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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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27 Apr 2017, 6:18 am

I am Dorey, and I am NT but in love with a brilliant AS man. I am trying to understand him and AS and make our relationship work. So far it is different, but not difficult. I see that he prefers to show me he cares, rather than tell me, but that's okay for me. :-)

I find AS folks honest, direct, fun and interesting.


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27 Apr 2017, 1:31 pm

Daniel, I agree with all you say about the human race. I don't like the human race myself.

'You need a crazy mind just to stay alive' - Tomas Ledin, 1980.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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05 May 2017, 6:01 pm

I'm Andy, I've always struggled trying to fit in but more so in the last few years as I've sunk into a bad depression. I've just lost interest in everything and just seem to spend most of my time watching films and documentaries and playing around on the internet. I really struggle talking to people until I really get to know them and can't talk to women at all although I have had relationships of sorts but always instigated by by them. I love science and science fiction and learning how things work. I just feel like I don't fit in anywhere and people don't find me interesting at all mainly due to my lack of confidence. I hoped to find some friends on here but I'm just not confident enough to strike up conversation with people. I a massive fan of family guy and American dad, the humour just cracks me up. I keep trying to teach myself to code but I struggle with learning, I'm more of a hands on person like hardware, machinery and building and generally just pick things up by watching. I would like to try and make some friends if anyone wants to chat.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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07 May 2017, 3:13 pm

Here is all you need to know I'm single and that is not gonna change at all I vowed that to god I don't trust anyone and never will I live alone and im going to die alone and that's the way I want it people don't care at all about anyone I am a very mean and rude person and that's not gonna change you stay away from me I stay away from you


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10 May 2017, 3:12 am

Hi, I'm Andy (like the guy two posts up--but I assure you we are completely different people!). I am in grad school for a "mathy" field that also relates to biology, and I'm in my early 30s, though I don't feel like I'm at the same point in my life as other 30-year-olds. I live most of the time in North Carolina these days, but I'm from northern California.

I am a very visual thinker and have an intuitive appreciation for many physical systems. In other words, they "come to life" in my head. I'm attracted to artsy people, who have as vivid of an imagination as I do but for non-technical things. I like people who are original, and not used to having a crowd that they can share their ideas with. With someone I really like, I'd enjoy building our own little "secret" world together.

I'm quite outdoorsy, though how much depends on the surroundings. In the area where I grew up I'd go hiking every day if I could, but where I'm studying I'll go more like once every weekend or two. I'm an intense and kind of "hyper" person, and I don't connect too well with calm, "sober" (in the sense of mild-mannered, not in the sense of not drunk) adults. I prefer hanging around with people who still feel childlike excitement regularly.


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10 May 2017, 3:25 am

Hi, my name is Wrong Citizen. You can call me Wrong or Mr. Citizen. I like food.
I'm in HS and I'm currently failing every class. I'm a nervous mess and I can't stand being there. I stay up till 5 AM just trying to prolong the time I spend outside of that sensory hellhole so I can actually expand as a person. I have to constantly learn things outside of school because I need to combat the fact that I'm constantly losing knowledge when I actually go there. I'm so bad at math and mathematic sciences that the teachers threatened to kick me out of the classroom and take all my things permanently. I'm severely depressed because I live and breath the system. I also complain too much and I'm way to sensitive, both emotionally, sensually, physically, in all ways practically. I hate the American education system and I feel like it's mind rape. But I'm just sensitive so none of that is true. Also, I have developed some very good coping mechanisms to constant insults, belittlement, bullying, and domination at the hands of "macho men". I also have a bit of hatred...more like a lot of hatred, for specific kinds of people. I like old things like music and furniture, and I hate modern culture, and think it's disgusting as hell. One of my favorite hobbies is thinking about places where there are no people and going to that place, and I avoid people like the plague, because they're nasty, malignant, and manipulative.

I hate stupidity, and I try to keep from getting infected with it. I like forts, castles, and I want to hole up in a giant concrete compound with a rifle or a bow and hang out there shooting any zombies that come from the next zombie apocalypse which will occur in a few years. I like movies, zombie movies as well, speaking of zombies. I like to read apocalypse books (or at least I use to when I had time). I'm planning to design my own bunker, but it will be in a nice beautiful scenic area. I'm afraid of mind control so I like to theorize building layouts that would keep hostile aliens and governments from controlling my head. I don't believe this stuff but its' fun to think of.

My favorite most exclusive interest is history, and everything else comes along with that. Anthropology and sciences, music, architecture, arts, anthropology in general. I have always been drawn to arts and humanities, and they're indescribable but beauty and appeal is something that grasps my mind. I love renaissance culture and would live there, even as a peasant.

I also philosophize about existence because I consider doing it a necessity.


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10 May 2017, 1:01 pm

I speak my mind and don't believe in censorship.
I am not religious but I believe there is something out there.
I have dual nationality but more loyalty to one than the other. I live in the country to whom I have no loyalty.
I am a 'class warrior' and refuse to acknowledge that anyone is of socially higher status than myself.
Superstitious people make me really angry.

'You need a crazy mind just to stay alive' - Tomas Ledin, 1980.


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11 May 2017, 12:42 pm

Hello. I'm Michael. I have already finished university, I have found a job, but I think that I'm doing something wrong in this life, I'm single. I have no friends, no one is waiting at home. I have long been separated from my parents. I hope in the near future everything will be fine 8)


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11 May 2017, 2:21 pm

I hope so too, Michael.

'You need a crazy mind just to stay alive' - Tomas Ledin, 1980.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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20 May 2017, 5:19 pm

hi I'm hunter
I'm 15, 5'9 250 lbs(most people say I look like I weigh 200 though so thats good :lol: ) with jewy brown hair and eyes, as well as a fledgling gnome beard. I have a somewhat obvious bald spot under my chin that I'm super conscious of. unlike some people with aspergers I have a relatively large circle of friends and most people in my grade like me. they all say I'm savage, ntspeak for brutally honest in a funny way, and really smart. as for what I do in my free time, I usually spend most of it playing and studying street fighter competitively. I'm too young to drive so I can't really go to events but hey, some of the best players in the world started playing competitively at around my age and when they finally were able to travel they started blowing up events and got sponsored for their skill pretty quickly(when you're sponsored they fly you out to events and you get paid for advertising some product of theirs!). I'm also interested in politics. I'd describe myself as libertarian on most issues, with immigration as an exception. I'm single and luckily I have 2 lady friends who give me advice when I ask for it. When I hang out with my friends we usually play video games, sleep over and go to schnucks for donuts in the morning, and watch gordon ramsay. I don't have any plans for the summer except to hang out with my friends and improve at street fighter. most dating advice says that having a passion for something is really helpful, but I'm not sure that includes video games. I tell other people that I'm not sure what I want to be when I grow up but deep inside I want to be really good at street fighter so I can get sponsored and play for a living.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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20 May 2017, 5:51 pm

Hello everyone I am mario, 35 years old, working in other jobs than my work... I got fired in 2016 for reason which my boss told me: "You are not adjustable to this employment"
According to what My collegues acted like; I realize that they were very unkind and unpleasant, now that I am away from that place I keep on thinking why they acted that way and I asume that the point was my personality, which I think it was unfair, just because I dont speak much or I dont think the way they do.
Now I have thoughts of rage and selfdestruction... Terribly :evil:

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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21 May 2017, 10:31 pm

I'm Chelsie and I love blogging and social media marketing. Hehehe

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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25 Jun 2017, 8:41 am

I'm Tash, 27 going on 28 years old and have been with my current spouse with autism for about five years. He got his official diagnosis a few weeks ago and we're actually adapting to it quite well. I have a basis of logic for the things he does now, and it helps me not be so frustrated with him as much as before.

He makes quite the commute near Denver for work and he's about to get hired on soon off his contract, and while we're very grateful for the eventual raise in salary he'll get we're focused on moving out of our hometown and closer to his work, which we'll need relocation assistance for.

We're going to couples counseling and I believe it's helping us. We've also been going to our psychiatrist a lot more and adjusting our medications so that our lives will smooth out a bit hopefully. We both suffer from depression, anxiety, and bi-polar.

Quite eventful, but these things will take time to actually be put into motion.


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16 Jul 2017, 4:45 am

I already talked about the basic stuff about myself in 2 other threads in this forum, so I'll just say some fun facts in THIS thread.

I love milk.
I take the scissors to my hair when I'm bored and depressed.
I hate the taste of coffee but I drink it anyway cuz it's stimulating.
I used to be seriously understimulated, to the point I feared I'd become dead or catatonic or comatose.
My 8-year-old son is in the top 1% and I'm in the top 2% of the people we're compared to who take certain tests.
I have 9 tattoos, all of writing except for the biohazard symbol and the smiley-face sun.
I have a stuffed polar bear named Lars, and so does my son.
I like mathematicians and mad scientists but I'd make a horrible "scientist" or mathematician.


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16 Jul 2017, 2:09 pm

If Roger Federer wins one more major, he will have as many major championships as the number of years my oldest cat lived.

Closet Genious

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16 Jul 2017, 3:05 pm

Hello I'm... anonymous , just turned 23 years old.
As a kid I moved around alot, switched schools once a year. I grew up alone with a scizophrenic mom.
At 11 my mom started threatening me with knives, and locked me inside a room. It ended when I jumped out of the window and called the police, after that I lived at friends houses.
I spent my teens in a constant existensial crisis, searching for an identity.
It took me way too long, but after screwing up and losing everything, I eventually reached a point of acceptance and inner peace.

My passion is composing music.
My medicine is philosophy.
My diet is my religion and my body is my temple.
I am about to move in a few days, because I got accepted into the school of my dreams. I am very happy.
My dream is to compose music for movies and video games.

I will often seem very cynical, or like a jerk on this forum, but in real life I am a very relaxed person.
I just come here to share thoughts, and this forum is sort of an outlet, so the majority of my posts are mostly not that positive.