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16 Oct 2021, 2:43 pm

Flown wrote:
I've met a few women who never have dyed their hair.

I previously dyed my hair (off and on from around 1999-2015) because hair was one of my favorite art media. Colors and art are definitely two of my SPINs.

I haven't dyed my hair in around 5 years as I have had to devote myself fully to biodegradable products. I've been living off grid, and I cannot have dyes/questionable chemicals going directly into the watershed. I also have chronic health issues, so I do not have the energy to continue maintaining my "art projects". It has been a freeing experience to not put any products in my hair. I have a lot of silvers coming in, and I'm embracing them. daughter does hers with all contrasting colours. She gets really good comments from strangers in the street as well. She's had to dumb it down a little bit lately because she's got quite a serious job but I reckon she can do it again once she settles in.

I never used to dye mine until about ten years ago and I started bleaching it peroxide blonde (My hair is dark brown naturally) and I just carried on dying it from then. I really liked it when I did it a very light shade of pink one time. It's copper colour at the moment.

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17 Oct 2021, 6:07 am

Waiting for hair to grow out, cheaper to dye it if it’s shorter, boredom,curiosity,attraction, fun,cheaper than drugs,hobbies,driving. I got my hair dyed for about $100 then just let it grow out so it looked like ombré. Cheaper than buying new clothes. Depends where you go. Depends what you want. Can’t go wrong with temporary box hair dye. Isn’t friends mum was a hairedresser so she have me half a head of foils for free worth about $60.


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17 Oct 2021, 6:08 am

Hair dye is kinda like grooming. Just a thing you do when you’re young. People get their haired died ever 6weeks when they go grey. Just starve yourself and then you’ll be able to afford it.


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18 Oct 2021, 7:06 am

Itendswithmexx wrote:
Just a thing you do when you’re young.

I dyed my hair between ages 16 and 37. I would dye it again now if I had the physical energy to devote towards it. The reasons I stopped: 1) because we went off grid (had to use biodegradable products) and 2) my chronic health issues were getting in the way.

Note: I know plenty of 70-90 year olds who love to put bright colors over their white hair. My mother-in-law is 62, and she puts vibrant magenta over her white hair. White hair can easily reflect so many vibrant colors!

Itendswithmexx wrote:
Just starve yourself and then you’ll be able to afford it.

Dyeing one's hair at home is not that expensive. Salons are an entirely different story.

Itendswithmexx wrote:
People get their haired died ever 6weeks when they go grey.

I'm going silver and don't care to cover it at this point. I actually like seeing those hairs. I honestly would just love the opportunity to experiment with vibrant hues again (I used my hair as creative tool).

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19 Oct 2021, 11:54 am

I've also never dyed my hair... but then I also don't do anything else with my hair outside of washing it and brushing it. I haven't even had a haircut for a few years lol, I hate going to hairdressers.

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28 Nov 2021, 8:27 am

Joe90 wrote:
I'm beginning to feel like the only woman in the Western world who has never dyed her hair before.

I've never dyed my hair and don't plan on doing so.

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28 Nov 2021, 10:16 am

I've never been against it especially, but as with make-up, I never felt the need for it.

I've left WP.


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17 Jan 2022, 4:53 pm

I've done things like getting highlights or lowlights in my hair, and during the pandemic, I played with temporary dyes because I was bored while work was shut down. Now, I do have some gray hairs, and the only reason I don't do anything at this point is that when I start, I'll have to keep covering the gray. Also, I can't really go with wacky colors because I work in a corporate environment and have to look "professional." As it is, my hair naturally gets lighter in the summer, even with the grays to where people have asked if I had highlights done.


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21 Jan 2022, 12:02 pm

I used to dye my hair since 17 I dyed it many colors from black to purple and blue to even pink and blonde emo colors . My favorite all time is black though . My natural color is light blonde and I shaved my head recently so it's barely growing at this point by it's a medium blonde color and I can't really dye it atm since it's so short but I have had natural hair for nearly a year before I shaved it . I feel my days of dying my hair are behind me as I hate the cost and upkeep to do it correctly at a salon without damage to the follicles . It's fun when your a goth teen girl in high school exploring your identity but once your a old fart like me at 28 you basically give up on the idea of dying hair . Too much work haha :twisted:


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21 Jan 2022, 3:26 pm

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but it's something that you can control. When other things on your life are put of your control dying your hair a bright colour, not necessarily pink, but a more honeyed dark brown even. Then you're excercising a bit of control over your life and doing something to perk yourself up.

I dye to cover grey now, but I choose a more vibrant tone of my natural colour just to make myself feel brighter.


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21 Jan 2022, 4:12 pm

Mona Pereth wrote:
Joe90 wrote:
I'm beginning to feel like the only woman in the Western world who has never dyed her hair before.

I've never dyed my hair and don't plan on doing so.

I have a hard time organising myself and remembering to do extra tasks that I don't really enjoy doing, and grooming my hair isn't something I enjoy. I make sure it's combed and washed but that's about it.

But it seems that even the tomboyish girls that don't wear makeup or "girly" clothes still dye their hair, like nobody's satisfied with their natural hair colour. I don't like my natural hair colour much but I have a brain that I'm too focused on being dissatisfied with, it's all right for most NTs because they take their brains for granted so can afford to be dissatisfied with other things they're lucky enough to be able to change.



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23 Jan 2022, 12:00 pm

I'm almost 48 and starting to go grey (I don't even have any kids to blame it on). I have never dyed my hair and don't intend to, ever. It's sad how women hate their own hair.

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31 Jan 2022, 6:28 pm

Joe90 wrote:
I'm not against people dying their hair, I just wonder why like 99.99% of women around here do (except for hiding grey hair).

When you say 'around here' do you mean on the forums here, or where you physically live? Because it might just be a thing that people where you live are in to. I don't dye my hair because I like the color (I'm naturally blonde), but also because I have absurdly sensitive skin and I might have a bad reaction to the dye. This is the same reason I don't really wear make-up (that and it's a pain to constantly remember not to touch my face and have to constantly check that it looks okay and fix it if it doesn't. A lot of time and effort I could be spending on my hobbies).

As for being blonde and dying it dark, we do have the 'dumb blonde' trope in our culture. That you are somehow inherently less intelligent because of your hair pigmentation. I get told dumb blonde jokes a lot and the person expects me to find them funny (for the record I have a Master's degree). And as for having dark hair and dying it lighter, there is again a trope that blonde hair is somehow 'sexier', and more attractive to men. Those are just a few cultural reasons. I also have a friend who just likes to dye her hair different colors, kinda like painting her nails.

Also, I know you said you understand about dying for grey hair, but did you know that going prematurely grey can start in your early 20's? So some really young people who are dying their hair might actually be covering up grey hairs and not just doing it for the heck of it.


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21 Apr 2022, 11:26 am

I once dyed my hair to have platinum blonde streaks when I was 12 - I thought it'd work because my natural hair colour is dirty blonde. It didn't work.

Also tried dyeing it brown with some temporary hair colour back in uni, the kind that fizzles out after so many washes. That made my skin look too pale.

Now my hair is its natural colour.

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03 May 2022, 4:43 pm

I don't do that. Did it just two times in my whole time and not radically and not all hair.

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10 May 2022, 1:51 am

I never died my hair until my 20s and have only ever done highlights. I had natural blonde highlights as a child which faded as I got older and ended up with a medium/dark brown color with a bit of a mousy cast. I got bored with this so now I do highlights in either caramel or auburn.