Are relationships really worth it?

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11 Jan 2017, 6:54 pm

Hexen wrote:
Alliekit wrote:
Hexen wrote:
Alliekit wrote:
Hexen wrote:
Alliekit wrote:
Hexen wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Hexen wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Hexen wrote:
If you can find a woman that is not brainwashed by the media and taught to hate men, yes; otherwise no. Third wave feminism has destroyed the relationship between men and women. We now have women who feel that are liberated when they sleep with multiple men, because they want to be more like men that sleep with multiple women. Women are now taught not to have sympathy for men and worse yet they rarely have repercussions when it comes to things like filing a false rape charge. There are actual studies showing how women are the most unhappy as they've ever been. Before any of the radical feminists chime in, the first two waves of feminism were not just a good thing; they were necessary as well. This third wave is all about getting back at men and treating them no better than animals.

:roll: It is a fraction of women who hate males, usually that is among extremist feminists and people who sympathize with that ideology. Also the media as a whole is not 'anti-male' as far as I can tell, whilst some outlets may be biased that way. The relations between males and females are not completely destroyed.

Also maybe a lot of them sleep with multiple men because they want to, not because they're trying to be like anything.

And who is it that is 'teaching' all the women to have no sympathy for guys, whoever it is they don't seem to be doing a very good job as I don't observe this being widespread in the real world. Also pretty sure if you were caught falsifying something like rape there would be repercussions, I thought false reporting was a crime they prosecute.

It is not a fraction. it is not the majority of the US, but it is not a fraction. Many women in liberal states, MD, NY, CA have extreme feminist ideologies. "Also maybe a lot of them sleep with multiple men because they want to, not because they're trying to be like anything. " Maybe, but women are taught it is okay. It is not a lifestyle that benefits either sex and has been proven so by studies. I say the media is anti-male, because males are criticized while females are celebrated. "All women are beautiful" and their is no equivalent for men. There are plus size women models, where are the plus size male models? Where are the shelters for abused men? This generation has become a hookup culture and it has destroyed the relationship between men and women. Many women who file false rape claims merely get a slap on the wrist.

That would make it a fraction if its not the majority of the U.S

Also people seem to think its perfectly ok if men sleep with multiple women before settling down(if they ever do), so why should women be taught it's not ok for them to sleep with multiple men? I personally don't get the sleeping around /hook up culture stuff...but it would be a double standard to state its ok for males but not ok for females to indulge in it.

I certainly do not deny there are extremist feminists, just pointing out they don't represent the majority of women and plenty women disapprove of those more extreme views.

Also I see media criticize males and females, of course there should be plus sized male models, as for shelters for anyone facing abuse no reason those things cannot be pushed for even if all the media outlets don't approve. And if the relationship between men and women is completely destroyed how is it so many males and females still manage to co-exist?

Also could you site some evidence that most females who file false rape reports get a slap on the wrist, do you know in all these cases it was deemed it was for certain a false report...or did some just lack enough evidence to formally charge anyone?

It is not so much sleeping before marriage, it is the hookup culture of no strings attached. The idea of cheating just being okay, for either sex. "Completely" may be an over-statement, however gender relationships have suffered heavily in recent years. Divorce rates are sky high for example. ... index.html

There is nothing wrong with having casual sex if you know the person. Why should there be strings attached if you are both happy and in agreement. It's not like it stops you from being happy later on.

There is a double standard when it comes to rape allegations but maybe we should make men more comfortable with coming forward rather than criminalising rape victims. In england a man cannot be legally raped and that is frankly atrocious.

At the same time when a rape is committed there is no way to assume innocence for both parties. It's very difficult to come forward as a rape victim without being made to feel like a liar although I respect being accused of rape is a God awful thing. But what is the answer?

While that is true in and of itself, it does create an issue for those wanting a happy relationship. Why look for a relationship, when you can just go f****? It isn't morally wrong, but that kind of life-style gets old and I feel is a hollow life-style compared to actually being in love. As I stated, we live in a hookup society and as such less people actually want a relationship and more and more people jsut windup lonely; men and women. Also, that is good; I am glad the law worked out. That still doesn't mean that women have not ruined mens reputations in the past and that they didn't simply get a slap on the wrist. Remember, it also depends on where you live. A few years ago, a man got arrested for how he was sitting in the subway in New York City, because he was "Man spreading" as in sitting with his legs spread. This is the type of ridiculous thing I am talking about.

I don't think it's like good for immediate judgement. Alot of people have a little casual sex and then settle down.

I think maybe you misread about the law I mentioned as it is a terrible thing.

I never said that didn't happen but I just think there is no good way to solve the problem that benefits both sides :cry:

"I never said that didn't happen but I just think there is no good way to solve the problem that benefits both sides" I stated a lot in that paragraph, what problem are you referring to specifically? Also, yes that is true but more and more people simply are not settling down, or they get addicted to hookups and using apps such as tinder.

I meant the victims of actual rape and those accused of rape unjustly

I believe we need to be harder on false rape claims on a federal level. That we should treat it as severe as something like man-slaughter. That would cause a deterrent.

but it would stop alot of rape victims coming foward


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11 Jan 2017, 7:13 pm

Alliekit wrote:
Hexen wrote:
I believe we need to be harder on false rape claims on a federal level. That we should treat it as severe as something like man-slaughter. That would cause a deterrent.

but it would stop alot of rape victims coming foward

Let's be honest--if filing a false rape claim meant that you could be sentenced like you had committed manslaughter, then no genuine rape victims would ever come forward. And that's exactly what some people want: for rape victims to shut up and go away, not for rape to stop happening.

"Ego non immanis, sed mea immanis telum." ~ Ares, God of War

(Note to Moderators: my warning number is wrong on my profile but apparently can't be fixed so I will note here that it is actually 2, not 3--the warning issued to me on Aug 20 2016 was a mistake but I've been told it can't be removed.)

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11 Jan 2017, 7:33 pm

wilburforce wrote:
Alliekit wrote:
Hexen wrote:
I believe we need to be harder on false rape claims on a federal level. That we should treat it as severe as something like man-slaughter. That would cause a deterrent.

but it would stop alot of rape victims coming foward

Let's be honest--if filing a false rape claim meant that you could be sentenced like you had committed manslaughter, then no genuine rape victims would ever come forward. And that's exactly what some people want: for rape victims to shut up and go away, not for rape to stop happening.

So what do we do when women file false rape claims just to spite men and the man goes to jail for years until he's proven innocent?


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11 Jan 2017, 7:38 pm

Take cover!! !


Yours sincerely, some dude.


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11 Jan 2017, 7:41 pm

Hexen wrote:
wilburforce wrote:
Alliekit wrote:
Hexen wrote:
I believe we need to be harder on false rape claims on a federal level. That we should treat it as severe as something like man-slaughter. That would cause a deterrent.

but it would stop alot of rape victims coming foward

Let's be honest--if filing a false rape claim meant that you could be sentenced like you had committed manslaughter, then no genuine rape victims would ever come forward. And that's exactly what some people want: for rape victims to shut up and go away, not for rape to stop happening.

So what do we do when women file false rape claims just to spite men and the man goes to jail for years until he's proven innocent?

Put her in a rocket and launch her into the sun! That'll teach those hos! :lol:

"Ego non immanis, sed mea immanis telum." ~ Ares, God of War

(Note to Moderators: my warning number is wrong on my profile but apparently can't be fixed so I will note here that it is actually 2, not 3--the warning issued to me on Aug 20 2016 was a mistake but I've been told it can't be removed.)


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12 Jan 2017, 12:28 pm

Whilst I'd say false reporting of rape is a horrendous thing to do to someone, and one caught doing that should certainly face consequences. I would also point out I don't think such false reports are really that widespread, anymore than false reports for other crimes.

We won't go back.


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14 Jan 2017, 5:22 am

Hexen wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Hexen wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
I'd say it's break even. Yes there's arguing and fighting and there's also affection. On good days it's like your girlfriend is also your best friend. Your partner in crime. On bad days she acts like an unruly child. Even on the good days she can distract you from your career. On the bad days you can't get much work done because you're too busy thinking about how mad you are at her.

So have a girlfriend if you want. You'll probably break even in happiness and frustration. But if you have a girlfriend be prepared to give up having a top performing career. Girls are to distracting for the aspiring salaryman. The saying "behind every great man is a great woman" is boulderdash. Only get a girlfriend if you don't value your career.

It depends on the type of woman you date. If you are Christian, I suggest you date a conservative Christian woman. They will be less likely to cheat and more prone to being a house wife. If you have a wife that is a house wife, you can spend more time with them and you two will be ultimately happier. That's not to say you CANNOT be happy with a career woman, but if you are both working all the time you will not have time for each other and if you have kids; that will exacerbate the issue. That outcome can only happen if you make the big bucks though. See housewives are demonized now, thanks to modern day feminism. There are women who would actually like to be house wives, but modern day feminism teaches women that, that is wrong and shames them into wanting a career in some cases. This is not to say that women shouldn't have the same rights as men, that is not what I am saying. What I am saying, is that something that has worked for years and years and years, has worked for a good reason. Were all women happy in their marriages back then, no but there were WAY more happy marriages in the 90s,80s,70s,60s,50s,40s,30s,20s then there are now. My best friend's parents love each other the same as when they first got married and she's a stay at home mom. She used to work, but no longer does.

I am not a Christian so I believe marrying a Christian would cause conflict. I'd rather marry a careerwoman so we can enjoy a wealthier lifestyle together


Fair enough, just know you can run into the issues I've mentioned. I'd suggest you two trying to be on the same work schedule, if possible.

True. With my previous girlfriend this caused problems. I worked in the daytime and she worked evenings a cleaner.

I also got kind of annoyed when she didn't want to look for a higher paying job so we could have similar incomes to combine. She complained about how hard her job was but whenever I suggested she get a less physically taxing job she said wanted to keep that one because it's "easy".

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14 Jan 2017, 5:29 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
Whilst I'd say false reporting of rape is a horrendous thing to do to someone, and one caught doing that should certainly face consequences. I would also point out I don't think such false reports are really that widespread, anymore than false reports for other crimes.
You're quite correct. It's rare.

It's just annoying the way some idealogues want to abandon due process with their "listen and believe" notion. It's like the they think the same due process that's applied to all crimes is somehow discriminatory when it's applied to them.

They don't like being interviewed by the police, etc. I've reported several other types of crimes and I got interviewed by the police each time. So interviewing someone who reports a crime isn't discrimination against women or victim blaming, it's standard procedure for all types of crimes.

While I do not believe presumption of guilt has ever been used in a rape trial, I've heard of acusees facing poor treatment outside of courts. It's disrupts their life when everyone but the courts presumes guilt.

When I was a juror for an assault case, I was surprised by the care and neutrality exercised by the judge whenever he addressed the jury. Unfortunately civilians don't try to be so fair and balanced.

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14 Jan 2017, 8:29 am

RetroGamer87 wrote:
Hexen wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Hexen wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
I'd say it's break even. Yes there's arguing and fighting and there's also affection. On good days it's like your girlfriend is also your best friend. Your partner in crime. On bad days she acts like an unruly child. Even on the good days she can distract you from your career. On the bad days you can't get much work done because you're too busy thinking about how mad you are at her.

So have a girlfriend if you want. You'll probably break even in happiness and frustration. But if you have a girlfriend be prepared to give up having a top performing career. Girls are to distracting for the aspiring salaryman. The saying "behind every great man is a great woman" is boulderdash. Only get a girlfriend if you don't value your career.

It depends on the type of woman you date. If you are Christian, I suggest you date a conservative Christian woman. They will be less likely to cheat and more prone to being a house wife. If you have a wife that is a house wife, you can spend more time with them and you two will be ultimately happier. That's not to say you CANNOT be happy with a career woman, but if you are both working all the time you will not have time for each other and if you have kids; that will exacerbate the issue. That outcome can only happen if you make the big bucks though. See housewives are demonized now, thanks to modern day feminism. There are women who would actually like to be house wives, but modern day feminism teaches women that, that is wrong and shames them into wanting a career in some cases. This is not to say that women shouldn't have the same rights as men, that is not what I am saying. What I am saying, is that something that has worked for years and years and years, has worked for a good reason. Were all women happy in their marriages back then, no but there were WAY more happy marriages in the 90s,80s,70s,60s,50s,40s,30s,20s then there are now. My best friend's parents love each other the same as when they first got married and she's a stay at home mom. She used to work, but no longer does.

I am not a Christian so I believe marrying a Christian would cause conflict. I'd rather marry a careerwoman so we can enjoy a wealthier lifestyle together


Fair enough, just know you can run into the issues I've mentioned. I'd suggest you two trying to be on the same work schedule, if possible.

True. With my previous girlfriend this caused problems. I worked in the daytime and she worked evenings a cleaner.

I also got kind of annoyed when she didn't want to look for a higher paying job so we could have similar incomes to combine. She complained about how hard her job was but whenever I suggested she get a less physically taxing job she said wanted to keep that one because it's "easy".

That must be a bit fustrating. My partner works in a warehouse but still strives to improve (his qualifications aren't that good). I know you haven't said it Retro but how comes your standard (for wanting an equal in pay) is ok but it's seen ad a high standard in women for some men :(.

Also referring to earlier in the chat I view myself as a femisnist in a way that if a woman wants to be a housewife that's ok and if a man wants to be a househusband that's ok too :).

I have to say having a househusband sounds quite nice actually.


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14 Jan 2017, 1:47 pm

Assuming you get a good one, yes.

Is the lottery worth it? Assuming you win, yes.

I spend a weekend crying after each one inevitably fails within the first month or so. I'm told to keep trying, keep my hopes up, that people not being there emotionally when I was there for them is a reflection of them and not me. What does that really change, though?

How does one enjoy life and maintain peace of mind when you're being hurt, by someone you've started to trust and care for, on a regular basis?


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14 Jan 2017, 2:05 pm

Canary wrote:
Assuming you get a good one, yes.

Is the lottery worth it? Assuming you win, yes.

I spend a weekend crying after each one inevitably fails within the first month or so. I'm told to keep trying, keep my hopes up, that people not being there emotionally when I was there for them is a reflection of them and not me. What does that really change, though?

How does one enjoy life and maintain peace of mind when you're being hurt, by someone you've started to trust and care for, on a regular basis?

Because someone who loves you shouldn't hurt you they should build you up to be the best you.


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14 Jan 2017, 2:25 pm

Alliekit wrote:
Canary wrote:
Assuming you get a good one, yes.

Is the lottery worth it? Assuming you win, yes.

I spend a weekend crying after each one inevitably fails within the first month or so. I'm told to keep trying, keep my hopes up, that people not being there emotionally when I was there for them is a reflection of them and not me. What does that really change, though?

How does one enjoy life and maintain peace of mind when you're being hurt, by someone you've started to trust and care for, on a regular basis?

Because someone who loves you shouldn't hurt you they should build you up to be the best you.

No arguments here, I just can't find anyone who loves me.


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14 Jan 2017, 2:59 pm

Canary wrote:
Alliekit wrote:
Canary wrote:
Assuming you get a good one, yes.

Is the lottery worth it? Assuming you win, yes.

I spend a weekend crying after each one inevitably fails within the first month or so. I'm told to keep trying, keep my hopes up, that people not being there emotionally when I was there for them is a reflection of them and not me. What does that really change, though?

How does one enjoy life and maintain peace of mind when you're being hurt, by someone you've started to trust and care for, on a regular basis?

Because someone who loves you shouldn't hurt you they should build you up to be the best you.

No arguments here, I just can't find anyone who loves me.

Sorry I didn't mean it as a disagreement I just worry that some women thing being hurt in a relationship is normal.

I hope you find someone who really loves you :)


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14 Jan 2017, 3:18 pm

Alliekit wrote:
Canary wrote:
Alliekit wrote:
Canary wrote:
Assuming you get a good one, yes.

Is the lottery worth it? Assuming you win, yes.

I spend a weekend crying after each one inevitably fails within the first month or so. I'm told to keep trying, keep my hopes up, that people not being there emotionally when I was there for them is a reflection of them and not me. What does that really change, though?

How does one enjoy life and maintain peace of mind when you're being hurt, by someone you've started to trust and care for, on a regular basis?

Because someone who loves you shouldn't hurt you they should build you up to be the best you.

No arguments here, I just can't find anyone who loves me.

Sorry I didn't mean it as a disagreement I just worry that some women thing being hurt in a relationship is normal.

I hope you find someone who really loves you :)

Oh, no worries. I understand a lot of people come to expect things they really shouldn't in a relationship. And thank you.

Normally I'm happy on my own, but sometimes I really want someone to cuddle and dote on who won't be conspicuously absent when it's me and not them who needs to vent and who'll find time for me without distractions. This is "normal" for me, even if it's not right.

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14 Jan 2017, 4:08 pm

Hmm I don't know if its me or the people I have dated, but I have always found that am happy when am single and unhappy when am in a relationship.

This has resulted in a not so common very louse relationship, with emm my life long friend`s wife who are swingers. Its gone on for 2 year. Its the happiest I have been.

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14 Jan 2017, 4:46 pm

Um, yes.

There's a reason why there's a cliche saying that "It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all."

Also, without relationships we'd kinda be depending on rape for the perpetuation of our species... soooooo, I think, in general, they're really worth it.

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