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07 Feb 2018, 8:34 pm

So I read your PDF file expecting some specifics. I saw some examples, I suppose. So basically, when my child is happy I should remind him that there will be hard times ahead. Pretty typical parent stuff. You constantly reference two math equations, but it's unclear what they have to do with parenting an autistic child. I'm sure what you wrote makes sense in your head, but I swear, it's like you smoked some crack and than wrote of thoughts on paper.

I'm not sure if your paper (or whatever you want to call it) is written with NTs or autistics in mind, but as an autistic I sure can't get it. I guess it's just that you present yourself as this ultimate dad, giving the best advice in threads yadda yadda and it's just a bunch of random thoughts formatted into paragraphs.

I'm glad your kids are happy and I hope they'll continue to be. But personally, if I had a 12 year old child who was wearing a diaper, I'd try to potty train him/her. You have to consider the dignity of the child. And let me be clear, you take a child who is 12 years old with a diaper and you bring him to a restaurant full of autistic people, and you'd still get some thoughts about how that's pretty old to be wearing diapers. This ain't some sort of "NTs are bad" thing, this is a more basic human thing.

I think we should agree to disagree and move on. Perhaps you should consider not acting like the smartest man on earth and maybe try to be more down to earth. Heck, if you're going to present yourself as smart, you'd better start writing some coherent thoughts for Christ sakes.


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08 Feb 2018, 2:59 am

9 years, all the focussing didn't work out then, maybe leave it to its own for the next,
it's setting pathways or stepping down and see

don't put diapers at all, that's good in the summer with shorts and outdoor living,
see how that goes



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09 Feb 2018, 10:08 pm

traven wrote:
9 years, all the focussing didn't work out then, maybe leave it to its own for the next,
it's setting pathways or stepping down and see

don't put diapers at all, that's good in the summer with shorts and outdoor living,
see how that goes


It's not like there wasn't improvement. It is just taking longer than normal (obviously).

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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30 Apr 2018, 4:25 pm


Great to hear your kids are so successful.

However, I am a bit skeptical about your methods because not every method works for every individual. So to blame other parents simply because they don't use your methods is not only callous, it assumes that your techniques will work for all. No one technique works for all kids.

It's easy to judge others when you assume all kids are just like your kids. The fact is, all autistic children are different with different needs and they all response differently to various therapies. That's why it's called the Autism Spectrum. And you base your opinion that all autistic kids are just fine on your limited knowledge base of your own kids. Come back with that opinion after working with a population of autistic children who are more severely disabled than your kids.

Now if you have any scientific data to prove that your methods will work for all kids, that might help your case somewhat.

But even if you had the best ideas in the world, few will listen because of your arrogant, smug, condescending attitude. If you approached the whole subject with a bit more humility, I might have been interested in your book.

But as it is, your approach will only drive away any potential customers.

But it seems doubtful you will listen to anything anyone says as you seem to think you have all the answers.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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30 Apr 2018, 11:01 pm

Hi Sarah,

I'm so sorry for all you are going through. I have an adult son with severe autism, and we have been through some things, some scary situations, and I can only imagine how stressed you must be.

First of all, is there any way you could take some breaks every now and then and ask someone you trust to take care of your children for a while? Because if you are very stressed (and I know you are), that can affect your health. And it's so important to take care of ourselves. If we don't, how can we take care of our children?

Next, have you thought about the possibility that these behaviors may not be behavioral? I know that sounds strange, so let me explain.

When my son was 7 or 8 years old, he went through a phase where he was screaming almost all the time. It was so loud that we all had to wear earplugs. It was that bad.

I first thought he was behaving badly, but still wondered if there was something physical going on. We brought him to doctor after doctor until finally a pediatrician thought to do an x-ray to see what was going on. The results showed he was extremely constipated, all blocked up.

Once we found out what was wrong, we were able do something about it.

A few years later, he started screaming again, so I assumed it was constipation and dealt with it accordingly, but this time that didn't work. I couldn't understand why until we saw a practitioner who did some testing and found that he had a duodenal ulcer.

Once again, after we could see what was going on, we knew what to do about it.

We've had other very troubling issues as well that were also caused by health problems.

Is it possible that there could be a serious health condition causing these behaviors? I shudder to think what might have happened to my son if we had not discovered his constipation and ulcer conditions.

I like to think that when my son is exhibiting bad behaviors, that he's not giving me a hard time. He's having a hard time.

I hope that helps.
