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27 May 2018, 10:49 am

Both my 16 year old brother and I have Autism. Then we have 3 non autistic siblings. We both get sensory overload and have meltdowns.

My parents had to deal with us when we were younger. Going out in public was hard to do. We both wandered off. My brother is more extroverted than me and when we were younger, he would talk to strangers. I never did that. I was super quiet.

This is weird but sometimes we have meltdowns at the same time. Thats super stressful for my parents and siblings. We both stim quite a bit. He is in some special education classes too. He is in my math class.

Every friday night though, (starting last friday)we get a respite worker that can look after us so that my parents and siblings can go out and about. That was hard for me to adjust to. I dont like change. My brother doesnt either. I feel bad. For the first half hour we were both difficult. We were also difficult when she tried to help us with school work. .

My brother and I are quite different from eachother though, he speaks more, and he can sit in his chair for a whole class. I asked for help with that and he said he didnt think he could, because I am the most fidgety person he has ever seen. Hes there when I get out of my desk and wander around. I bond with him much better than with my other siblings. We are best friends. But we cant go out alone. It sucks.

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27 May 2018, 12:53 pm

My nephews have a good relationship, they are 3. We went to the beach the other day and one of them ran off. He ran up to this old man who was on top of a sand dune and then stopped about 10 feet from him and just put his head down on the sand. He did the same thing with two girls a little later on. I think he wanted to say something but didn't know what. They are cute but they do run off a lot.

I'm glad that they are learning to respond to their names at playgroup. They still don't understand sharing toys and sometimes grab them from other children. One of them makes click noises and the other is sensitive to noises so they fight sometimes too. They throw all their toys out of the window and have lots of fun. It's nice that they have each other too.


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27 May 2018, 2:26 pm

Yeah. Thats great. My brother and I were like that too. We are like twins with a 2 year age difference. Its nice to know they have eachother. My brother started speaking when he was 3 and I started talking when I was 5. Maybe that is why I am the quieter one.

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27 May 2018, 2:48 pm

Ilikemusic wrote:
Yeah. Thats great. My brother and I were like that too. We are like twins with a 2 year age difference. Its nice to know they have eachother. My brother started speaking when he was 3 and I started talking when I was 5. Maybe that is why I am the quieter one.

One of my nephews speaks long sentences, the other will only talk to people he likes. They spend nearly all their time together because they are 3, do you two still hang out?


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27 May 2018, 3:14 pm

Yes, we have a super strong bond. We are 16 and 18. We both agree that its great to have another relative on the spectrum. Im older than him but it doesnt seem to matter. We hang out a lot. We even see each other at school. We seem to be more connected to eachother, than our other siblings.

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27 May 2018, 4:23 pm

Ilikemusic wrote:
Yes, we have a super strong bond. We are 16 and 18. We both agree that its great to have another relative on the spectrum. Im older than him but it doesnt seem to matter. We hang out a lot. We even see each other at school. We seem to be more connected to eachother, than our other siblings.

I'm guessing you like music from our name here. Is that something you enjoy together?


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27 May 2018, 4:27 pm

Yes we both enjoy it. But he has more sensitivities to sound than I do. So we dont listen to it often. I like him a lot though

Dont try to be someone you are not. Respect the Stim