The Bible says nothing about transgender people.

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03 Apr 2024, 8:31 am

Ahem. Matthew 19:12

Jesus wrote:

For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

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03 Apr 2024, 8:39 am

Whew boy did I trigger so many hostile responses by pointing out the obvious about yall's behavior. Guess I got some 'splanin to dooo!

I'm just gonna make three points.

1) The REAL reason religion exists was to give meaning to a meaningless world such as ours. Nothing to do with morals or trying to force control on people, although the later was a side effect when people in power realized they could basically weaponize religion. But I firmly believe It existed to explain things that throughout time were unexplainable and some people still cling to that (and they should have the right to do so without being oppressed and bullied).

2) Kicking Christians for their beliefs is bullying as far as I'm concerned. If they were any other religion on this planet I'm willing to bet you people would think twice before openly mocking them because you would be afraid of the backlash from people. I don't see many people giving Muslims, Jews, or Buddhists this same treatment. Gee, I wonder why that is? :roll:

3) As I have pointed out repeatedly on this forum, I am an omnist and my spirituality is my own. I believe every religion has some truth to it, but I do at least try to do some actual research into religions instead of taking things at face value.

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03 Apr 2024, 8:56 am

RedDeathFlower13 wrote:

2) Kicking Christians for their beliefs is bullying as far as I'm concerned. If they were any other religion on this planet I'm willing to bet you people would think twice before openly mocking them because you would be afraid of the backlash from people. I don't see many people giving Muslims, Jews, or Buddhists this same treatment. Gee, I wonder why that is? :roll: .

The present topic is explicitly "The BIBLE", which concerns Christians and Jews.

You could start another topic about the Koran, Buddhist texts, etc., if you wanted.

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03 Apr 2024, 9:04 am

1. I doubt that religion’s primary focus was on bringing meaning to a meaningless world.

There’s not a lot of evidence out there in terms of very early, spiritual beliefs, but anthropologists tend to think along the following lines. People worshipped stuff, like the sun, nature, and rain, because they thought that doing so had an impact on their environment/well-being. People see patterns where there aren’t any because it’s useful for our survival. (If we hear leaves fluttering in a bush and think it’s an animal or enemy, we can act swiftly to ensure our safety. Nothing bad will happen if we react and it’s just the wind.)

We often believe correlation equals causation. If there was a drought and if a member of a tribe murdered someone and rain happened to come that day, they would associate the two things together. Well, our ancient ancestors would have. :lol: Soon you’d have human sacrifice and various other rituals - some fun and others not so much - to bring rain, sun, a good hunt, or whatever. Gradually, these things morphed into something else or were forced to morph into something else during successful invasions. Over thousands of years, cultures merged and influenced each other. Beliefs and then religions became more and more complex. Holy books, which were informed/inspired by many cults, cultures, literature, and myths, were written and edited over centuries.

For millennia, religion has often been used to control people which explains, in part, why there are so many rules in holy books. People thought that they had to behave a certain way to appease their deity and be rewarded in the afterlife just as they used to think that rituals could bring rain. Many people still believe that.

2. I don’t believe anything should be above scrutiny, especially not extremism - no matter the specific belief system. My thread on holy books, for instance, talks about the Old Testament, New Testament, Quran, and Book of Mormon.

3. You are free to believe whatever you want to. We are also free to scrutinize and criticize religion and beliefs. Disagreeing with someone does not mean they are hostile.

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Last edited by TwilightPrincess on 03 Apr 2024, 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.


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03 Apr 2024, 9:42 am

Yeah, whatever. Have fun breaking out the concentration camps for the religious boujwazee. :roll:

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03 Apr 2024, 9:46 am


"Les grandes personnes ne comprennent jamias rien toutes seules, et c'est fatigant, pour les enfants, de toujours et toujours leur donner des explications." - Le Petit Prince


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03 Apr 2024, 10:07 am

I can envision an episode of Moral Orel talking about this.

Orel is in his Father's study telling him about a transgender classmate he met at school and asks whether or not it's okay to be a different gender. His father tells him not to accept this boy/girl for whoever he/she is and reminds him of one of Moses's "Lost Commandments" that simply reads: "You are a man, NOT A F***ING WOMAN!"

After giving Orel the belt as usual he tells Orel "Let's Eat!" Because it's dinnertime and his pants fall down.

Roll credits.

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03 Apr 2024, 3:09 pm

RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
1) The REAL reason religion exists was to give meaning to a meaningless world such as ours. Nothing to do with morals or trying to force control on people, although the later was a side effect when people in power realized they could basically weaponize religion. But I firmly believe It existed to explain things that throughout time were unexplainable and some people still cling to that (and they should have the right to do so without being oppressed and bullied).

Some truth in that, methinks. I guess there used to be a tendency to think the sun was alive, so if "he" stopped shining so much and caused hardship, folks would have wondered what they'd done to piss "him" off, and they may have tried to make amends to "him." And the first gods the human race believed in weren't moral gods. Morality was a later add-on. And I agree it would be better if people weren't bullied for harmless beliefs.

2) Kicking Christians for their beliefs is bullying as far as I'm concerned. If they were any other religion on this planet I'm willing to bet you people would think twice before openly mocking them because you would be afraid of the backlash from people. I don't see many people giving Muslims, Jews, or Buddhists this same treatment. Gee, I wonder why that is? :roll:

I guess people here are more familiar with harm from Christians than they are with abuse from Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists. I've never been told to read "my" Koran, but I expect it's no better than the Bible. Judaism - I suppose that's just the Old Testament with a few extra books, so ditto. Buddhism I know little about, except that I gather they don't have a concept of sin, and tend to use the word "harm" instead, which seems to me a step in the right direction. I rather like Zen, because it doesn't try to program or preach at people - no guilt-tripping, no expectation of belief, and it leaves you to find out for yourself, or not to, if you prefer.

3) As I have pointed out repeatedly on this forum, I am an omnist and my spirituality is my own. I believe every religion has some truth to it, but I do at least try to do some actual research into religions instead of taking things at face value.

I'm sorry, I should have paid more attention to your self-description before, or remembered better. I even looked it up once. I suppose my view is that every religion contains at least a bit of truth along with more than a bit of nonsense. It's the nonsense that makes it impossible for me to identify as e.g. a Christian, because their very core beliefs are to me mostly nonsense, and they and their scripture strongly insists that without those core beliefs, I'm wrong and I'm not in their club, to say the least. To be an omnist or any other kind of theist, I'd have to believe in the supernatural, and I just can't. And it's not as if I've never done any research into religion.


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03 Apr 2024, 6:18 pm

TwilightPrincess wrote:
1. I doubt that religion’s primary focus was on bringing meaning to a meaningless world.
Religion's main foci are:

• Accumulate members -- the "Laity".

• Dictate the religion's version of 'morality' to the laity.

• Siphon wealth from the laity.

• Convince the laity that the religion is the One True Religion.

• Convince the laity they will never be good enough.

• Convince the laity that 'outsiders' are evil.

• Punish those who question or criticize religious leaders.

• Punish those who question or criticize religious doctrine.

• Lean on secular political leaders to run the government more 'religiously'.

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03 Apr 2024, 7:35 pm

RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
1) The REAL reason religion exists was to give meaning to a meaningless world such as ours. Nothing to do with morals or trying to force control on people, although the later was a side effect when people in power realized they could basically weaponize religion. But I firmly believe It existed to explain things that throughout time were unexplainable and some people still cling to that (and they should have the right to do so without being oppressed and bullied).
Belief proves nothing.  The only "meaning" religion ever gave to the world was to explain everything with the words "[Our] God did it".  No science or maths involved.  In fact, religion has historically been anti-science, which is the only method by which the universe may be truthfully explained.
RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
2) Kicking Christians for their beliefs is bullying as far as I'm concerned. If they were any other religion on this planet I'm willing to bet you people would think twice before openly mocking them because you would be afraid of the backlash from people. I don't see many people giving Muslims, Jews, or Buddhists this same treatment. Gee, I wonder why that is?
I don't see many Muslims, Jews, or Buddhists making outrageous claims and trying to impose their 'morality' on the rest of us.  In fact, I don't see many Muslims, Jews, or Buddhists logging on to WrongPlanet in the first place.
RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
3) As I have pointed out repeatedly on this forum, I am an omnist and my spirituality is my own. I believe every religion has some truth to it, but I do at least try to do some actual research into religions instead of taking things at face value.
I spent a few years at Christian Seminaries.  I have also read the Bible in English ... and Greek ... and Hebrew ...

So please get over yourself and stop with the virtue signalling -- you are no more virtuous, moral, or knowledgeable than anyone else on this website; and, being an Omnist, you could also be considered apostate -- or even heretical -- by those same Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists, and even by those very same Christians whom you so dearly defend.


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03 Apr 2024, 7:43 pm

Fnord wrote:
RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
1) The REAL reason religion exists was to give meaning to a meaningless world such as ours. Nothing to do with morals or trying to force control on people, although the later was a side effect when people in power realized they could basically weaponize religion. But I firmly believe It existed to explain things that throughout time were unexplainable and some people still cling to that (and they should have the right to do so without being oppressed and bullied).
Belief proves nothing.  The only "meaning" religion ever gave to the world was to explain everything with the words "[Our] God did it".  No science or maths involved.  In fact, religion has historically been anti-science, which is the only method by which the universe may be truthfully explained.
RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
2) Kicking Christians for their beliefs is bullying as far as I'm concerned. If they were any other religion on this planet I'm willing to bet you people would think twice before openly mocking them because you would be afraid of the backlash from people. I don't see many people giving Muslims, Jews, or Buddhists this same treatment. Gee, I wonder why that is?
I don't see many Muslims, Jews, or Buddhists making outrageous claims and trying to impose their 'morality' on the rest of us.  In fact, I don't see many Muslims, Jews, or Buddhists logging on to WrongPlanet in the first place.
RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
3) As I have pointed out repeatedly on this forum, I am an omnist and my spirituality is my own. I believe every religion has some truth to it, but I do at least try to do some actual research into religions instead of taking things at face value.
I spent a few years at Christian Seminaries.  I have also read the Bible in English ... and Greek ... and Hebrew ...

So please get over yourself and stop with the virtue signalling -- you are no more virtuous, moral, or knowledgeable than anyone else on this website; and, being an Omnist, you could also be considered apostate -- or even heretical -- by those same Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists, and even by those very same Christians whom you so dearly defend.


Ok boomer.

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03 Apr 2024, 7:48 pm

Honey69 wrote:
Ahem. Matthew 19:12
Jesus wrote:

For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

Ahem-ahem.  What He referred to were 'Castrati' (It.) or boys/men who had been castrated.  Mere castration does not turn a man into a woman, but only removes their primary sources of testosterone, thus producing men who are generally taller, fatter, and with less facial and body hair (or none at all) than non-castrati.

Castration was done to produce male singers whose voices never 'cracked' (common in medieval Italy), to produce males who could 'safely' guard the harems, and to produce men who lacked aggression -- no "roid-rages" -- so that they would be less likely to attack the rulers whom they served.

It was also a sign of devotion to a ruler or religion.

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03 Apr 2024, 7:54 pm

RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
Ok boomer.
It is common knowledge that those who cannot refute the message often resort to attacking the messenger.

So much for being 'Spiritual'.


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03 Apr 2024, 8:13 pm

Fnord wrote:
RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
Ok boomer.
It is common knowledge that those who cannot refute the message often resort to attacking the messenger.

So much for being 'Spiritual'.


You do the same. So tread carefully.

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03 Apr 2024, 8:51 pm

j_k wrote:
Fnord wrote:
RedDeathFlower13 wrote:
Ok boomer.
It is common knowledge that those who cannot refute the message often resort to attacking the messenger.  So much for being 'Spiritual'.
You do the same. So tread carefully.
Sadly, some people identify so strongly with their beliefs -- their beliefs are so much a part of their identity -- that any revelation of the ugly truth behind their beliefs is seen as a personal attack.

Tread carefully?  It is impossible to tread carefully enough on a field of snow to leave no footprints.

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03 Apr 2024, 8:56 pm

Oh christ.... that is complete and utter nonsense and you know it.

“There's only one rule that I know of, babies - God damn it, you've got to be kind.”― Kurt Vonnegut