I really want to enjoy Fallout 4 but..

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05 Jan 2016, 7:43 pm

I really want to enjoy Fallout 4 as I particularly like the Post apocalyptic genre and mostly enjoyed Fallout 3 and New Vegas, however Fallout 4 seems very much a very long case of "Go here, Go there" without much of a feeling of actually getting anywhere. I mean the story is intriguing however when the main story's not at a critical plot point it all feels a little empty and dull. I always with open World games explore before going to the Main quest although with this one the plot itself without spoiling isn't something that storytelling wise you can just leave. Is anyone else bored with Fallout 4?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 Jan 2016, 12:25 pm

If you don't want to read the spoilers, my answer is pretty much: Yes, it's trite and I have some serious issues with it.

*Super Spoilers Please Only Read If You Don't Care or Are Done With Fallout 4*

Spoiler wrote:
I have a laundry list of problems with Fallout 4. For one, I actually quit playing it because while finishing up the main quest for the Railroad is broken, and since I don't want to back out on hours of gameplay to get the achievement, I just couldn't finish the questline until they fix the bug and Bethesda doesn't seem to care about that because they're swimming in money from the sales.

To make matters worse, there's a huge issue with lack of neutrality concerning the Institute's moral and the Railroad's morals. Shaun is adamant that the synths they create don't have the capability of feeling fear, yet the first time you meet him the synth that looks like him as a child starts freaking out and saying he's afraid, I don't remember if he tries to excuse the alleged fear as a simulation of fear and therefore is invalid, but it begs the question: When does fear become real?

I think some synths will want to stay at the Institute while others will want to leave, but you can't go for that, and it's annoying that you can only go for one team while destroying the other, and you can never reconcile the two factions.

On top of the obvious story-related issues the voice acting limits your responses, I felt like there was less to do than there was in Fallout 3 or New Vegas, and the characters with their backgrounds just seem like a pitiful attempt to mimic some of the deeper character growth that you actually get in Dragon Age or Mass Effect.

You can't get along with everyone in the world, but you can get along with 80's music.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 Jan 2016, 11:21 pm

Probably my biggest issue was with the minutemen faction. There's little to them beyond going somewhere, killing a bunch of things, then setting up a settlement. It's all for the express purpose of "rebuilding the minutemen", but you never actually do that! You're supposed to be the General, but you're not the General of anything! There are no troops to command, no resources to manage, nothing! Every crises that pops up, you have to go manage yourself! Every settler that gets kidnapped, you have to rescue yourself! You're not their General, you're their lackey!

Some token management functions would have been nice. Every settlement gets you soldiers, soldiers form squads, squads go out and patrol the wasteland. You send them to deal with threats or raid bandit and super mutants compounds. Maybe scavenge old abandoned hospitals and other places for supplies. Get them new weapons and armor. Actually make them an effective fighting force.

I also have pretty big issues with the Institution. As above, spoilers below:

Spoiler wrote:
Why are they so cartoonishly evil?! The entire reason they murdered your wife/husband and every single one of your friends and neighbors was because they wanted your kid's DNA for their synths! There was no reason for them to do that beyond making them look as evil as possible. It served no purpose. They gained nothing for it. Would have been easier to just open the cryo pods and take blood samples then leave the vault dwellers to their own devices.

The synths themselves also screamed of wasted effort. Think about it. They have an army of completely subservient expendable robots (tier 3 excluded) that they literally just throw at every problem they have. Why aren't they using them to clean up the wasteland? Think of all the good they could be doing, all of the hearts they could be endearing themselves to by using their resources to help the people! Send them up there and use them to build farms, fend off bandits and rid the world of all the super mutants and feral ghouls! Instead, they're using their resources to kidnap people and murder them, then replace them with identical synths. That is the worst use of their tech! I mean, the synths get discovered every time you turn around, so obviously you're doing little more than instilling fear. There's probably a hundred different ways you could keep tabs on the surface, starting with NOT KIDNAPPING PEOPLE AND REPLACING THEM WITH SYNTHS THAT KEEP GETTING DISCOVERED! Just create a brand new synth and have them join communities, this Find and Replace BS is causing more problems than it's theoretically worth. I mean, everyone loves Valentine and he's Uncanny Valley Grand Central Station!

Bah. Rant off.


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09 Jan 2016, 11:35 pm

Very much so bored. It was a disappointment.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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10 Jan 2016, 7:28 pm

Kajin wrote:
Probably my biggest issue was with the minutemen faction. There's little to them beyond going somewhere, killing a bunch of things, then setting up a settlement. It's all for the express purpose of "rebuilding the minutemen", but you never actually do that! You're supposed to be the General, but you're not the General of anything! There are no troops to command, no resources to manage, nothing! Every crises that pops up, you have to go manage yourself! Every settler that gets kidnapped, you have to rescue yourself! You're not their General, you're their lackey!
Holy crap I never thought of the minutemen that way but yeah when you think about it, you're pretty much their fetch dog. I already hated their quests since they're banal but really... Preston's probably just laughing his ass off because he doesn't have to do anything while you make his minutemen look good. ;/

Kajin wrote:
Spoiler wrote:
Instead, they're using their resources to kidnap people and murder them, then replace them with identical synths.
When you put it that way...
Spoiler wrote:
Why replace humans with synths at all! Shaun pretty much says that he no longer cares about the Commonwealth, and that since their failed integration years ago, they've all but given up on it, so it doesn't make sense to send resources (i.e., precious synths) to the word above anyway!

You can't get along with everyone in the world, but you can get along with 80's music.