Questions For People Who Believe in Souls
It's worth noting that the state of the art of 'Soul' was very limited, 2000 Years or
so years ago when metaphors for the part of life that is the Inner Universe that is experienced as the
Social Empathic Artful mind/body that more recently has been related in metaphor of Language in limited
understanding of the Brain as 'Right Brain' Intelligence; as only relatively recently has Science and the
Folks who do Science even come up with terms to express the what the Social Empathic Brain does
in terms of Emotional Intelligence of Emotional Contagion and Cognitive and Affective Empathy
and the 'other side' of the brain as metaphor of Systemizing Science Brain that is a more
literal and concrete think of life in more material reductionist natural
ways of seeing the world in more small picture view.
It's also worth noting from a Social Science and Anthropological Perspective; and
yes, Psychological and overall Health Science Perspective as those are where my college degrees
still live as i continue to learn more as an autodidact as such along with the very 'right brained' orientated
Activity of Art as Poetry and Dance Feels/Expresses the more Social Empathic part of mind and body in balance
as now we are talking about an overall ignorant Culture of Soul as that relates to the rich emotions and senses
one experiences when the 'Feminine' Grace and Love of 'right brain' ways of being are allowed to air out as such
out of straight line regimented concrete views of life that don't allow men to express what even feels good in life
to raise potential warriors who are not averse to killing other human beings as it is necessary to 'kill' a Human Soul
for at least a temporary period of time to go in battle and kill other beings of the same species for Tribal Benefits
to gain subsistence and shelter; and yes, mates as far as that goes in raping and pillaging to destroy the Human
Soul for the part of Spirit of Emotions of Heart that would other wise never fathom such an activity with a
Spirit of Altruistic Human Love that is real when watered and fed and overall gardened as love. Yes,
like what they do in the Military, putting Prospective Combat Soldiers in Virtual Reality gear to
accommodate and numb the Soul to cold blooded necessary killer to get 'the jobs'
all done without the trigger finger freezing up as what happens when
the normal aversion to killing members of the same species
is fully living too. Being Slow in Emotional Intelligence
is surely not just an issue for many folks
on the Autism Spectrum for it is
a very big issue still in
Patriarchal 'Trump Lands' and others
of being where Men and others have little handle
on what it even means to have a soul or do a soul
these days for Emotional Regulation and Sensory Integration
that doesn't other wise end up in an early Heart Attack and High Blood
Pressure and Headaches and Ulcers and overall misery loves company and "I hate
everyone who so freely loves other folks with no problem", now; as 'they have no idea'
what they are doing with their soul and heart and real organic Emotional Spirit for that
type of education
is not something
men are still
allowed to do
in 'Trump Cultures' still.
It's both amusing and sad to see
just how 'slow' a person's intelligence can and
will be in the soul arena as they have little mastery over either
their Emotions or the Grace of their senses integrated as they've
just rarely used it and have been told that are emotions are just silly mush;
and just for women as this is the same Malignant Patriarchy that hasn't allowed
both the anima and the animus as Jung would relate to co-exist when the entire mind
and body comes in balance like a finely tuned Human Ferrari as such as even Science shows
now as Science continues to progress that Emotions Regulated and Senses Integrated as a Healthy
'Soul' is what makes great cognitive executive functioning even possible in terms of focus and short
term memory as Emotions Regulated and Senses integrated are what make that even possible to happen
in a
manner to make
more than a Twitter
Tweet of life possible
in the day of a life of you
or me; with lesser or greater Emotional
and Physical Existential Intelligences now.
And it's true, Emotions are the Glue of all Memory too.
In other words, you too might be able to write 40,618
Words in a Week more than a Twitter Tweet, if you Dance too
to regulate your emotions and integrate your senses like a finely
tuned Ferrari now still or Lamborghini or whatever vehicle is in the
'Work Video Now'; heHe' as I will speak to that too more below this;
In other words, many folks; particularly men, still as a Culturally
Enhanced problem are still stuck both in the Dark ages of Soul
And Emotional Intelligence too as Really Soul is just a Metaphor for
The intelligence of Emotions effectively regulated and senses integrated now.
Here's A key; if you can master your emotions/senses you need never have stress that
lasts past the fight or flight response in 'normal life'; and if you can integrate your senses
you can and will most always feel more comfortable in your own flesh and blood soul. It's
true, these concepts are difficult to understand in words; until one actually does a practice of
moving or still meditation for long enough to get a handle on the bio-feedback of soul that
works for each individual to get a job done of Heaven within. Yes, for those folks who have little to
no clue; the Soul is practically invisible for the Soul has yet to become either born or reborn again after
a life of stress. Until people realize this is just a semantic game of words as forms that relate a reality that
is organic in bio and neuro-chemical; as well as the Vibration and Frequency of the Dance and Song now of the
Entire Nervous system and the rest of the show as Force of Energy in Synergy too as no; Science is just touching
the skin of the entire Soul, so far now; and hasn't even got to the flesh and blood of the EnTire Soul now as metaphor
of course; meanwhile, some folks will stay lost from a Real Heaven of life, relatively speaking, in Free Will of Mastery
of Emotional Regulation and Integration of Senses of Real Living Human Soul as Metaphor now; but on the "other
Left Hand"; Yogi's and other Tibetan Monks and Shamans and the such have already innately instinctually and
intuitively found a way that works. Bliss, is easy to now to see for those who regularly master it.
For other folks, the common reply is what kind of drug are you on when it is simply
an intelligence that they have not yet developed or have little to no
clue that exists.
Yes, "Class", the
Intelligence of Soul
that includes Emotional
Regulation and Sensory Integration
that is much more than any Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy of Instructions and Guidelines
alone; for this is a free dance and song that works for
those who seek and find it; and actually practice it for Heaven
as metaphor always now. The Spirit is Emotions and Senses working
together as one Force as Synergy Energy of Electrical, Bio-Chemical, and Neuro-Hormonal
Connections/Reactions from Head to toe; as felt and expressed in all ways of Social Empathic
Artistic Intelligence; also referred to overall as HeART; The Soul is the Force of our Being that
at Highest Pyramid Capstone Levels of Existence exists as Mind and Body Balance getting all the jobs
done in life in Peace and Harmony most in effective Altruistic Cooperation that makes Life overall Love
in both
and Thrive
for a Dance and
Song together best
close to naked in relatively
small groups of Human Beings
of no more than about 150 to 200
sets of eyes and ears and generally
speaking Hips that move legs and feet
in Synchrony of the Rhythm as the Vibrations
and Frequencies of a Song and Dance that raises
this Organic Spirit up for even more Happy Days of
Cooperation around a Midnight Campfire of Bliss and
Nirvana where Moonlit Night is awe and wonder of a life
in honor
of what all that
is of existence is now.
It's true, 'they' don't teach this in
'Robot School'; for if they did even though
they don't know it anyway; Humans are much
harder to control when they master their own
source of Happiness within alone and all together
as a Happy Tribe more; MeaNwhile, folks Bond over Misery
Loves Company and while it's no 'real' conspiracy theory; the reality
is they continue to slave away for happiness for the form of a dollar bill
of Love that
lives as soul free
alone and allone as well.
I don't believe or even hope
for a Soul when i am a living
Soul who Can and Will Feel and
Sense a Heavenly Bliss always now
just from the Bio-Feedback of all those
reactions and connections as practiced as
a way of life in dance and song that is organically
as real as real gets; but just hard to put in only a Twitter
Tweet more than Unconditional Fearless Love as this is a Real
Intelligence and Practice of Existence that takes constant work
from first to last
blink as sadly
is no longer
even on the Grocery
list for most; no matter if folks give
lip service to the form of the word
as just a four letter thing or not. People
ask me all the time for some of the drugs i am
on when i dance. And i tell them, you are going to
work the rest of your life for this pill; As Heaven is
not a word but a practice of Soul that is Work Work Work.
Hmm; that brings to mind 'that Britney Spears Song' and it doesn't
matter if that was her original Poetic Intention or those who Directed
and Produced the Video or not; for it's true, this isn't a party in France'
this is a naked Gospel of Thomas 37 Verse that works when real within
and as
and shared
without even
a word with others
in a Connecting Dance
that raises the Soul up
to an ascendent
of bliss where the difference now
is; there is no drug in charge of the
experience as you are the one who
Directs and Produces and Acts the
Whole Experience at Love of Will
and Will as Love for True this Free Will
is relative as you Master your Nature now
With the Rest of Nature as Co-Navigator too.
Again; it all depends on the Definition of Soul;
A ReaLiTY SoUL Is A SoUL wHo and THaT alWayS
Works NoW to get 'it' all together
as Love and Will and Grace
Anyway, as a Boston University Study
most definitely indicated in the 'Hay Day' of
the Wrong Planet 'Strident Atheist' Days; reviewing
the posts in this very section of Politics and Religion
and Philosophy now; there was only 26 Percent of Folks
who related themselves as Atheist then. Many of the rest
of the Folks were honest enough not to follow an instruction and
some 2000 year
Old Religion where
there is much more real
life stuff that actually works
as shared all around the world
in terms of Spirit and HeART and
Soul and an overall bigger Picture
Spiritual Life of HeART and Mind
And Body Soul that actually has huge
benefits, in every now life now. Otherwise,
as far as I'm concerned, it's just verses of words with not much meaning at all.
And seriously, if a Soul is not Real; what is it more than just a word with no love at all now.
Religions and Cultures that are Tribal Leaning have been trying to capture the Essence
of our Existential Intelligences as Human Beings and Lock them in a Prison of Words
and suggest they own the essence of Existence in Idol Symbols of Words; In all the
ways those Tribal Leaning Cultures and Religions Peppered in Malignant Patriarchy
coming then and now to put the 'Real Soul' somewhere else in an abstract construct
that is not
'real' anymore.
And it's true; it's very
easy to subjugate and control
a Human Being without a much
greater self-actualized soul. It's
true; how do 'they' put Joy in prison when Joy is Real
and manufactured within for free without the 'goods' 'they' 'sell' to you.
It's when one lives this life of Heaven, when realizes how poor the 'Trumps' really are now.
And yes, desperate too; for what they are missing inherently instinctually and intuitively
as a Soul that is Alive and Generating Light of Positive Energy Force by Relative Free Will of
A Dance
and Song
from Head to Toe Real.
And I am by far from the first
person to attempt to put A Soul in Words.
Once you get tHere; it's only Altruism now
in Flow that you too, would strive to do this too.
Better yet; no words at all; just A Dance of Heaven
more fully illustrating Bliss that is easier to see and be as Dance;
sure; though;
A Song
and will help too.. ... er0782.pdf
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
The very concept of souls was something humans invented because the brain's function was unknown, the concept of the souls in the ancient times was like the 'driver and consciousness' of the body
Having studied human psychology in reasonable depth, understanding the evolutionary process "adequately" and having dedicated some time into researching human history in some quarters, I have to see things in a more cynical light...
While I agree with what you have said in regards to superstition/ignorance being the "mother" of the intellectual construct of a soul, human nature being what it is took advantage of this concept to pacify and/or blackmail some of the unenlightened population into what Nietzsche called a slave philosophy/mentality...
Having a soul which could be eternally condemned to torture in hell manipulated some individuals in a couple of significant ways:
1. It intimidated some people into behaving themselves, or there would be dire consequences...
2. It gave succour to some of those who were brutalised by others to think that their tormentors would suffer eternal damnation while their temperance rewarded them via access to a heaven...
Why should Hitler get off scot-free through suicide, as an example...
Maybe it is simply the devil in me talking...
Don't know.
Hmm... don't know.
I ... don't know.
...Don't know
This one I definitely ... don't know.
Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory, Farewell!
Don't know.
Hmm... don't know.
I ... don't know.
...Don't know
This one I definitely ... don't know.
You are one ignorant bastard!...
You are one ignorant bastard!...
I'll let this one slide, mainly because DarthMetaKnight just made a thread linking gun crime to lack of socialist policies. Let us don our capes and fly, our presence is required elsewhere.
Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory, Farewell!
You are one ignorant bastard!...
I'll let this one slide, mainly because DarthMetaKnight just made a thread linking gun crime to lack of socialist policies. Let us don our capes and fly, our presence is required elsewhere.
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"!...
"Let us fly, my pretties!"<cackle>...
Time to slay the epitome of left wing evil!
That's what I was getting at
Right. I can't imagine that being possible without the planet being overpopulated to an extent that the ice caps all melt and flood us.
Even if it were physically possible to drink all of the water, eventually it will all go back into the water cycle, one way or another.
Although IIRC, they were saying that minute amounts of H2O were evaporating into space through the hole in the ozone layer.
We don't know if they are finite, and we don't know if souls:bodies work on a 1:1 basis. We also have to imagine that there is other life in the universe.
I can only imagine what would happen, and I'm sure it wouldn't be good. Overpopulation is never without consequence.
I heard an interesting theory once, that spirits are not singular things, but more of a fluid-like energy. In essence, some people would have more of this energy than others, and it would all flow to and from a source, like a large pool, which would be God. It kind of creeps me out to think that we're all just God drones, unknowingly interacting with each other for some strange form of entertainment, but it's still interesting to me.
Nah, I honestly wasn't sure what you were getting at. I'm fine with the occasional debate, as long as it's not with trolls.
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...
Joined: 6 Feb 2005
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A nice little episode a particular Youtube magician went through last year reintegrating fragments and the difference between that work vs working with independent deities. Very interesting stuff:
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.
We don't know if they are finite, and we don't know if souls:bodies work on a 1:1 basis. We also have to imagine that there is other life in the universe.
I can only imagine what would happen, and I'm sure it wouldn't be good. Overpopulation is never without consequence.
I heard an interesting theory once, that spirits are not singular things, but more of a fluid-like energy. In essence, some people would have more of this energy than others, and it would all flow to and from a source, like a large pool, which would be God. It kind of creeps me out to think that we're all just God drones, unknowingly interacting with each other for some strange form of entertainment, but it's still interesting to me.
The idea of "souls" is a manifestation of creativity on steroids, imo...
Occam's Razor would suggest there is no such thing...
Copy the link in addition to the youtube insertion...
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So if something cannot be determined via "science" then it cannot possibly exist. Is that what you are suggesting here? Science (or, more accurately, the scientific method) was only ever introduced in order for us to uncover facts about phenomena that the method itself was specifically designed to tackle: i.e. material phenomena. It has an inherent philosophical bias built into it (i.e. the philosophical doctrine of materialism), because it is used to measure, record and assess that which is amenable to such an approach.
Even IF this is true, so what? This in no way diminishes the concept itself, which is valid regardless of why people believe what they do about it, or how it came about.
Actually, no, it hasn't. By the way, there is no such thing as "proof" in science, only evidence.
What about those (admittedly rare) instances where someone is born with hardly a brain at all and yet retains most cognitive functions? Whoever said that what the brain (in your view) does is what a soul even is anyway? I tend to think of it as being equivalent to the life force, which is what animates us and without which we would be soulless zombies.
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A potentially more grating picture seems to emerge for me:
Eternity without ultimate purpose.
The only sweetener perhaps being the company of Adam Kadmon (ie. the Jesus of NDE's) and Isis/Mary/Sophia/Shekinah/Elohim.
I often wonder, with respect to Yechidah/Atman, what It's religious beliefs are or would be. By all intents and purposes people would call it 'God' but conscious superstructure might perhaps be a better assessment. Maybe, by some sheer fluke of luck, it zapped into being built in such a way that it never had the capacity to sorrow over such questions.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.
The part of us that lives on once our time here is done.
Like a parasite?
Seriously, what is it good for?
It's more like a necessity for the traditional Judeo-monotheisms. We know our bodies don't transform into light and zap into the heavens, we leave them behind, therefore, for an afterlife (and Judgement) to exist, a part of us not seen or totally understood must make the journey there.
Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory, Farewell!
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