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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 24 Nov 2023
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24 Nov 2023, 11:27 am

Hi are there any guilds on World of Warcraft for people with autism or that have quite a few people with autism? If not are there any groups on other multiplayer games with only or mostly people with autism? thanks:)


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29 Nov 2023, 8:10 pm

cathy29 wrote:
Hi are there any guilds on World of Warcraft for people with autism or that have quite a few people with autism? If not are there any groups on other multiplayer games with only or mostly people with autism? thanks:)

First to answer the question. I don't know. If there were I would not join it. I have people inviting me all the time to guilds, and always decline. I've never been a group joiner.

I was wondering if you play World of Warcraft or World of Warcraft Classic? It would be nice to think we've past each other on one of the roads. I play both, but mostly Classic. I tend to jump and give people a buff, if I have buff to give. That's my way of saying "Hi" in-game.

I play on the Myzrael server in Classic.
I play on the Kul Tiras server in regular World of Warcraft


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01 Dec 2023, 9:44 am

I feel I should explain why I would not likely join a guild. Several years ago, I think it was around 2010 because the Cataclysm expansion came out right after buying the game. The tech people in my department at work were playing in the evenings together. They found out I was playing as well and invited me to their guild. I went with them on a couple dungeon runs and was very uncomfortable. I didn't know the group play etiquette and was "yelled" at few times for not knowing. It wasn't all bad. I enjoyed playing with the group, but I was constantly worried I wasn't holding up my end. I was failing them. I didn't quit though. They did. They moved on to another game. So I don't join guilds anymore.

However, in Star Wars Galaxy Online, I use to belong to a guild that comprised of my two sons and me. That was fun. It was all very loose. We didn't rely on each other to get things done. Our guild was GORF, and we had a city on Dantooine called GORF. Afeust, the Robo Frog (Mon Calamari with robotic arms), was our leader. That was my older son who was a teenager at the time. We had a GORF website, at one time.
GORF stood for Galactic Order of the Robo Frog. We cheated on the acronym. We wanted it to be FROG spelled backward. My sons eventually left the game, but they were my sons, and that didn't quit.

Anyway, that's my history with guilds, but that is just me and my idiosyncrasies.