're own adventure storys? I seem to like those. What do you like about fanficiton and what do you not like about it?


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23 May 2011, 2:42 am

Fanfiction is often seen as a really geeky thing to do . I think it's quite the opposite. It's like opening a box of toys when you were a kid. You have ready made set of characters that don't require any introduction to the readers . This gives you the freedom to concentrate on playing with techniques that would take days to arrive at if you had to develop an original plot , write in backgrounds just test if a style , device or technique works or not. The best part about Fanfiction is you don't have to concentrate too much on typo's and grammar. The readers aren't editors, and getting some free entertainment they are fairly flexible up to a point with unedited quality of writing.

As long as you don't try and make any money out of FF I can't see why an author should object. I certainly understand why they would object if financial gain was the reason , but it isn't. The only slight concern is, if you are a published author and playing in FF playground then some very sharp lawyer might claim cross transmission of ideas and character attributes. Which would be difficult but not impossible to prove given that every story ever written borrows from previous work. It is the extent to which a former work lends to the new that the case would come down to and , unlike historic fictions, the work remains in copyright.

I am currently being offered publication of two very short stories by a number of online magazines. I am holding out for one of the major ones like Clarkesworld, but that is being a bit ambitious.

The novel I am writing has Aspi main character who , rather unwillingly thrust into the role, has to sort out the mess on Planet Earth caused by NTs cognitive dissonance during their evolution . She has to sort out her parents as well because they are benefit scroungers and total apathetic wasters.

She is a blind, on the spectrum teenage girl and becomes seriously 'vexed' when she finds out what her role is going to be. She's an original character, and as far I as know not based on , or borrowed from any other writer's works.

I am not going to stick the label Autistic writer on my work, I'm going to see what happens
first and then maybe mention it later.

Fanfiction is a good playground for a lot of reasons and I do hope the companies who 'own'
the characters see that it is good advertising for them, and having a few thousand fans
of a series examining their ideas from all angles saves a lot of time , and their money in scriptwriter meetings.



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23 May 2011, 9:10 pm

Why I love writing Fan Fiction. Writing in general appeals to me because I just like submerging myself into another world and becoming another person. I'm not just some friendless loser anymore; I can be whatever I want. FanFiction just helps give me structure with a premade world and such. Yes, I am a lazy writer.

I'm not mad, just terribly hurt.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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23 May 2011, 9:18 pm

What are you're favorite types of fanfic to read?


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23 May 2011, 9:58 pm

... Now I do kind of. God dangit what is Homestuck doing to me? I just love the trolls' culture so much.


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02 Jul 2011, 11:53 pm

I've been writing fanfiction recently, but with a buttload of fandoms mushed together in there: from Sonic to Fire Emblem to Klonoa and etc. XD
I write any sort of fanfics, so my imagination runs wild. Like I said before, I also do crossovers and my own adventure stories at times. What I like about it is that if I have writer's block and I have a hard time of thinking up original characters, fanfiction will be the thing I will write with already-made characters.
What I don't like about it is to stay in the characters' personality without making them OOC (out of character). You're restricted to stick to the character's personality without making them look strange, so it's difficult to stay right to their character.


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03 Jul 2011, 12:09 am

I once started a fanfic for the Old English epic poem Beowulf. In my fanfic Beowulf visited the ancient kingdom of Nubia (which is in modern Sudan if you don't know), but I never finished it. Maybe I should revive it someday...

But for the most part I prefer to create my own worlds and characters than to use someone else's.

Check out my art for sale over at Society6, dudes!


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04 Jul 2011, 11:42 am

I used to when I was going through my writing phase. Fallout and The Elder Scrolls. I was a gamer then too. But when my love for gaming died, my love for writing died as well. Now I still write, but only lyrics and such. I'm more into music now than anything.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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04 Jul 2011, 11:51 am

I wrote a sex pistols fan fic with my friend once. Haha it was amazing but I mainly stick to realistic fiction though I wrote 2 scifi fantasy type things and 1 memoir

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04 Jul 2011, 2:28 pm

I'm writing my first fanfiction right now. It's going to have clark kent and green arrow and an original character created by me. It's going to take place in metropolis, san francisco and probably smallville eventually.

The modern artist is working with space and time, and expressing his feelings rather than illustrating
- Jackson Pollock

Sea Gull
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04 Jul 2011, 10:45 pm

Nope, nor have I ever read one. I would prefer to stick to the original script rather than a fan's. (Not dissing fan-fics here, just my opinion)


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05 Jul 2011, 12:52 pm

I used to as a teenager with Lion King and am thinking about writing one where the Sonic the hedgehog universe and the hallow earth are synomous with each other. If I do ever write this, it will be written in first person perspective like someone's journal because it's very hard for me to imagine the mindset of someone else. I used to ALWAYS write myself into my fan fics becuase it was just too hard, if not impossible for me to imagine writing from someone else's perspective.

Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.