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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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13 May 2005, 12:57 am

When I was around three, I watch a few movies with my Dad in which I now regret.

His favourates were: Alien, Aliens, The Fly and The Terminator

At that age I didn't mind them at all; I was more afraid of watching advertisements.

When I was nine, I decided to pick out Alien 3, but since I was becoming more aware of what I was watching, It scared the hell out of me.

At 16, I decided to watch - of all things - Alien Ressurection. At the beginning it was predictable - the xenomorphs escape, the marines evacuate, and Ripley's clone stands her ground. Okay so far. But then came this "unconventional scene" where Ripley's clone discovers that she's not the only Ripley's clone: she was the ninth in a series of mangled replications of Ripley/Alien Queen clones. That was when I nearly puked and just couldn't watch it any longer.

Has anyone else stumbled onto some unwholesome entertainment?

Tufted Titmouse
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13 May 2005, 1:06 am

i have never been scared by many movies, infact the first movie I remember to truely scare me was The Indian in the Cupboard, where the rat jumps out of the hole, however I have been turely freaked out and scared by a movie

I kno alota people wernt scared and didnt even like it, but I thought the US remake of the RING was very good

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13 May 2005, 4:47 am

As a kid, I was scared by a Hollywood "B" film, "Creature with the Atom Brain." The opening scene especially, where one of these creatures broke in to someone's home, and (revealed in shadows on the wall) picked up the owner over its head, and just sorta broke him in half!


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13 May 2005, 7:14 am

I was freaked out in "The Matrix" when Morpheus explains the setting to Neo...

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13 May 2005, 8:07 am

Schindlers List.

That movie was so distrubing I had to take off my hearing aid and bury my head in my arms. The holucaust is frankly just too unsettling for me to comptemplate.

Another one was the Green Mile, esp. the scene where they are "praticing" the execution on a prisoner that is joking the entire time. bothers the heck out of me.

generally, I can handle blood, but when it gets to visceral gore (decapitactions, etc) I just have to leave the room.

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13 May 2005, 11:17 am

I have "One Hour Photo", starring Robin Williams as a psychotic clerk at a photo processing place. It's so creepy I haven't been able to watch more than a bit of it. It's not scary, just creepy.

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13 May 2005, 11:38 am

No film scares me. I go to college every day, there r worse sights there :P

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13 May 2005, 11:43 am

WhiteRaven_214 wrote:
When I was around three, I watch a few movies with my Dad in which I now regret.

His favourates were: Alien, Aliens, The Fly and The Terminator

At that age I didn't mind them at all; I was more afraid of watching advertisements.

When I was nine, I decided to pick out Alien 3, but since I was becoming more aware of what I was watching, It scared the hell out of me.

At 16, I decided to watch - of all things - Alien Ressurection. At the beginning it was predictable - the xenomorphs escape, the marines evacuate, and Ripley's clone stands her ground. Okay so far. But then came this "unconventional scene" where Ripley's clone discovers that she's not the only Ripley's clone: she was the ninth in a series of mangled replications of Ripley/Alien Queen clones. That was when I nearly puked and just couldn't watch it any longer.

Has anyone else stumbled onto some unwholesome entertainment?

that movie 'seven' freaked me out..i thought 'the ring' was pretty good too..and no, 'the blair witch project' didn't scare me the least..


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13 May 2005, 11:45 am

Prometheus wrote:
Schindlers List.

That movie was so distrubing I had to take off my hearing aid and bury my head in my arms. The holucaust is frankly just too unsettling for me to comptemplate.

Another one was the Green Mile, esp. the scene where they are "praticing" the execution on a prisoner that is joking the entire time. bothers the heck out of me.

generally, I can handle blood, but when it gets to visceral gore (decapitactions, etc) I just have to leave the room.

that was a very disturbing movie..did you see the new tapes aired on PBS about the holocaust? I can't believe there's people around who say it never happened..that blows my mind..(now the fake moon landing, i can believe)..'Saving Private Ryan' was another disturbing one..


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13 May 2005, 12:04 pm

My cousins let me watch IT when I was 5 and I still can't watch that movie. And when the guys in the suits are putting that bug in Neo in Matrix I have to leave the room before I puke. Never liked that movie.

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Snowy Owl
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13 May 2005, 6:01 pm

Eraserhead. David Lynch's movies range from almost unwatchable (Dune) to great (Blue Velvet), but Eraserhead is disturbing from beginning to end.

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13 May 2005, 7:26 pm

Has anyone else stumbled onto some unwholesome entertainment?

Um, could you rephrase that to having an utter phobia over a movie???

i thought 'the ring' was pretty good too.

That's the movie. *shudder*

I went to see The Ring with a friend at my old community college when the college did their "Movies on Friday Night" thing. Well, I saw it. Got completely horrified by the closet scene, came home and slept with my mother that night.

Then when it came out on DVD, for some INSANE reason I purchased it. I DO NOT KNOW WHY. I took it home and watched it... alone.

That night, I slept with my mother again (as well as for the next week). I hid the DVD so I didn't have to look at it. I was scared to death the next Tuesday (as I had watched it on a Tuesday)and had asked my mother if she would stay home with me from work that day. She said no, so I just stayed as far away from televisions as I possibly could (if you are at all familiar with the "seven days" whisper in the movie, thus the relevance of the week's anniversary). I still shudder when I think of that line.

Out of exasperation, I finally gave the DVD to the friend who went with me to see it in the first place because I couldn't bear for it to be in my apartment any longer. I felt a little more relief. But then for about three months I had trouble going to sleep (as I had a tv in the room where I slept) and couldn't leave the tv on. Even still with it off, I would sleep facing it and watch to make sure the girl didn't crawl out of the tv. Sometimes, I would just lay there, frozen, actually believing it could happen.

After that subsided, I would avoid the video isles in the video store where I knew they had The Ring, since I still couldn't bear to look at it.

I am doing much better now. And I cannot say that a movie has ever done that to me before. It was a HORRIBLE experience.

Ironically enough, my mother's godson worked on the production set for the movie. I refuse to talk to him about it.

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13 May 2005, 10:47 pm

One I remember from childhood that scared me, was Demonseed, a film about a computer that becomes aware and takes over a house. Another one would be Dead and Buried, in the first scene, which is about all i can still remember, this gang throws a net over someone, douses him with lighter fluid or gas, then sets him a fire and watch him burn alive. Later, he survives, one of the gang goes to his room dressed as nurse, and jabs a needle into his eye (the only nonburned part of his body), and thus he finally dies. A few others to mention growing up, as very little scares me now, were Halloween, Alien, Devil's Triangle (not sure of title, but in it, a demon possesses a crewman on board a yacht and kills everyone, the demon awaits a larger ship for rescue at the end, in one scene a swordfish is used to stab someone), Thing, and The Visitor (with Michael Ironsides) to name a few from younger years that had an effect.


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13 May 2005, 10:53 pm

I am doing much better now. And I cannot say that a movie has ever done that to me before. It was a HORRIBLE experience.

I was extremely disturbed by that movie, as well. Terrified for an entire week, and a bit longer. I haven't been that afraid of a movie since I was 10.

The sad part is, I know it was a poor storyline and the acting was half-rate, but there was (and still is) just something about it that really really scares me. I think it might have been the disturbing imagery. I had night-terrors in which the girl came to get me, and I would wake up multiple times, each time describing it to my roommate, and as I described it, the girl would come again, and I would wake up, etc. It was terrible.


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13 May 2005, 11:05 pm

It takes a lot for anything, movie or not, to scare me or creep me out. The Ring's TV scene is really only a handful of movie scenes to have ever truly scared me. I'm probably desensitized from watching the entire Nightmare on Elm Street series when I was 7-8. Stephen King movies scare me sometimes, but not often.



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14 May 2005, 12:35 pm

My sister saw The Ring. She said someone got so scared he left the theatre and didn't come back.