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30 Sep 2017, 3:18 am

white_as_snow wrote:
Nay wrote:
Jesus wasn't white.

Yes he was. He is always painted as white around the world.

Jesus was a middle eastern Jew. People from the Middle East are brown to deal with the hotter climates. Europeans are white cause it snows a lot. So says biology.
Some paintings have him black. Whit artist painted him white cause they’re white.

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30 Sep 2017, 4:06 am

sly279 wrote:
white_as_snow wrote:
Nay wrote:
Jesus wasn't white.

Yes he was. He is always painted as white around the world.

Jesus was a middle eastern Jew. People from the Middle East are brown to deal with the hotter climates. Europeans are white cause it snows a lot. So says biology.
Some paintings have him black. Whit artist painted him white cause they’re white.

Europeans are white (more precisely - pink to light beige ;) ) not because of snow but because of heavy clouds and thus high risk of D vitamin deficiency. Look at weather maps for Bergen, Norway :) - it's the best. In snowy areas people tend to have slightly darker skin color (e.g. Inuit, Sami).
But yeah, Jesus was a Jew. Not necessarily brown (Ever been to Middle East? Lots of pale-skinned people there) but surely Semitic.

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30 Sep 2017, 7:49 am

Mark Twain said what we all already know: that "even the Devil can cite scripture for his purposes".

Any creed can be twisted to any end. There are those few lines of scripture (that stuff about the Mark of Ham) that American White racists use to justify racism.

But so can secular beliefs. Darwin's theories have certainly got twisted to serve racism as well.

Intertribal strife in Darfur in the Sahara is between tribal groups who all happened to be Muslim. The Muslim tribes who happened to be ethnic Arab considered themselves superior to the tribes of local African descent, and justify that notion because "we are Arabs, and thus closer to the Prophet and the Koran". So Islam can be twisted that way too.

In fact a modern Muslim thinker who inspired Ben Laden actually came out and disowned his own philosophy because, among other things, it gets used to justify racism.

Jesus was obviously not the blue eyed auburn haired dude we see in American paintings of him. He was, what today would be called, an "Oriental Jew"(the only kind of Jew that existed in his time), or even "an Arab Jew". He was probably olive skinned, had brown eyes, and looked like a modern Arab, or like most Jews in Arab countries look today (which is much like their Arab neighbors).

Christianity spread westward from Judea in Roman times, and reached the horn of Africa long before it reached any part of Europe north of the Alps. So there were Black African Christians before there were any British Christians.

Then in the Seventh Century a heretical sect of nontrinitarian Christianity spread to the far southern parts of the Arabian Peninsula and morphed into Islam. Then Islam spread via the Arab invasions north into the Byzantine controlled Iraq and Syria, and them west to Egypt and North Africa, and it wrested that big expanse of land awary from Christianity to Islam. This lose of territory by Christemdom caused the black Christians of Ethiopia to get cut off from both centers of Christianity (Byzantium and Rome) and caused Europe to become the center of Christianity instead of the Middle East homeland of Christianity. So it was that historic accident that caused Christianity to become centered north of the Mediterranean in places inhabited by light skinned folks.

In America both Slave owners, AND abolitionists would cite scripture in their respective causes (just like both would cite the secular philosophy of Thomas Jefferson). And in the Twentieth Century both Segregationists and Civil Rights leaders would cite scripture. And the Civil Rights movement was led by ministers like MLK Jr..


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30 Sep 2017, 8:04 am

white_as_snow wrote:
Nay wrote:
Jesus wasn't white.

Yes he was. He is always painted as white around the world.

Oh really? Here are a couple of Chinese paintings of Jesus.



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30 Sep 2017, 8:54 am

Wasn't one of the Popes part of the Hitler youth? I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

white_as_snow wrote:
If christianity did not exist in USA and Buddhism/Hinduism/Islam was the norm then racism would not even exist.

Whenever this is studied Muslims always top the list as the most intolerant. They are the most racist, most insular, most anti-semitic, most anti-gay, so I find your comment a little strange.

It's not religion though, people tend to be the product of their cultures, and the large mainly-white Christian countries are no different. You have to remember that white populations are the only ones that have multiculturalism forced on them and that's going to stoke the fires of racism.

It's not really religion though, if you think the passages you posted prove that Christianity supports racism or that people reading that will become racist then I think you're stretching a little too far, I was brought up catholic in a catholic school and I can honestly say we were not exposed to anything remotely racist. Instead like most Christians, the parts of The Bible that were given focus were that ones that spread love and understanding, the forgiving of enemies, the helping the sick, all that kind of stuff.

We're obviously not going to change your mind, though, you have in your head a distorted version of a lot of religions. Anyway, I have to go now, we're throwing gays off the top of a tall building at 3 then stoning rape victims at 5. Damn, I wish the whole world was Muslim, wouldn't it be so much more peaceful.

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30 Sep 2017, 9:21 am

Chichikov wrote:
Wasn't one of the Popes part of the Hitler youth? I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

Benedict. Wasn't really active there, avoided meetings or at least his biographers state so.
Participance in Hitlerjugend was mandatory in that time and place, almost every German about his age was there.

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30 Sep 2017, 9:36 am

kitesandtrainsandcats wrote:
white_as_snow wrote:
Nay wrote:
Jesus wasn't white.

Yes he was. He is always painted as white around the world.

"always painted as white around the world" -- that is false, so totally, absolutely, and unambiguously false, and has been for multiple centuries, that it is supremely farcical that you even said it. ... And, white_as_snow, after that absurd assertion you have no further credibility.

I AGREE----especially, with the "no further credibility" part.

I have a picture of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph hanging above a doorway in my home, that is very, very old (passed-down through my family), and ALL of them look brown, to ME!! All three of them with dark hair/eyes/beard, and olive skin----no blonde hair/blue eyes, and pale skin!!

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
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30 Sep 2017, 9:50 am

white_as_snow wrote:
Well, we can say this: christiantiy is the only religion that supports racism.

LOL So, Islamist terrorists are ONLY killing other Islamists, in the name of Allah? LOLOLOL TOO funny!!

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)

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30 Sep 2017, 9:57 am

Campin_Cat wrote:
kitesandtrainsandcats wrote:
white_as_snow wrote:
Nay wrote:
Jesus wasn't white.

Yes he was. He is always painted as white around the world.

"always painted as white around the world" -- that is false, so totally, absolutely, and unambiguously false, and has been for multiple centuries, that it is supremely farcical that you even said it. ... And, white_as_snow, after that absurd assertion you have no further credibility.

I AGREE----especially, with the "no further credibility" part.

I have a picture of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph hanging above a doorway in my home, that is very, very old (passed-down through my family), and ALL of them look brown, to ME!! All three of them with dark hair/eyes/beard, and olive skin----no blonde hair/blue eyes, and pale skin!!

The most famous medieval depiction of Virgin Mary holding little Christ in Poland (Matka Boska Częstochowska) has brown skin.
There is even the whole fenomenon of medieval Madonnas with dark skin:

Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.

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30 Sep 2017, 12:07 pm

Campin_Cat wrote:
white_as_snow wrote:
Well, we can say this: christiantiy is the only religion that supports racism.

LOL So, Islamist terrorists are ONLY killing other Islamists, in the name of Allah? LOLOLOL TOO funny!!

That's beside the point.

If you slaughter folks of every race because those folks didn't vote for Mike Huckabee, and you recruit folks of every ethnicity and race to join your ranks of Huckabee terrorists, then you're not being "racist". You maybe a blood thirsty criminal against humanity. But you're not doing the crimes in the name of race.

Al Queda and other Jihadists target folks because they are infidels. And not because of their skin color. And they also recruit folks of every skin color.

So they aren't being racists. And that's the point that the OP is missing. Both Islam and Christianity are actually forces against racism, but on the downside both promote other hatreds (hatred of other faiths, and of heretics within their respective faiths). Both tend to unite folks of different skin colors, but both tend to unite these folks against other religions and creeds. And both do so with more fervor than do other faiths like Buddhism, or Paganism.


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03 Oct 2017, 2:25 am

Campin_Cat wrote:
white_as_snow wrote:
Well, we can say this: christiantiy is the only religion that supports racism.

LOL So, Islamist terrorists are ONLY killing other Islamists, in the name of Allah? LOLOLOL TOO funny!!

That's an example of religious extremism, not racism.

Islamist terrorists kill on religious basis, not racial - meaning they kill "unbelievers" of all races.


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03 Oct 2017, 4:13 am

white_as_snow wrote:
If we take a look at christian nations there are always full of racism.

Trump, KKK, Putin, far right-wingers, conservatives etc are always christians or have christian values.

The way for exemple black people get treaded by christians in USA you will not see that in any muslim/hindu/buddhist nation.

The colonization, apartheid and the Atlantic slave trade was carried out by christians.

The christian elite (catholic church, ortodox chrurch, protestant church) all have their power-seat in white nations.

Why has there never been any asian/arab/black pope?

Where is the christian-left and the christian liberals?

Does the bible support racism? It sure does:

A bastar,d shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD. (Deut 23:2)

You must completely destroy the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, just as the LORD your God has commanded you. (Deut 20:17)

some of their daughters as wives for themselves and for their sons, so that the holy race has intermingled with the peoples of the lands; (Ezra 9:3)

If Jacob takes a wife from among the women of this land, from Hittite women like these, my life will not be worth living." (Genesis 27:46)

(1 Mos 20–27) says that Noah cursed his grandson Canaan as a punishment for Canaan's father Ham observed Noah when he lay drunk and naked in his tent and then Ham told it to his brothers Sem and Japheth. According to Genesis, Ham was father to Kush, Mizraim, Put, and Canaan. Kush was often assumed to be the african's ancestor.

And as we all know Jesus and his apostles where white (its how they are portrayed) and the bible was put together finally at a meeting with white christian pastors in Nicea.

For me there is no doubt that its Christianty that is causing all the racism we have in the world, it is a coincidence that racism are only mainstream among christians? I dont think so.

Christianity is a control system greated by roman empire (white supremacists) to control "heathens/non white people" and use them as economic slaves.

I really dont get why white people is getting all the **** for racism, how can a group of people because of their skin color be naturally racists? There is no scientific evidence that white people are naturally racists nor is there anything in the water or air that makes white people a bunch of racists. Nah, its a system that makes them racist. That system is called christianity. If christianity did not exist in USA and Buddhism/Hinduism/Islam was the norm then racism would not even exist.

oh s**t this is Captain sweden!! !!


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03 Oct 2017, 4:16 am

:D :D :D

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03 Oct 2017, 4:51 pm

Honestly - probably should have locked this straight away, although I think the responses make this a victory for free speech.

Lots of good contributions here but the thread's foundation is an unjustified attack on a religious group, including saying that all Christians are far-right extremists. This is a clear breach of WrongPlanet rules.