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01 Mar 2021, 5:33 pm

Like Every Thing Else in Life;
Use it Or Lose it Applies; i Didn't
Get 3 Times Stronger at 60 Since Age 21

Starting at 53 in Leg Strength From Sitting Down
too Much Per up to Leg Pressing 1520 Pounds
Now Pushing Age 61 on 6.6.21; And Yes that Applies

To the Rest of All of 'This' And Much More; Life is a Lifelong Art;
Yes, Some Folks Do It And Continue to Evolve In Human Potentials

In All


And Others Do
Not; As Far As 'Sex'
Goes there Are Many

More Pleasurable Areas of
Life, i Surely Entertain than
That However, Again, Use it

Or Lose it Applies And Averages
Are Based On Domesticated Humans
Who have Lost Their Feral Potentials; Yes,

It's Possible

To Be Gentleman

Beast too; There are

Even Movies About

It and True, A

Fact is Women

(Not All of Course)

Still Are Attracted

To Fearless Beasts, No

Matter What their Age as
i surely Have over 2000 Selfie
Dance Photos With them Attesting to
That Fact in All My Research on Human Potentials
Leaving No Intelligence Uncovered And Used Still
Seeking And Finding New Ones With Nothing Better to Do...

And As Far as Love Goes, There Are Feelings and Senses of Unconditional
Love That Are So Far Beyond the Pleasure of Sex that Obviously Reading the
Replies Here, Many Folks Have Never Come Close to Even Experiencing REAL Agape Love...

'These Days' Not Many
Folks Do; too Distracted
to Look Within An 'Exercise'
That Pure Bliss of Autotelic Flow
Drug Free Eternally now As a Practice
of Greatest Human Potentials Uncovered and used too...

Yes, Sex is a Necessity
For Survival; Yet, Humans
Have 'This Thing' Between

Their Shoulders That is More
Powerful Than 'Tires on an Automobile'...

Namely 'A Soul', The Human Potential of Conscious
Mind that Is Far Beyond All Empirical Measure Now as
Science Alone Cannot Measure Feelings of Emotions and
Other 'Colors' of Senses Most folks don't touch in life

or 'Others' for

that Metaphor...

Simple Metaphor,
How Many Children
Has Elton John With
His Love Songs Helped
Sire with No Interest in that 'Act' at all...

Sure, there are many Other Examples too...

That Don't Require A Performance in 'Person' at all
Like '50 Shades of Grey' for Instance that Author With
No 'Male Tool' At All; Unlimited Other Examples and Potentials more too...

To Actually Feel And Sense Beyond All 'Physical Acts of Life'; All 'the Colors' more...

Something Ya Gotta
Practice; Ya Don't
Get it Spoon
Fed in

Work or School...

Where Standard IQ Totally
Fails and Is Totally Non-Existent
In Some areas of Human Potentials
That Some Folks Have no Clue exists...

Analogy of 'Color Blind' of Course Goes much Deeper indeed....

Shall We Have Feast or A Famine; i even Feast And 'Beast' in 'Boot Camp' i create Day to Day, Hehe...

i usually never post Anywhere Yet PPR, Just a Fluke coming By This Section, hehe; no problems in 'this area' at all...

And as Far As 'AOA And Miniskirt' Goes Let's Just Dance/Sing The Model In the Video is the Closest Example of what My
Wife Still Looks Like at Close to 51, Coming In April and yes, With Zero Make-up As She Still Doesn't Need any
When She Wakes Up Before She Even Brushes Her Hair And Still Dares the Mirror to tell Her She Is any
Less than the fairest of All; If Ya Doubt me Got

Current Photos With Lots of Smiles....

Generally Speaking

'Things' Around

Me Don't

Age that

Much; Just another

'Intelligence' i guess;

Still Researching it; Perhaps

i'll Even Have Some Suggestions

How to do It, Before i Get to be 123...

So Far, i've Only Been Writing 123 Months Online to Research

'It'; Yet Yes, i'm Thinking by 'Then', Folks Might Pay Attention, hehe...

Ya Gotta Remember this, if Ya WiLT; Just Because 'IT' Ain't Been Done Before;

Doesn't Preclude, All of What Happens Next; That's Why The Scientific Method
Continues to Measure 'Things' As Life Evolves Classically and in One Lifetime 'Forevernow' too...

And Quite Honestly,

'The Tool' Is Antiquated

In What It Possibly Will

Even Measure Beyond

Measure of What ('The Child')

Breathes Within Human Freer Now;

The Totality of Real Existence Science Barely touches...

The 'Art' Part; The Part Beyond Measure, Even Beyond

'Infinity' in Potential As that is 'Tool' Too; True, Beyond All 'External Tools';

Including Written Words; Yes, Inclusive of All Words We Are Still Not Born With... too...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


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01 Mar 2021, 6:02 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:
It seems you may be confusing a person's age with the longevity of their relationship.

People who are older but have been together as a couple for years, shouldn't be considered in the same vein as people who are older but have just met. People who are just meeting or in the beginning of a relationship are quite often very passionate, regardless of their age. Of course this isn't always true, but it's a consideration.



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01 Mar 2021, 6:04 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
I don't find there's a real "diminished" sex drive in people over a certain age.

And I don't believe in the concept of a "sexual peak."

I strongly disagree.
Lessened testosterone = lessened sex drive.
No testosterone = no sex drive. 8O


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01 Mar 2021, 6:05 pm

WantToHaveALife wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
I’m 60.....and I still get random urges.....

despite being 60, are there times you still feel you have the sex drive or libido of that of a teenager or 20-something person?

I will speak for KK.
No. 8)


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01 Mar 2021, 6:10 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
Definitely....and it shows up at the wrong times!

I won't say I disbelieve *you*, but this is not typical.

When I was in my teens, I could get an erection just looking at Astro boy's sister. 8O

BTW, it doesn't happen these days. :mrgreen:


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01 Mar 2021, 6:12 pm

Jakki wrote:
Poor Old PePe

Why do you say that?
Do you want to go out and get a coffee and talk about it? :wink:


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01 Mar 2021, 6:55 pm

I am just as libidinous as when I was 15.....

My testosterone is in the "normal" range.

The only way I would lose my "ability" is if I had something like prostate surgery.


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01 Mar 2021, 9:10 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
I am just as libidinous as when I was 15.....

My testosterone is in the "normal" range.

The only way I would lose my "ability" is if I had something like prostate surgery.

i want to remain optimistic


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01 Mar 2021, 9:14 pm

:D Maybe ,,, maybe NOT........TY. Btw

Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are


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01 Mar 2021, 9:21 pm

in my 6th decade, many things no longer work as they ought to.


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01 Mar 2021, 9:28 pm

Jakki wrote:
:D Maybe ,,, maybe NOT........TY. Btw

You are on my list of the top 3 married women I would like to buy coffee for.
I would even go so far as to buy you a slice of chocolate cake.
"Are we there yet"? :mrgreen:


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02 Mar 2021, 10:13 am

Am happily honored to be on that list . :D married or otherwise , :D

Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are


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02 Mar 2021, 10:34 am

Jakki deserves whipped cream and a cherry on top, too-----don't you think?


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02 Mar 2021, 10:35 am



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02 Mar 2021, 12:35 pm

Happily gobbles up any whipped cream Or cherries within her vicinity. TY

Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are


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02 Mar 2021, 12:52 pm

what about whipped cream AND cherries?