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27 Dec 2014, 4:07 am

Narrator wrote:
Is wearing clothes acting against nature?

It could be, e.g. during sex.


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27 Dec 2014, 5:48 am

Both. Our primate origin is undeniable, but in our creativity, intellect, and our ability to do great good or great evil, we also share something of the divine.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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27 Dec 2014, 8:37 am

Narrator wrote:
Is wearing clothes acting against nature?

One thing i find fascinating about all forms of human language is the forms of language reflect the hearts and souls of the people who design and speak them...

And to look at the written English Language is to see materialism for me.. ART in both Asian and Arabic languages..

But i seem to 'SEE' more love in Arabic written languages although i cannot speak this love i see... and this love seems strong as the words stay the same in written form even in our technological age of digital printed word...

The FACT that folks here in the western world.. overall.. no longer even use cursive.. is a reflection to me that folks are losing both their heArt and soul.. and truly that is sad to me.. as soul and hEart becomes cold hard science instead of warm feeling language of soul and heaRt....

i suppose that is part of what draws me so much to 'people like them'...

Well, at this point you might ask what the hell does have to do with your question, and I suggest plenty as in discussions of philosophy on this forum the English language is sorely deficient in nuances of both GOD and what our peers describe as love over in the westernized greater materialistic ways of life.

The language of Urdu is highly nuanced in 'matters' of GOD and LOVE when two become the same.


BUT ON THE other hand I see neither bad or good, I just see GOD everywhere I 'look'.

Mother Nature True is a politically correct way of describing GOD that many western folks could probably agree with both religious and anti-religious so I use that in a diplomatic way.

However, HELL NO, the phrase Mother Nature True or ALL THAT IS doesn't nearly describe ALL THE NUANCE, I FOR ONE, 'KNOW' OF GOD that goes far beyond what the English can say in words no matter how I manipulate it here and tHere and I doubt any language will EVER BE DEVELOPED to FULLY express what even I know non-verbally of what is GOD to me and I am sure tHere are Universes of knowing GOD that others experience that GO far beyond my conception of GOD in all the ways I know GOD as is.

So to get back to the point of your question, I see viruses including the virus of culture as neither good or bad and fully part of the GOOD THAT IS GOD.

AND by the way good to me is the balance of all that is.

The dark and light of all it is works to make is as is and that is enough for me to be content as is NOW.

Clothes are environmental tools that can provide protection from the elements and they are certainly part of GOD in this way.

Clothes are environmental tools that shield one from the life giving nourishment of the SUN and in this way they are certainly part of GOD too, although a much more potentially limiting experience of GOD as is.

I love the light and the dark and do not assume I know the 'mind' of GOD.

Everything humans and the rest of creation experiences and does not experience is GOD to me, whether I for one experience IT, both light and dark, and I for one 'hug' the 'whole thing' with 'all' my 'arms' of life. :)

And I for one choose to be naked as much as possible, as it simply feels good to me as one to connect more FULLY TO GOD LIKE THAT. ;)

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28 Dec 2014, 3:29 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
Both. Our primate origin is undeniable, but in our creativity, intellect, and our ability to do great good or great evil, we also share something of the divine. pillows?

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28 Dec 2014, 3:46 am

Human primates. the physical composition of humans and primates is pretty close to identical. God like beings are conceived of the ego which resides in the brain of human primates. We are all, at some level, savages. Human beings are more than 98....% percentile exactly identical It is that small, miniscule portion of our existence dominated by ego which insists upon riding the "individual" train to the hilt, which basically screws up most of what is screwed up in this life. Huge ego'ed, gregarious, self important chest thumpers destroy the world. I avoid them at all cost. They make my brain ache from 100 yards away.


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28 Dec 2014, 4:21 am

AspieOtaku wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Both. Our primate origin is undeniable, but in our creativity, intellect, and our ability to do great good or great evil, we also share something of the divine. pillows?

Somethin' like that. :lol:

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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28 Dec 2014, 5:16 am

I think non, I can see why some would classify humans as one of those but I think we belong to neither, we're far more superior than primates; we're more intelligent, complex, our cultures, our society, our history, etc, etc. and we're not superior enough to be considered god like. We're not primates or god like creatures- we're just humans.