Why quality of women varies enormously by location

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Snowy Owl
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30 Sep 2017, 6:04 am

It’s a fact I had long suspected but have now confirmed. The particular sexual market economics of your location will have a huge effect on your success with women, your mental health, self esteem and ultimately motivation for life. People can say a man who is down because he can't get women is a "weak man", but unless your a complete asexual monk, your biological urges will get the better of you and effect your psyche deeply if your lonely and unlucky in love for years or even decades. I can say this with a great deal of confidence after having recently experienced it firsthand for two weeks in Thailand in July.

The women in Thailand were attractive, sweet, feminine, down to earth, and very receptive to my approaches. I was there for two weeks and women would talk to me almost every night. Even despite the fact that most of the girls didn’t speak English (and my Thai is non-existent other than "hello" and other basic phrases), this trip to Thailand was the easiest talking to girls has ever been for me at any time in my life. Compare this to the U.K where I approach and talk to single women and I get treated like a creep and you can feel the "just f**k off" aura in their demeanour, body language and eyes. They show no enthusiasm to get to know me or give me that opportunity to know them.

This begs the question: why was it so much easier in Thailand than here at home in the U.K? Why are British women so cold and closed-off and seem to kick out of shaming men that approach them?

The answer is quite obvious after spending a few minutes in Thailand: the quality of women is much higher because they look after their weight and embrace their physical femininity. There were slim, hot young women walking around everywhere. Hell, even the older women were in shape. And this is how it’s supposed to be. Fertile young women are built by a great many years of natural selection to attract the attention of guys.

What is absolutely not natural is for two-thirds of the female population to effectively remove themselves from consideration for any discriminating man by getting obese or grotesquely fat. This is the biggest dating problem facing men in the U.K, hands down it is and I don't care if it hits a nerve. The majority of the U.K female population stuffs themselves with fast food, white bread, energy drinks, pop and cake, then spend all the time they could being active instead of sitting on a couch with their iphone posting pictures of their corpulent masses on “body positivity” blogs so other lonely, denialist fat women can tell them they’re beautiful. Do fat women struggle to get mates or sex? Nope. But they have fewer men interested in them.

In Thailand, you can walk down a busy city street for hours before seeing a single fat chick. It’s beautiful. But more important than the general aesthetics (ironic aside: the city I was staying in had a small park filled with statues of fat people), are the implications for the sexual market.

The fact that in the U.K nearly two thirds of adult women are fat means that EVERY GUY is chasing the remaining one third of women that are thin or average/healthy weight. The dating prospects of the thin women are tripled! If you ever wondered why thin girls tend to be so quick to tell their fat friends “you’re not fat!”, “you’re beautiful just the way you are!”, etc….now you know. Women with artificially tripled dating prospects can afford to be insufferable, entitled princesses, haughty and very picky and "mean". They don't have to facially pretty to get a bus load of attention and they can date up in looks, this is why so many guys who aren't naturally handsome but want healthy weight women miss out on love because those women only account for 3 maybe 4 in every 10 women he comes across.

Thai women are sweet and friendly and feminine because they have to compete with a 90% majority slim/healthy weight female competitors of their country. Out of 10 Thai women, 9 are slim. Compare that to the U.K where only 3... maybe 4 out of 10 adult women is slim. It’s basic economics. The cable company has sh***y customer service because it has a monopoly on the local market and doesn’t have to compete; the mom and pop restaurant has excellent service because dissatisfied customers can go to a competing restaurant instead. Same with women. And men, for that matter. More competition = better service. Very high obesity rates are (indirectly) a huge determinant of the quality of even non-obese women.

This is NOT TO SAY that the rules of dating don’t apply in non-fat countries like Thailand. As some in the community are fond of saying: there is no free paradise to get women. The rules of game absolutely still apply. But in a non-obese country, the scale slides in our favour. Don't be a fat man, don't dress poorly, talk intelligently, show humour and show value still applies.

So when you’re planning your next vacation (or move), it might be worth a few extra minutes of your time to look up some data on the obesity rates in the places you’re planning on visiting. The fewer fatties, the more (and more accessible) desirable women. I haven’t been myself, but I’ve heard that South America, Eastern Europe and other parts of East Asia are particularly good spots as well.

http://www.theweek.co.uk/56831/britains ... -uk-so-fat

Life had kept him waiting, regretting his pain inside. Had to feel underrated, and hated, besides. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvLVSPPLZZY


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30 Sep 2017, 7:06 am

Wow, do you really need this explained to you? In the UK even people who don't work have houses, 50" TVs, smoke and booze their life away. In the UK poverty is only having two foreign holidays a year. In Thailand there is proper poverty, people are dirt poor with big families and no prospects. Foreign men are a meal ticket, a way out of poverty. Many Thai women dream of snagging a foreign man who will give them money and take care of them. That is why they are so nice to you and willing to approach you.

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30 Sep 2017, 7:15 am

I really like the terms "quality of women" and "sexual market". There is such an honesty in them. The insight to what you expect from a girl.

But honestly, yes. If you married one of this girls who hope to escape their poverty by marriage, she would most probably make an excelent wife. Why not do it?

Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.

<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>

Closet Genious

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30 Sep 2017, 7:54 am

Chichikov wrote:
Wow, do you really need this explained to you? In the UK even people who don't work have houses, 50" TVs, smoke and booze their life away. In the UK poverty is only having two foreign holidays a year. In Thailand there is proper poverty, people are dirt poor with big families and no prospects. Foreign men are a meal ticket, a way out of poverty. Many Thai women dream of snagging a foreign man who will give them money and take care of them. That is why they are so nice to you and willing to approach you.

I agree with this.


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30 Sep 2017, 8:50 am

In the USA there is a very easy way to create a "poison pill" in case you aren't quite ready to give everything to your wife when you pass--even more effective than a prenup, which one might expect to be contested in probate.

It is very easy to transfer stocks and securities via designated beneficiaries when you pass. It is so easy that folks routinely give their retirement funds to their despised exes because they forgot to change the designated names!


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30 Sep 2017, 9:46 am

Has it ever occured to you that the reason women don't seem to want to talk to you might be that they sense what kind of attitude you have towards women? I mean, you talk about quality of women based on their looks! I really hope I've gotten the wrong idea, but your text gives me the impression that you think a woman has more value if she's fit and beautiful. Please tell me I misunderstood something.

Also, I've never been to UK or USA but from what I've read there are about as many overweight men as there are women. Would you consider these men as "low quality" based on their weight, too? Or is weight an irrelevant thing when it comes to a man's quality?


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30 Sep 2017, 10:03 am

I've dated plenty of East Asian girls and none of them ever asked me for money or about money.
I did FWBs with East Asians the most.
Many of them do find caucasian men attractive for sexual reasons/fantasies and not necessarily the economy; after all... I am not from some wealthy Western country.

To be honest, the date who made me pay the most on a dinner date (*she* invited me, and she picked the restaurant and she picked the fancy food) was a black English woman from UK. And she was the one who asked the most about my work position, and my future plans in climbing the corporate ladder in "5 years" (while she doesn't work, doing her phd).


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30 Sep 2017, 10:31 am

Fireblossom wrote:
I mean, you talk about quality of women based on their looks! I really hope I've gotten the wrong idea, but your text gives me the impression that you think a woman has more value if she's fit and beautiful. Please tell me I misunderstood something.
I can't tell you that without lying. From what I've experienced of my own culture, the US, society does in fact think a woman has more value if she's fit and beautiful. Advertising especially is saturated with that concept - sometimes subtly, sometimes in-your-face.

And there is a lot of material such as this floating around in consumer media
" How Niki Taylor Stays Fit, Beautiful, and Stress-Free
Steal the supermodel's simple tips to stay happy and healthy this summer and beyond
Heidi Pashman."

Attractive People Are Simply More Successful
Melissa Stanger
Oct. 9, 2012, 2:36 PM
This is part of our series on The Sexiest CEOs Alive.
Everything You Want To Know About The Sexiest CEOs Alive!
Jennifer Polland
Oct. 5, 2012, 2:03 PM
Yes, CEOs are chosen for their grit, determination, vision, smarts, competence, and professionalism.
But it doesn't hurt when they're also endowed with a certain, well, je ne sais quoi.
So who has the most of that?
We've scoured the world to find the CEOs who are tops in this special attribute.

A Revealing Look At Beauty Advertising
By: Amanda Ray Filed under: Fashion
January 22, 2015
The men and women who flock to stores, spas, and clinics seeking beauty enhancements are often motivated by a society that places a high value on being attractive. Being good-looking offers tremendous social advantages. Attractive people are judged to be smarter, better lovers, more likely to marry, and earn more money.

“People have been conditioned over the years to believe that achieving a certain level of success is only possible if you also attain a certain level of beauty and physical attractiveness,” says Lisa Amans, department chair of Advertising and Fashion & Retail Management at The Art Institute of Washington, a branch of The Art Institute of Atlanta. “Since that surrounds so many of us, both men and women easily fall into the trap of believing that if they are not beautiful they will not be successful.”

That vulnerability, Amans adds, creates the opportunity for the beauty product to step in with the solution to the problem.

“Many advertisers play on consumer insecurities in beauty advertising,” Amans says. “The advertisers work off the premise that all consumers believe they must achieve the level of perfection shown by the models in the ads.”

And things like;
How Much is Being Attractive Worth?
For men and women, looking good can mean extra cash in your bank account

By Abigail Tucker
Smithsonian Magazine | Subscribe
November 2012

Beautiful people are indeed happier, a new study says, but not always for the same reasons. For handsome men, the extra kicks are more likely to come from economic benefits, like increased wages, while women are more apt to find joy just looking in the mirror. “Women feel that beauty is inherently important,” says Daniel Hamermesh, a University of Texas at Austin labor economist and the study’s lead author. “They just feel bad if they’re ugly.”

Hamermesh is the acknowledged father of pulchronomics, or the economic study of beauty. It can be a perilous undertaking. He once enraged an audience of young Mormon women, many of whom aspired to stay home with future children, by explaining that homemakers tend to be homelier than their working-girl peers. (Since beautiful women tend to be paid more, they have more incentive to stay in the work force, he says.) “I see no reason to mince words,” says the 69-year-old, who rates himself a solid 3 on the 1-to-5 looks scale that he most often uses in his research.

The pursuit of good looks drives several mammoth industries—in 2010, Americans spent $845 million on face-lifts alone—but few economists focused on beauty’s financial power until the mid-1990s, when Hamermesh and his colleague, Jeff Biddle of Michigan State University, became the first scholars to track the effect of appearance on earnings potential for a large sample of adults. Like many other desirable commodities, “beauty is scarce,” Hamermesh says, “and that scarcity commands a price.”

Why Women Criticize Each Other—Plus Ways to Play Bigger
They say that when a book literally falls off a shelf in front of you, it’s probably a sign. Such was the case with Tara Mohr’s Playing Big: Practical Wisdom for Women Who Want to Speak Up, Create, and Lead: When we flipped it open, we landed on a passage about why criticism—particularly between women—is so prevalent, and we had to buy the book and read it. Tara is a career coach who specifically focuses on women—women who find plenty of ways to hold themselves back and play a bit smaller than they deserve.
6. Lastly, our culture’s focus on women’s appearances (beauty, weight, etc.) sends girls and women the message that how others perceive us matters a great deal. Think about how many films, movies, or television shows you’ve watched in which the female character’s destiny was determined not by what she did, but by how she was perceived. That sends us a major message, which we often absorb unconsciously, that what other people think about us is more important than our lived experience or our choices.

also interesting,
Judy Scheel Ph.D., L.C.S.W., CEDS
Why Do Women Trash Other Women's Bodies?
Mean spirited competitiveness?
Posted Oct 22, 2014
Why do women trash other women’s bodies?

Body image and body issues continue to be ripe for conversations of all sorts. Finding fault with someone else, particularly criticizing their body size and shape, is sometimes a national pastime; the media i.e. reality TV feeds the frenzy. Sometimes, there is a genuine concern for a loved one, friend, or acquaintance regarding body image or apparent food related issue, like an eating disorder. Sometimes devaluing someone’s body or size is just for sport.

Depending on the cultural dictates of the particular era, women trash other women’s bodies because of factors related, in part, to competition. If athleticism is the look du jour, then those with or without muscle will be targeted for criticism — the point being to find fault. Similarly, if larger butts are in fashion, then those with or without a robust derrière will be potentially subjected to criticism or ridicule. Unfortunately, we cannot change body size and shape as efficiently and regularly as we change our clothing to conform to the latest trend. However, what appears to be competition spurred on by culture or media’s bombardment of how we should look or not look, blaming culture and the media is not correct. Media fuels the competitive juices; however, other causal factors are at play.

So, why criticize?

Criticism’s intent is to reject or outdo someone else — even if the criticism is based merely on a perception of the person.

"There are a thousand things that can happen when you go light a rocket engine, and only one of them is good."
Tom Mueller of SpaceX, in Air and Space, Jan. 2011


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30 Sep 2017, 11:09 am

kitesandtrainsandcats wrote:
Fireblossom wrote:
I mean, you talk about quality of women based on their looks! I really hope I've gotten the wrong idea, but your text gives me the impression that you think a woman has more value if she's fit and beautiful. Please tell me I misunderstood something.
I can't tell you that without lying. From what I've experienced of my own culture, the US, society does in fact think a woman has more value if she's fit and beautiful. Advertising especially is saturated with that concept - sometimes subtly, sometimes in-your-face.

I'm fully aware that that is what society tends to think, but what I asked is what does he think, not society.


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30 Sep 2017, 11:25 am

Well, this is an interesting moral dilema. Society thinks one thing and the majority tend to agree, but should I personally agree or is there something I'm missing out on if I go my own way?

Please feel free to phrase this better, I've not done a good job of it.


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30 Sep 2017, 11:34 am

Fireblossom wrote:
I'm fully aware that that is what society tends to think,

Which is actually a bit remarkable given
Fireblossom wrote:
Also, I've never been to UK or USA ...

"There are a thousand things that can happen when you go light a rocket engine, and only one of them is good."
Tom Mueller of SpaceX, in Air and Space, Jan. 2011

Closet Genious

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30 Sep 2017, 11:36 am

kitesandtrainsandcats wrote:
Fireblossom wrote:
I'm fully aware that that is what society tends to think,

Which is actually a bit remarkable given
Fireblossom wrote:
Also, I've never been to UK or USA ...

Have you ever been to europe?

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30 Sep 2017, 11:43 am

Closet Genious wrote:
kitesandtrainsandcats wrote:
Fireblossom wrote:
I'm fully aware that that is what society tends to think,

Which is actually a bit remarkable given
Fireblossom wrote:
Also, I've never been to UK or USA ...

Have you ever been to europe?

I don't know where Fireblossom lives but I am in Europe and I don't see the point.

Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.

<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>


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30 Sep 2017, 11:50 am

It's great to know that there is still plenty of misogyny on WP where women are only not worthless if they're superficially beautiful and obey the males, and it's never the males' fault if they don't. Talking about the quality of women as if they were objects and not living feeling human beings. High-quality furniture, high-quality chocolate... uh-oh, this woman is only 75% high-quality, better kill her. :roll:


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30 Sep 2017, 11:51 am

Society tends to reflect trends, not dictate them.

About suffering they were never wrong,
The Old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position; how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or
just walking dully along...

Closet Genious

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30 Sep 2017, 11:53 am

magz wrote:
Closet Genious wrote:
kitesandtrainsandcats wrote:
Fireblossom wrote:
I'm fully aware that that is what society tends to think,

Which is actually a bit remarkable given
Fireblossom wrote:
Also, I've never been to UK or USA ...

Have you ever been to europe?

I don't know where Fireblossom lives but I am in Europe and I don't see the point.

Kites seemed to believe us and uk are somehow vastly different from the rest of the world.