Legend of Zelda live action movie in development according

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08 Nov 2023, 11:05 am

To Nintendo and Shigeru Miyamoto

It will be produced by Sony Pictures (wait...WHAT?!?) and will be based on one of the games in the series

I wonder if the film will be based on Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword?

Personally I want to see live-action versions of the iconic dungeons from OOT such as the Forest Temple, Water Temple and Spirit Temple

And of course I want to see the characters like Link in live-action too! :heart: :heart: :heart:

Hopefully they cast someone who is young and handsome to play him :heart:

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08 Nov 2023, 1:57 pm

I'll be interested to see how they do it.

I mean Link is a non-character isn't he? He's basically devoid of personality by design so the player can project themselves on him.

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08 Nov 2023, 7:41 pm

Yes but he has more personality than other Nintendo non-characters like Miis

If this movie is PG-13 they might even be able to get away with violence or sex!

So we can see Link plunge his sword into Ganondorf's body or watch him and Zelda or Malon or Princess Ruto or Saria or Nabooru get it on!! !

These are all characters from Ocarina of Time who have admitted they have romantic feelings for Link BTW

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09 Nov 2023, 6:01 am

Mikurotoro92 wrote:
Yes but he has more personality than other Nintendo non-characters like Miis

If this movie is PG-13 they might even be able to get away with violence or sex!

So we can see Link plunge his sword into Ganondorf's body or watch him and Zelda or Malon or Princess Ruto or Saria or Nabooru get it on!! !

These are all characters from Ocarina of Time who have admitted they have romantic feelings for Link BTW

This is why I think they'll have a hard time. Because Link doesn't have a character of his own, different people will have all sorts of different expectations for him.

I don't know pre-Windwaker Zeldas but Link never responds to the female characters that show interest in him does he? He's kind of asexual, he's wedded to his role of princess protector. So how can they put him in a romantic storyline without annoying lots of fans who think he should be in a relationship with their favourite female Zelda character?

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09 Nov 2023, 6:13 am

I would go to see the movie just out of curiousity and also, probably, nostalgia.


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09 Nov 2023, 6:14 am

Let's start casting.

Bridgette Lundy-Paine as Link!

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09 Nov 2023, 8:20 am

Are they doing an adaptation of the first game or Link to the Past or are they going for Ocarina of Time?

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09 Nov 2023, 8:47 am

I would love a movie about Twilight Princess, though it seems more likely that it would be about another game. Maybe if this works they'll make one or two more movies.


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12 Nov 2023, 12:25 pm

DuckHairback wrote:
I'll be interested to see how they do it.

I mean Link is a non-character isn't he? He's basically devoid of personality by design so the player can project themselves on him.

Depends highly on the game. The first one, no. He has no personality at all. The Wind Waker/ Phantom Hourglass Link has a ton of personality, facial expressions, etc. We don't have too many games where you're on a stealth mission and "meow" when someone becomes sus.