Your status/value solely depends upon your bank account?

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28 Nov 2011, 6:44 am

According to the shallow Capitalist society we live in people's value is solely determined by the bank account/personal wealth.
It does not matter if you earn, inherit, win or steal the money to inflate your bank account and asset values.

Politicians, media, corporations and people that make up society continuously push the importance of having a large bank account balance and a huge personal fortune. We have all been brainwashed with Capitalism and the huge importance of becoming a millionaire or billionaire to achieve financial security.

How you accumulate your personal wealth, assets and bank account balance does not matter at all. Society appreciates the success and looks up to wealthy people and looks down and deplores homeless and poor people.


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28 Nov 2011, 6:51 am

Ha! My personal value as a human being at present is less than $200.
But this is dumb, you NT's. How exactly does more money make a better person?

Detach ed


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28 Nov 2011, 7:13 am

the love of money is the root of all evil- or at least the lack thereof. :wink:
but the lions' share of NTs/NT-emulating aspies value the ability of certain talented people to easily make money [for self and others] even more than just having a boatload of it. IOW they value only the cognitive elites with entreprenurial talent, and barely tolerate anybody else, including end users. they have outright contempt for [otherwise sharp] people who invent useful things but lack the business acumen to see them to market at a profit. such mercenary types can be driven into a rage at the sight of an inept person [IOW one with low personal efficacy] anywhere, they fear in themselves what they see in such a struggling person. such bourgeois values get me down. :hmph:


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28 Nov 2011, 8:06 am

Extreme individualism, selfishness, greed and endless pursuit of more are all negative traits pushed by the Capitalist world that we have lived in for the last 2,000+ years.

Capitalism has been disguised under other forms over the years: Feudalism, Imperialism, Colonialism more or less means an extremely powerful elite rules over the masses. The powerful elite comprise of government, media, corporations and banks that ensure the same elites remain at the top of the wealth pyramid.

The powerful foreign Invaders have forced the local villagers/communities to give up their land and the acquired land is mined for its resources and the majority of the wealth is kept by the ruling elites.


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28 Nov 2011, 9:44 am

Dark_Lord_2008 wrote:
Extreme individualism, selfishness, greed and endless pursuit of more are all negative traits pushed by the Capitalist world that we have lived in for the last 2,000+ years.

Capitalism has been disguised under other forms over the years: Feudalism, Imperialism, Colonialism more or less means an extremely powerful elite rules over the masses. The powerful elite comprise of government, media, corporations and banks that ensure the same elites remain at the top of the wealth pyramid.

The powerful foreign Invaders have forced the local villagers/communities to give up their land and the acquired land is mined for its resources and the majority of the wealth is kept by the ruling elites.

I do hold the view there has to at least be some sort of compensation for non-necessary services. You should be able to life a satisfying life off of being an author for example, yet everyone wants everything for free. I am trying to at least provide some sort of counterpoint here. You shouldn't have to do 'work' for nothing, its just how I view it.

I do acknowledge what you agree as bad, but also disagree to a point. What do you yourself define as extreme individualism, and why do you view it as wrong? Not everyone defines thier lives by helping and living for other people. I myself am one. I for example refuse any involvement in the medical field or anything that would further society because of the fact, society it to damn blind to its own issues and will forever be so. I simply refuse to guide the blind if that makes any sort of sense to you. I can teach but I refuse to just simply give and live for everyone but myself.
(Its a lot more to hinge on personal matters, lets just say I already gave up everything to help my mother and sister through the economic crisis. I already know how much I regret doing it as I wound up completely ignoring the self just to guarantee the whole family's survival. So don't call me out on being selfish on my own viewpoints on things. Or even that I am "wrong". There is no right or wrong given the situation I was and still am in.)

Selfishness is easy enough to label as wrong but individualism is not inherently selfish. As for my view on greed, yes it is a bad thing, but without it to a degree no-one would be willing to do anything. It is a simple fact of human nature. There has to be a reward for stuff other than just simple survival.

Survival =/= happiness. In fact happiness cannot be measured empirically IMO due to everyone having a different definition of the word. Using my example from my own personal life above. Were we surviving? yes. Was anyone happy? Nope. All of us wound up with a depression and/or bipolar diagnosis from all the BS that is going on. How we ourselves would define happiness right now? We agreed that if we managed to find jobs that we are happy with, my sister winds up receiving her art degree, and I at least become much more independent, including getting my drivers license so I can actually go out and visit friends when I felt like it instead of waiting for a day where EVERYONE is home and has a car available (quite a few of my friends either don't drive OR share a car with family.) which waiting for a day like that can mean months. Also counting towards this would be finding a new place to live. Doesn't have to be big, but everyone at least needs their own bedroom, but all thats available are 1-2 bedroom apartments, and due to my own and my sisters age, those wouldn't work out. What if for example my sister had a boyfriend over? s**t would get awkward real fast. And then add onto the fact we have to move out by the end of january and there is like no income between anyone... yeah.

Lets just say We don't hold the view of a mansion surrounded by a white picket fence + having everything we would ever want = happiness. Yeah id be happy with just my guitar, my computer, and my current game collection. Gaming is my special interest after all, so you all should be able to relate to what it would be like if your own special interest got taken away.

Regardless though my main view that I hold is there is a very fine line between too much and too little capitalism. As well as we all define happiness differently. Yeah sorry for the rambling upon happiness, but if I myself drag myself off topic I do have a tendency to just ramble on as if I have done nothing wrong. Plus for me, through my own eyes, illustrates one of my points that survival =/= happiness and that everyone has their own measure of it.

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28 Nov 2011, 11:56 am

That's not really true. You could have a million dollars in your bank account, but if you only generate $200 of value into the economy a year, people still look down on you. It's the value you create, not what you store.


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28 Nov 2011, 3:35 pm

Dark_Lord_2008 wrote:
According to the shallow Capitalist society we live in people's value is solely determined by the bank account/personal wealth.
It does not matter if you earn, inherit, win or steal the money to inflate your bank account and asset values.

Politicians, media, corporations and people that make up society continuously push the importance of having a large bank account balance and a huge personal fortune. We have all been brainwashed with Capitalism and the huge importance of becoming a millionaire or billionaire to achieve financial security.

How you accumulate your personal wealth, assets and bank account balance does not matter at all. Society appreciates the success and looks up to wealthy people and looks down and deplores homeless and poor people.

Yeah that is one of the major reasons why I hate this society, I was born into.

We won't go back.


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28 Nov 2011, 6:52 pm

Is it just me? This should be in the PPR forum. Doesn't have anything to do with Autism in the media really.

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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28 Nov 2011, 10:20 pm

MrXxx wrote:
Is it just me? This should be in the PPR forum. Doesn't have anything to do with Autism in the media really.

Now that you mentioned it, yeah it is in the wrong spot.

Myers Brigg - ISTP
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28 Nov 2011, 10:49 pm

Extreme ideologies have risen over the last 100 years and died out or still exist in counter to the Extreme Capitalist/Corporatist world ruled by Banks and Big Corporations include: Communism(extreme form of Socialism), Fascism, National Socialism and Religious Fundamentalism.

Three out of 4 horse men of Organised Terrorism in retaliation to Corporate Terrorism have been eliminated by the elites. Religious fundamentalism continues to grow and grow.

Individals can easily be divided and conquered by more powerful Individuals/organisations. Strength is in numbers. Organised resistance is the only way for weaker individuals to survive.


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28 Nov 2011, 10:53 pm

[Moved from Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation to PPR]

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28 Nov 2011, 11:11 pm

Not solely on your bank account, no.

You have to take the whole portfolio into consideration.


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29 Nov 2011, 12:03 am

i make enough to satisfy myself, i cant ask for more.

as for financial vs human worth, no correlation, some wil only accumulate what others have worked for and as such are financial parasites despite thir wallet size.

//through chaos comes complexity//

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29 Nov 2011, 12:05 am

auntblabby wrote:
IOW they value only the cognitive elites with entreprenurial talent, and barely tolerate anybody else, including end users. they have outright contempt for [otherwise sharp] people who invent useful things but lack the business acumen to see them to market at a profit. such mercenary types can be driven into a rage at the sight of an inept person [IOW one with low personal efficacy] anywhere, they fear in themselves what they see in such a struggling person. such bourgeois values get me down. :hmph:

so true...


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29 Nov 2011, 12:18 am

Your right. If a rich senator were kidnapped the ransom money would be way more than for a homeless man.


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29 Nov 2011, 12:43 am

People think that a large bank account will buy them security but if everyone helped one another out you would not need to hoard a fortune.