First in person interview in over 10 years...

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27 Feb 2018, 2:44 pm

I got an email today, one of the nature centers I applied to wants to interview me two weeks from now! In person, I haven't done one of those type of interviews in over 10 years! Now I'm really nervous, but I'm wondering how worth it it would be because it's part time and barely above minimum wage but it could be the start of something!

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27 Feb 2018, 3:05 pm

The way i get through interviews is by telling myself it doesn't really matter if I don't get the job. Even if I don't get it, the interview itself is a useful learning process, so there's nothing to lose by giving it a go.
That way, I can just do my best without worrying too much about what the interviewers are thinking of me. I actually come across better the less I care about the job because I'm (relatively) more relaxed.

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28 Feb 2018, 9:04 am

I actually do the exact opposite, I go into interviews knowing I have the job already. It gives me the confidence to be more confident than I actually feel and I can answer questions more easily since, in my mind, I've already started doing the work. It does take a bit of work since I read the company site and job duties, some places wont' even talk to you if you don't know the company motto though.

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28 Feb 2018, 9:48 am

I have a question though, what is usually meant by "opportunities for professional development" which is in the job description?

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
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28 Feb 2018, 12:11 pm

Probably something like "You'll learn things. Maybe there's a chance of promotion".
The reason those job descriptions are sometimes so vague, is because they only write that stuff to make it look good. It is only there to sell the job to the best possible employee, and it might not be as fancy as it sounds.
But what do I know. Why not ask them? That might even earn you a few points in the interview, because asking questions means that you're really interested and excited about the job.

About it being worth it or not, what's the pros and cons about it?


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28 Feb 2018, 1:59 pm

The pro would be I haven't worked for years and I need something fresh on my resume. The con is that the job would require commuting and I don't know if it really pays good enough for that.

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
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01 Mar 2018, 9:08 am

It's actually a really good question to ask during the interview, "what kind of opportunities for advancement are there?" or "what do you for in an employee to advance in the company?". In my experience asking questions of the interviewer increases your chances of getting hired since you're showing interest in the long term and both of you can make sure it's a good fit right away. I've left interviews declining the job since I knew I wouldn't last long.

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01 Mar 2018, 1:10 pm

I actually got a second in person interview lined up now! This job is 6 months, closer than the first and pays considerably more since it's not a typical job but Americorps instead which wouldn't affect my disability check, but I'm a little concerned some of the stuff in the job description sounds labor intensive and I'm not used to that. Trail maintenance work and invasive plant removal I've never done, I've done animal care before but not farm animals, but I'm pretty sure I can teach at the camp because I've done that before.

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
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01 Mar 2018, 3:21 pm

Now a third local job contacted me for an interview, wow. Out of three job interviews how likely is it at least one will make an offer? Hmm...

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
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02 Mar 2018, 12:35 am

Wow! Congratulations! If all of them wants to hire you, you can just pick and choose whichever is best. And if none of them wants you, then at least you were an attractive enough candidate for them to call you in, so there will definitely be more opportunities.

I think that both animal care and trail maintenance seems very interesting. Both require a bit of heavy labour, but as someone who's working with horses right now, I can promise that the body gets used to it pretty soon. What is the third one about?

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02 Mar 2018, 9:18 am

That is certainly great to hear, they do say good things come in threes. This also gives you the advantage to ask some of your tougher questions, like your concerns to really make sure you pick the job that you feel the most comfortable with.

Definitely keep us informed of how it all goes too!

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02 Mar 2018, 4:26 pm

All these jobs are summer only.

Job 1: teaching at a nature center and local classrooms
Pros: I'd be best at this one, I've done similar jobs very successfully in the past
Cons: longest commute to work, fewest hours and low pay

Job 2: kids camp, trail stuff, farm animals
Pros: high pay, shortest commute, would not affect my disability benefits
Cons: maybe too labor intensive

Job 3: guest services at a zoo
Pros: it would be good to get in at the zoo overall
Cons: nothing to do with my degree despite being at the zoo, I'm not informed about payrate/hours yet but the interview for this one is tomorrow so I'll know very soon.

Job 4: ( I do not have an interview yet but I'm hoping for this one)
Ornithology park ranger
Pros: entirely about birds, not labor intensive, highest paying of them all plus benefits ( government job)
Cons: this one is out of state at a tourist trap! Bring my husband at all? Very high cost of living and this one doesn't come with housing!! ! I've done crazy jobs out of state before but I don't know if I could pull it off again, at least the other jobs are local to where I'm currently at.

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
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02 Mar 2018, 7:19 pm

I haven't had any interview in a year or so now, not that it matters because as soon as i walk into the room, they give the impression that they're just gonna ask a few unrelated questions and tick me off as unsuitable or would be hell to work with. I may look good on CV, maybe not in recent times, but when it comes to face-to-face i'm a complete turn off and are nothing like the person described on paper.


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03 Mar 2018, 1:08 pm

Zoo job: 20-30 hours a week minimum wage seasonal. Lady that interviewed me called me "up beat". Will know by Thursday if hired.

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
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04 Mar 2018, 6:41 pm

I figured out that my last boss now lives near the fourth job I listed above. She said that place was utterly packed with tourists during the summer and would be kinda hectic but it's very desirable to work there since it's a well known birding destination so I would go up against stiff competition...

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
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