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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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12 Jun 2012, 8:44 pm

Who else finds NT's to be a constant battle?
I find a lot say they understand but when I'm stressed etc they afterwards say they don't get it. My workplace is a bit stressor for this as a lot of the staff are 'old-school' and view my quirks as simply not acceptable
Anybody else found this?


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13 Jun 2012, 1:56 am

Definitely yes.

I.e., i don't understand why they always need to ramble on and on about their private lives. Who the heck cares if they are married or not? Who is actually interested in the TV program they were watching yesterday or their health problems, unless medical staff?

Then i'm being told (by a social worker,) they do this to get an imagination about who they are. Sounds to me like dogs sniffing at another dog's ass to get an impression on who the other one is.

The older i get the more i wish i could live on a planet where talking is unknown. All this empty, meaningless babbling sucks so much.


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13 Jun 2012, 2:18 am

Constant battle.

I intend to win.

ASQ: 45. RAADS-R: 229.
BAP: 132 aloof, 132 rigid, 104 pragmatic.
Aspie score: 173 / 200; NT score: 33 / 200.
EQ: 6.


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13 Jun 2012, 2:19 am


It's as if they desire/need the conflict. Perhaps it's the point of the social ladder and all of that jazz (me Og, me have bigger club than Ug!).

I can't say I understand the desire for such, as life is a battle enough when it's just my body and brain I have to deal with.


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13 Jun 2012, 9:37 am

PTSmorrow wrote:
Definitely yes.

I.e., i don't understand why they always need to ramble on and on about their private lives. Who the heck cares if they are married or not? Who is actually interested in the TV program they were watching yesterday or their health problems, unless medical staff?

Then i'm being told (by a social worker,) they do this to get an imagination about who they are. Sounds to me like dogs sniffing at another dog's ass to get an impression on who the other one is.

The older i get the more i wish i could live on a planet where talking is unknown. All this empty, meaningless babbling sucks so much.

Thank you! Another piece in the puzzle for me as to the realities of life. I wish there was a movie that incorporated that visual

Let's go on out and take a moped ride, and all your friends will thing your brain is fried, but you can't live your life too dirty, 'cause in the the end you're born to go 30


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13 Jun 2012, 9:35 pm

I do my best to keep my personal life out of the workplace. I greatly appreciate when others do the same. If you are always busy at work than people won't have the time to bother you.
So stay busy and redirect any personal conversations back to work issues.


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13 Jun 2012, 9:52 pm

CONSTANTLY... So constant. I am so glad to read that others experience this. I think that when I tell neurotypicals about my problems, they don't really care, honestly. They want to talk all about their lives and not have to reciprocate when it comes to me talking about my own or even my interests, for that matter. Ridiculous.


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14 Jun 2012, 12:00 am

they don't understand; they just think they do.

I even posted an article I wrote on Facebook; I showed lots of people. Most folks said it was so beautifully written and heartfelt...and then started making comments implying they completely missed the point of what I said.

I showed it to one of the folks I met here, and his exact response was "they didn't understand this? Really?! it makes perfect sense to me". I can't guarantee he agreed with it, but I could tell he understood it.

As I posted elsewhere, their minds can't comprehend anywhere near the things ours can.

For them, at least from my perspective, everything seems to ultimately boil down to an emotion-based dick-measuring petty squabble, and little more.

I seek the truth, and to constantly improve my own life, and be the best I can be; not just argue for the sake of it, and "feel superior" or something like that.

Just to give you an idea, a few years back I gained a brand new philosophy about life that I'm ever so constantly testing, and it keeps just getting confirmed for me that I figured something very important out. I tried explaining what I'd come up with to my girlfriend's parents, and.....somehow...they literally dumbed it down to a political debate between Republicans and Democrats. I'm not kidding; I...don't even understand how it was possible, either. And no, I did not join in on this; I was left sitting there, looking at them wondering how they managed to take what I was trying to say, and literally dumb it down to the lowest common denominator.

Then I figured it out: it's all their brains are really capable of understanding. Their brains are programmed for dick measuring and petty squabbles. I'm not saying they can't do other things that are far greater contributions, but they will never really understand the amazing depths and possibilities that our minds are capable of reaching...well, not anytime soon anyway.


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14 Jun 2012, 2:37 pm

And yet for all the complaining about NT one-upmanship that is a large proportion of what goes on here. Just because we don't understand one another doesn't them stupid.

Yes it is difficult but just as I wouldn't want to be blamed myself, I don't think it is right to blame them either.

I suspect I am in the minority here though...

Normal is over-rated generally by those who consider themselves normal.

Both AS and NT people should be proud of the things that make them unique.


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14 Jun 2012, 3:31 pm

I hate how highly social skills are ranked in this world. If you're really good at something you can still never get as far as people with much lesser talent but good social skills. Unless you're extremely talented most of the time you get over looked.

I don't get how NTs can say something really trivial and they will all get excited and have a whole conversation about it, but if you tell them a fact or something of real knowledge they will just say 'thats interesting' but not want to discuss it with you, yet they discuss stupid things like hair colour in depth.

Your Aspie score: 157 of 200
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