Trump White House will not Investigate Crooked Hillary

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22 Nov 2016, 12:14 pm

He is not building a wall and he is keeping parts of Obamacare that he suddenly likes. He pretty much lied through his teeth saying whatever he could to get elected and his gullible voters just ate it up.


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22 Nov 2016, 3:05 pm

Attorney General Jeff Sessions will listen to the recommendation made by the FBI, it is a legal process and Trump isn't the one directing it.

This damn if he do damned if he don't with you people, you'd be crying bloody murder if he personally involved himself in going after Hillary. Obama can pardon her so there is no point making a stink about it at this time, we'll see what happens when Trump is actually in office.


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22 Nov 2016, 6:30 pm

Noca wrote:
He is not building a wall and he is keeping parts of Obamacare that he suddenly likes. He pretty much lied through his teeth saying whatever he could to get elected and his gullible voters just ate it up.

Thats about the size of it.

Reneging on everything he promised (which is good because his promises were all ridiculous, but bad because it takes away all of the reasons anyone voted for him).

He just today admitted that "global warming probably does have something to do with human behavior".
This after he told us all that concern about global warming was all a scam perpetrated by the Chinese!! !! !! !

Next he is going to admit that the California drought was real!


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22 Nov 2016, 6:33 pm

How many things has Trump flip-flopped on now? Its clear he just lied to get into office, and people believed every word he said.

Crooked Trump at it again: ... story.html

Okay, so how will Trump supporters defend this one? I'm betting they will say "but Hillary is worse", "lies" or just outright ignore this.


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22 Nov 2016, 8:42 pm

Not sure if he ever had the power to do so anyway (?)


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22 Nov 2016, 8:55 pm

Earthbound wrote:
How many things has Trump flip-flopped on now? Its clear he just lied to get into office, and people believed every word he said.

Crooked Trump at it again: ... story.html

Okay, so how will Trump supporters defend this one? I'm betting they will say "but Hillary is worse", "lies" or just outright ignore this.

It seems like they are doing what they are supposed to do by declaring it, seems like an accounting issue mostly. He donated $100,000 to Fisher House instead of paying a $120,000 fine for having too tall of a flag pole, who cares? Bought things from charity auctions, not too exciting of a smoking gun. $158k to some guy's chosen charity as a settlement, the money still seems to have went to charity as far as these accusations go. Far ways away from pay for play influence peddling corruption.


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22 Nov 2016, 11:22 pm

Earthbound wrote:
How many things has Trump flip-flopped on now? Its clear he just lied to get into office, and people believed every word he said.

Crooked Trump at it again: ... story.html

Okay, so how will Trump supporters defend this one? I'm betting they will say "but Hillary is worse", "lies" or just outright ignore this.

His voters claim Hillary lies, and she does like all politicians and about the same rate too. The problem is they believe Trump can't lie. The bar Trump voters set for Trump is so low that he can virtually say or do anything and it won't change their minds.

Most politicians wait until at least 6 months after they are in office to start reversing on their campaign promises but for Trump it was literally less than 24 hours after winning the election before he started and hasn't stopped since lol. If Trump was a street, it would be filled with 180° hair pin turns.


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23 Nov 2016, 12:44 am

I have to wonder how many more broken promises from Trump will get his fan club to turn against him.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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23 Nov 2016, 12:58 am

He lied.He's a politician,or at least he is now.They all lie.
The politicians on the local level were more honest,or somewhat.Used to be the one running for county judge would offer gravel for a driveway,or a culvert for a vote.Then they cracked down on this,called it vote A shame,it may have been one of the few times a vote actually got you something you could actually see and benefit from.
Oh well,the good old days.

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23 Nov 2016, 5:18 am

To me it seems more than the usual politician lying and flip flopping. His positions seem based on the last person he talked to. He talked to the Obama and the New York Times so now he taking progressive positions. People evolve, people and politicians compromise and change positions based on political necessity and bribes. Politicians promise things they know they can not keep. He has publically changed his positions on multiple core issues. If I voted for him based on his positions rather then he is not politically incorrect I would rightfully feel stabbed in the back and betrayed. He tells it like it is they say. Is it humans cause global warming or not? Is it "Crooked Hillary" who belongs in jail or not? Is it screw political correctness or bieng the greatest uniter ever? Is it the protesters against him are paid shills or are they an example of passionate Americans?(That position changed within hours).

At the moment there seems to be no core to this person. The other day in front of media execs he went into another rant about how unfairly he has been treated. As the article mentions he has been treated unfairly and for decades those of us who follow politics know the mainstream press is a sick combination of greed and liberal bias. Most politicians accept this as an unfortunate part of the job and find a way to work around it, or use this to thier advantage to score political points. With him it is all personal. He is as easily offended as any SJW. At least with SJW's they at least pretend to care about certain groups of people.

If he was actually in office there would be legitamate reasons to consider invoking the 25th amendment.

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23 Nov 2016, 11:57 am

androbot01 wrote:

Of course. Donny won and there is no point carrying the matter any further. Whatever else Donny is, Donny is a practical business man. He might even figure that he and The Hillary might concur on some future issue. Anything is possible.

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23 Nov 2016, 12:26 pm

Trump is not in charge of criminal investigations or prosecuting them. If Hillary is to be held accountable then it has to be done thru the legal system, it cannot be seen as a witch hunt. Ask Jeff Sessions what he thinks on the matter in a few months.


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23 Nov 2016, 12:42 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
I have to wonder how many more broken promises from Trump will get his fan club to turn against him.

I honestly think it will take a lot. People just don't seem to want to think Trump does bad, even when the proof is there.


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23 Nov 2016, 1:29 pm

Noca wrote:
He is not building a wall and he is keeping parts of Obamacare that he suddenly likes. He pretty much lied through his teeth saying whatever he could to get elected and his gullible voters just ate it up.

From what I heard from him, what he mainly doesn't like about Obamacare is that the premiums and especially the deductibles are way too high and the 5 billion dollar website is full of bugs. He hasn't said that he's no longer planning on fixing those issues. As a matter of fact he recently reaffirmed it in his 60 Minutes interview.

I searched "Trump not building a wall" and didn't find any recent news reports that he's gone back on the idea.

Kraichgauer wrote:
I have to wonder how many more broken promises from Trump will get his fan club to turn against him.

Not all the fictitious broken promises that's for sure. Funny how someone who's not going to be president for another couple of months has already supposedly not done what he said he was going to do after becoming was president. Not to mention all the horrible things he will supposedly do.

So much presidential performance analysis by way of crystal balls and reading tea leaves.


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23 Nov 2016, 11:24 pm

EzraS wrote:
Noca wrote:
He is not building a wall and he is keeping parts of Obamacare that he suddenly likes. He pretty much lied through his teeth saying whatever he could to get elected and his gullible voters just ate it up.

From what I heard from him, what he mainly doesn't like about Obamacare is that the premiums and especially the deductibles are way too high and the 5 billion dollar website is full of bugs. He hasn't said that he's no longer planning on fixing those issues. As a matter of fact he recently reaffirmed it in his 60 Minutes interview.

I searched "Trump not building a wall" and didn't find any recent news reports that he's gone back on the idea.

Kraichgauer wrote:
I have to wonder how many more broken promises from Trump will get his fan club to turn against him.

Not all the fictitious broken promises that's for sure. Funny how someone who's not going to be president for another couple of months has already supposedly not done what he said he was going to do after becoming was president. Not to mention all the horrible things he will supposedly do.

So much presidential performance analysis by way of crystal balls and reading tea leaves.

Well, he did say he was going to build a wall, then seemed to back off from that. Then he said he'd send Clinton to prison, but now seems to have no interest in that. When the mass deportations and Muslim registry doesn't appear, I suspect Trump will have to worry the most about his alt right friends gunning for him.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer