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03 Nov 2017, 1:05 am

Howdy partner

I'm a 23 year old male, and am not so great with introductions (or most social interactions it seems)
I'm not diagnosed on the spectrum, but life in my shoes so far have concluded to me I am likely on the spectrum with some form of aspergers. Because of social ineptness and my introvert attitude I kind of became a bit of a shutin. I don't really have any friends I talk to either, which can suck sometimes. I figure I can find others who relate to me and are more tolerable of people like me instead of constantly being in my head all the time and mostly having no social contact with people.

As far as interests go, I'm pretty plain. I like to indulge in a lot of music, I love discovering new artists/albums and just experiencing them. I feel like we live in a great time to be a music lover, being that you can go on the internet and discover music under any genre and dive in. My go-to is a lot of R&B music, I'm a hip hop enthusiast as well. I like industrial and alternative rock as well. Honestly there's really nothing I would say I don't like cause I feel like art is subjective, etc etc.

I also like poetry and all things creative writing. I like using language to illustrate emotions, stories, and all that good stuff. I would like to call myself a poet, but I don't write very much and I want to change that. I just like that feeling of being creative and feeling like you can express anything via words.

I also love retro video games. I'm talking anything with pixel graphics. NES and SNES platformer games are always fun to me: Castlevania, Megaman, etc. I play some modern games on PC/console but I tend to like games that go for an "old school" approach.

OK this intro is probably very long, so I'll end it here. Like I said I'm not the most socially apt person, but I'd like to think I'm pretty friendly once I get to know people so I hopefully I meet some cool people that can relate to me here.



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03 Nov 2017, 1:28 am

Welcome! What sorts of things do you like to write?


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Joined: 3 Nov 2017
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03 Nov 2017, 1:35 am

TheAP wrote:
Welcome! What sorts of things do you like to write?

I really don't write a whole lot, but I just like to write train of thought/expressive poetry. Just whatever's bottled up inside me and I like to spill it out, sometimes it doesn't make a lot of sense but it's kind of therapeutic to just express it. I also write rap verses as well with the same kind of idea in mind. I love reading all forms of poetry as well, seeing others unleashing creativity is really inspiring to me.


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04 Nov 2017, 4:43 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :D

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!