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18 May 2023, 11:08 pm

I predict that trumplestiltskin is going to continue to troll the USA hard af and get his cult 45 members panties all up in a bunch, resulting in him telling them to do another stochastic terrorism for their orange demigod and some of those idiots are gonna do it. There will be violence. Maybe guns, maybe bombs, maybe kidnappings, who knows maybe even lynchings.. but the best we can hope for is that the ones that do go completely crazy end up like that idiot on the front lawn of some FBI field office.. going down in a hail of bullets with no law enforcement or politician casualties.

Not sure if that’s wishcasting or doomcasting, more of just what I think could play out I guess.

Also, I still say there’s a 0% chance he doesn’t get indicted on multiple offences. Whether he’s convicted or ever does jail time who knows but IMO the US government isn’t going to set the precedent that it’s totes coolio if you try to overthrow it and fail, like nbd big orange oaf, we cool, we cool.. LOL no. They’re gonna nail his ass harder than Jesus. If they weren’t, they’d have never hired Jack Smith to do the job.

It’s like some woman said back then.. “Oh my God, they’re going to indict him.” Because Jack Smith wouldn’t be on it if they weren’t going to. It’s sort of the thing he’s good at - prosecuting the worlds biggest highest ranking criminals.

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.


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20 May 2023, 4:46 pm

Tim Scott makes 2024 bid official

Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) has officially declared himself a candidate for the GOP nomination for president, making him the latest Republican to enter a crowded field that has so far been dominated by former President Trump.

Scott filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on Friday, ahead of an expected formal campaign launch Monday.

Scott, who won reelection in November, is vying for the Republican presidential nomination against Trump, former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, among the party’s most high-profile contenders.

Scott’s entry also makes him the second South Carolinian to wade into the race, joining Haley, the state’s former governor.

The Republican primary figures to be a crowded one; Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is also expected to launch his campaign next week. Other Republicans widely speculated to be running but not yet officially entered include former Vice President Mike Pence, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu.

I hope I am wrong but I don't think a Reagenesgue conservative stands a chance in the current Republican party.

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23 May 2023, 6:58 pm

Republican Sen. Tim Scott is officially running for president

South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott announced his run for the Republican presidential nomination Monday morning in North Charleston, S.C.

The senator, who has represented South Carolina in the Senate since 2013, portrays himself as a true conservative with a positive story to tell.

"We need a president who persuades not just our friends and our base," he told supporters in his hometown. "We have to have a compassion for people who don't agree with us. We have to believe that our ideas are so strong and so powerful and so persuasive that we can actually take it to the highest points in the world and be successful but we also have to be able to take it all the way down to places that today are hopeless and prove that who we are works for all Americans."

As for his own upbringing, being raised by a single mother, Scott says they found strength in faith and family and a determination to succeed — all things he accused Democrats of working to destroy.

"From the time the sun goes down until the sun comes up, Joe Biden and the radical left are attacking every single rung of the ladder that helped me climb. And that's why I'm announcing today that I am running for president of the United States of America," he said.

In his 40-minute announcement speech, Scott highlighted his rise from poverty to prosperity and said that America is not a racist country. Scott is the only Black Republican senator in the U.S. Senate.

In defending the founding fathers of this country, Scott told his audience: "We need to stop cancelling our founding fathers and start celebrating them for the geniuses that they were. They weren't perfect, but they believed that we could become a more perfect union."

In recent polling he ranks well back in the pack of current and potential candidates, earning support in the low single digits. In contrast, former President Donald Trump's support sometimes tops 40 or even 50 percent.

The first caucuses and primaries are still more than eight months away, so candidates looking to gain on Trump have some time. But in his announcement speech, Scott chose not to even mention Trump or any of his other rivals. He has said American's want to hear from a candidate who expresses a positive and optimistic view of America.

Scott also unveiled what will be one of the recurring applause lines in his campaign stump speech. With the focus for now squarely on Biden and the Democrats, he's not shy about entering into the culture war battles that have been so prominent in recent years.

"I will lead a revolution for excellence in our schools. Less C-R-T and more ABCs," adding a pitch for school choice for parents. "No child and no child should be forced to attend failing schools simply because they live in the wrong zip code."

Scott did pick up one key endorsement as he begins his campaign. Sen. John Thune of South Dakota — the No. 2 Republican in the chamber — is backing his friend and colleague. Thune also appeared at the kickoff rally in North Charleston.

Oracle’s Larry Ellison gears up to spend millions to back Tim Scott’s 2024 run
Oracle co-founder and Republican megadonor Larry Ellison is preparing to spend millions of dollars backing Sen. Tim Scott’s run for president.

The plans have been in motion since the 2022 midterms, when Ellison donated $30 million to a pro-Scott super PAC, Opportunity Matters Fund, according to people familiar with the Oracle executive chairman’s plans. People who declined to be named for this story did so in order to speak freely about private planning and deliberations.

A Republican strategist and fundraiser close to Ellison told CNBC that the businessman’s donations to the super PAC this time are likely to at least double what he gave in 2022.

The super PAC during the midterms backed Scott and spent millions more for other Republicans running for Senate seats, including just under $2 million for failed Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker, according to the nonpartisan OpenSecrets. The Opportunity Matters Fund PAC has been rebranded for Scott’s White House run with a new name: Trust In The Mission PAC, or TIM PAC.

Ellison attended Scott’s campaign announcement Monday in South Carolina. Ellison, who has a net worth of about $115 billion, sat in a VIP section at the rally.

Scott praised Ellison at the rally, calling the businessman “one of my mentors.” A spokesman for the Scott campaign did not return requests for comment.

Another veteran Republican fundraiser told CNBC that Ellison is already planning to donate up to $10 million to the TIM PAC in the early going of Scott’s run. Ellison has signaled to allies that he could give at least between $20 million and $30 million more this cycle, this person said.

Ellison admires Scott a great deal for the senator’s strong support for Israel, according to a lobbyist who’s worked with Oracle and has known Ellison for years.

A recent Morning Consult survey suggests that Scott is behind many of his Republican rivals. The poll has Scott with 1% of primary support, with Trump leading the poll with 61%.

Ellison didn’t return a request for comment. A spokesperson for Oracle did not return requests for comment.

Ellison might not be the only mega-billionaire in Scott’s corner as the 2024 race heats up.

The Republican strategist close to Ellison also noted that Tesla CEO and Twitter owner Elon Musk could follow his friend and supporter Ellison in backing the South Carolina senator.

Musk has recently followed Scott on Twitter, retweeted the senator’s tweet featuring the video of the campaign announcement and praised a recent Scott ad. “Great statement by @votetimscott!,” Musk tweeted on Friday. Musk, who has a net worth of about $176 billion, previously said he would support Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis if he ran for president.

Musk did not return a request for comment.

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23 May 2023, 7:07 pm

Ron DeSantis to announce presidential run in Twitter chat with Elon Musk, sources say

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis plans to announce he is running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination on Wednesday night during a live appearance on Twitter with the platform's owner, Elon Musk, three people familiar with the plans tell CBS News. There will also be a launch video from DeSantis' campaign, followed by trips to presidential primary states after Memorial Day.

The announcement will be at 6 p.m. ET and hosted by David Sacks, a technology executive who is close to Musk and a DeSantis supporter, the sources said.

The news was first reported by NBC News.

It was not immediately clear if DeSantis and Musk would appear together in person. The governor is scheduled to be in Miami Wednesday through Friday for meetings with longtime, top donors, who will be tasked with helping raise millions of dollars for his fledgling campaign in hopes of beginning with notable financial momentum as he joins the field.

While previously expressing a desire to keep Twitter a politically neutral space, the joint appearance by the platform's owner and the Florida governor will be seen at least as a tacit endorsement by Musk of DeSantis's bid. It was not immediately clear if Musk plans to outright endorse the governor. And the joint appearance comes as former President Donald Trump, once the platform's most high-profile, newsiest user, has said he will eschew the site in favor of his own social media tool, Truth Social, which is popular with a segment of the conservative movement.

Sources told CBS News last week that DeSantis is expected to file his paperwork to run for president on Wednesday. Also last week, his political operation moved out of the state GOP headquarters to a new office in Tallahassee — a move that cost more than $5,000 — and triggered a federal campaign law requiring DeSantis to register as a candidate and designate a principal campaign committee within 15 days.

In Sarasota, Fla., last week, DeSantis was asked if he'd announce a run within the next 15 days. He said "a couple more things left on the [legislative] agenda," including the state budget.

DeSantis' entry in the 2024 presidential race comes after months of visits to early presidential primary states and across the country to promote his new book and tout his legislative record as governor. DeSantis was in Iowa for multiple events earlier this month.

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30 May 2023, 10:32 am

Chris Christie allies form super PAC ahead of potential 2024 presidential run

Longtime allies of former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie have formed a political action committee to support Christie as he considers a 2024 presidential bid, two people familiar with the plans tell CBS News.

The new super PAC, called Tell It Like it Is, reflecting Christie's direct delivery and persona, comes as Christie's presidential plans are likely to be formally announced in the next two weeks. The New York Times first reported the formation of the Christie-aligned super PAC.

The super PAC will be led by veteran GOP operative Brian Jones. Jones advised both Sen. Mitt Romney when he ran for president in 2012 and the late Sen. John McCain in 2008.

Christie, who ran for president in 2016, views himself as someone who can stand up to and contrast himself with former President Donald Trump, the early front-runner in the polls.

"You better have somebody on that stage who can do to him what I did to Marco [Rubio], because that's the only thing that's gonna defeat Donald Trump," Christie said in March at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College. "And that means you have to be fearless, because he will come back, and right at you."

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01 Jun 2023, 12:40 am

Mike Pence is set to launch his presidential campaign next week

Mike Pence plans to enter the GOP presidential nomination fray June 7 with a campaign video and a kickoff speech in Des Moines, Iowa, according to a person familiar with his launch schedule.

The former vice president, a longtime advocate of the priorities of traditional conservatives on social and economic issues, will join the race at a time when his onetime boss, former President Donald Trump, claims a majority in most national polls and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is in a clear second place.

Redefining himself to Republican voters, most of whom know him primarily as Trump's vice president, will be a challenge.

But the Indiana-bred Pence views his fellow Midwesterners in the Iowa GOP, and their first-in-the-nation caucuses, as a hospitable home for his brand of politics. Typically, the Iowa caucuses play a winnowing role in the nomination fight, providing rocket fuel to a handful of candidates while burying the hopes of the rest.

"We view this race as absolutely wide open, and Iowa is really going to solidify itself as the pivotal player," the person familiar with Pence's plans said. "It's a place that values Mike Pence's principles — traditional conservative principles — deep-rooted faith and uncommon character."

The former vice president will campaign in all 99 Iowa counties before the caucuses, the person said, adding that the campaign "will do the things that put Mike Pence in an advantageous position."

That includes a lot of retail politicking, from town hall-style meetings with Iowans to drop-by sessions at restaurants. In those sessions, he will have to explain to Republican voters why he split from Trump and certified their 2020 election loss on Jan. 6, 2021.

A large field is exactly what Trump wants.

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03 Jun 2023, 6:27 pm

GOP hopefuls slam Trump for comments praising Kim Jong Un

Several Republican presidential hopefuls slammed former President Trump for his comments praising North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Saturday, after the country received a seat on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) executive board.

Former Vice President Mike Pence, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis all criticized the former president, who offered his congratulations to Kim in a Truth Social post on Friday.

“No one should be praising the dictator in North Korea or praising the leader of Russia who has launched an unprovoked war of aggression in Ukraine,” Pence told Fox News while in Iowa on Saturday. “This is a time when we ought to make it clear to the world that we stand for freedom and we stand with those who stand for freedom.”

The former Indiana governor also attacked the organization, claiming it “let America and the world down” during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I mean, they literally were complicitous in covering up what was happening in China, and we held them to account during our administration.”

Pence is expected to launch his campaign for the 2024 Republican nomination next week, after months of hinting at a potential White House run.

Haley denounced North Korea’s ascension to the WHO board on Friday, calling it a “total farce.”

“You don’t congratulate a thug,” she added on Saturday, when asked about Trump’s comment. “I mean, let’s keep in mind, this thug has threatened America, has threatened our allies, over and over again.”

“This is not something to play with,” Haley continued. “I mean, he’s a terrible individual. He’s terrible to his people, he’s terrible to our allies in the world, and I don’t think he deserves congratulations.”

DeSantis, who officially joined the Republican field late last month during a glitch-ridden Twitter Spaces event, said he was “surprised” to see Trump’s congratulations to Kim, who he described as a “murderous dictator.”

DeSantis defines ‘woke’ as ‘a war on the truth’ after Trump said people ‘can’t define it’
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) defined “woke” as a “form of Cultural Marxism” when asked to define the word in response to former President Trump’s remark that he does not like to define the word because “half the people can’t even define it.”

When asked by NBC correspondent Dasha Burns to define the term during his campaign stop in Iowa on Saturday, DeSantis responded that it is “basically a war on the truth.”

“Look, we know what woke is, it’s a form of cultural Marxism,” DeSantis said. “It’s about putting merit and achievement behind identity politics, and it’s basically a war on the truth. And as that has infected institutions, and it has corrupted institutions. So, you’ve got to be willing to fight the woke, we’ve done that in Florida, and we proudly consider ourselves the state where woke goes to die.”

Earlier this week at the Westside Conservative Breakfast in Urbandale, Iowa, Trump said he didn’t like the term because “half the people can’t even define it.”

“I don’t like the term ‘woke’ because I hear, ‘Woke, woke, woke.’ It’s just a term they use, half the people can’t even define it, they don’t know what it is,” Trump said.

DeSantis claims Florida ‘chose freedom over Fauci-ism’ during pandemic, amid Trump attacks
Republican presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis touted his state’s response to COVID-19 on Saturday, claiming they chose “freedom over Fauci-ism,” amid former President Trump’s recent attacks on his pandemic record.

“We held the line when freedom itself hung in the balance,” DeSantis argued during Sen. Joni Ernst’s (R-Iowa) annual Roast and Ride fundraiser in Des Moines. “We refused to let our state descend into some type of Fauci-an dystopia, where people’s livelihoods were ruined and their freedoms were curtailed.”

“We protected people’s jobs. We protected their rights, their businesses, and made sure our kids could have an education. In short, we chose freedom over Fauci-ism, and we were right to do so,” he added, referring to Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) who helped lead the country’s COVID-19 response in the Trump and Biden administrations.

Trump has repeatedly hit the Florida governor over his response to COVID, pointing to the state’s relatively high number of deaths and its brief lockdown at the outset of the pandemic.

“How about the fact that he had the third-most deaths of any state,” the former president said in a campaign video late last month, adding, “Even [former New York Gov. Andrew] Cuomo did better. He was No. 4.”

“So why do they say that DeSanctus did a good job?” Trump added in a Truth Social post on Wednesday. “New York had fewer deaths! Also, he shut down the State, and even its beaches (unlike other Republican Governors).”

The Florida governor responded to Trump’s comments, claiming the former president wouldn’t have made the same comments “six months ago.”

“He would have never said that, right? He used to say how great Florida was,” DeSantis said in response. “Hell, his whole family moved to Florida under my governorship.”

Florida had the third-highest number of deaths from COVID-19 in 2021, followed by New York, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, the two states are also the third- and fourth-largest states in the nation, and Florida had the 18th-highest death rate from COVID-19 per 100,000 residents in 2021.

Christie’s 2024 bid set to make criticism of Trump a central focus
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s 2024 bid is likely to put his criticism of Donald Trump front and center, offering a test of just how much appetite there is in the GOP for an explicitly anti-Trump candidate.

Christie’s expected presidential bid has been greeted with skepticism from Republicans, some of whom suggest his candidacy is a mere vanity project, while others are quick to point out that Christie, while a vocal Trump critic now, had worked closely to help reelect the former president in 2020.

But even some of those Republicans acknowledge that the former New Jersey governor’s pugilistic style could have an impact on the field, and potentially even damage Trump to a degree.

“If it’s not a vanity campaign, I think its value…is that he can go in there and throw the hard punches and maybe other candidates in the field can benefit from that,” said GOP strategist Jason Cabel Roe, who worked on presidential campaigns for Sens. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) in 2008 and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) in 2016.

Much of the 2024 GOP field has largely avoided taking on Trump as Republican contenders navigate the tricky dance of embracing positions and policies that were popular among conservatives during the Trump administration while differentiating themselves from the former president himself.

While presidential primaries generally see candidates volley attacks at each other, 2024 Republican contenders are also keenly aware that attacking Trump could risk alienating those voters they’ll need to win over who still admire the former president.

But unlike most of the 2024 GOP field, Christie hasn’t shied away from taking jabs at the former president. Following disappointing midterm results last November for Republicans, the former New Jersey governor pointed to a number of Trump-backed candidates who lost their races, saying it was a “huge loss for Trump.”

“And again, it shows that his political instincts are not about the party, they’re not about the country, they’re about him,” he added at the time.

During Trump’s appearance at CPAC earlier this year, Christie also took a shot at the former president and the size of his audience attending his speech.

“You saw the scenes at CPAC, that room was half-full,” Christie said in March. “The reason I don’t think the rallies are going on … I don’t think the rallies would be nearly as big as they were before.”

Arizona-based GOP strategist and Trump campaign alum Brian Seitchik believed Christie’s anti-Trump focus might come with some long-term benefits if another Republican gets the nomination and wins the presidency, but suggested it’s not likely to win over GOP voters for Christie himself.

“If Trump loses New Hampshire, Christie is going to be a part of it, but I just don’t see the voters rewarding him as a result,” Seitchik said.

“Now, that may lead to a future Republican nominee and president rewarding him with [naming him] attorney general, which is not a bad consolation prize, but it’s hard to see how Christie gets to be the [nominee] playing the role of junkyard dog in this race.”

GOP strategist Keith Naughton suggested Christie would focus mainly on Trump rather than some kind of different vision for the party.

“I don’t think he’s going to offer really some type of alternative platform or anything, I think he’s mostly going to be talking about Trump and trying to pick fights with him,” Naughton said.

At the same time, members of the party acknowledge that Christie’s feistiness has been effective in the past and could possibly knock Trump down a few pegs. Christie took a number of jabs at Rubio during a 2016 New Hampshire debate, slamming him for returning to a “memorized 25-second speech,” and has been credited for seriously damaging the Florida senator’s presidential bid.

Pence calls for avoiding ‘siren song of populism’ ahead of expected 2024 announcement
Former Vice President Mike Pence called for avoiding the “siren song of populism” in the 2024 presidential election ahead of his own expected announcement that he is joining the race.

Pence said on Saturday during an appearance at Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst’s (R) annual “Roast and Ride” event in Des Moines that Republicans must offer the country a positive vision for the country “grounded in conservative principles” and be willing to “speak hard truths.” He explained that the party should not push for what is popular over what has been proven to work.

“I believe we have to resist the politics of personality and the siren song of populism unmoored to timeless conservative principles, and we need to stand firm on the conservative agenda of life and liberty and a commitment to freedom that has always led us to victory,” Pence said, making a possible subtle reference to the current GOP frontrunner and his former boss, former President Trump.

A source familiar with Pence’s plans has said he plans to announce his bid for president next week during a CNN town hall event, following months of hints and speculation that he would throw his hat in the ring. The event will also take place on his 64th birthday.

“I’m here in Iowa today and I’ll be back a little bit later next week,” the former vice president said. “Because Iowa, Iowa is the place that we shape principle conservative leadership.”

Haley ups calls for new generational leader: ‘Gotta leave the baggage and negativity behind’
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley reupped her call for a “new generational leader” on Saturday, as she and a growing field of 2024 GOP presidential candidates attempt to separate themselves from former President Trump.

“We’ve got to start doing this in a way that we can win a general election,” Haley said at Sen. Joni Ernst’s (R-Iowa) annual Roast and Ride fundraiser in Des Moines. “It’s time for a new generational leader.”

“We’ve gotta leave the baggage and negativity behind,” she continued. “We’ve got a country to save.”

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04 Jun 2023, 4:32 pm

Trump Could Accept GOP Nomination While ‘Wearing an Ankle Bracelet,’ MSNBC’s Jen Psaki and James Comey Say

MSNBC’s Jen Psaki and former FBI director James Comey played out how Donald Trump’s towering legal problems could shake out in the upcoming presidential election, with Comey pointing out the possibility that Trump could appear at the GOP convention wearing an ankle bracelet.

While Comey told Psaki he didn’t want to envision a reality in which Trump wins back the White House, he admitted that he could see the 2024 election playing out as such.

“I mean, it’s this crazy world that Donald Trump has dragged this country into, but he could be wearing an ankle bracelet while accepting the nomination at the Republican convention,” Comey said Sunday on “Inside with Jen Psaki.”

Psaki took the hypothetical one step further to propose that the former president “could be wearing an ankle bracelet, and be elected in November.”

“You would be rejected if you put it in a script for a show, but you could have a president who is potentially incarcerated when he is elected president,” Comey continued.

That would be weird and awkward, and it seems even crazy to be coming out of my mouth, but that’s the situation we face,” Comey said. “It looks like the Republicans will likely nominate someone who is under serious criminal investigation, is indicted, and who knows where that’s going to lead us.”

Comey, who was fired from his post as FBI Director by Trump in May 2017 amid the probe into Russia’s involvement in the 2020 election, also said he is planning on voting for President Joe Biden in the upcoming election despite his longtime status as a Republican, saying, “It has to be Joe Biden.”

“It has to be somebody committed to the rule of law, committed to the values of this country — and I’m not talking about policy; people can disagree about policy — there are things about those disagreements that all of us should think about the same way,” Comey said. “The president must be someone who abides the law and our Constitution. And there’s no one else but Joe Biden.”

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05 Jun 2023, 8:52 pm

Former Vice President Pence filing paperwork launching 2024 presidential bid in challenge to Trump

Former Vice President Mike Pence is filing paperwork on Monday declaring his campaign for president in 2024, setting up a challenge to his former boss, Donald Trump, just two years after their time in the White House ended with an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol and Pence fleeing for his life.

Pence, the nation’s 48th vice president, will formally launch his bid for the Republican nomination with a video and kickoff event in Des Moines, Iowa, on Wednesday, which is his 64th birthday, according to people familiar with his plans. He was set to file papers making his candidacy official with the Federal Election Commission

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06 Jun 2023, 2:51 pm

Chris Christie jumps into the 2024 GOP presidential race

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on Tuesday jumped into the 2024 presidential race, filing his official paperwork hours ahead of a planned launch event.

Christie has been blunt in his criticism of former President Donald Trump, who remains the Republican front-runner in the polls, and he's likely to continue those lines of attack now that he's in the race.

Speaking as a political analyst on ABC News' "This Week" last month, Christie said GOP candidates can't beat Trump by "cozying up to him”.

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06 Jun 2023, 3:25 pm

If trumplestiltskin trolls himself back into the white house while incarcerated.. Canada's going to have to give some serious consideration to building a Southern border wall to separate our country from an asylum.

Obvi I think Americans would be collectively NUTS to re-elect someone who just caused so much damage to your country, it's reputation, it's finances, as well as - you know - tried to overthrow it and install himself as dictator and all that.


IF Americans re-elect that guy then they deserve to lose their country to whomever he sells it off to on classified document at a time - russians, saudis etc.

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.


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07 Jun 2023, 2:48 pm

Mike Pence rips Trump as he launches his 2024 GOP presidential bid

Former Vice President Mike Pence kicked off his bid for the Republican presidential nomination Wednesday by accusing his two-time running mate, former President Donald Trump, of abandoning conservatism and standing against the Constitution on Jan. 6.

"When Donald Trump ran for president in 2016, he promised to govern as a conservative, and together we did just that," Pence said. "Today, he makes no such promise."

Pence cites abortion as a prominent example of Trump drifting away from the party's conservative principles.

"The sanctity of life has been our party's calling for half a century — long before Donald Trump was ever a part of it," Pence planned to say. "Now he treats it as an inconvenience, even blaming election losses in 2022 on overturning Roe v. Wade."

Those remarks, coupled with a rebuke of Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election, represent Pence's most aggressive public repudiation of Trump ever.

A president who put himself above the Constitution — and asked his vice president to do the same — “should never be president of the United States again,” Pence said.

Pence, who certified the 2020 election results under threat from supporters of Trump, reiterated Wednesday that he did not have the constitutional authority to stop the count and would have set the wrong precedent had he tried.

President Trump also demanded that I choose between him and the Constitution," Pence said, leaning into the most evident contrast between the two men. "Now voters will be faced with the same choice. I chose the Constitution and I always will."

He went into the wording of the Constitution to explain the powers of the vice presidency — and how expanding them could harm Republicans in the future.

"The former president continues to insist that I had the right to overturn the election — President Trump was wrong then and he is wrong now," Pence said. "I had no right to overturn the election and [Vice President] Kamala Harris will have no right to overturn the election when we beat them in 2024."

More broadly, Pence argues that Trump and President Joe Biden have not lived up to the standards of civility that he says Americans seek in their leaders.

"Most Americans treat each other with kindness and respect — even when we disagree," Pence planned to say. "It's not too much to ask our leaders to do the same. It's clear that neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump share this belief, and neither of them intend to bring this nation together."

Earlier in the day, his 64th birthday, Pence, the former Indiana governor and six-term congressman, released a launch video taking whacks at Biden by name and Trump by implication.

"President Joe Biden and the radical left have weakened America at home and abroad," Pence said in a self-narrated 2½-minute montage of Americana. "We can turn this country around. But different times call for different leadership."

Turning more squarely toward the oft-spiteful Trump, Pence added, "Today, our party and our country need a leader that will appeal, as Lincoln said, to the better angels of our nature."

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07 Jun 2023, 3:10 pm

:ketchup chips:

It’s gonna be fun seeing the republican candidate infighting.

Pretty lame of pence to say that Biden has weakened America at home and abroad, though. By what metrics? Everything I’ve seen reported says the economic numbers are pretty good, international relations are healing from trumplestiltskin’s damage, and the only real threats of violence to Americans are from other Americans on the fringe right. Seems Biden is doing fine.

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.


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08 Jun 2023, 8:20 pm

Main WP thread on Trump’s indictment in classified documents case includes reactions from candidates and members of congress

What the latest polling says about Trump's classified documents indictment

The new federal charges filed against former President Donald Trump over his alleged mishandling of classified documents put him — and voters — in an unprecedented situation, as he asks the American people to send him to the White House again while facing more criminal charges.

Trump's prior indictment in New York on charges alleging falsification of business documents didn't move the political needle much. In fact, it prompted Republicans to rally around him.

The new federal charges are of a different, serious nature, so it's unclear how the public may digest the accusations and the forthcoming trial. But there is recent polling that explains what Americans think about the prospect of Trump being charged with crimes, including some specifically about an indictment related to his handling of classified documents. Here's what the case means for Trump and the 2024 election.

Majorities say crimes Trump accused of are "serious"
A Yahoo-YouGov poll conducted in late May found that a majority of Americans believe that the crimes Trump has been accused of across multiple indictments are "serious."

Fifty-two percent called "falsifying business records to conceal hush money payments to a porn star," the allegation at the center of his Manhattan indictment, a serious crime. (Democrats and Republicans were deeply divided on this, while 49% of independents said it was a serious crime and 37% said it wasn't serious.)

Meanwhile, 63% of Americans, called "taking highly classified documents from the White House and obstructing efforts to retrieve them" a serious crime.

Significant majorities of Democrats (82%) and independents (62%) felt that way, as well as 66% of registered voters overall. But Republicans were more split on this question than others, with a plurality of 42% calling the crime serious and 35% saying it's not serious.

Majority of Americans don't think Trump should serve if convicted
The same Yahoo-YouGov poll showed 62% of Americans agreeing that Trump shouldn't be allowed to serve as president if he's convicted of a "serious crime."

That includes 63% of independents and 84% of Democrats, while Republicans were again split: 39% agreed he should not be allowed to serve, while 43% said he should.

Republicans have said they want the party to rally around him
April's NBC News poll found that 68% of Republican primary voters believe the investigations into Trump are political and designed to blunt his presidential campaign, and they want the party to rally around him. Another 26% said they wanted their party to nominate a candidate who won't be distracted and can focus on beating President Joe Biden.

A slim majority of all voters, 52%, said that in his New York indictment, Trump has been treated like anyone else accused of those same crimes and hasn't been unfairly targeted.

But that comes in contrast to a Quinnipiac University finding from late March, when 62% of Americans said that Manhattan case is "mainly motivated by politics" versus the 32% who called it "mainly motivated by the law."

A number of other things have happened since the New York charges dropped, but Trump has seen his standing in the GOP presidential nominating contest tick up since that point. Trump had about 48% of the share of the GOP vote on average, per FiveThirtyEight's polling average, on April 1, with DeSantis at 28%.

Americans may be more concerned about election-related allegations
Another April poll from The Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that Americans are more likely to believe Trump did "something illegal" in relation to his conduct surrounding the 2020 election.

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09 Jun 2023, 8:12 am

What happens to charges if Trump gets elected? Hear what legal expert thinks

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09 Jun 2023, 5:06 pm

CNN Live Updates

Trump played golf with GOP lawmaker Friday and will go ahead with campaign events this weekend, sources say
Former President Donald Trump and his advisers are still determining how to best respond to the indictment after it was unsealed Friday afternoon, sources close to Trump told CNN.

Trump spent the morning playing golf with Florida Rep. Carlos Gimenez at his New Jersey club as his allies made rounds of phone calls shoring up support for the former President after his indictment the day before.

Trump’s team maintains that it was business as usual – and that the former president would still be attending both of his campaign events this weekend in Georgia and North Carolina.

Trump has repeatedly said that he will continue running for president even if indicted.

Trump advisers insisted there was no plan for the former president to make live remarks Friday. Instead, Trump spent the afternoon lashing out on Truth Social, attacking Special Counsel Jack Smith and his wife and indicating he was being treated unfairly.

Concern settled in among some Trump allies after indictment was unsealed Friday
As the Department of Justice unsealed the charges against Donald Trump on Friday concern started to settle in among some of his allies, a source familiar with the mood around the former president in Bedminster, New Jersey, told CNN.

This tone was different from what was happening within Trump's team on Thursday evening. Advisers spent the hours after learning Trump had been indicted by the Justice Department focusing on the political implications, sources said.

One ally said that the indictment would only help him in the polls and another adviser indicated they were glad that the indictment had happened before the end of the fundraising quarter to help boost what they described as lagging fundraising numbers.

At this point, they were also feeling emboldened by the statements of support from Republican lawmakers and conservative allies, sources who were with Trump told CNN.

But by Friday, the former president's aides began to acknowledge the legal implications of the indictment, the source said.

His team still thinks Trump will likely benefit politically — at least in the short term — the source added, but they've grown more wary of how the indictment will play out legally.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
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“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman