What does it take to get confidence?

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18 Sep 2011, 3:23 pm

I am doing a couple of endevours right now physical involving gyms, so we don't need to go into fitness.

But what does it really take to actually eel confidence, a true confidence, if you never have before? The confidence that will get me a girl.

I feel like the only way I will be confident, is if I have my own band, and become a rockstar, then girls will like me.

I really don't see much else of a way to distinguish myself from every other guy.


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18 Sep 2011, 3:27 pm

I feel like the only way I will be confident, is if I have my own band, and become a rockstar, then girls will like me.

You're a musician then, are you talented and skilled enough to do this?


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18 Sep 2011, 3:29 pm

IMO true confidence doesn't come from your fitness, or your job (be it a rockstar or janitor). Yea, your right, if you're a rockstar, a lot of girls will like you. Superficially. And you will reciprocate that superficiality to them. Sure, you would be confident for a time, but when your band declines everyone will forget why they wanted to bang you and the confidence would evaporate.

Besides. Without true self confidence, how will you ever become a rockstar to begin with?

Last edited by AtticusKane on 18 Sep 2011, 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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18 Sep 2011, 3:29 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
I feel like the only way I will be confident, is if I have my own band, and become a rockstar, then girls will like me.

You're a musician then, are you talented and skilled enough to do this?

yeah, but doing so requires being networked with other like-minded musicians socially, something i haven't been able to do


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18 Sep 2011, 3:31 pm

Hardship and getting through it. For me it took jail. But then again, I still don't have a girl, but then again at the moment I'm not specifically aiming for that goal. Do something really hard and survive and hopefully conquer. Either that, or accomplish stuff. But generally confidence comes after pain and agony. Have fun.


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18 Sep 2011, 3:36 pm

True self confidence only comes after being good at something and been approved of being good at it.

Read this:

http://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/2006/09 ... ence-myth/

Competence is the key...competence.

So here’s the truth about confidence: You can only have confidence when other people give it to you. When others in your age group like you, respect you, admire you, and are attracted to you, you get confidence. When they don’t like you, scorn you, and reject you, you lose confidence. Therefore, the level of confidence you have is controlled by others, NOT by you. You can not just decide to be confident. Confidence is not a choice or decision you can make. You can’t just snap your fingers and, Abracadabra, you’re confident. It doesn’t work that way. It can’t work that way. Social confidence, by it’s very definition, requires support and acceptance from others (in your own age group) before it can exist.

(on an important side note: When people mention confidence, 98% of the time they are unwittingly referring to one specific kind: Social Confidence. So please don’t argue with me about other forms of confidence. They are irrelevant to this issue. For example, if you’ve mastered the Klingon language or are an expert in stamp collecting, you may be very confident in your ability. But that confidence CAN NOT translate into social confidence unless others respect, admire, and reward you for your abilities. The average Klingon speaker is more likely to be shunned, particularly by the opposite sex, rather than admired. Thus, please keep in mind that the kind of confidence I discuss here is only the most commonly discussed kind: Social confidence)

Confidence is merely a byproduct of success. You need some kind of social/sexual/romantic success before you can have genuine confidence. Confidence without success is delusional and/or dishonest, thus fake, and others will quickly recognize it as such. Here’s why: It’s not really the confidence itself that people are attracted to. Confidence is merely what results when someone has the qualities that are really attracting us. Obviously, if someone is good-looking, or wealthy, or funny & quick-witted, others will be attracted to them. This, in turn, will give them confidence.


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18 Sep 2011, 4:01 pm

Well, confidence in order to get the girl isn't a good idea. The point of confidence is to focus more on you and less on others. Ignore that B.S. written above. Sure, it's true that confidence is something given to you by others, much in the same way that you are only good at basketball by the standards of how you compare to your peers. But that doesn't mean you should focus on others. In fact, focusing on others is the antithesis of confidence. People that are strictly un-confident focus on what others think all the time, and guess who the one person they neglect is?


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18 Sep 2011, 4:18 pm

In fact, focusing on others is the antithesis of confidence

Says who?

Competence comes by focusing on yourself.

Confidence comes by success and social approval of others.

Let's say you are confident that you can sing well, you go to present yourself at some aired show (ie. American idol) and you got mocked and laughed at by the jury and by millions of watchers.

Guess what would happen to this 'confidence'.


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18 Sep 2011, 4:45 pm

You get confidence by doing well in life, being happy, and feeling like your life means something to other people. It can also be faked. Also, sometimes delusion comes off as confidence.

It really all comes down to being extremely happy with who you are - and not letting it get to you when someone doesn't like you.


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18 Sep 2011, 6:13 pm

The average teenager starts with very low confidence with the opposite sex. They muddle through anyway. Their initial efforts are sustained with a kind of determination mixed with bravado. Call it whatever you like. It works for a lot of people as a bridge to get the greater confidence that comes with experience.

It's the same for delayed adults. You need the will to gain experience without having confidence. The rest will follow eventually.


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18 Sep 2011, 6:23 pm

simon_says wrote:
The average teenager starts with very low confidence with the opposite sex. They muddle through anyway. Their initial efforts are sustained with a kind of determination mixed with bravado. Call it whatever you like. It works for a lot of people as a bridge to get the greater confidence that comes with experience.

It's the same for delayed adults. You need the will to gain experience without having confidence. The rest will follow eventually.



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18 Sep 2011, 6:38 pm


I think there are two concepts here. Self esteem and confidence with women.

Self-esteem is what you'll get from being successful in general. That's important. But it won't translate directly to confidence with the opposite sex. That's a specific confidence that will only come with experience and repetition. And there are different parts to it. You can be confident with some aspects and not others.

Playing in a band is a good idea. It's social and many girls like bands. The volume you'll attract will help you to gain real confidence with the various stages.

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18 Sep 2011, 6:46 pm

I completely lack confidence when it comes to other people (of any gender). So I can't really help there. However, I have found that when I am comfortable with myself and my abilities and can more or less reach a point of liking myself, I tend to stop caring about my lack of confidence in regards to other people. It just becomes a moot point. Oddly enough, that specific form of apathy masquerades really well as confidence - if I just don't care whether or not any given person responds to me positively or not, then I can talk to people without really worrying. I can only do this to limited degrees, but it's still something.


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18 Sep 2011, 8:12 pm


...is a preference for the habitual voyeur of what is known as..

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John's got brewers droop he gets intimidated by the dirty pigeons they love a bit of it
Who's that gut lord marching... you should cut down on your porklife mate... get some exercise



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18 Sep 2011, 8:47 pm

Well, confidence in order to get the girl isn't a good idea. The point of confidence is to focus more on you and less on others. Ignore that B.S. written above. Sure, it's true that confidence is something given to you by others, much in the same way that you are only good at basketball by the standards of how you compare to your peers. But that doesn't mean you should focus on others. In fact, focusing on others is the antithesis of confidence. People that are strictly un-confident focus on what others think all the time, and guess who the one person they neglect is?

You need the will to gain experience without having confidence. The rest will follow eventually.

It really all comes down to being extremely happy with who you are - and not letting it get to you when someone doesn't like you.

This is all good advice. You have to challenge yourself, take risks...baby steps. I think those of us with AS could be susceptible to low confidence because of our penchant for routine, and feeling secure in that routine. People who gain confidence are continually challenging themselves, and they're also failing. Lots. You can't let failing deter you, and you can't let the prospect of success breaking you out of your routines hinder you -- if gaining confidence is what you want.


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18 Sep 2011, 10:07 pm

Fake confidence can become real confidence if utilized for long enough.

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