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12 Nov 2011, 6:39 pm

I have an etsy account:

Nothing is selling so I would really appreciate your opinions and suggestions on pricing. And if you notice anything else about the "store" that could use work please let me know. I do have a book to sell, but I need to get some things squared away before I post.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! :help: :cheers:


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12 Nov 2011, 6:42 pm

the stuff seems quite expensive, but then again i'm a cheapskate. do people buy 'real' jewellery on etsy?

maybe making the prices more 'round' would make a difference. i dont know why, i just think it would


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12 Nov 2011, 7:14 pm

The photographs could be better.

On the silver items, some are out of focus, some are blurry, the white balance is off etc.

For $100 it would be nice to get a good view of what you are buying.


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12 Nov 2011, 7:24 pm

DC wrote:
The photographs could be better.

On the silver items, some are out of focus, some are blurry, the white balance is off etc.

For $100 it would be nice to get a good view of what you are buying.

Any suggestions on how to get a better photo? I must admit I am clueless. It took me 4 hours to get the pics that "clear" :oops: I have no money to buy fancy equipment, and I simply can't figure out my camera. :(


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12 Nov 2011, 7:27 pm

aww, you're like my mum when she tries to sell stuff on ebay. i always have to end up taking the pics because she is a shambles. sneaky mom


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12 Nov 2011, 8:00 pm

GreyGirl wrote:
DC wrote:
The photographs could be better.

On the silver items, some are out of focus, some are blurry, the white balance is off etc.

For $100 it would be nice to get a good view of what you are buying.

Any suggestions on how to get a better photo? I must admit I am clueless. It took me 4 hours to get the pics that "clear" :oops: I have no money to buy fancy equipment, and I simply can't figure out my camera. :(

What camera do you have?

If it is a reasonably modern/expensive one you will have the option of taking a photo in manual/aperture priority/shutter priority modes that will give you more control.

The pictures are blurry because the shutter was open for so long that your handshake was moving the camera making the picture blurred.

You can fix this by putting your camera on a sturdy surface, holding it down firmly with one hand and pressing the shutter button carefully. This will stop the shake and blurring.

Try taking your photos in the daytime next to a large window but without the sun shining directly through it. Turn the interior lights off and just use a big bit of white card to reflect some of the daylight back onto the shaded part of object. Having lots of light will help the camera focus and having only light source will help with the white balance.

If it really took you 4 hours to take the pics you might want to read some basic photography tutorials, understanding what you are doing will save you many hours of frustration. :)

Read up on:

Shutter Speed
White Balance
Colour Temperature
Depth of Field


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12 Nov 2011, 8:03 pm

^ if you're trying to take photos of small detailed objects like necklaces use the 'macro' setting that's usually on most digital cameras. sometimes it's symbolised with a flower icon. helps you get a sharper focus on pictures on delicate things


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12 Nov 2011, 8:28 pm

The front of my camera has the words; C-740 ultra zoom, Olympus, Camedia, 3.2 megapixel ED lens.
the lens has AF zoom 6.3-63mm 1:2.8-3.7 written on it.

Does this help any?

Thanks for the suggestions on where and when to take the pictures. Does the direction of the sun or the time of day make a difference?


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12 Nov 2011, 8:32 pm

oh and if we're talking pictures, maybe a more simple background would make the item stand out more and catch peoples attention when browsing- something plain and bright with no other objects in view?


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12 Nov 2011, 8:49 pm

GreyGirl wrote:
The front of my camera has the words; C-740 ultra zoom, Olympus, Camedia, 3.2 megapixel ED lens.
the lens has AF zoom 6.3-63mm 1:2.8-3.7 written on it.

Does this help any?

Thanks for the suggestions on where and when to take the pictures. Does the direction of the sun or the time of day make a difference?

If the sun is shining directly onto the thing you photographing it will cast harsh shadows, any window that lets a lot of light in without the sun shining directly through it when you are taking the picture will be fine.

Your camera is fine for what you are trying to do (as long as it is still working properly of course), you just need to read up a bit so you will understand how to use it. :wink:

AS well as the stuff in my last post if you understand the difference between direct and diffuse light you will take photos that do your work justice.