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22 Dec 2014, 12:38 am

*Edit button dissappeared, but in above post I would have been more accurate to use the word "skewness" over "bias", although I'm sure y'all know what I meant ;)

22, entrepreneurial and diagnosed with High Functioning Autism, ADHD, OCD and Tourettes. Also have problems with Anxiety, and more recently depression, although I seem to returning to my optimistic self =)


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22 Dec 2014, 12:41 am

eleventhirtytwo wrote:
*Edit button dissappeared, but in above post I would have been more accurate to use the word "skewness" over "bias", although I'm sure y'all know what I meant ;)

It seems that the moment someone responds to a message, the message to which they are responding may no longer be edited.


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22 Dec 2014, 12:53 am

aghogday wrote:
AND science also shows that approximately one-third of school age children, now, are assessed as pre-type two diabetic;

When I was a senior in high school, I was the second heaviest senior in my high school at about 160 pounds. The heaviest was about 185 pounds and most were about 140 to 150 pounds. A 160 pound senior in the local high school these days would be easily under the median weight.


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22 Dec 2014, 12:56 am

eleventhirtytwo wrote:
aghogday wrote:
eleventhirtytwo wrote:
aghogday wrote:
eleventhirtytwo wrote:
Re: High functioning autistics only being 9%... I'll let Alex answer that one :P

The statistics I provided were not mine, they were from the CDC LAST SUPPORTED RESEARCH on Asperger's syndrome as diagnosed in the United States. And again, that's it, as the diagnosis no longer exists IN THE UNITED STATES, AND it is by far the largest study ever taken in the U.S., to date.

Asperger's is diagnosed differently in some other countries so mileage may vary in other countries depending on diagnostic criteria.

I was just looking at the CDC website, and I think it's misleading to say that the Aspergers diagnosis no longer exists. It seems to have been amalgamated into the same diagnosis of "Autism Spectrum Disorder", which is a bit different than losing recognition as implied by saying "it no longer exists".

A diagnosis of ASD now includes several conditions that used to be diagnosed separately: autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), and Asperger syndrome. These conditions are now all called autism spectrum disorder.

Also, further looking into claims that the CDC put Aspergers at 9% of the Autistic population I found no such statistic, but I did find that they mentioned that the sample size for their last study was equivalent to 9% of the total American population aged 8. Perhaps the source of your confusion?

A total population of 363,749 children aged 8 years was covered by the 11 ADDM sites that provided data for the 2010 surveillance year (Table 1). This number represented 9% of the total U.S. population of children aged 8 years in 2010 (18). A total of 60,130 records for 47,371 children were reviewed at health-care and education sources. Of these, the source records of 9,769 children met the criteria for abstraction, which was 20.6% of the total number of children whose source records were reviewed and 2.7% of the total population under surveillance (range: 1.4% [Alabama] to 4.2% [Utah]). Of the records reviewed by clinicians, 5,338 children met the ASD surveillance case definition. The number of evaluations abstracted for each child ultimately identified with ASD varied (median: 6; range: 4 [Arizona, Colorado, and Missouri] to 9 [Arkansas]).

I found the newest study published this year and it is the last study done that will include Asperger's Syndrome. The percentage in this last study for Asperger's Syndrome is 11 percent and you can find the figures in table 4 in the link below.

And yes, the Asperger's diagnosis has obviously been subsumed under Autism Spectrum Disorder in the U.S., but NO they are no longer doing any demographic studies specific to the diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome in the U.S., so Yes, the 11% figure will stand unless the diagnostic criteria changes again to include Asperger's as a separate diagnosis which seems next to impossible at this point in time for the U.S.

And at this point it is a moot point anyway as there is no longer any current information available specific to Asperger's syndrome now that it no longer exists as a diagnosis in the U.S.

However, they are still using criteria to diagnosis it in other countries.

Thanks for the link =)

I think there are still a few issues with the numbers though, and I'll give my hypothesis for that (for what it's worth).

On the link you provided, you'll notice in the tables at the bottom that among those in the studies sample, the median age of diagnosis was 2 years older for Aspergers than for Autistic Disorder or ASD/PDD.

Also of note, the sample used for this study was one of 8 years old. According to other research conducted by the National Autistic Society, the average age of diagnosis for Aspergers is 9 years old, although they also felt compelled to note that it often goes undiagnosed into adulthood (meaning there is not likely to be a normal distribution around the mean, but a distribution biased towards older ages).

So, to get to my point. If Aspergers tends to be diagnosed later than more classical forms of Autism - perhaps due to the symptoms being less obvious - and the mean age of diagnosis is 9 with a distributional bias towards older ages, it would be fair to assume that a study conducted using a sample of 8 year olds would not provide a fair representation of what percentage Aspergers represents of the total Autistic population.

Now, to consider that alongside the previous extrapolation - that Aspergers represents around 50% of the Autistic population - from studies using samples with larger sample sizes which included more variety in age, I would say that it's possible the results of said CDC study are misleading on this matter.

n.b. Sorry if my writing is messy, it's 5am here! :P

That may very well be the case in other countries, per different diagnostic criteria and reporting methods but according to all the studies that exist in the U.S., it is not here.

Without real data, it can only be conjecture, other than what the CDC has compiled at least in the U.S. per the demographic studied.

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22 Dec 2014, 1:00 am

eric76 wrote:
aghogday wrote:
AND science also shows that approximately one-third of school age children, now, are assessed as pre-type two diabetic;

When I was a senior in high school, I was the second heaviest senior in my high school at about 160 pounds. The heaviest was about 185 pounds and most were about 140 to 150 pounds. A 160 pound senior in the local high school these days would be easily under the median weight.

Yes, people are really packing on the sugar and the pounds these days, but moreover they are not moving nearly as much as they used to overall, and are paying the consequences at the doctor's office and in terms of health, particularly long term health.

Many of these children may not make it past their fifties, if they keep that lifestyle of inactivity up, sadly enough.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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22 Dec 2014, 3:34 am

It's kind of hard to feel optimistic when it feels like the universe is trying to find a new way to make things harder for you every single day.


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22 Dec 2014, 4:58 am

aghogday wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
It is very hard to strike the correct balance between going into denial about the brutal reality of our situation and falling into despair and paranoia. Our condition with it's black and white thinking makes finding the balance more difficult. That is why you see posts where the person feels he or she has no control over their lives, or feels with just optimism and hard work you can be successful just like me.

The most difficult thing the whole situation with autism resembles little else in life in many ways. A positive diagnosis are not joyous things in practically any other human endeavor. The organization speaking for us is despised and does not let us have a say, that is rare in disability circles. There is fundamental disagreement as to what it is and the cause. I see many solutions based on the assumption that autism resembles most human conditions.

As far as 'US' goes, Autism Speaks does not speak for Asperger's Syndrome and never will now that is it has been subsumed under the new DSM5 diagnostic criteria.

However, Asperger's Syndrome per the last report of research while it actually existed as a Syndrome in the U.S. DSM5 diagnostic criteria comprised 9% of total cases of Autism Spectrum Disorders in the US.

So it is rational to suggest that Autism Speaks is still speaking for the majority of the spectrum WHATEVER THAT IS, OTHER THAN the folks who post here.

The organization is simply a non-profit science run organization that does NOT RUN BY EMOTION ALONE, but the science of Autism Spectrum Disorder based on SCIENTIFIC FACT and not conjecture.

And emotional hyperbole is also part of Marketing Science 101 so the experts attempting to generate as much money as possible for research for the more scientifically noted severe aspects of the Spectrum use that to their advantage as all Non-Profit Organizations do.



On this Internet site, the type of Asperger’s syndrome per symptoms of nonverbal learning disorder is common according to informal polls that are done here.

Additionally, while the common stereotype of the Asperger's type of Autism is the STEM major type of mind THAT is a myth in the U.S., as studies in college educated Asperger's type students are only 33 percent of that statistic, with 66 percent in other fields like English.

NO surprise there as science shows over 50 percent of folks diagnosed with the historical DSMIV diagnostic criteria for Asperger's syndrome in the U.S. have symptoms mirroring non-verbal learning disorder.

A common symptom of nonverbal learning disorder reported here often to break the math nerd genius stereotype is problems with math ranging to dyscalculia where a person is effectively number blind, and also potentially mind blind as to not even recognizing facial features.

I am not suggesting that anyone has these issues in this discussion as I have no way of knowing that, but based on my expertise in numbers as that is a large part of what I did for decades in life, there are likely people in this discussion that have no way of cognitive empathy through the math of statistics to understand the common sense behind what I am saying here.

The Autism Spectrum is extremely complex and per the exhaustive study I will link below.

Truly NO ONE HERE can speak for anyone else.

But some organization somewhere has to, to make things work in an approximation of what they can REASONABLY SCIENTIFICALLY DO, and for that 91%, which is truly only an approximation, Autism Speaks does a great job as their over a million supporters do agree with.

But still EVEN THAT is only a very small percentage of the United States Population, so even Autism Speaks is still just a RELATIVE voice in the wilderness crying out, AND MUCH MORE THAN A FEW THOUSAND FOLKS SCREAMING on the Internet that are part of that 9%, overall.

TO BE FRANK, and statistically correct, all of this complaining about Autism Speaks, is a total waste of time, that does not change anything to the positive nor to the negative overall about anything other than causing people who have related by their own report paranoia, in this overall forum, worrying that their life is at risk, because of a totally benevolent seeking non-profit organization, and that per individual suffering is truly sad to me, as it COMPLETELY AVOIDABLE BY JUST TURNING THE SWITCH OFF ON MISINFORMATION.

BUT truly some folks have no innate way of understanding the statistics and that is just a fact of nature, and probably why I cannot get through to some folks per the truth, as I did for literally years here trying, as now I understand better potentially why I could NOT through my own scientific research per SOME OF the folks who post here.

In real life the majority of people just see a puzzle piece and give some money at wherever it is being collected at, as for any other problem of human beings that other folks collect for to help the herd.

If it is not a BAD PROBLEM PEOPLE DO NOT GIVE, so YES, TO MAKE DONATIONS WORK THAT IS THE ONLY WAY in marketing science 101 per the non-profit way of generating money for research for any human disorder to work.

And yes, science, not me, shows that Autism overall is a very disabling condition per limits of function of the human brain, as well as legally NOW, per the list of disabilities that Autism is now included in U.S. LEGAL CODE that consistently results in virtually all cases of protection under the Americans with Disabilities ACT.

This is serious business and serious business takes very deep pockets that have it to give, as well as the motivation to empty those pockets that takes the pulling of human heart strings through both cognitive and affective human empathy, and that is WHAT AUTISM SPEAKS excels in, in their relatively paltry effort of achieving donations that are still only 4 percent of total Autism Research as indicated in the last government report in 2010.

The Simon's foundation did 3 times as much, but the Simon's foundation for Autism Research is self funded by a billionaire philanthropist.

Mr. Wright and his 'Cohorts' did it through hard work and volunteer effort as that is how human cognitive and affective empathy can work when one of ONE'S own is affected and effected and one translates that human condition altruistically to other human beings undergoing the same type of human REAL LIFE SUFFERING, AS FOR SOME FOLKS WITH AUTISM THAT IS PRECISELY WHAT IT IS, HUMAN SUFFERING, AS SCIENCE SHOWS, IRREFUTABLY AS SUCH.

AND THAT IS PRECISELY why Autism Speaks still has over a million supporters including hundreds of thousands who volunteer their time to the betterment of their fellow human beings.

And as I have said many times here, my son died directly as a causal effect of the Autism co-morbid contributing factor of 22q11.2 gene deletion syndrome so the stakes here are LIFE AND DEATH FOR AT LEAST SOME FOLKS ON THE SPECTRUM, and researching the associated co-morbid symptoms that make this type of human suffering a LIFE OR DEATH REALITY is a part of AUTISM SPEAKS mission and goals, set forth as such.

AND WITH ALL OF THIS information for anyone who dismisses it as not warranted as such, there are potentially other problems that I cannot SCIENTIFICALLY address as to avoid hurting anyone's feelings.

It is Autism Speaks in the title of their organization that is claiming to speak for all Autism, us critics are disputing that so I don't see where we disagree. Were I do disagree with you is the implication it primarily STEM Aspies and internet forum Autistics who dislike Autism Speaks . We have people on various parts of the spectrum that do like them. I have read a number of autistic bloggers who do not like them. I attend various supports groups where many members don't post on internet forums or have low regard for Wrong Planet. I have found near universal hostility towered Autism Speaks. The point I was making before we got sidetracked was the relationship between Autism Speaks and Autistics is vastly different then between people with other conditions and the their leading organizations. nothing you have written disproved this.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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22 Dec 2014, 5:13 am

vermontsavant wrote:
PlainsAspie wrote:
vermontsavant wrote:
autism speaks has hurt a lot people with insensitive and condescending PR campaigns but it was not likely done maliciously but ignorantly.autism speaks is not a hate just a badly mismanaged advocacy group

How long can ignorance be an excuse when they've been exposed to how many autistic people feel about their rhetoric? It's not just some low level employees reading complaint mail who know, they've threatened to sue over parodies, a regional director has tried to intimidate protesters into leaving, and JE Robison has made a very public resignation.
maybe so but I still wouldn't compare them with a hate group who's only mission is hate crimes.

I would, it doesn't change what they think of the spectrum. Yes, they will profess that they love the person, but, in the same breath, will admit that they hate "the Autism affecting them". Remarkably similar to hate gay people had to deal with not too long ago when it was considered mental illness. And the whole ignorance thing, how long have we been shouting now? They're not ignorant, they're willfully ignorant, it doesn't excuse it. "Advocacy group" is misleading no matter how you look at it, they're not advocating for us.

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22 Dec 2014, 10:49 am

ASPartOfMe wrote:
It is Autism Speaks in the title of their organization that is claiming to speak for all Autism, us critics are disputing that so I don't see where we disagree. Were I do disagree with you is the implication it primarily STEM Aspies and internet forum Autistics who dislike Autism Speaks . We have people on various parts of the spectrum that do like them. I have read a number of autistic bloggers who do not like them. I attend various supports groups where many members don't post on internet forums or have low regard for Wrong Planet. I have found near universal hostility towered Autism Speaks. The point I was making before we got sidetracked was the relationship between Autism Speaks and Autistics is vastly different then between people with other conditions and the their leading organizations. nothing you have written disproved this.

It appears that we do not disagree at all, as it seems you misunderstood my comment above and perhaps you have not read my other LENGTHY comments in this discussion, AS I clearly state THAT I DO NOT BELIEVE that 'Autism Speaks' speaks for the overall spectrum per rarely at all, for the type of Autism, overall, that posts here, per that general 11% statistic from the CDC.

And regarding STEM majors my point was opposite as I think they are less likely to be concerned about Autism Speaks, overall, as they tend be fact seekers and when looking at facts it is clear to see that Autism Speaks Organization has never publicly done ANYTHING THAT REMOTELY LOOKS LIKE A HATE GROUP, technically speaking, as perceptions do vary depending on who one asks.

That part of this fascinating subject for me is both laughable and sad at the same time, and a small part of the reason I got involved in this is that some Autistic folks tend to be naive and will believe whatever the group tells them is true, no matter how much the facts dispute what is said. And what that means is greater human suffering in the way of depression and anxiety, and my empathy for other folks will NOT TURN OFF, when I see that happening here.

But I would not doubt at all considering all the slanderous stuff that has been said about loving family members who work or Volunteer for Autism Speaks, some of those folks are probably jumping in joy (under their breath) that the diagnostic criteria for Asperger's syndrome is gone in the U.S., so Autism Speaks no longer technically has to speak to that diagnostic label anymore now, anyway, per the online demographic of that specific overall category of Autism in the historical past, in the U.S.

The only thing that I am personally concerned about in this whole pie is the harm that comes to Naive Autistic folks online by believing the conspiracies about a so-called HATE GROUP.

The political aspect that Autism Speaks does not speak to Asperger's syndrome as disorder instead of disease I see truth in and do not contradict.

And the fact is, now, they will never speak to Asperger's syndrome as disorder instead of disease as it no longer exists as a label.

The Autism Speaks organization sees Autism as disease and as curable disease, simple as that, as many other folks do in science as well.

I do not believe that my form of Autism is either innate disease or disorder.

In my case, I believe the truly functionally disabling parts that I have remediated myself by going farther than what folks commonly believe is Autism for potential cure IS ENVIRONMENTAL, IN BOTH CAUSAL EFFECT AND AFFECT, AND NO I WAS NOT EVEN BORN with those parts that TRULY AFFECTIVELY separated me socially from other folks later in life.

That part came as culture TAUGHT ME HOW TO BE A FRIGGING ROBOT INSTEAD OF A HUMAN BEING, in ways of work and school.

And yes, I have convinced professionals in real life, by my case study, that THIS IS both possible and curable.

And interestingly, follow up studies on the same children as adults that Hans Asperger's studied in the 40's show that most of them seem to have remediated the most functionally disabling parts of their so-called 'Autistic Psychopathy' as well, through all natural means. This too seems to provide some credence that those functionally disabling parts, at least for those folks studied, were environmentally produced and not innately produced, as such.

So in other words culture may create the functionally disabling parts of so-called Asperger's syndrome overall, and NOT BIOLOGY.

THAT IS REALLY FASCINATING TO ME, and I personally see much anecdotal evidence of THAT on this online Internet site, among the folks that post here.

THAT PART killed my human spirit and creativity as well as my ability to EFFECTIVELY AND AFFECTIVELY reciprocally socially communicate with others, IN REAL LIFE, and now I defeat that back with my own relative free will by way of IMPROVING MY PHYSICAL INTELLIGENCE that science now shows DOES regulate emotional intelligence and sensory integration intelligence.

No one HERE OR ANYWHERE ELSE is LIKELY going to tell me to my face that Autism Speaks OR ANY OTHER SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ORGANIZATION, AS in this case Autism SPEAKS DOES have a branch that IS TECHNICALLY DEFINED AS A SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ORGANIZATION, SHOULD NOT study a co-morbid syndrome that led to my child's death per 22Q11.2 GENE DELETION SYNDROME, SO THAT is a non-issue too, to me, too.

Anyone can say anything no matter how callous it is behind an anonymous avatar on the Internet, so I do not even take that seriously on a personal level, as that is not much different than an anonymous hate letter.

FOR THE MOST PART THIS for me has been a RESEARCH PROJECT on a topic to take my mind off OF REAL PHYSICAL PAIN.


I do not spend my time worrying about NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS that help people OF ANY KIND, or for that matter I do not spend my time WORRYING AT ALL, AS I SEE THAT as both counterproductive and a WASTE OF MY PRECIOUS NOWS.

BUT as always, TO EACH his or her own, by way of one's own will is what I say too.

And to be clear I have no problems with you at all, and when I use caps it is a literary device to accentuate emotion in language by making written words more organic to gain attention from reading audiences in the Twitter world we live in, NOW.

There is no way most people could make it this far in what I write, without a little discomfort to motivate attention.

That is simply biology 101, and I always use science as a tool, to better everything I do, whether people agree with IT or not. ;)

Sincerely Smiles, and hope you have a Happy Holiday Season. :)

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22 Dec 2014, 11:46 am

Moromillas wrote:
'Tis the season for a daily reminder:

What a joyous video ... my favourite part is when one mother talks about wanting to kill herself and her autistic daughter, but stopping because of her normal daughter. And the objectification of the children is apparent. The entire video is about how hard it is for the caregiver. There is not even an attempt to engage or understand the perspective of the autistic children. They are completely written off. It comes off as if the parents are the ones afflicted with their own children.... and their children are the disease. I think Autism Speaks is fully aware that if their research leads to finding the genes linked to autism that their "advertising" will have so scared women that they will abort.
They are a hate group. And their goal is to rid the world, not of autism, but of autistic people.

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22 Dec 2014, 11:46 am


There's also this bit from that CDC link, under the "Intellectual Ability" header:

Seven sites had accompanying data on intellectual ability for at least 70% of children who met the ASD case definition (range: 76% [New Jersey] to 96% [North Carolina]). Combining data from these seven sites, 3,604 (87%) of 4,140 children with ASD had accompanying data on intellectual ability. This proportion did not differ by sex or race/ethnicity in any of the seven sites or when combining data from all seven sites. Among these 3,604 children, 31% were classified in the range of intellectual disability.

Even expanding that to include those who were borderline IQ (between 70 and 85) you get 46%, leaving 54% who would likely be classified as high functioning, whether under an Autism diagnoses or an Aspergers one.

22, entrepreneurial and diagnosed with High Functioning Autism, ADHD, OCD and Tourettes. Also have problems with Anxiety, and more recently depression, although I seem to returning to my optimistic self =)


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22 Dec 2014, 12:24 pm

eleventhirtytwo wrote:

There's also this bit from that CDC link, under the "Intellectual Ability" header:

Seven sites had accompanying data on intellectual ability for at least 70% of children who met the ASD case definition (range: 76% [New Jersey] to 96% [North Carolina]). Combining data from these seven sites, 3,604 (87%) of 4,140 children with ASD had accompanying data on intellectual ability. This proportion did not differ by sex or race/ethnicity in any of the seven sites or when combining data from all seven sites. Among these 3,604 children, 31% were classified in the range of intellectual disability.

Even expanding that to include those who were borderline IQ (between 70 and 85) you get 46%, leaving 54% who would likely be classified as high functioning, whether under an Autism diagnoses or an Aspergers one.

Thanks for providing and pointing out that new information from this latest study, and it is A salient part, per my premise of so-called higher functioning autism, which is truly not a diagnostic label and just a vague clinical label for folks who are not intellectually disabled with the disorder, IN that the innate association per intellectual disability is not changing and the potential for environmental effect and affect per a culture that is increasingly mechanical cognition oriented instead of social and physical intelligence cognitively oriented is potentially A main factor behind increasing cases of so-called higher functioning Autism.

It makes sense to me, and one sees it everywhere one goes these days, BY ANECDOTAL ACCOUNT as even the cash register operators at 'McDonalds' are losing the basic social/physical cognitive skills to look into someone's eyes and say Good morning or hi, and or look into someone's eyes, wave and say good afternoon or bye.

Use or lose it, does apply, as in all things in human life.

The country is producing a force of folks with deficits in physical and social cognition by way of non-verbal communication that is indistinguishable from THE BEHAVIORAL DEFICITS OF Autism, without a case-by-case childhood history of the disorder.

The full affect and effect is functional disability in both physical and social cognition and in many cases emotional regulation and sensory integration regardless of the label someone applies to the behavioral deficits in reciprocal social communication.

A way to fix that, at least in some cases, is practice practice physical intelligence that drives emotional regulation and sensory integration as well as get out and really connect to folks in flesh and blood communication away from a computer screen and or cold, dry, 'hard fact' lectures almost 6 to 7 hours a day, sitting still or at work chained still to a machine with a screen.

So I say scream instead of SCREEN and get out, as often as one can, TO SIMPLY PRACTICE ONE'S FULLER POTENTIALS in human being in FULLER POTENTIALS OF ALL Human Being Intelligences. :)

YA NEVER NOW until one truly tries it and practices it, it might lead to a great life, and most importantly peace of mind and body working as one force of grace and strength in connecting to other human beings and even Mother Nature True per what some folks term as GOD, by way of existential and Mother Nature Intelligence.

And yes, THAT includes the understanding and practice of what human nature innately is, too, for simple animal homeostasis that so many human animals have problems attaining that other animals can almost take for granted when not in fight or flight mode, as is generated culturally and chronically for many folks today, on and off the so-called spectrum of Autism and beyond in broader Autism phenotype in anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the general population and potentially above by now, as culture continues to go the robot instead of flesh and blood way of human being potential in fullest human intelligence potentials. :)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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22 Dec 2014, 2:08 pm

I agree with you that people as a whole need to get more excercise/real social interaction, but - and I'm not sure if I've misinterpreted you on this - I don't think HFA/Aspergers is caused by a lack of physical excercise or technology overuse.

I myself was diagnosed as a kid, but was a kid who got plenty of excercise (I did martial arts, swimming, badminton and gymnastics). Also, even for me - a 21 year old - technology wasn't as ubiquitous when I was a child.

These things didn't change the fact that I had trouble from my Autism and needed support such as a speech therapist, although I suppose you could argue it's possible these things helped me be better than I might have been, and that I was lucky to have been able to be so active in my younger years.

Also, most people I've seen in University and "geeky" places I hang out - such as hackerspaces - don't fit the bill for Autism at all (even if "nerdy"), including the ones who overuse technology and don't exercise much (although I notice these ones have a larger tendency for "recreational" drug use or alcoholism)...

22, entrepreneurial and diagnosed with High Functioning Autism, ADHD, OCD and Tourettes. Also have problems with Anxiety, and more recently depression, although I seem to returning to my optimistic self =)


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22 Dec 2014, 2:56 pm

eleventhirtytwo wrote:
I agree with you that people as a whole need to get more excercise/real social interaction, but - and I'm not sure if I've misinterpreted you on this - I don't think HFA/Aspergers is caused by a lack of physical excercise or technology overuse.

I myself was diagnosed as a kid, but was a kid who got plenty of excercise (I did martial arts, swimming, badminton and gymnastics). Also, even for me - a 21 year old - technology wasn't as ubiquitous when I was a child.

These things didn't change the fact that I had trouble from my Autism and needed support such as a speech therapist, although I suppose you could argue it's possible these things helped me be better than I might have been, and that I was lucky to have been able to be so active in my younger years.

Also, most people I've seen in University and "geeky" places I hang out - such as hackerspaces - don't fit the bill for Autism at all (even if "nerdy"), including the ones who overuse technology and don't exercise much (although I notice these ones have a larger tendency for "recreational" drug use or alcoholism)...


I am suggesting that is it A causal factor that is responsible to at least SOME DEGREE of the severity of SOME CURRENTLY diagnosed cases of Autism Spectrum Disorder in the way of emotional regulation and sensory integration that is directly related to successful reciprocal social communication.

I was born with an innate language delay until age 4, and what was termed as he's got bright eyes and he will speak when he gets ready to speak then, per my then undiagnosed hyperlexic flavor of Autism with the language delay in tow until age 4, which actually meets the diagnostic Criteria for Asperger's syndrome STILL per the Gillberg Criteria for Autism that much better reflects the actual case studies of Hans Aspergers in the 40's.

The diagnosis for Asperger's syndrome was extremely watered down, and in effect simply Autism Lite, as the DSMIV deciding committee was just too lazy to meet the complexity of what is described in Gillberg criteria, so they subtracted a few Autism Disorder criterion here and there, and made language development delays an exclusion to make a non-verbal child with Asperger's impossible, which is contradictory to what Hans Asperger's studied in his case studies that the Gillberg Criteria better reflects.

And the DSMIV committee was so lazy in quality control that the way they originally worded criterion requirements for Asperger's syndrome, before it was refined in the DSMIV revision in the year 2000, technically, a person could be diagnosed with only one of the triad categories of impairment per RRB's only, BEFORE THE YEAR 2000, in the U.S.

And HA, some people wonder why at least one study shows approximately 40% 'recovered' later in life, after the year 2000, as this was at least one part of that reason for recovery from so-CALLED ridiculously loosely described criteria for Asperger's Syndrome in 1994 per DSMIV criteria BEFORE revision in the year 2000.

But anyway, science does now show that physical intelligence orchestrates emotional regulation and sensory integration, so failure to move, is failure to gain full potential in social reciprocal communication.

If you did not do all those movement exercises when you were young, AND GETTING OUT AND CONNECTING WITH flesh and blood humans in real life, chances are you could be much more severely impacted as 'we' do see today among younger and OLDER folks with Autism.

THIS IS THE kind of thing that PHD's can't seem to do as they are so stuck in their lenses of scientific specialization that they cannot fathom that the jocks had it right, all along. ;)

Yeah, that's a nerd generalization, but still it is generally true in the bigger world out there and has always been the stereotype of SO-CALLED nerd BEHAVIOR per failure at athletics and social interaction and now science shows that no it was NOT JUST A STEREOTYPE, IT IS GROUNDED IN INNATE HUMAN BEHAVIORAL and MIND SCIENCE.

AND AS AVENUES to escape physical intelligence continue to grow in mechanical cognition ways of sitting still in front of a computer, so do the folks who were once nerds becoming diagnosed with functional disabilities in the social ways of life, called Autism Spectrum disorder.

It's simply math, and now more folks are moving over that border, wherever it is, from Broader Autism Phenotype to diagnosable functional social reciprocal communication disabilities by way of loss of innate human attributes through way of mechanical cognition leaning activities.

And there is also research that identifies that when mechanical cognition type activities are pursued in lieu of empathy/social cognition activities social cognition is repressed and vice versa, and when one cognitive activity is pursued chronically to the neglect of the other 'pathway' of mind the river of that particular path of human cognition simply dries up by degree depending on the severity of exclusion of the particular type of cognition in play, IN REAL LIFE OR ON SCREEN, AS just one example of mechanical cognition leaning activities for overall human cognition.

This is so simple it is scary that science has not got it figured out per mainstream of direction for potential remediation of some cases of Autism, but the refrigerator mother theory thingy makes it politically incorrect to do so, too, as science now shows that folks who are not given loads of nurturing per touchy feely stuff in the first two years of life, lose their ability to connect to others by oxytocin social bonding ways, as the mind gets rewired NOT TO DO THAT, WHEN A CHILD IS raised by electronics instead of flesh and blood, for example.

So yeah, Kanner was right and wrong, there are some cases of Autism that are mostly genetically caused per genetic syndromes, like Fragile X syndrome per approximately 5 percent of folks on the spectrum, and there are other cases that are likely mostly environmentally created by the cultural environment whether it is lack of nurture of parents and other care givers in the first two years of life, or exclusion of physical and social cognition activities that balance emotional regulation and sensory integration, as well as an almost unlimited number of other environmental factors.

One can increase social cognition and increasing creative physical intelligence is one way to do that, which will work for some folks, at least, to SOME DEGREE. :)

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22 Dec 2014, 3:12 pm

aghogday wrote:
It appears that we do not disagree at all, as it seems you misunderstood my comment above and perhaps you have not read my other LENGTHY comments in this discussion, AS I clearly state THAT I DO NOT BELIEVE that 'Autism Speaks' speaks for the overall spectrum per rarely at all, for the type of Autism, overall, that posts here, per that general 11% statistic from the CDC.

You don't? What's this?

aghogday wrote:
So it is rational to suggest that Autism Speaks is still speaking for the majority of the spectrum WHATEVER THAT IS, OTHER THAN the folks who post here.

Your comments, are all ad nauseam, and shotgun. You've designed them so the normal person is not meant to read through them all, and it doesn't make them credible, not even slightly. It can also be seen as a way to slip something by others, making it quite a dishonest way to argue. Sadder still, there's a chance you might think them credible, rather than a parody.

I mean, look at all this nonsense:

aghogday wrote:
The only thing that I am personally concerned about in this whole pie is the harm that comes to Naive Autistic folks online by believing the conspiracies about a so-called HATE GROUP.

You assert that calling Speaks a hate group is some sort of conspiracy, ok.

aghogday wrote:
The Autism Speaks organization sees Autism as disease and as curable disease, simple as that, as many other folks do in science as well.

So now you're admitting that they view us as "curable disease", these are all your words. wtf


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22 Dec 2014, 3:59 pm

What you see (you general not you specific) depends on where you stand, what your experience has been, what you have believed and not believed, what you hope for.. no-one is ever 100% objective, not scientists, not any one on the planet. That's the human condition..