Jesus seems to hate some things. Do you? Is hate good?

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20 Jul 2017, 10:50 am

"The Bible" is a Big Poem, overall. Words are metaphors as human abstract constructs built to share perceived essence with other humans. Humans are not rational at core as currently shown by Science. And even if one takes 'those' verses literally, which of course comes in handy when spreading a Roman Empire by Force; conversely, per John 14:12, if Jesus really did hate his family and sisters and brothers and literally promote the hating of even one's own children too; if he didn't really have any at the time; if one were to disagree with his way of life and even promote the literal slaying of others if they didn't too; which surely can be interpreted that way if those associated verses are to be taken literally too; still, if one takes John 14:12 literally too that says one too can/will do greater works than so-called Jesus if one truly believes in his teachings at core that means that one can live without Hating if one has enough rationality in the physical and emotional intelligences of regulating one's emotions and integrating one's senses to be Hate free; thereby, doing Greater Works than Jesus as Hate serves no purpose for a rational heart. In, Fact, the stress associated neurohormones that come as Anger like cortisol, even in a Martial Arts contest that lasts a while, will end in defeat for the one who succumbs to eventual exhaustion from the influx of stress related Neurohormones per the Human Emotion of Anger.

In other words, even Bruce Lee did 'John 14:12'; as he we would have never succumbed to turning Money Tables over; he would have used a skilled and wise tongue instead as "being the water", too. Grow, grow more wisdom as 'they' say.

Oh, by a way, historically speaking, writers are generally more introverted and vocal speakers are generally more extroverted, so in this way; overall, historically what we have of written wisdom is biased in this way. And any potential that we have of more than 18 Percent of the words of any one man in the New Testament as Scholarly University Divinity School shows; chances are we have even less from an extroverted Teacher on a Mount of Powerful voice that would not likely ever come from an introverted writer, as such. Just speculation too on that and an educated guess too from dealing with around 200K folks in my life; most more face to face than in writing too.

Your will your choice
but most importantly
your Heart and Love or not as a
Fuller Potential Human condition goes as greater in terms of works of Life as Love.

Considering, the time that Jesus lived in; one of illiterate Aramaic oral Tradition; and considering that Paleontology suggests he was no more than about Five Feet tall and around a Hundred Pounds or so with shortly cropped hair as was the cultural requirement at that time; and somewhere around the looks of a person from Syria, no longer allowed in this country; and of course in a very patriarchal society at age 30, if he wasn't married, he would have been looked upon as lesser than a man in those days and these days in 'Trump ways' and of course the Biblical Scholastic Study at University Divinity School level of what is the Bible today indicates that there were many oral traditions of Christianity per different sects ranging from the belief in one God to Twelve Gods spread on desert roads for decades after a man now named Jesus died.

The Literate Greeks cherry picked what they liked of those oral traditions and wrote them down; including what we see of the Gnostic Gospels that are not currently included in the Old and New Testaments. The only reliable accounts in the actual New Testament from a man actually identified as actually living; may be those of Paul, formerly known as Saul getting 'his New Testament' from a 'poetic heart' then as all real artful poets do.

And of course the Nicene council voted to turn Jesus into three Gods in one as a Trinity as such in 325 AD and promote him to a Soldier Sun God of the Entire reality of existence that now includes a Kingdom of at least a Quadrillion or so number of stars and so many more planets that likely have life more intelligent than what might be as relative plankton life on earth as human potential now.

Surely, we have a place bigger as view in reality overall now than a patch of flat earth land in the Middle East, then. But as 'they' say they knew not what they did then too; so who can blame them for promoting their Quarterback to the greatest team ever in existence then. Sure, I for one can understand that with a little cognitive empathy too without getting angry and perhaps even doing the craziest thing I can possibly imagine in my opinion of wasting my emotional energy on hating them, too.

"Chi", in 100 percent positive emotional and sensory flow of energy of what I name too as the Personal Flow of real Faith and Pure Love with no negativity at all is what drives me away from anything associated with negative emotions and senses, including Anger and hate; albeit, I am only human and this takes the emotional regulation and sensory integration in what might be termed as a 'great work' of that in John 14:12 metaphor ways of ballet/tai-chi/martial arts-like free verse Style Public Dance for 7700 Miles now in 47 months.

Some Autistic folks name this as stimming in their own particular way of doing it; finding it also allows them to regulate their emotions and and integrate their senses too; potentially becoming "Autistic Super Men and Women", in this way too, in Nietzsche "Overman" speak too. Anyway, science now shows the old/new Eastern Philosophies left out of the Bible almost entirely in the Arts of Healing Movement really work and Therapists are using these therapies to cure emotional and sensory problems as we speak in writing ways over verbal ones as introverts often do over greater therapists too.

Works for me; came all innately, instinctually and intuitively as it does in stimming ways for many other Autistic folks who do whatever art of movement that works for them. Quiet hands and Feet are no rational option for the Human Heart as far as much greater Potential Emotional and Sensory Intelligences come with the art of moving now. After all, Planets do it around stars; we 'should' use 'their' consistent example for balance too; as above so below in esoteric terms too; sure, you can even find that in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas too; truly some time tested philosophy in that 'book' too with real life application that really work still now; but only common as these archetypal wisdoms come from almost all cultures; again; Wisdom 101; the Wisdom counts more than the individual representative of the HUman DNA that comes next or before.

And back more to topic 'back then' at hand and hearts too; after 'that' historically, in Bible writing ways, considering there were no Xerox Machines as scribes copied the text from hand to hand and different minds to different minds for Centuries of mistakes and at least some 'spur of the moment', Saul the Paul-like inspired poetic words to change "this or that" for whatever the Creative Spirit at the time moved them not much different really than writing a story anew now; things changed a lot as they do change even in a round table discussion on desert roads that arrived at what are written words as the Greek Scribed Gnostic Gospels too between the first and second Century or so far after the physical presence of the man name Jesus died so far before those written days of Greeks with literate scribing ways.

Things is, we are all human. Yes, we all share almost all of the same DNA, with the Environment of Culture as spoon-fed from birth telling us this or that of what it takes still to be successful in survive and thrive now; and even as science is now starting to show, we all Still share overall similar inherited archetypes of subconscious mind; particularly, s most common one about 'the Hero' moving from challenge of dark and coming out on the other side as light (ascension; reborn; phoenix rising from the ashes; etc.. etc.. etc.. et al) and sharing that with the village or the city or the world in how some folks do, online these days. So, what this means is; really, if 'it' makes sense and good feel no matter who brings the wisdom; if it's good stuff it reasonably can and will be shared in places that and who honor Freedom of Human expression when no violence or 'hate speech' is incited.

It makes no sense to hate my friend. And it really makes no sense to get angry if one can use positive emotions and rationality to make a better case for life. It's something that really smart people do across the life span in greater human potential in the metaphor of "John 14:12" ways of doing greater human works of Love. And it's worth noting that if you are a really literally minded person that art is sixty percent of smart; and perhaps that is no coincidence my friend. Matter of fact and feel and sense you can make 'it' holy and sacred and full of meaning purpose if you so will and choose to do that.

Perhaps it is magic. But for now at least, I don't want to move off topic.

Have a nice Day; expand your horizons of love or not; again, your choice
to move ahead or stay with 'his' history; and never make your greater own. If
Jesus was/is a 'real man'; he would and will be a little bit more like Bruce Lee
as John 14:12 says and truly suggest that you can 'Lucifer' do more, with continuing Smiles. 'Men' do this.

I more enjoy the interpretations provided and individually made of what still exists of whoever wrote and created the stories of Jesus that makes Jesus into a Good Cop instead of Bad cop but you see; life overall, is An 'ink blot test' that reflects what and who we are inside. Often those results do appear on Written pages too. So, let it be written more than likely it was already done too; and it is clear than many so-called Christians and yes, of course, Gnostic Christians too as the record now shows do most definitely see a Bad Cop Jesus, still.

And oh, by the way, don't even try to play semantics with me, either; sure, you can but it will not work, as i just finished writing a 1.82 Million word longest long form poem ever in 13.6 months that I also call a bible as it arises to that occasion in technical speak in history of poetry too. I'm not a very literal person and I am a very literal person too, as i Will Free.

In other words, I can write a science abstract too; but that bores me; that bore me until my spirit dies; so, i write poetry of Song and Dance Free Verse too, and Live, instead. I didn't plan to drop by today, but just an inkling literally so in ink as Spirit now sparked me that I might expand one's horizons as before mentioned per what science now sees of the human condition in terms of emotions ruling logic; not likely, not likely at all as beliefs at core are emotions and so are humans as emotional creatures too, so, what's a Scientist and Artist of Human to do but hope, my friend, with perhaps a prayer for affirmation. Not likely hear but never the less; muse enough for somewhere else.

Again, Have a nice now;
even Love; but only if one wills.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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20 Jul 2017, 12:06 pm

Jesus got angry at the money lenders in the temple. Lost it.

Besides that I don't know of him getting angry.

The Old Testament God Jehovah was a much more angry, and vengeful, character than either Jesus, or Jehovah himself was in the New Testament. As Lewis Black suggested "maybe God took anger management classes" during the intertestament period, or maybe "the birth of his son calmed him down".

So comparatively speaking Jesus was lacking in hatefulness. And even God the Father was a nicer version of his former self (at least until you get to Revelations).


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20 Jul 2017, 5:23 pm

He wasn't advocating violence-- He was acknowledging that He was a controversial figure, He was apostate to the Temple, and choosing to follow Him wasn't exactly going to endear anyone to their family, friends, community... pretty much anyone outside the community of believers. Gotta respect the man for being willing to tell a bitter truth.

And yes-- sometimes hate IS good. I'm a big fan of warm fuzzy crunchy pro-social behavior. I really have tried to love everybody. And it's driven me insane. Seriously insane, almost to the point of psychosis (I don't hallucinate, but I have a hard time sorting out what is really going on sometimes now).

I'm not a big fan of spite, cruelty, or meanness. It's fair to say I hate things like genocide, and hate applied in that manner. But hating certain attitudes, behaviors, beliefs... hating the consequences they have for people... and sometimes the people who choose to indulge heavily in them... Yeah, I think that's normal and healthy and sane.

"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"


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20 Jul 2017, 6:57 pm

How can a dead person hate anything?

We won't go back.


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24 Jul 2017, 1:46 pm

Empathy wrote:

Alright Love? :lol: Loving your hypnotic avatar.. now does Jesus hate things? Well, he crops up in all our Chirstian minds from different stargazing spectrums and times, and I hate the word hate, but yes, sometimes, hate is good if it is for a just cause.

My avatar is rather cute. Blush.

I believe that we default to doing good and loving things as our number one choice. All else would follow from that loving survival position being thwarted.

Hate, IOW, forms in us when we cannot love or that love is thwarted.

An example of this is Jesus and the money changers.

Most see hate in Jesus towards them, and I have no doubt that he did hate ate that point in time, but that hate was motivated by his love of the Temple and what it represented to him and his followers.

The Temple, IOW, was preaching or allowing evil and that is what Jesus hated as it was anti-love.



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24 Jul 2017, 1:53 pm

will@rd wrote:
Brainfre3ze_93 wrote:
Not entirely, what the verse is saying is that his words will cause division between people. Jesus's teachings were not exactly popular, and he is saying that if you follow me certain relationships will falter. (including familial relationships, remember many people who were followers of Jesus had Jewish backgrounds) Which is exactly what many family members of Jesus's disciples try to convince them that following Jesus wasn't worth it, and will keep them away from God. Even though they believe Jesus when he said he was the begotten son of God, and he is the way to God.

Precisely. And this entire thread is the result of people making assumptions based on simplistic popular impressions and hateful propaganda, without actually studying the source material they've chosen to ridicule.

Your simplistic assumption is not correct.

The Jesus in scriptures is definitely preaching hate.

Take his no divorce policy and his substitutionary punishment policy. Both policies are anti-love and quite immoral.

Care to try to enlighten me as to how I am looking at those policies wrong?

Show how it is good justice and morality to punish the innocent instead of the guilty.

Show how forcing people to remain in loveless or abusive relationships is good.

Keep it simple though. It seems you think I have a simplistic mind while I think you do.



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24 Jul 2017, 1:55 pm

Empathy wrote:
will@rd wrote:
And this entire thread is the result of people making assumptions based on simplistic popular impressions and hateful propaganda, without actually studying the source material they've chosen to ridicule.

I believe the OP artists impressions of 'highlighted propaganda', for a Jesus thread are rembrandted enough by the OP to have her/his suggestions heard, and not to be rechanelled nor segrated from layer upon layer of double scrutiny upon purely rhetorical means, to hard line a Jesus thread on this basis.




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24 Jul 2017, 1:58 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
He liked wine well enough.
Maybe wrath is a better word than hate.I like the wrathful Jesus that kicked the money changers out of the temple.

Yes. He got angry on occasions. But anger does not equal "hate".

True. That is why they are not described the same way.

What triggers the anger if not hate?

Please do not get semantic on me.


I am not.

You ARE playing semantics.

I see you could not dither out an answer to my simple question.


No need to answer it because obviously anger is not necessarily triggered by hate.

And stop projecting your own semantic games on me.

Not necessarily now is it? Rather semantic that.

Unless you have some suggestions, I suggest you find a less capable mind to try your idiocy on.



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24 Jul 2017, 2:06 pm

aghogday wrote:
" so, what's a Scientist and Artist of Human to do but hope, my friend, with perhaps a prayer for affirmation. Not likely hear but never the less; muse enough for somewhere else.

All seekers for answers can do is hope. That is what keeps Gnostic Christians going because Gnosis kills the faith of fools and that is all the religious, who are idol worshipers, like Christianity and Islam, have.



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24 Jul 2017, 2:09 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
Jesus got angry at the money lenders in the temple. Lost it.

Besides that I don't know of him getting angry.

The Old Testament God Jehovah was a much more angry, and vengeful, character than either Jesus, or Jehovah himself was in the New Testament. As Lewis Black suggested "maybe God took anger management classes" during the intertestament period, or maybe "the birth of his son calmed him down".

So comparatively speaking Jesus was lacking in hatefulness. And even God the Father was a nicer version of his former self (at least until you get to Revelations).

That would depend on your own moral sense.

I do not see much in terms of morality in what Jesus taught. Especially his no divorce policy and his substitutionary punishment policy. Both are quite satanic.



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24 Jul 2017, 2:14 pm

BuyerBeware wrote:
He wasn't advocating violence-- He was acknowledging that He was a controversial figure, He was apostate to the Temple, and choosing to follow Him wasn't exactly going to endear anyone to their family, friends, community... pretty much anyone outside the community of believers. Gotta respect the man for being willing to tell a bitter truth.

And yes-- sometimes hate IS good. I'm a big fan of warm fuzzy crunchy pro-social behavior. I really have tried to love everybody. And it's driven me insane. Seriously insane, almost to the point of psychosis (I don't hallucinate, but I have a hard time sorting out what is really going on sometimes now).

I'm not a big fan of spite, cruelty, or meanness. It's fair to say I hate things like genocide, and hate applied in that manner. But hating certain attitudes, behaviors, beliefs... hating the consequences they have for people... and sometimes the people who choose to indulge heavily in them... Yeah, I think that's normal and healthy and sane.

You seem to lack any confusion in this issue.

Hate is quite good if well controlled and directed.

Do not try to love everyone. Many do not deserve it. Love takes two and there are many that I would not want to get close enough to to love.



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24 Jul 2017, 2:15 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
How can a dead person hate anything?


God cannot die.



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25 Jul 2017, 11:28 am

GnosticBishop wrote:
aghogday wrote:
" so, what's a Scientist and Artist of Human to do but hope, my friend, with perhaps a prayer for affirmation. Not likely hear but never the less; muse enough for somewhere else.

All seekers for answers can do is hope. That is what keeps Gnostic Christians going because Gnosis kills the faith of fools and that is all the religious, who are idol worshipers, like Christianity and Islam, have.


Amen and
have a
nice day..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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25 Jul 2017, 1:00 pm

aghogday wrote:
GnosticBishop wrote:
aghogday wrote:
" so, what's a Scientist and Artist of Human to do but hope, my friend, with perhaps a prayer for affirmation. Not likely hear but never the less; muse enough for somewhere else.

All seekers for answers can do is hope. That is what keeps Gnostic Christians going because Gnosis kills the faith of fools and that is all the religious, who are idol worshipers, like Christianity and Islam, have.


Amen and
have a
nice day..:)

Thanks. Shall do.
