How does one get a girlfriend?

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13 Oct 2008, 6:57 pm

norwegianman1972 wrote:
Actually, it would have ben fair that aspie men had been most physically attractive, as they then wouldnt even have NEEDED skills in dating...
Ohh no my friend, a girl being physically attracted to you does not mean you have everything under control. You have to know what your doing once she is attracted to you, which is the hardest part!


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13 Oct 2008, 9:23 pm

Fnord wrote:
norwegianman1972 wrote:
Not really. One cannot choose to be nevrotypica. If I could, I would be so any second!

Heh. I used to think so until I took acting lessons. Once I learned to act like an NT, I had the best of both worlds - the Asper ability to focus on the essentials, and the NT ability to make friends (but without all the emotional baggage).

Give it a try. What is there to lose?

I guess I can see where you're coming from. I took some acting lessons too... What I've been willing and able to do is to suppress some of the more unseemly traits of AS while in public... most people think I'm the bullshitter of the century when I tell them I'm an aspie. For day-to-day affairs, what you're talking about is fine.

But I can't keep it up forever. The longest I've been able to remain in this state is about 12 hours. Anything longer than that, and my aspie nature shows through again. In the case of college, it's easy since I can revert to aspie while I'm driving to and from school (45-50 min commute, up to an hour in rush hour traffic).

Changing such things on the surface doesn't bother me. What I refuse to do is adopt several of the NT traits into my core being (things like deceit and manipulation), since such traits would compromise my personal code of ethics.

The problem with that arises in that my NT emulation doesn't go deep enough to emulate NT-style romance. So if I attempt to be romantic, I become so incoherent that I can't even interact socially for some time after that... I've circumvented it slightly by approaching romantic interests as particularly good friends, but that obviously makes the woman think I'm not sexually interested in her, and therefore I get a ticket on the express bus to the friend zone...


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13 Oct 2008, 9:27 pm

sunshower wrote:
Show off the aspie qualities that NT's find attractive and appealing. The main ones of these are your intelligence and your knowledge, but take care not to sound like a textbook. Strangely enough, honesty and openness you have to be careful with because many NT's can find that disconcerting at first, and they might back off as a knee jerk reaction. I think from what I've heard and from my own experience it is only later in the relationship that NT's really learn to appreciate these qualities.

Do you have any idea why NT's have a problem with honesty? I know it's fairly established that they have, but that makes absolutely no sense...

Tufted Titmouse
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13 Oct 2008, 10:35 pm

ToadOfSteel wrote:
sunshower wrote:
Show off the aspie qualities that NT's find attractive and appealing. The main ones of these are your intelligence and your knowledge, but take care not to sound like a textbook. Strangely enough, honesty and openness you have to be careful with because many NT's can find that disconcerting at first, and they might back off as a knee jerk reaction. I think from what I've heard and from my own experience it is only later in the relationship that NT's really learn to appreciate these qualities.

Do you have any idea why NT's have a problem with honesty? I know it's fairly established that they have, but that makes absolutely no sense...

I think it's because it is a flirting tradition/custom to pretend that the involved parties are as close to perfect as possible. Total honesty and openness are also considered to be traits that you would admire in friends more than romantic interests.


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13 Oct 2008, 11:38 pm

madam_mim wrote:
ToadOfSteel wrote:
Do you have any idea why NT's have a problem with honesty? I know it's fairly established that they have, but that makes absolutely no sense...

I think it's because it is a flirting tradition/custom to pretend that the involved parties are as close to perfect as possible. Total honesty and openness are also considered to be traits that you would admire in friends more than romantic interests.

ugh... to think that someone is perfect is folly, pure and simple. Attempting to do so means you are only deluding yourself...


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14 Oct 2008, 2:21 am

Even in friendships, it's not prudent to tell people your life story and your secrets from the beginning. It may make them feel like you're trying to get close to them too quickly, because they might not be as comfortable with telling you about themselves. That's my idea of being too "honest", anyway.


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14 Oct 2008, 3:00 am

ToadOfSteel wrote:
sunshower wrote:
Show off the aspie qualities that NT's find attractive and appealing. The main ones of these are your intelligence and your knowledge, but take care not to sound like a textbook. Strangely enough, honesty and openness you have to be careful with because many NT's can find that disconcerting at first, and they might back off as a knee jerk reaction. I think from what I've heard and from my own experience it is only later in the relationship that NT's really learn to appreciate these qualities.

Do you have any idea why NT's have a problem with honesty? I know it's fairly established that they have, but that makes absolutely no sense...

No, not really. I wish I did.

Into the dark...


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14 Oct 2008, 8:36 am

Hector wrote:
Even in friendships, it's not prudent to tell people your life story and your secrets from the beginning. It may make them feel like you're trying to get close to them too quickly, because they might not be as comfortable with telling you about themselves. That's my idea of being too "honest", anyway.

Well obviously I wouldn't do that... no need to actually tell her stuff that happened when I was 6 years old and has no impact on the conversation at hand... but if she asks, I would answer...

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14 Oct 2008, 1:00 pm

norwegianman1972 wrote:
I felt when I got the reply of Fnord that what he says is that I should pretend to be someone I am not. That would go agaisnt everything I believe in. It would feel so false. After all I want a girl that falls in love with ME. That respect me for the one I am and love me for the one I am. There must be SOME girl out there that is sickened tired of playing games! Why not be sincere to each other?

Try reducing things, looking at them from a diferent angle. Everything we desire in life is based on our primal instincts, socializing increases our chances of survival through safty in numbers and aids our advancement through collaberation and shared information.
The only reason men and women pair together is to create genetic copies to continue our genetic lines, reproduction is a result of survival intinct and the continuation of your genetic line is the best answer you have for survival. Why do you think parents love their children unconditionally?
In order to ensure the survival of our lines far into the future, men and women seek out a mate with the best genetic traits that they can find, attraction is based on this. Inteligence, physical health, all attractive traits are examples of good genes.
Through this evolution continues it's course. Women are picky because they are fueled by survival intinct! Their most powerful driving force. Same with men.

Attract-->Build Comfort-->Seduce

Unless you are the often cited "Brad Pitt" and can already flip women's attraction switches you should start out as a charletain, using tactics to make yourself appear attractive to her subconcious self. She will feel attracted to you, but won't know or care why. In her mind, an attractive guy is just what you are.

After establishing yourself as attractive you move on to comfort, revert from your fun, playful, teasing banter to conversation with more substance. Another trick that comes to mind if you want her to want to see you again is investment, the more time, money etc. a person invests in somthing, the more valuble it seems to them. Notice how someone who works for something appreciates it more than someone who gets it handed to them on a silver platter?

Seduction is important because after the initial act of sex she will subcontiously see you as a mate.

This model is the result of years of collaberation by men seeking to master the art of courtship, many practitioners have mastered this art to a point they can get virtually any woman they want, even if they are married or in a relationship. I know this because I personally know people who have reached that level.
It goes much deeper than this breif description.


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14 Oct 2008, 6:31 pm

Money, women love money

jk, that only applies to sluts

be urself

add me on facebook


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14 Oct 2008, 7:22 pm

First get a girlfriend and take her out in public thus showing to other females that obvisoly there is soemthing about you that can be used to maintain a girl's interest.


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14 Oct 2008, 7:32 pm

Personality > looks

Trust me, I have a facial deformaty.


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14 Oct 2008, 9:05 pm

too bad you can't see personality


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14 Oct 2008, 9:11 pm

Eggman wrote:
too bad you can't see personality

Tell me about it.


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14 Oct 2008, 10:47 pm

norwegianman1972 wrote:
Well, at a minimum one should be attracted to the person, I guess. My problem is that I tend to get attracted to women that are not interested. For an NT person, I guess it is easy to find a girlfriend, but not for an aspie. I am 36 years old and still havent had one, so I think that should disprove it. But again, if you look like Brad Pitt, I guess it is easy. My main problem is probably that I send out signals of uncertainty and nervousness, something that most women do not find attractive.

As a woman I would say most important, is be yourself. Don't pretend to be someone your not. If your nervous about a date, just tell her that. She might find it charming. Be nice to her, listen to her, make her feel important. Aspie's can be very charming at times.

What kind of women are you finding attractive? That could be one problem. Keep an open mind about who you date. Even if you aren't initially attracted to someone, you might find they grow on you and you have a great time with them. While you might not look like Brad Pitt, the average woman isn't going to look like Angelina Jolie either. Be realistic.

If you go out, offer to pay but if they insist on paying for their own, let them. If you have a good time, tell her that then ask if you can go out again and make a date. Don't call too much, a little aloofness from a guy is appealing too. Don't try to make her a girlfriend until your first kiss, if that goes well you can ask. Don't try to kiss her until after the 3rd date unless things are really going well. Not a firm rule but a good start. Take things slow and she wants to go faster, she'll let you know.

Most normal women would be very understanding of how hard it is for you to date. You just have to let her know. You don't have to call it by name but let her know that you get nervous and you're shy.

Finally, if she's not being nice, don't push it. She's not worth it. Time to move on to another one and try again.
Hope this helps. Just keep trying. The best way to start something is just by saying "hello". Nothing is going to happen if you sit there and do nothing so you have to try.

No matter what your age, you don't need to change the world to find love, sometimes all that has to change is you. Be open to the possibilities.


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15 Oct 2008, 7:44 am

Is there really any aspie men that can EASILY get a girlfriend?


Anna Fleischer