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08 Nov 2004, 9:17 pm

I went to a few dances in middle school. About a month ago I went to homecoming, my first 'real' dance. I think I am going to go to the rest of the dances this year as it is my last year of high school.

It actually went much better than I expected. I was really nervous at first. My date and I went with two other couples and when we arrived at the dance we mostly just hung out with all of our other friends. Not bad at all.


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09 Nov 2004, 7:05 pm

I am in middle school, and th few dances i have gone to have not really been fun. frankly, i can't dance worth a crap. But Most of my friends are there and i prefer to hang out in the background.

About a month ago I went to homecoming, my first 'real' dance.

we are about to have homecoming to. Its a formal dance, so i don't think i will attend unless my girlfriend really wants to go. And if they have slow music there i swear i'm gonna be sick.

Off topic, but nice avatar, Bec!

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to save all that we love,
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09 Nov 2004, 11:12 pm

Hey Archmage! I have to agree with you about middle school dances, they are not fun. In my opinion, homecoming was much better than middle school dances. I feel like a bit of a geek when I dance, but if you're with a group of firends everyone can be geeky together! :lol:

Off topic: Thanks! Harry Potter, a major obsession of mine.


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10 Nov 2004, 12:10 am

I make a drunk monkey look like Torville & Dean.

LOL!! Right on! That about sums it up for me as well. I love dances though, although I can be self conscious as well. That's why I like having my friends around at dances; they liberate me. At the high school dances I went to, we were the first ones out on the floor, baby! They were a blast, except I could never hear my friends over the music! The extracirricular club I'm in at college goes and closes this summer camp down every fall and opens it up in the spring and they let us have a dance there. It's a bit awkward b/c I don't know anyone very well yet but I usually have a pretty good time.


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03 Dec 2004, 5:46 pm

Well, homecoming has come... and gone. i actually had a great time. It wasn't a formal dance as the rumors were saying, and the DJ had some great songs, although he got a little discouraged when a the start, nobody would dance. but near the end, everyone was gettin' their groove on. :D now, i am completely devoid of energy, so i think i'll take a nap. if you guys want to hear the details, i'll be writing it in my blog in a few minutes.


Here we are, goin' far,
to save all that we love,
if we give all we got,
we will make it through,
Here we are, like a star,
shining bright on the world,
Today... Make evil go away!

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03 Dec 2004, 7:36 pm

To me school dances were never upto much. Pretty plain and boring, really.

I was never a fan of school or school people, so the dances wern't much better.

I'd rather go with a few friends to a place where I don't know people.


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09 Mar 2005, 10:54 pm

I've never been to any school or college dances. From what I heard, not as great as it's hyped up to be. Maybe it would have been good to go, just so I don't have to fabricate any stories when people ask me, but oh well.

What I recently discovered was beyond all my expectations. About a year ago, I started taking dance classes at a dance studio near my house. In addition to lessons, the studio also has informal dances a couple of times a month. Everybody can dance with everybody, and the people there are very nice. Beginner? No problem, so are half the people there. Unless you have difficulty with eye contact from up close (i.e. while dancing), you'll feel very comfortable.

I don't want to post any advertising here, but send me a message for the info. We should support Aspie-friendly businesses like that.


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10 Mar 2005, 3:43 am

I went to many dances when I was a teen. Usually I would just be a wall-flower until a girl asked me to dance (which happened just about every single time). Inevitably the up-tempo fun music would be followed by a slow dance and I'd have *no idea* whether she actually liked me enough for a slow dance or not. Awkward moments followed... When I was older I would go to nightclubs with my friends. Those don't tend to have slow dances except just before they throw everyone out for the night, and pairing-off wasn't required as it was common for people to dance in groups of three or four. My favorite dances were raves where nobody knew me. That was a perfect opportunity for me to stim to the music and lights all by myself in the middle of a crowd of strangers. Ravers are pretty accepting of differences, too, so I never got the feeling I was the focus of anyone's attention. Sadly I'm a bit old for raves now....

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13 Apr 2006, 10:00 am

I can't dance either. I am very fit though flexiable and everything. Get me going and I will be dancing and punking out and stuff.


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13 Apr 2006, 11:47 am

Wow, looks like an old thread has resurfaced.

Honestly, I can't say enough about the dance studio I go to. The people there are so nice and non-judgmental. If you're really awkward on the dance floor, your partner will show you the right way, as opposed to judging you. Since I started going there, I honestly made more progress than I could ever imagine.

Now, for some life history. For the longest time, the concept of "just following the beat" seemed completely foreign to me. In a club, I actually had a girl point and laugh when she saw me dance. I was surprised during the few occasions when a girl in a club actually danced with me.

After going do the dance studio for some time, everything changed. I actually started to enjoy going to clubs. I'm so much more comfortable dancing there; I even had a girl tell me "hey, you're good", while I was doing what learned in the class. It also happened when I went to Israel, and was dancing with a girl in a club. (Well, actually, she said something in Hebrew, but judging from her tone and the way she was dancing close, it sounded like a compliment.) Mind you, I was using moves from a swing dancing class I took right before the trip.

Long story short, if you want to learn to dance, find a dance studio that has nice people and good instructors, and take some classes. The money spent will be well worth it.


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18 Apr 2006, 1:53 am

My husband and I tried ball room dancing lessons. But the only one we could afford you had to take turns dancing with strangers and we just were so uncomfortable with that...we'll we really stink anyways. We wanted to really learn how to tango.....sadly....we need one on one instruction. So we are going to see what we can find. Regular average dancing we are ok at, but professional type dancing......well, geez....not us. BUT WE REALLY WANT TO LEARN. We want to that so wrong?????


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21 Apr 2006, 9:13 am

I think that Dances are good fun! They get me out of the house, and present me with an opportunity to meet a lot of interesting people, from all walks of life. :D


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30 Apr 2006, 7:21 am

I do Jive Dancing on Mondays, its great I go with my Mum, Aunt and her boyfreind(my Aunt's not my Mum's)

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30 Apr 2006, 10:15 am

Paula wrote:
My husband and I tried ball room dancing lessons. But the only one we could afford you had to take turns dancing with strangers and we just were so uncomfortable with that...we'll we really stink anyways. We wanted to really learn how to tango.....sadly....we need one on one instruction. So we are going to see what we can find. Regular average dancing we are ok at, but professional type dancing......well, geez....not us. BUT WE REALLY WANT TO LEARN. We want to that so wrong?????

I don't know how big your livingroom is, but you can always try dancing at home first. Just pick some music that you both like to dance to (tango perhaps?) and just free style. Listen to the rhythm of the music, and let yourself go. You dance a tango to a tango rhythm, because those are the steps that come naturally with the beat of the tune.
Try dancing alone first, so you don't have to worry about stepping on eachother's feet all the time. After that just dance with your husband, pretend you know the tango and just freestyle.

Let's say you had a budget for 12 lessons. I bet there is one tango dancer that is willing to give you 4 lessons in the privacy of your own home for the same price as 12 lessons. You can put your favourite tune on repeat, and dance to the same tune all night, if you wish. And when your lesson is over, the teacher leaves. You don't have to worry about where you have parked the car, or concentrate on the road, as you are already at home. You can continue concentrating on those steps you have just learned, and keep practising.

It takes 2 to tango, and you've already got a dance partner. Go for it!

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04 May 2006, 2:27 am

I was at a dance in 6th grade. I spent the entire time reading a book about physics. :lol:


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04 May 2006, 7:43 pm

I never went to a dance in school since I was never really interested. In fact, social activities of any kind didn't mean much to me at all.


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