Babylon Bee Jokes About Inbred Racists, Fans Meltdown

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28 Mar 2024, 9:27 pm

RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
blitzkrieg wrote:
TwilightPrincess wrote:
blitzkrieg wrote:
A lot of people dislike woke people because of the manner in which people with woke views share those woke views.

Often, woke folk come across as patronizing, pompous or sometimes over-zealous and a bunch of other negative things.

I have heard that opinion voiced from people from the centre of the political spectrum, not just disgruntled right-wingers.

It is a human tendency to stereotype/make generalizations about groups of people based on a small sampling one has known personally or seen on YouTube, but most often, stereotypes fail to provide a true representation of an entire demographic, not that the term ”woke” is agreed upon or free of controversy.

It’s often used by conservatives to dismiss liberal viewpoints. Many wouldn’t even self-identify as “woke.”

I remember a long time ago on social media, a female social justice warrior from Texas, whom I came into contact with via a 'group' self described as being "woke as f**k".

I think it seems more of a concept that is visible in American politics, to the people who follow or are involved in American politics.

The only place on television in the UK I have heard the term 'woke' on is a channel called GB News which is like a lite version of Fox News in the US.

So I guess that proves your point about it being used as an insult by conservatives.

But I agree with your other point about how these people can be obnoxious and condenscending in their approach to fighting for social justice.

So since criticism of "woke" has lost any real merit thanks to the racist Trump cult, what CAN we call people who are overzealous in their fight to punish white people for being white for equality and equity? Whatever term we use to criticize them I think it should contain the word "puritanical" in it. Just a thought. :chin:

The 'woke' insult had more sting to it before the Trumpsters started using it.


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28 Mar 2024, 9:35 pm

^ I didn’t really see that. It always appeared to be a reactionary label thrown about by those who were opposed to progress although, perhaps, the polarization that increased with Trump made it even more obvious.

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28 Mar 2024, 9:40 pm

As well as that definition, it used to at least, from 2013 to 2016, be used as a term of mocking for what people might think of as over-the-top, political left-wingers who were proudly PC.

Anybody could use the term, but now it seems more used by conservatives than anyone else.


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28 Mar 2024, 9:53 pm

Even then, it was a much more common complaint/insult among conservatives in the US than liberals.

One person’s over-the-top is another person’s normal. Progress does seem to be painful slow for some while others are uncomfortable at the idea of any change. I strive to listen to what people have to say rather than engage in mockery, especially if they are striving to make the world a better place in some way. It doesn’t mean I’ll necessarily agree with them, but a lot of the time I seem to, including in my college years and the years that followed. I didn’t see or experience much that I would consider extreme though, not that it isn’t out there.

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28 Mar 2024, 10:15 pm

Being conservative is not always a "bad thing". and being progressive is not always a "good thing".

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28 Mar 2024, 10:19 pm

RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
Being conservative is not always a "bad thing". and being progressive is not always a "good thing".

I never made that claim although I consider myself to be far on the Left.

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28 Mar 2024, 10:21 pm

TwilightPrincess wrote:
RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
Being conservative is not always a "bad thing". and being progressive is not always a "good thing".

I never made that claim.

I'm not accusing you directly, I'm just saying that a lot of people seem to equate being a "conservative" with being some kind of fascist racist. Am I wrong?

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28 Mar 2024, 10:22 pm

RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
TwilightPrincess wrote:
RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
Being conservative is not always a "bad thing". and being progressive is not always a "good thing".

I never made that claim.

I'm not accusing you directly, I'm just saying that a lot of people seem to equate being a "conservative" with being some kind of fascist racist. Am I wrong?

Yes. No one is saying that all conservatives are fascist racists.

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28 Mar 2024, 10:22 pm

TwilightPrincess wrote:
although I consider myself to be far on the Left.

I'm somewhere between center and completely disillusioned with American politics. :lol:

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28 Mar 2024, 10:32 pm

TwilightPrincess wrote:
RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
TwilightPrincess wrote:
RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
Being conservative is not always a "bad thing". and being progressive is not always a "good thing".

I never made that claim.

I'm not accusing you directly, I'm just saying that a lot of people seem to equate being a "conservative" with being some kind of fascist racist. Am I wrong?

Yes. No one is saying that all conservatives are fascist racists.

See I don't believe that. Everywhere I look on the internet people seem to equate conservatives with racism, fascism, and basically everything 'wrong' with the US.

Even Julia Sugarbaker (played by Dixie Carter) had to make a point to say "All liberals are not kooks! Any more than all conservatives are not fascist!" On Designing Women.

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28 Mar 2024, 10:40 pm

I think the Right does have more problems when it comes to human rights issues such as with LGBTQ+ stuff, race-related issues, women’s issues - especially related to abortion these days, funding social programs, etc. Obviously, problems with these issues vary, and exist on a continuum. Not everyone on the Right supports bigoted laws and policies. People on the Left can have lousy opinions too. I’ve not been happy with Biden although he’s better than Orange Man would’ve been. I’m opposed to deifying political leaders. Christian nationalism among those on the far-Right is worrisome to me as well, but once again, that’s not everyone.

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28 Mar 2024, 10:49 pm

TwilightPrincess wrote:
I think the Right does have more problems when it comes to human rights issues such as with LGBTQ+ stuff, race-related issues, women’s issues - especially related to abortion these days, funding social programs, etc. Obviously, problems with these issues vary, and exist on a continuum. Not everyone on the Right supports bigoted laws and policies. People on the Left can have lousy opinions too. I’ve not been happy with Biden although he’s better than Orange Man would’ve been. I’m opposed to deifying political leaders. Christian nationalism among those on the far-Right is worrisome to me as well, but once again, that’s not everyone.

I agree with all that. I don't like Biden either, but he is certainly better than the Orange Antichrist. Hell I would vote for a rabid dog over Trump...

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28 Mar 2024, 11:25 pm

A former right/conservative WP member from my home town of Melbourne used to regularly post satirical videos from Babylon Bee.


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29 Mar 2024, 5:25 am

The point is NOT that folks here on WP stereotype all conservatives as racists.

Its that in this moment the Babylon Bee unwittingly baited conservatives into demonstrating that they are all racists.


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29 Mar 2024, 6:12 am

I have posted their jokes on occasion because I do find them both funny and refreshing because they do come from a different ideological place than most comedians.

As far as their audience goes let's see. They are ok with jokes about them, not about thee, snowflakes who need a safe space from jokes that offend them because it deviates from their purity test, and don't like zionists. They're "woke" that's it.

I had no idea who the owner is and that he is Jewish. That makes sense because they are funny :D .

Getting serious I think part of the reason for the spike in mental health issues is that we are increasingly denying ourselves the age-old outlet of humor to reduce stress. Comedy by its nature has to tread upon subjects that cause stress. They do not need to be about serious social issues, they are often are mundane parts of daily life. This means that comedians often go right up to that imaginary line between funny and offensive. This means they will on occasion go over that line. We are different, one person's edgy comedian is another person's as*hole. Even if you generally are a fan of a comedian there are times when their jokes will rub you the wrong way.

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29 Mar 2024, 7:00 am

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TwilightPrincess wrote:
^ I didn’t really see that. It always appeared to be a reactionary label thrown about by those who were opposed to progress although, perhaps, the polarization that increased with Trump made it even more obvious.

From what I remember "woke" started coming into use as a pejorative concurrently with Trump's election. It really took off during the George Floyd protests/riots ie. "Great Awokeining" of 2020. It was a combination of people opposed to a certain way of viewing the world that was gaining traction at lightning speed as well as nefarious actors. By 2023 "woke" had been "hijacked" by many conservatives of all stripes to describe anybody and anything they don't like. Be it the normal tiredness from overuse and not wanting to be associated with MAGA's I was observing the beginnings of the term falling out of favor.

Then the October 7th blowback happened. Mainstream liberal Jews started using the term to describe the worldview I referred to earlier because they associated that way of looking at things with antisemitism. These are probably a lot of the same people that before October 7th if I described myself as anti woke would have dismissed me out of hand as a racist or naively spewing MAGA talking points. Since October 7th they are making up for lost time.

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