Do you think that you should have kids?

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23 Oct 2022, 9:06 am

Based on your description you should not have children

However plenty of people fit your description, or they have other worse weaknesses, and they have children

I don't want children and I am 39. Which is old enough. Children take too much time, cash and energy.

There are plenty of good reasons not to have children.

The solar system contains plenty of unwanted children



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13 Nov 2022, 7:37 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
I don’t believe in the garbage that “one shouldn’t bring kids into this big, bad world.” The “world,” to a certain extent, is “what you make of it.”

I sort of regret not having kids…..but am sort of glad because I might have screwed up badly if I did have kids.

Hi Kraftie! Been a while :) Hope you are doing alright.

What a refreshing take on the issue. Many people (millenials especially) around me are afraid of having children, because of the state of the world. Biggest issue they mention is climate change. How do you feel about that when it comes to not bringing children into the world? Just interested in your opinion.

My boyfriend and I are now in our thirties and still veru much on the fence btw. Mostly because we want to travel some more but also because motherhood seems draining to me sometimes.

Neither of us are too worried about our kids being neurodivergent. The world is changing so rapidly. Neurodivergence might be the thing we need more in a decade.


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13 Nov 2022, 7:40 am

Caz72 wrote:
i wasnt planning on having kids as i dont like babies much but i got raped when i came off the pill and got pregnant

it was mixed feelings when my son was born as i loved him but hated him at the same time

my dad came to help tho

then i started getting more used to having a baby around and i settled more into motherhood and i did everything i could for him to be happy and loved

he is a teenager now and i think i have done a good job with him even though when he was younger he spent half the week with the father of his while i was working driving coaches sometimes i went abroad but i didnt like doing that then my dad died so i left and i just drive buses locally now

Oh my gosh so sorry for you to have that happen to you. I hope you and your son are doing well now.


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13 Nov 2022, 3:23 pm

I’m doing all right, Cafeaulait. Thanks for asking.

Caz certainly is a survivor!


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20 Nov 2022, 12:55 pm

No. I need my alone time and a child would not understand that. I know adults that don't. My special interests mean everything to me and I can't fathom putting them on hold for anything or anyone. Children are loud, messy and unpredictable. The biggest thing, I don't think I could bond with a child. Children need to bond with their parents but I would be unable too. I had a hysterectomy at 23 so I no longer have to worry about bringing them into the world. I actually made up my mind at 4 that I never wanted children when I grew up. I never changed my mind.

Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.


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22 Nov 2022, 12:09 am

HeroOfHyrule wrote:
Do you think that it's a good idea for you to have kids?

I increasingly feel like I shouldn't have kids, and that I probably won't ever be ready to have any. I wouldn't neglect a child or anything like that, but I'm very emotionally and socially stunted due to ASD and trauma, and I don't think it's a good idea for someone who is basically developmentally a child to have one of their own. I'm also only really independent with help from other people and if I had a kid I wouldn't be able to take care of them by myself. I also am often burnt out and have shutdowns very frequently, which isn't ideal when you have kids.

I hope to have kids at some point.