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30 Jun 2012, 9:13 am

Since last sunday i have been going through very bad depression about something which happened in the past (don't really want too go into details about it)

More too the point today i still feel rather depressed and down in the dumps. how long do you think it will take for this feeling too go away? basically this depression is making it harder for me too get a good nights sleep and i am not eating as much becuase of it. a few months ago i sinked into depression over something else but the dpression went away within a week but this depression i am going through now i don't think will pass as easily :(


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01 Jul 2012, 12:28 pm

Would a virtual hug alleviate any of your pain? *extends virtual arms*

Moods are peculiar things. While they may seem like random expressions of hormones sent to reek havoc on our emotions, they are actually an indicator of some sort of stimulus (external event).
Well, they CAN be random expressions of hormones sent to reek havoc on our emotions. It is possible that your continuous depressions are symptomatic of some sort of chemical imbalance. It may serve, if at all possible, to be evaluated for chronic depression or other physical ailments. A healthy diet, exercise, and adequate sleep may help with this.
At times, such as with lower levels of sadness, the mood will only persist until another "stimuli" replaces is--i.e. until something happens that evokes a positive emotion--or until they naturally fade away. Have you been dwelling on the past events over and over again? Perhaps all you need is a distraction. Now would be a good time to take up a new hobby, delve deeper into your special interests, initiate contact with loved ones, or whatever it is that serves to distract you.
With deeper levels of depression, however, the mood will not dissipate until whatever caused the mood is resolved. If it stimuli is abuse, for example, then the mood will persist until the abuse no longer occurs--either until the abuser ceases to be abusive or until you remove yourself from the abusive situation. Even then, some elements of the stimuli may linger. If you have resolved said issue and the depression still lingers, it may be that your job isn't quite finished.
Are you harboring any unforgiveness? Grudges have a tendency to sour a person--the human "heart" wasn't meant to retain emotions of dislike. Forgiveness often helps to alleviate the symptoms of depression and resentment. As I once read: "Either the person that you are mad at doesn't know that you are mad at them or doesn't care."
Your solution may simply be acceptance. I know that this is much easier said than done, but it would be best if there was any possible way that you can let the past simply be the past. What had happened had already happened. It may be that you can use the negative experience as a learning opportunity of what not to repeat or what not to become. It may also be that it simply is a bump in the road that you are currently traveling.
To answer your initial question: I cannot tell you how long this will last for. Maybe you are at the end of this wave: maybe you are at the beginning of a journey. Whatever it is, I wish you the utmost peace and serenity and hope that you may recover from this period of depression.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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05 Jul 2012, 4:54 pm

You are not going through a bad depression, you have not felt this way long enough for it to even be a depression. And you were not going through a depression a few months ago either. You don't seem to know what a depression is.

I'm sorry you're feeling sad and low. It sucks, but it happens to everyone, it's a part of being alive and it's normal so don't worry. Of course no one can tell you how long it's gonna last, it's not a cold. If it keeps up the same way for more than two weeks, you may be sick and should seek treatment for depression. There is no shame in that. In the mean time, take care of yourself. Try to maybe go something fun to cheer you up (easier said than done, I know), see your friends and/or family might make you feel better. Anything to get you out of your own head. Talk to someone about whatever it is that's on your mind! That's the most important part, you clearly need to talk about it if it makes you feel this bad.

Hope you feel better soon.


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05 Jul 2012, 8:36 pm

It can last for as long as you let it last. You have to let it go somehow. I don't know the details but if there is anger than you need to forgive and try to forget and move on. You don't necessarily have to forgive but try not to hate. If there's no anger and only sadness you have to think of things that make you happy. You have to be willing to want to let go, to change the way you think and I'd strongly recommend professional help.