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24 Apr 2005, 4:03 pm

Graduation is in 2 months time. Its now time to look for a job.

Im studying Computer Science yet i cannot program for scrap ! So looking into other IT related stuff...

Management - im rubbish with people, plus i couldnt organise a book shelf
Analyst - erm gotta be a techie as well
Tester - techie

What i really wanna do is branch off IT and do something in media or music, maybe write for magazine or do flash based web design. Thing is i have absolutely no experience whatsoever. Wanted to learn web design in the past year but havent had much free time.

What should i do ? im so confused and lost, its getting depressing.


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24 Apr 2005, 5:30 pm

What skills do you already have? You could look for a job that uses one of them and then learn Flash or one of your other interests in your spare time until you're good enough to be able to get a job in it. With both writing and web design, you'll need some finished examples of your work (previous articles you've written or sites you've designed) in order to get a job doing them professionally. It's hard to start out as a writer, but comparatively easy to pick up freelance gigs as a web designer.


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24 Apr 2005, 10:57 pm

What about Network Administration or User support?? Im an IT person and thats what im going to school for.


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25 Apr 2005, 10:06 am

Actually i spent a year working in IT support last year. I enjoyed it, but tedious at times. I suppose thats what i got most experience doing. Thing is thee doesnt seem to be a lot of support jobs going at the moment.


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07 May 2005, 4:51 pm

I was told by teachers in school that I would be a great graphic artist. Then I was signed up to college for a course in network management skills. My people skills for small talk are poor but my management and work-communication is very good. Numerous events and changes in my life have left me doing what I never would have expected 5 years ago.

It can take time to find what you really want. I used to be in a huge panic because I was all messed up and working first in a crappy retail job, then in a rough nosed food plant.....which I still work at now. However, I have turned my sights on housing and renting out apartments. The food plant put everyone on an awesome new schedule 2 years ago and it has been much easier to do things in my spare time. You never know what can happen! Just never give up no matter how bad it gets.


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08 May 2005, 7:27 am

Absolute_Zero wrote:
I was told by teachers in school that I would be a great graphic artist.

Yes, mine said that too. I would be all for working for a huge advertising company, but i've got this fixation with wanting to be famous for something.. :(


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08 May 2005, 4:06 pm

hale_bopp wrote:
i've got this fixation with wanting to be famous for something..

I've tried to imagine a way that AS and fame could work, but I can't. Yeah, I'd like the money that fame can bring, but I don't know how I would deal with all of the people, and even worse, their costant critisism.
I'd probably lose any money gained from fame to lawsuits from attaking those tabloid photographers that should be legal to shoot anyway.


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08 May 2005, 4:15 pm

Id lose the money by electrocuting them and claiming its their fault for clmbing on an electric fence :P

"Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?"


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13 May 2005, 10:27 am

I don't want to be famous but I want to be a real-estate mogul!
No, actually I want to eventually move to the city and run bigger buildings than triplexes and 4 units. Houses are cheap around here so it's a good situation. I feel sorry for all these people who are trying to clamber up some corporate ladder in office politics land. Often, the companies are corrupt and they tap the government for all they can get away with!

The company I work for is very corrupt and under handed. Food is often run at such a high speed that it doesn't get sorted properly and therefore has to be run again 2 and sometimes 3 times over. Packed 20-40 lb boxes of product have to be cut open and re-processed. This is a crafty pitch to keep people employed so the government can boast about employment numbers. In return for the good employment numbers, the government gives the company all kinds of services, publicity and loans. I really don't believe in that crap and one day it will probably be my motivation for quitting. Processing this re-ran product makes up well over 30% of the total yearly work time. It used to be up over 50%, almost everything was run at least twice. I think they are scared that someone is going to catch on. In the long run it is harmful and parasitic to the economy. You would be surprised at how many companies in the world operate like that!! ! I'd like to see 60 minutes or W5 get on the case!! ! That is my primary motivation for bypassing ordinary employment.

I just like my job because it's fun and the time goes good. I don't bother to ask "why are we running so fast" anymore because I know now. Eventually when I get a couple houses paid off, I will sever the ties with my actual job. I was planning to move away and study to be a mechanic but that is not likely to happen now.