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07 Apr 2005, 5:58 pm

By now you guys know that I follow
my intuition. I wrote earlier that I offended
the Security Maganger of the Hotel next to Strarbucks
a while ago, and I also related the fact that there
would be reprocusions from that unfriendly
occurance(saying Hi at a inappropriate time
and being strange in character-how he looked
at me).

Here is the latest, though it took weeks
for events to ride their course. I am at Starbucks
and decide to use the restroom at the Hotel,
and pass by Mr.unfriendly sec.mgr. He looks
at me. I look at him and go about my business.
I say "Hi-Good afternoon".

When I get back from the restroom, He looks
at me strangely and says, "Uh! Could you use
the restroom at the Starbucks" and staring at
me as a alien creature(reminders of my last
days at Borders).

I politely ask "Did I do something wrong?"
and he says "This is not a public restroom".
I know that is not fact for it is used as one
all the time. This is a precursor for darker
days at not-so-much Starbucks, but instead
I am going to have change locations regardless
of the social improvements I have made.

The manager at Starbuck gives me this
look and all it takes is the Security Manager
to kick me out(he is the highest source, just
like John, manager of Border's in S.F).

Very Swift, very deadly play and as
events play there course I am aware of
the outcome. No matter how I socially
improve the result is "Uh! and a statement"
regarding my presence and being.



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07 Apr 2005, 6:29 pm

sometimes i feel that i have to get away from someplace because i had basically humiliated myself socially and cannot be seen by those people again. later i figure out that it wasnt as bad as i thought at the time.

Uncle Joe loves labor


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07 Apr 2005, 6:45 pm

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Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:29 am    
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sometimes i feel that i have to get away
from someplace because i had basically
humiliated myself socially and cannot be
seen by those people again. later i figure
out that it wasnt as bad as i thought at the time.]

What is it that you sometimes do that can
cause these things happening?
I for example do stretches to relax, and
since there is little free space in S.F this
leads to looks, and regardless of these
looks the stretching is to balance me, and
help me gain perspective and focus
on things needing considering.

I no longer try to engage in random
conversation since I have had too
many bad results from this attempt.

Can you give some examples that
may cause moving from one hangout
to another, and what were the good
results from what seems like a dreadful


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07 Apr 2005, 7:00 pm

well, there were some churches that i would go to growing up. My parents made me go to the youth programs. I made some real smartass comments when asked, "What do you think tha verse means Alex(my real name)?" I would not think about it and then I would make a comment that i thought would have made people laugh(which i love doing) and that they would not take seriously. I would make a comment such as "That verse is about God having sex." Unfortunately, after i realised people were not laughing and staring at me in disbelief, i would be humiliated and change churches.
Another one is when i used to be a bagger at a grocery store and i would going around acting gay(even though im straight) and thought people would find it amusing but unfortunately they were homophobs who called me a fa***t and once again iwas embarassed and quit my job(although i dont regret leaving the dead end job).

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07 Apr 2005, 7:11 pm

I feel for you. Why is it
church goers cannot say
sex, but do it anyways.
are they embarrased by
their bodies? or something

You come along and say
it in a positive fashion
that leads to looks of
OH-MY-GOD(pardon the pun)
you said the _ _ X word
(then the flinch, dramatic pause
and ?)

Then at this grocery store
you bring to light homosexuality
and their DARKER selves
hide under a OH-MY-GOD!

The point is you can see
humor in things(being your
not gay, nor a stuffy christian)
and they cannot for some reason
or another. Even god has
a sense of humor.

I can feel where you are
coming from.



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07 Apr 2005, 7:26 pm

thanx bro.
Ive actually dropped the F-bomb in church quite often. But the college group is much more open minded and dont really care what i say. The leader of the group is a metrosexual and seems to get along with me pretty easily because i think hes got OCD. i told him about my aspergers and how i tend to shock people. He really enjoys talkin bout AS with me and treats me as an equal. Screw those conservative hypocrites who make people feel unwelcome.

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07 Apr 2005, 7:44 pm

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The leader of the group is a metrosexual and seems to get along with me pretty easily because i think hes got OCD. i told him about my aspergers and how i tend to shock people. He really enjoys talkin bout AS with me and treats me as an equal.]

I am glad that you found this outlet,
and a non-judgemental NT christian.

Why do you say OCD describes this guy?


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07 Apr 2005, 7:53 pm

Although he has never been diagnosed, here is why. He is very clean even afraid of going camping. He says how he has all sorts of different pore-cleansing face moisturizers and all sorts of Oil of Olay crap. He must dress/look perfect before leaving the house in the morning(hence, metrosexual) and he explained to me how he must follow patterns constantly. He is very social so i doubt the AS diagnosis would work.

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07 Apr 2005, 8:06 pm

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Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:53 am    
Post subject:
Although he has never been diagnosed,
here is why. He is very clean even afraid
of going camping. He says how he has all
sorts of different pore-cleansing face
moisturizers and all sorts of Oil of Olay crap.
He must dress/look perfect before leaving
the house in the morning(hence, metrosexual)
and he explained to me how he must follow
patterns constantly. He is very social so i
doubt the AS diagnosis would work. ]

What amazes me is that normal NT's follow
a daily grooming technique, and primping
technique, and spends hours on color
coordinatinating outfits(be it a suit for
for work, or casual stroll going out somewhere)
that they wouldn't fit into this OCD diagnoses.


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07 Apr 2005, 8:10 pm

what struck me the most was the pattern thing and handwashing.

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07 Apr 2005, 8:12 pm

Do you have any social AS issues
with these newer people since you
don't seem to have one with
the OCD possible person?


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07 Apr 2005, 8:54 pm

the group is about 65+ members. I have seemed to form relationships with about 8 of them. I have major social issues when i first meet people but it gets better when i feel more comfortable around them. those 8 people all came up and talked to me first and that was mostly what helped me form friendships with those people. Also a strange fact is that while iam 21 these other people are in their late twenties and early thirties. My whole life i have related better to older, more mature people while i seldomly ever get along with my peers.

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07 Apr 2005, 9:10 pm

I completely agree with you. I had,
(being past tense...) a high school bud
who hung, and so did I around older

My former friend was 16,
I was 17, and his older friends
were wise-old-birds of 25-35
years of age.

I learned how to hate adults, and still
respect the knowledge they could
dispense freely and casually as if it
were yesterday.

I didn't like them because they were
clichish and I was "STUPID LITTLE

I would watch though as I learned
neuterally this way. I really don't
think this applies to you, but the
hanging around older adults usually
is to bring comfort of not being judged
but accepted as one who can learn
from them.

Most unpleasantly spoken(about my



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07 Apr 2005, 9:16 pm

actually it is the same as me with the not judgemental part.

Uncle Joe loves labor


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07 Apr 2005, 9:39 pm

Earlier I said I hated being mistreated by
older adults when I was younger. The
thing about these particular adults was
one of them was losing his apartment, and
I was able to score him one without a
reference. He had bad credit(seriously bad).

Thanks, he said, then chucks me out, never
invited me to groups and gatherings.
These were pagan's of the 80's newage
movement. I am myself pagan in philosophy,
and have, to this day a dislike to these
motivational newage speakers that charge
for their wisdom. Gone are those free,
hang-with-me days and just "go away"
will prevail.

Oh! Sorry for that rant. I have held
this in for decades and have never
spoken of it since 1990. You just have
to love www.WrongPlanet.Net.



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08 Apr 2005, 6:11 pm

some people are real as*holes. You try to help them but find out that your being played for a chump in the end.

Question: When you say a pagan in philosophy, how do you differ from the others, if you dont mind me asking?


Uncle Joe loves labor