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10 Apr 2024, 9:54 pm

The way I think about the quality of someones actions, is like a numberline: negative one hundred on the left side and positive one hundred on the positive side.

Usually they act like their positive actions are a lot more positive than I think they are. Usually they act like their negative actions are a lot less negative than they think they are.

Sometimes they think their negative actions and statements are positive.

For example, last week I asked a coworker where the cart key was. That lil ass hole had the nerve to say "huh" instead of "excuse me ". He acted like saying "huh" was a "zero" on the numberline. But I think saying "huh" is negative ten on the numberline. Then, in a couple of seconds, he found the cart key and gave it to me. That lil dipshit had the nerve to pound me on the back ("friendly" pat on the back). (Rolls eyes). He acted like finding the cart key was (positive ninety) but I think finding the cart key was (positive five). He acted like pounding me on the back was a personal favor but I see pounding me on the back as (negative fifty)

When he had the nerve to pound me on the back he scared the s**t out of me

He acted like he dragged my worthless corpse out of a burning building. While I think he owes me an apology.

Self important idiots like him refuse to "keep your hands to yourself". s**t

Having to deal with wild animals like that at the slave plantation makes me want to puke


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10 Apr 2024, 11:02 pm

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
For example, last week I asked a coworker where the cart key was. That lil ass hole had the nerve to say "huh" instead of "excuse me ". He acted like saying "huh" was a "zero" on the numberline. But I think saying "huh" is negative ten on the numberline.

If you let people using the common vernacular be your pet peeve you're going to always be needlessly upset.

Assuming it's a zero is a reasonable assumption, it is with everyone else they interact with in any given day. How does speaking in their normal matter make them as*holes?

What would being judgmental towards someone over their preference to say huh vs. pardon me good sir fall on the numberline? If the shoe were on the other foot you'd almost certainly be calling the person making judgments on you over your preferred choice of phrase a precious little as*hole for trying to police how you speak.

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