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02 Jun 2015, 7:49 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
These days, though, people are discriminated against more because of low income/bad credit rating than race, per se.


You don't see affluent black neighborhoods with cops running around in military gear. Likewise, you look at poor white neighborhoods and there's always a police presence just around the corner. So much of our "racial" issues aren't really racial so much as they are economic.

Also, I'd like to note that women tend to be more critical of other women than men are of women. An example is Hillary Clinton, like her or hate her, she's partially judged on her style (i.e. the pantsuit). To be honest men really don't give a damn what's she's wearing, this criticism comes almost exclusively from other women. In casual conversation I've heard a female say she specifically wouldn't vote for Hillary because of the pantsuit. Really? We're talking about a position that has the power to drop nuclear weapons, oversee the largest monolithic power structure in the world (U.S. federal government), and the qualifications for said job boil down to whether the pantsuit is an appropriate style. It's women that create that dynamic, not men.

That being said, I think you'd have a hard sell convincing people that western women are oppressed. Certainly things aren't 100% equal between the genders in western society, but categorically "oppressed" is an exaggeration of the dynamics of the situation. Also, white males being the culprit is misleading too. Usually when we talk about white males and gender discrimination we talk about wages. White men make more than females, true, but when you take out the top 1% of male wage earners the scales drastically normalize. The fact is, the top 1% is almost exclusively white and male and they're the ones driving almost any type of discrimination in the workplace, not your average guy working as a mechanic, or at walmart, or where ever. If women really want to be pissed off about the inequality they need to stop looking broadly at white males as the demographic that causes it and look inside that demographic for the real cause.


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02 Jun 2015, 6:32 pm

Women live some 6 years longer than even white men. It was proven that gap disappears when women work as long as men. They have less jail time for the same crime and are more likely to escape conviction. Have the Violence against women act which means men are automatically arrested in any confrontation with a woman, use the Yes means Yes policy on university campuses meaning a man has to prove he gained updated consent (a near impossible task) for it to not be rape, women have new coercive control laws protecting them from spousal criticism, women are ahead at all levels of education and outnumber male students some 2 to 1. Women are the selectors of mates, can get no fault divorce, legal abortion, are protected from circumcision by law, have 4 times less suicides, has almost double the cancer research funds despite similar numbers of victims (breast vs prostate) have about half as many vagrants as men, can vote without having to register with the draft, have 15x fewer workplace fatalities, have equality of opportunity by law, can laugh at the genital mutilation of a man who wanted a divorce (Sharon Osborne etc the talk) without fear of being fired, can use the "Battered wife defence" to get away with murder regardless of how true, can get away with pedophillia without cultural scrutiny, the definition of rape excludes the possibility of women raping men, can hit a man safe in the knowledge that it's taboo for a man to retaliate, has a much lower chance (4x less) of being murdered on the street than a man, can get sex without having to work very hard and can get simultaneous alimony from multiple partners and can get many men (white knights) to do basically whatever she wants them to. One woman got 80% of her husband's assets.

Yeah, women are so oppressed by white males. :roll:

You notice you never see a male feminist who's a man of colour. We're not interested in middle class white woman first world problems while our brothers fill the jails to capacity and waste away in poverty and crime.


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03 Jun 2015, 1:05 pm

Feminism is pure BS.

Men and women will never be equal, they are different and thus complete each other.


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03 Jun 2015, 8:46 pm

AnnoyingKid wrote:
can laugh at the genital mutilation of a man who wanted a divorce

If a woman does that to me I stick a knife in her vagina up to her stomach. Gotta have no mercy agaisnt this sick kind of people.


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03 Jun 2015, 11:50 pm

Breaking Enigma wrote:

But most of the racism I see towards blacks isn't really true racism at all. Most of the hatred I see is the hatred of the ghetto, thug life, gangster rap culture; not skin color. Whereas the racism I see from blacks towards whites is about skin color. It's all so idiotic and needs to die out.

I do, however, dislike the aforementioned culture myself, but it doesn't give anyone the right to hate. Change the world, don't hate the world.

Yes though a lot of people just assume that's what black people in general are interested in. I get on a facebook group with some people from some other forum that got taken off the site...mostly its metalheads and at least a couple are black, and I've seen various places people expressing they hate it being assumed they like that rap crap because their black, plenty of them like metal and rock music...yet I've heard idiots try to say its 'white' music, music doesn't have a damned race whoever likes any music should listen to it. Also I've probably talked to/met more white people who listen to rap than black people who I've met/talked to more who like rock/metal....but that is just my experience so I find it stupid to assume someone listens to gangster rap if they've got a certain skin color....I also have seen quite a few hispanic metalheads/rock fans all decked out in the band t-shirts and metal/rocker style most of them do like Iron Maiden, yet a lot of people assume they all just listen to hip hop and mexican radio stations.

If they knew anything about crap they might know metal is actually a pretty big thing south of the border into Mexico/South america and rock music in general...most of that gangster rap/whiny auto-tune hip hop comes from the U.S I am pretty sure, I have heard foreign rap to though, granted it was much better then that crap and actually had emotion and depth to it...but worldwide rock music is bigger pretty sure. Of course there are feminists who might say metal culture is sexist because it perpetuates the image of all male bands looking bad-a** on stage, but its not like metal was intentionally created to be a genre without many female just happened that appealed to more males but there are women in metal and heavier if feminists want to see more women in metal why don't they start a band and get into the culture. Also though they could very well miss plenty of female metalheads...plenty of us dress just like metal-head guys though, can be hard to tell what sexes people are in the midst of a metal audience.

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04 Jun 2015, 7:40 am

AnnoyingKid wrote:
You notice you never see a male feminist who's a man of colour. We're not interested in middle class white woman first world problems while our brothers fill the jails to capacity and waste away in poverty and crime.

Getting this out the way first of all - there are many black male feminists. Immediately springing to mind: Barack Obama, Tupac, Morgan Freeman, Ismael Butler, Idris Elba, Yasiin Bey, WEB Dubois, Black Thought, and Tony Porter: ... anguage=en

A quick Google also found me this blogger, and a further six here. Another blog post gave me the names of men ranging from Greg Tate, Kevin Powell and Michael Awkward to Frederick Douglass. The last of those was an abolitionist. If he could care for women's status whilst working to insure black people could be free, then clearly it's not at all impossible for modern black men to care about feminist issues today.

We don't have a finite capacity for care; as we practice it, we get better at it, and we can do more of it.

AnnoyingKid wrote:
Women are the selectors of mates, legal abortion, are protected from circumcision by law, have 4 times less suicides, can use the "Battered wife defence" to get away with murder regardless of how true, can get away with pedophillia without cultural scrutiny, the definition of rape excludes the possibility of women raping men, can hit a man safe in the knowledge that it's taboo for a man to retaliate, can get sex without having to work very hard and can get simultaneous alimony from multiple partners and can get many men (white knights) to do basically whatever she wants them to.

Some of the points you make (the ones I have deleted) are fairly reasonable, even if I do not agree with you entirely on how you have used them. These ones above are all severely misleading or outright wrong.

Women are the selectors of mates... can get sex without having to work very hard

This is not true at all. Men and women both select their mates and both have to work hard to have sex. Otherwise you'd already be paired up with a morbidly obese woman who had selected you as her mate. In reality, you have some standards for physical attractiveness you will not compromise, to say nothing of personality or status.

Usually, heterosexual sex is between one man and one woman. This means equal numbers of men and women are having sex. I imagine several men having sex with one woman is more common than the opposite. Therefore, women need to work just as hard, if not harder than men to have the same amount of sex and mate choice.

Legal abortion

This is not an advantage women have over men, it is something that theoretically closes the gap. I will never need an abortion. If a woman wants to stop a baby growing inside her when contraception fails, she will need one. And of course, abortion isn't legal or accessible everywhere.

are protected from circumcision by law

Male circumcision and female genital mutilation are not comparable. Regardless, men and older children are protected against non-medically necessary circumcision legally.

have 4 times less suicides

Not gonna consider the accuracy of this exact figure, but women actually attempt suicide more often than men. It's just that men seem to be "better" at it.
can use the "Battered wife defence" to get away with murder regardless of how true, can get away with pedophillia

the definition of rape excludes the possibility of women raping men

In some countries, this is broadly true - but there is always an equivalent offence with the same punishment
can hit a man safe in the knowledge that it's taboo for a man to retaliate

Agreed that this is an issue to an extent, and "primary aggressor" laws are dreadful for battered husbands, but men have the same legal options as women and much of the same support. More should be being done here.
can get simultaneous alimony from multiple partners

If women can do this, so can men.
can get many men (white knights) to do basically whatever she wants them to.

Erm... lol? Examples, please?

I don't think this actually happens.


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08 Jun 2015, 8:00 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
People are f****d up. Period.

you just said you are f****d up to. people meaning yourself with the others.

In order to be free, you must take your chances of letting your tortured self to be forgiven.


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09 Jun 2015, 1:11 pm

The_Walrus wrote:
This is not true at all. Men and women both select their mates and both have to work hard to have sex. Otherwise you'd already be paired up with a morbidly obese woman who had selected you as her mate. In reality, you have some standards for physical attractiveness you will not compromise, to say nothing of personality or status.

I think you mistunderstand the "selector" role. We are a sexually dimorphic species, and part of that is that men are typically wired to compete for mates, while the woman's role is more to assess the quality of said suitors. A man must elect to pursue a woman to even be a candidate. A woman may have multiple suitors, but only the one or the few she elects will be successful. This is the selector role. It does not mean that a woman selects any man and it will be so. While our society is moving away from this norm, a man still has to be extraordinarily desirable for the reverse to take place, and even then I suspect that the same effect that makes men desired by other women more desirable plays a role, and has a cumulative effect i.e. "they want him, so I must have him".

The_Walrus wrote:
Usually, heterosexual sex is between one man and one woman. This means equal numbers of men and women are having sex. I imagine several men having sex with one woman is more common than the opposite. Therefore, women need to work just as hard, if not harder than men to have the same amount of sex and mate choice.

How does this follow? If one woman has sex with three men, she will have had sex three times, and each man will have had sex once. And as you say this is probably, almost certainly, significantly more common than the opposite.
This makes it fewer women having sex with more men, again putting them in the selector role.

The_Walrus wrote:
Male circumcision and female genital mutilation are not comparable. Regardless, men and older children are protected against non-medically necessary circumcision legally.

True, but one mutilatory procedure being less mutilatory than another is not an argument to keep the only one of the two that is legal legal. Make no mistake, children have died from this procedure, and of the ones that don't many have organs too painful to enjoy. It amazes me how many people can trivialize legal genital mutilation while universally recognizing the evil that is the illegal one.

You often hear from genital mutilation apologists how quiet their sons were after the procedure. They think this is a sign that it's not so bad. The reality is that babies go very quiet when they go into shock.

I'll refrain from posting pictures.

The_Walrus wrote:
In some countries, this is broadly true - but there is always an equivalent offence with the same punishment

Most of the time, the most a woman can be charged with, even after having comitted what should be considered full blown rape, is "sexual assault", which does not carry the same penalty.

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10 Jun 2015, 1:38 pm

The_Walrus wrote:
Getting this out the way first of all - there are many black male feminists. Immediately springing to mind: Barack Obama, Tupac, Morgan Freeman, Ismael Butler, Idris Elba, Yasiin Bey, WEB Dubois, Black Thought, and Tony Porter: ... anguage=en

Obama's simply chasing the all important female vote and mainstream celebrities are going to say whatever is PC at any given time. When looking at the actual feminist activists and community, a black male is very rare.

"A quick Google also found me this blogger, and a further six here. Another blog post gave me the names of men ranging from Greg Tate, Kevin Powell and Michael Awkward to Frederick Douglass. The last of those was an abolitionist. If he could care for women's status whilst working to insure black people could be free, then clearly it's not at all impossible for modern black men to care about feminist issues today."

Sure you can use google, but lets not forget that google effectively contains all the remotely vocal black male feminists on the planet. Just making a short list doesn't say much. But yeah, you've proven they exist, providing actual black men wrote that. And it's seriously pathetic to watch, and coincides with the concerted effort to feminize the black man. ... black-man/ A black man who goes by the feminist narrative is living by white culture. Black women are not oppressed in black communities by black men. So many black men are killed, in jail, and undereducated and not active fathers that the black community is much closer to a matriarchy. The idea that the fathers rule in black communities is laughable.

"This is not true at all. "

It really is. Men are thirsty as hell when it comes to sex. Women are the ones who are approached, and reject a majority of approaches.


"Men and women both select their mates and both have to work hard to have sex. Otherwise you'd already be paired up with a morbidly obese woman who had selected you as her mate."

Culturally, women don't select. But a morbidly obese woman is a woman who has been put in the position of a normal man when it comes to dating. She actually has to be proactive and work on her charm and position and rely on that to carry her through. Which is where the stereotype of fat people being "bubbly" and fun/jolly comes from.
In reality, you have some standards for physical attractiveness you will not compromise, to say nothing of personality or status.

Usually, heterosexual sex is between one man and one woman. This means equal numbers of men and women are having sex. I imagine several men having sex with one woman is more common than the opposite. Therefore, women need to work just as hard, if not harder than men to have the same amount of sex and mate choice.

Well you imagine wrong. Those several men are all out of the "alpha male" group. And often have multiple females on the go.

Show me the women online who are complaining that they cant get laid AT ALL. Show me the forums of female incels, female involuntary celibates. Show me a woman saying no men will touch her. Show a woman who isnt just waiting to be approached, who is approaching and is still getting unanimous rejection from men.

I'll wait. Because I can show you whole communities of guys.
This is not an advantage women have over men, it is something that theoretically closes the gap. I will never need an abortion. If a woman wants to stop a baby growing inside her when contraception fails, she will need one. And of course, abortion isn't legal or accessible everywhere.

Women can kill the baby itself or give it away, men can't end their fianancial obligation to the baby regardless of if they wanted it or not in a decision they had no say in. Under threat of jail. Men have zero reproductive rights. The only thing men have is condoms, which is not 100% effective, it's contents of which and can be stolen and used by the woman, with zero legal consequences against her.

Male circumcision and female genital mutilation are not comparable.

Yes they are. Both in violation of patient autonomy and devastating effect on mother/child bonding : http://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision. ... n_1999.pdf

Also female circumcision exists on a continuum from the mild to the most horrifying. NO FORM of female circumcision is legal in the West. Some forms of female circumcision (Type I - removal of the clitoral hood) are directly comparable to male.

Seriously you'll have to do better than regurgitating feminist misandry.

Regardless, men and older children are protected against non-medically necessary circumcision legally.

And babies, the most vulnerable and least able to give any form of consent, are not.
Not gonna consider the accuracy of this exact figure, but women actually attempt suicide more often than men. It's just that men seem to be "better" at it.

Oh really? "Just" that men seem to be "better" at it? Well attempted suicides are "just" cries for help and are not comparable to completed suicides. Second of all one must account for under-reporting of men saying they attempted suicide due to the cultural bias against men being vulnerable.

can use the "Battered wife defence" to get away with murder regardless of how true, can get away with pedophillia


Oh what a great argument! "No." I'm totally blown away by your insightful rhetoric!

Female pedophile expert talking about the suppression of information and unwillingess to accept that female pedophiles exist: Watch the first 5 minutes.

And: ... lationship

Can you imagine feminists signing onto "Stop the prosecution of an 18 year old man in a hetero relationship with a 14 year old girl!".

No, no one can.

Woman gets away with murder using the informal battered wife defence: Quoted from feminist, Elizabeth Sheehy's "Defending Battered Women on Trial."
In some countries, this is broadly true - but there is always an equivalent offence with the same punishment

"Sexual Assault" does not carry the same penalties as rape.

Agreed that this is an issue to an extent, and "primary aggressor" laws are dreadful for battered husbands, but men have the same legal options as women and much of the same support.

BS. Men have a tiny fraction of the domestic violence shelters avaiiable despite suffering 40% of domestic violence.
The feminist Duluth model also does not recognise male victims, assumes women can only retaliate due to oppression, and only talks about male aggressor, female victim on their website.
If women can do this, so can men.

Except women are a tad more successful at it, claiming over 95% of alimony. In a society where women control most of the disposale income, spend the most and are outnumbering males at univerity 2 to 1. And don't give me the wage gap myth as even Hilary Clinton pays her female employees less due to their own choices.

Erm... lol? Examples, please?

I'll give you a big one:

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10 Jun 2015, 5:38 pm

Wolfram87 wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
This is not true at all. Men and women both select their mates and both have to work hard to have sex. Otherwise you'd already be paired up with a morbidly obese woman who had selected you as her mate. In reality, you have some standards for physical attractiveness you will not compromise, to say nothing of personality or status.

I think you mistunderstand the "selector" role. We are a sexually dimorphic species, and part of that is that men are typically wired to compete for mates, while the woman's role is more to assess the quality of said suitors. A man must elect to pursue a woman to even be a candidate. A woman may have multiple suitors, but only the one or the few she elects will be successful. This is the selector role. It does not mean that a woman selects any man and it will be so. While our society is moving away from this norm, a man still has to be extraordinarily desirable for the reverse to take place, and even then I suspect that the same effect that makes men desired by other women more desirable plays a role, and has a cumulative effect i.e. "they want him, so I must have him".

The_Walrus wrote:
Usually, heterosexual sex is between one man and one woman. This means equal numbers of men and women are having sex. I imagine several men having sex with one woman is more common than the opposite. Therefore, women need to work just as hard, if not harder than men to have the same amount of sex and mate choice.

How does this follow? If one woman has sex with three men, she will have had sex three times, and each man will have had sex once. And as you say this is probably, almost certainly, significantly more common than the opposite.
This makes it fewer women having sex with more men, again putting them in the selector role.

... because if three men have sex with one woman, then two women are not getting any. The three men have "selected" the one woman.

It's frankly a ridiculous stereotype to say that men will have sex with anything that moves whilst women will only have sex with the "best" man in a 10 mile radius. I know I'm exaggerating the POA position, but still, it's not grounded in how people actually behave. Both most men and most women exhibit mate choice. Usually, men actively choose who they're gonna hit on and women choose which advances they're going to accept. Yeah, it sucks to be a man who gets rejected, but it sucks just as much to be a woman who is constantly overlooked.


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11 Jun 2015, 6:43 am

white_as_snow wrote:
I keep hearing from feminists how bad they have in the we all know, the feminists are as strongest in the west....

Does white males oppress their women more than other males do?

The US is still behind Europe when it comes to gender equality. Having said that, I find it mighty funny when white upper middle class stay-at-home (or unemployed, like they'd be called if they were men) women who get a car, a place to live, a free education in something useless, and so on from a man talk about how underprivileged they are.

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11 Jun 2015, 8:59 am

The_Walrus wrote:
... because if three men have sex with one woman, then two women are not getting any. The three men have "selected" the one woman.

By that logic, the same is true for the number of men she probably rejected when she elected her three partners. Even if we assume that some of the rejected men hooked up with the hypothetical women not getting any, that still more than likely leaves a greater number of men not getting any.

And it is overwhelmingly more likely that she was the one being pursued and not the pursuer, which makes it her that did the selecting.

Usually, men actively choose who they're gonna hit on and women choose which advances they're going to accept. Yeah, it sucks to be a man who gets rejected, but it sucks just as much to be a woman who is constantly overlooked.

Men not only actively choose who, but also have to actively pursue. This expends energy, effort and time. Conversely, a woman can easily get away with taking a passive role, only expending time and relying on looks and body language to attract partners. It's telling that you use the word "overlooked" rather than "rejected". An overlooked woman has the option to take the active role in order to improve her chances of success. Do you think taking a more passive role would work in men's favour?

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11 Jun 2015, 9:53 am

Women are winning the battle of the sexes in western countries.

Status quo remains the same in many other countries and demographics of the U.S.; that are Red State Fundamentalist leaning areas.

The real winner for the time being is Nature. Too many humans who take too much from the environment and do not give back what they take spells Big Nature imbalance and bad news, overall, in Nature balance. One sees that with ALMOST ANY population of animals that takes more than it gives back, YES, overall. And Yes, there are most always exceptions to every generality, as well.

But as research shows, social roles rule; and within the next several decades the patriarchal rule will once again dominate the earth; as clearly defined gender roles spells more children; simple as that. The math says fundamentalist patriarchal ways of religion from Muslims to Catholics will do the wild thing more successfully, without birth control, and the 'meek' will inherit the earth. So after that it will be up to disease or self destruction of human beings to balance out Nature, at that point. But Nature is much bigger than humans can even conceive; and whether it is a meteorite, gigantic earthquake, volcanic eruption, or whatever; Nature will have 'her' way; no less than 'Godzilla', eventuAlly.

Truly, the real loser in our modern day of the battle of the sexes is children.

While in the 'olden' days there is a village to raise a child in Matriarchal ways; today we are a society of relative nomads trying to do it as couples and eventually ending up as singles; with a child losing the once held opportunity to be properly nurtured, as well in the past, in the first two years of life by a stay at home mom all the time; so deficits of human empathy, greater rates of addiction, potential general crime, human misery, and suffering will certainly increase as a result of this, as the village is replaced by the couple and the couple is replaced by the single, and the child is nurtured by electronic devices instead of nurturing flesh and blood hugging touch. That's beyond sad; beyond a human soul, heart, and spirit.

That is the coming Tsunami of the human Zombie Apocalypse, 'without a heart'.

The real winners will still be the fundamentalist strong gender role patriarchal sub-cultures and major cultures that operate more like a village out of the swinging doors of a brick and mortar church; than single parent homes; where children are home alone, with their electronic devices.

So yeah; freedom is not really free; there is always a cost and PRICE to being free.

And I as a non-procreator, most certainly thrive in this 'new age' environment of freedom from having to raise children.

The truly fortunate children are born into families that care and nurture; and no of course the outliers; the androgynous little boys and girls, homosexuals, and other minority ways of life are still excluded and are sometimes better off living in a 'new age' way, out-of-the-box of patriarchal religious fundamentalist families; but again, the bottom line is reproduction; and that will always be the bottom line of basic survival. It ain't always easy for a Muslim Middle East, Indian, or African woman to get legally raped with a dowry; but yes, subsistence is assured; as well as reproduction most likely assured, as well; so the human beat moves on in all the dark and light that comes in.

I work the system to my advantage; but no, I am not a defenseless child or man.

And yes, it doesn't take much further than a step in a modern age cosmopolitan bar; not even in the most red-state patriarchal leaning fundamentalist area, in the United States; rated as such in Pensacola, Florida, where I go dance, every Thursday Night; yes, the place rated the most difficult to be different, than anywhere else in the U.S.; 'The toughest city of all'.

Yes, still even here; an 18 to 23 year old college-age woman can feel free to approach a middle-age man like me with her buttocks as a 'sensual' weapon to rub up on my front parts in dance. And no; I cannot even imagine trying the same thing with a woman (I'm happily married anyway); and NOT getting hauled away by the loaded-gun law enforcement officers that surround the dance floor to make sure no one is gonna get knifed; as yes, this is tough city U.S.A.

And yes, they (law enforcement officers, private security guards) think it's A-OK no matter how many female buttocks come the way of rubbing up on me, in one night. And do I complain; Ha; they would laugh me off the dance floor and call me 'queer'.

And no, I do want to exaggerate; at most, in one night; only three females do it; and there are some Winter nights; that seem to freeze this urge a little bit, with none. The greatest number of encounters like this is in warmer weather; with less female clothes of course.

The point is this; we live in an extremely complex culture that is an experiment in progress.

There are so many niches that one can go to now to be free; the adults WITHOUT CHILDREN,
overall, are truly the lucky ones.

And yes, the children are an ongoing experiment; and no one really knows what will come next.

I am happy where I am; and if 'you' are; consider yourself fortunate.

The looks on the faces and the body language of the average Jill or Joe, in Super-Walmart, spells
a clear state of 'Ball of Confusion', WITH accompanying misery and suffering clearly 'written' in that
non-verbal language way.

And with that said; some theme music to go along with this thing named life.

Difficult to figure out; but yes, smooth as butter once one gets it ALL UNDER CONTROL..:)

And a word of advice; if 'you' take life seriously; 'you' best lighten up; if you want
to live a nice long life; stress kills; anxiety and fear is the number one killer
of the human soul, heart, and spirit; along with the OTHER flesh and blood stuff..:)

THE best medicine by far, is
silliness and laughter.

It beats misery and suffering
any day of now.

Learn to make sculptures
out of 'sewer water' and you
just might survive and even
be happy with a giggle.

The old Lemons and Lemonade adage, is just too old;

I'm tired of the same old phrases..:)

Human Imagination and creativity

is the true savior of human life in life.

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11 Jun 2015, 12:35 pm

donnie_darko wrote:
SJW hypocrisy is funny.

"It's horrible to be racist or sexist ... unless it's to white males!"

Racism and Sexism are defined as institutions of prejudice + power. If you believe, as a white male, that you've ever been a victim of Racism or Sexism, then you're clearly confused as to what those words actually mean.


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11 Jun 2015, 1:38 pm

Barchan wrote:
donnie_darko wrote:
SJW hypocrisy is funny.

"It's horrible to be racist or sexist ... unless it's to white males!"

Racism and Sexism are defined as institutions of prejudice + power. If you believe, as a white male, that you've ever been a victim of Racism or Sexism, then you're clearly confused as to what those words actually mean.

It's certainly weighted that way in western culture, but you can be a white male and still be the victim of racism and sexism: let's say I wanted to be a house cleaner in a predominantly Latino neighborhood, how many clients you think I'll get? 1 strike for gender, 1 for race. Again, I agree western society is predominantly weighted towards white males, but that's not to say that white males can't/don't fall victim to prejudice.


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11 Jun 2015, 3:34 pm

Aristophanes wrote:
let's say I wanted to be a house cleaner in a predominantly Latino neighborhood

Then you'd be taking work from Latinos who probably need it a lot more than you do. This is a form of racism.