Farmers warn ‘crisis is building’ as record rainfall

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10 Apr 2024, 9:45 am

I was wondering if this was going to be a problem. Lots of the crop fields around me have large areas that are brown and dead from being waterlogged so long.

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13 Apr 2024, 2:28 pm

We have the opposite problem here this year.. we had the Lowest snowfall through the Winter possibly Ever - if not Ever it's damned close. Rivers that are usually raging up in the North and East of the Province are little trickling streams in comparison.

Watering restrictions for lawns and car washing etc are starting May 1st vs. not until June or later. (lawns are stupid - they only exist as signs of wealth that someone can afford a plot of land that they don't have to use to produce food.. what a dumb tradition. We replaced our back lawn with artificial turf and the main front one with river rock a couple years ago.)

Forest fire nerds are sounding the alarm bells about the fact that we still have dozens of active wildfires burning from last year that weren't able to be put out, and that if we don't spend $$$$$$$ A$AP in an attempt to minimize damage and losses, we're going to be in for a world of hurt both in terms of lost forests/towns etc as well as expen$e$ to deal with it.. and since people are stupid and operate in a moronic world of bureaucracy, almost nothing is going to be proactively done and it's going to get extremely costly. It would not surprise me one bit if we end up with the worst air quality on the face of the Earth again as forest fires rage this Summer.. like shave your beard and do not go outdoors without a proper fitting respirator on level bad.

And of course, with such little snowpack and rivers running dry and reservoirs running low we're going to be up s**t creek without a paddle when it comes to growing food crops, too.

This SHOULD BE the Summer of dirty cars, houses, driveways & brown dead lawns. No one should be wasting water on any of this stupid BS. If you want your car clean you should Have To go use a pay car wash where the water is collected, filtered, and reused vs. sent down the storm drain. ONLY food gardens should be watered. But people are f*****g stupid and really vain, so they'll polish their cars and water grass while their lips are parched.

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.