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22 Nov 2011, 7:38 am

Gedrene wrote:
Marcia wrote:
I think the new criteria seem fair and the proposed grading according to severity useful, sensible and clear. The rationale given for the changes make sense and serve to streamline and consolidate the diagnostic criteria.
But I am not your son. I only have some of the symptoms. I can qualify under the DSM IV but not under the DSM V because the DSM V insists I must have more characteristics than what the docs say I have. I might be let in before that time, but the fact is that others will be left out.

No, you are not my son. My son has been assessed and diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum and you have not. What's more, you have a very limited and superficial grasp of how the assessment criteria are applied.


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22 Nov 2011, 7:42 am

Marcia wrote:
No, you are not my son. My son has been assessed and diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum and you have not.

I am being diagnosed? Also this is an ad hominem comment. Furthermore one can look at the pages here right now and find that mild people have the same issues as I am bringing up. They rationalize it, but I know that if there's a way something will mess up then it will, so they can't just expect everything to go handy dandy when there is such a big flaw.

Marcia wrote:
What's more, you have a very limited and superficial grasp of how the assessment criteria are applied.
Because you say so. Do you have an actual argument that refutes my point or are you going to claim things about me for which you don't actually know?


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22 Nov 2011, 8:17 am

MrXxx wrote:
You need to try to remember too, that this isn't just about AS versus Autism. It's about all five forms of Autism.

Asperger's Disorder
Kanner's Syndrome
Rett's Syndrome
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder.

All five are now included in the new criteria for ASD. So the whole system of diagnosis IS much simpler in DSM-V. And if you consider the fact that with higher functioning forms of Autism, one can learn to adapt, cope and mask many symptoms. As we get older, we may start out qualifying for AS, but end up not qualifying anymore, but will qualify for PDD-NOS. In other words, with the current system, your diagnosis can change over time.

It is also fairly well established that as one approches old age, symptoms can return and even worsen, meaning your diagnosis could be AS at one age, PDD-NOS at an older age, and back to AS at an even older age.

If that isn't confusing, then nothing is.

With the new criteria, you either are, or are not, Autistic. From there it's just a matter of degree. How severely it presents may change over time. You may go up and down the severity scale, but you're still Autistic (much as you are now, but it's not only less confusing to us and professionals, it's also a lot less confusing to people first learning about Autism)

I did see the comment you made that professionals ought to be able to deal with the current DX criteria, and I don't disagree with you on that point. The reality is though, a lot of them don't get it the way they are. You would not believe how many professionals told us our kids couldn't have AS or Autism, based solely on a single criterium they did not meet. All of them criteria that are not required, but part of the groups of possible symptoms out of which only two or three are required.

We may like to think that professionals ought to know their business better, but the reality simply doesn't support that desire a lot of the time. And that, as I've been pointing out, has been, and will continue to be a big part of the problem. Simplifying the criteria SHOULD take care of at least some of that, but only time will tell.
i believe andreas rett's syndrome is no longer ASD

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22 Nov 2011, 8:51 am

@gedrene.another reason not to worry.i see from your profile your not diagnosed and i dont know how much you do or dont know about shrinks and the time i was 17 i had seen 18 shrinks and had lived in 6 different institutions.if you know how,you can play a therapist like the violin.especialy someone like you who is the only one who knows as much about autism as aghogday

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22 Nov 2011, 9:23 am

vermontsavant wrote:
@gedrene.another reason not to worry.i see from your profile your not diagnosed and i dont know how much you do or dont know about shrinks and the time i was 17 i had seen 18 shrinks and had lived in 6 different institutions.if you know how,you can play a therapist like the violin.especialy someone like you who is the only one who knows as much about autism as aghogday
I have seen many therapists and to be honest deceit or playing someone is not a good outcome.


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22 Nov 2011, 9:45 am

i wouldnt say lying to a therapist is good,but what i meant was you could find a way to get a stuborn therapist to understand how autism manifests itself with you.your certainly capable of doing that.i did not say one should play a therapist.i just pointed out it is not that hard.if your wrongly being denied a dx you realy need than it may be time to get creative.

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22 Nov 2011, 9:58 am

vermontsavant wrote:
i wouldnt say lying to a therapist is good,but what i meant was you could find a way to get a stuborn therapist to understand how autism manifests itself with you.your certainly capable of doing that.i did not say one should play a therapist.i just pointed out it is not that hard.if your wrongly being denied a dx you realy need than it may be time to get creative.
Yes but I am talking about not making it harder for mild people who nonetheless are autistic. THat's what I am arguing.


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22 Nov 2011, 10:00 am

let me put it this way.had i been dx at 7 instead of 17 thing would have been much better for myself,family and everyone in general.when i was dx i had never heard of aspergers syndrome and i couldnt have convinced anyone i had it.but had my parents heard of it when i was young and creativly convinced a doctor i had it to get a dx as quikly as possable.i may have gone to college avoided all the drugs i used as a teenager and could have stayed in public school with a little opposed from being bouned between stat hospitals and juveile delinquent would have benifited me,my parents and saved the state of massachusetts a lot of money.all im sayin is that the ends justify the means

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22 Nov 2011, 10:09 am

if your arguement are strictly political then i understand.i was just giving some advice if your being stonewalled by the system.i was stonewalled by the system many times

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22 Nov 2011, 10:34 am

vermontsavant wrote:
if your arguement are strictly political then i understand.i was just giving some advice if your being stonewalled by the system.i was stonewalled by the system many times

I am not being stonewalled. I am saying that other people shouldn't be shut out by over-stringent diagnostics, and they shouldn't have to resort to foul means to get the help they require.


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22 Nov 2011, 10:52 am

Gedrene wrote:
vermontsavant wrote:
if your arguement are strictly political then i understand.i was just giving some advice if your being stonewalled by the system.i was stonewalled by the system many times

I am not being stonewalled. I am saying that other people shouldn't be shut out by over-stringent diagnostics, and they shouldn't have to resort to foul means to get the help they require.

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22 Nov 2011, 1:35 pm

Gedrene wrote:
Marcia wrote:
What's more, you have a very limited and superficial grasp of how the assessment criteria are applied.
Because you say so. Do you have an actual argument that refutes my point or are you going to claim things about me for which you don't actually know?

Allow me.

Have you heard of Theory of Mind? I sure have. It’s where people imprint their psyche on others as a basis on how other people should work.

Context: ... t=#3822248

Wrong. You've got the whole concept backwards. ToM is not about imprinting one's psyche on others. It's about guessing how others think, and what they might be thinking, by imagining their thoughts, feelings, experiences and motivations. It's about putting oneself in OTHER people's shoes, and attempting to make educated guesses as to what they are thinking. It is not accurate. It is sometimes, unfortunately referred to as "mind-reading," which is a terrible misnomer. Aspies are not incapable if ToM, they just don't tend to use it automatically as others apparently do. Aspies need to learn it as an intellectual skill.

Autism is a word dreamed up by Leo Kanner to describe our personal isolation from other people as innate.

Wrong again. Leo Kanner did not dream up the word Autism. The term was coined by Eugene Bleuler in relation to a symptom set of schizoprenia over 100 years ago. Autism as a term, when first used, had nothing to do with Autism as it is currently known. It was strictly, at first, limited to schizophrenia.

By the time we get to adult age all we are told is that we are worse and misshapen compared to others (despite the nice language it is cloaked up in) and none of us in this part of the forum really believe that.

NONE of us? Really? You are obviously not paying attention. Speak for yourself. Your Autism, if you actually have it, is not identical to everyone else's. You NEED to get that through your head.

Also, not all of us are told such things. You're experience is not everyone's either. You should stop preaching as if it is.

In response to the question, "Is it normal for Autistic handwriting to look like trash?"
no. I thought about it as I learnt to write and now I have decent handwriting.

So, because your handwriting is fine (someone not even diagnosed), it must not be normal for any Autistics handwriting to look like trash? I'm sure you are smart enough to realize the OP of that thread was not asking if terrible handwriting is normal, but asking if it is COMMON for Autistics to have trouble writing clearly.

And, yes it is. It's very common. Ask any para-educator who works with Autistic kids. Mine, and all three of my son's writing is horrendous. It's very common.

For the following I will simply post a link for anyone who wants to read the post. ... t=#3831360

What I see there is a lack of understanding of a couple of things.

First, the Autism spectrum is MADE UP. Just as ADHD is made up. Not that they are not real disorders, but that the definitions of the disorders are made up, and concocted from observed symptoms. All disorders are. Symptoms that seem related are grouped together. Some symptoms appear in multiple disorders. I don't think you disagree with this part.

Second, if it were not for groups of doctors and scientists at some point in time, making up the definitions for these disorders, none of us would be here talking about them. No one would have any common ground or definitions to go by. Some group of people, somewhere, at some point in time, MUST reach some kind of consensus as to what we're talking about, otherwise nobody has any clue what anyone is talking about, and there is no discourse.

Third, definitions without terms associated with them, make for difficult and convoluted debate and conversation. Thus, we have groups of symptoms, and terms with which to refer to them.

Fourth, no system of definitions and systems is perfect.

Fifth, Autism as a disorder is extremely complex. There is no simple way to explain what it is. None.

Sixth, Autism is a wide spectrum, because it is defined as such.

Seventh, One is free, if one desires, to "reject these realities and substitute their own," however by doing so one creates an entirely new paradigm, and by proxy a new discussion, totally unrelated to the original paradigm and discussion. This confuses people, which tends to cause them to reject the new paradigm.

Eighth, paradigms only work in groups if all in the group accept it.

Ninth, you are effectively trying to promote an entirely new paradigm for Autism, much of which is based on misinformation, and consequently misunderstanding of, the current most widely accepted paradigms in existence.

Tenth, due to the fact that much of what you're trying to promote is based on misinformation to begin with, your paradigms are not being accepted as readily as you would like.

Eleventh, your reactions to many who disagree with your paradigms, and your perceptions of current ones, speak for themselves.

Have you once, since you've arrived here on WP, admitted to being wrong about anything? Have you even once admitted to the possibility that you could be wrong?

If you have, I've not yet seen it. All I have ever seen from you is demands for proof of what are often nothing more than opinions (for which there is no proof, and you know it), demands for evidence of facts presented, belittling snide remarks when others choose to disagree with you, and yet when you yourself are asked for evidence and proof of anything you say, you refuse to provide any, and instead simply change the subject, often accusing others of the very things you yourself do on a regular basis.

Sigh... They cannot even admit to being wrong about bullying never being justified.

And what do you call what you've been doing right here in this thread?

Your only problem is you THINK the people you are bullying here are weak and incapable of defending themselves. It doesn't matter if they aren't, and many are not. All that matters is that your attitude clearly demonstrates your illusions of superiority. I just happen to be one who's not afraid to say so.


You've consistently belittled, insulted, and picked on people here since you got here if they don't agree with you. That is bullying, which makes you a hypocrite.

I am NOT bullying you. I'm simply calling a spade a spade. Now, go ahead and make some more snide remarks about cliches. Think I'll lose any sleep over it? I think not.

You're not here to listen and learn like most of here. You're here to push your own agenda. An agenda that makes utterly no sense.

You want to call yourself an Aspie, but want to change the definition of what it means to be one. Whaaa?

If you take a stalk of wheat, call it corn, then change the definition of corn to fit your stalk of wheat, that does not change the fact that wheat is still what it was before you changed the definition. It's still a stalk of wheat!

Adopting the term Asperger's Syndrome to describe yourself, then changing the definition of what it is to suit who you are, does not make you an Aspie!

But you go right ahead and do whatever you want. It's your universe. Your mind. Live within it however you please. Just quit insisting that the rest of us must accept your reality. And quit being so damned rude, snide and belittling with your remarks. It's unacceptable behavior, and deserves to be called out for what it is.

Have fun dissecting this. I don't care if you want to continue wasting your time. You're not wasting anymore of mine.

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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22 Nov 2011, 2:25 pm

MrXxx wrote:
Bah. I've seen enough perusing through your posts from day one of your arrival to draw what I now believe to be an accurate enough conclusion.

IMHO, you haven't much to concern yourself with. I highly doubt any competent professional would diagnose you with any form of Autism, though we're probably never going to find out anyway. Everything about your posts, from day one, has been all about "teaching us" how to view and handle Autism. You haven't shown one shred of evidence you have any interest at all in getting a diagnosis, which begs the question, "What the hell are you so cranked up about the DSM for?"

Pretty much everything you've posted from the beginning suggests you don't even believe it's a disorder. Funny how vocal some self-diagnosed people can be about that particular point. I find it rather ironic. Over 2600 posts just since July. Impressive if it weren't for the fact that you obviously aren't here to learn a damned thing from anyone here. You came to preach. That's clear as a bell.

But who on earth do you think you are coming here to teach all of us, many of whom have ponied up and PAID for our own diagnoses, because we were not arrogent enough to trust our own judgment? Who do you think you are coming here, telling us all how to handle it, with no proof you have any idea what you're talking about? I suppose we're just supposed to take your word for it. "I have Autism. I know because I know, so you should all just sit back and let me tell you how to live with it, because you whiney good for nothings don't have a clue!" No, that's not me putting words in your mouth. That's me paraphrasing the general gist of your posts over the course of the past several months since your arrival.

Look, I don't have anything against self diagnosed people who've done their research, KNOW it's a real problem, and come here to LEARN. That does not describe you. You've got your mind made up about everything. You don't seem to think it's a real problem. You seem to believe "mind over matter" will solve all our problems. You don't seem to recognize that Autism is in the MIND. It's a very real disability that affects many of us to an extreme degree. Minimizing that reality is insulting.

You talk a lot, and reveal a huge amount of misinformed opinions based on nothing more than your own logic.

I have managed so far to not feel justified in calling anyone out claiming to have diagnosed themselves. Until now. You sir, as far as I am concerned, are a fraud. If I am wrong, fine. PROVE IT. Get a diagnosis. Put up or shut up.

And, if I do turn out to be wrong, feel free to announce it. I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong. But, if you do, sit back and start learning about it. Stop preaching to the rest of us. Because if you do have Autism, it's YOUR Autism, not ours. Everyone's is different. What works for you doesn't necessarily work for anyone else. That's probably the most important thing about Autism you need to learn.

If you aren't willing to admit it is a real disability, over which some of us have little to no control, then you really do NOT understand it. And, if you don't believe thats what it is, this whole thread is nothing but a farce.

Just to clarify this statement from Mr. Xxx was made in reference to the Op Gedrene, not Aghogday. At first I thought it might be in reference to my preceding comment, until I saw the 2600 post comment that referred to Gedrene.


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22 Nov 2011, 2:41 pm

aghogday wrote:
Just to clarify this statement from Mr. Xxx was made in reference to the Op Gedrene, not Aghogday. At first I thought it might be in reference to my preceding comment, until I saw the 2600 post comment that referred to Gedrene.

Sorry man. Yes this is correct. I've made a minor edit to that post to make it clear.

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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22 Nov 2011, 2:52 pm

vermontsavant wrote:
i believe andreas rett's syndrome is no longer ASD

Well, yes and no. It's still part of DSM-IV, and still considered a form of Autism for the most part.

DSM-V is recommending removing it altogether with the following rationale:

Rett's Disorder patients often have autistic symptoms for only a brief period during early childhood, so inclusion in the autism spectrum is not appropriate for most individuals.

Like other disorders in the DSM, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is defined by specific sets of behaviors and not by etiology (at present) so inclusion of a specific etiologic entity, such as Rett's Disorder is inappropriate. To ensure that etiology is indicated, where known, clinicians will be encouraged to utilize the specifier: “Associated with Known Medical Disorder or Genetic Condition.” In this way, it will be possible to indicate that a child with ASD has Fragile X syndrome, Tuberous Sclerosis, 22q deletion, etc.

The wording there is somewhat confusing to me, but it looks like the intention is to put it under the umbrella of Autism.

Am I reading it wrong?

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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22 Nov 2011, 2:57 pm

isnt the dsm 4 dead as 1-1-12 and at that time the dsm 5 takes over. what i meant i guess is that retts is a lame duck.

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